Beyond Wedge: Clinical Physiology and The Swan-Ganz Catheter

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Beyond the Wedge: Clinical Physiology and the

Swan-Ganz Catheter

SCOTT W. SHARKEY, M.D. The Swan-Ganz catheter was introduced into general clinical medicine
Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1970 and quickly gained widespread use in the management of
critically ill patients. The device offers highly sophisticated physiologic
information; however, in many instances, only the wedge pressure and
the cardiac output are utilized when managing acutely ill patients. The
purpose of this review is to illustrate and explain the array of physiolog-
ic data available from the Swan-Ganz catheter in most circumstances.
A basic understanding of the information that can be obtained with the
Swan-Ganz catheter is quite useful in the diagnosis and management
of a variety of cardiovascular disorders. In addition, the Swan-Ganz
catheter can be a helpful tool for teaching cardiovascular pathophysiol-

In 1970, Swan and Ganz revolutionized acute care medicine with the
introduction of the balloon-tipped cardiac catheter that now bears their
names [ 1,2]. This catheter is now routinely employed in the management
of critically ill patients to the extent that it has been suggested that the
device is overused [3]. Nonetheless, the Swan-Cam. catheter provides a
wealth of hemodynamic information that can be invaluable both diagnos-
tically and therapeutically in critically ill patients, Frequently, only two
hemodynamic parameters are emphasized-the mean wedge pressure
and the cardiac output-while the right atrial and pulmonary artery
pressures are given only a cursory glance. A critical analysis of the
components of the pressure waveforms with attention to the influences
of respiration and cardiac arrhythmias provides valuable insight into
cardiovascular pathophysiology. The purpose of this review is to discuss
and illustrate the detailed physiologic information that can be obtained
from the Swan-Ganz catheter. To accomplish this goal, this review
utilizes a variety of hemodynamic tracings that were obtained with
standard number 7 French Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheters (Ed-
wards Laboratories, Santa Ana, California) placed in patients hospitalized
in the George E. Fahr Cardiac Care Unit at Hennepin County Medical
Center between 1983 and 1986.
From the Hennepin County Medical Center and
the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medi- The catheters were introduced through a central vein in the cardiac care
cine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Min- unit usually without fluoroscopy. The distal lumen of the catheter was
nesota. Requests for reprints should be ad- connected to a commercially available transducer (Bell and Howell,
dressed to Dr. Scott W. Sharkey, Cardiology
Division, Hennepin County Medical Center, 701
Pasadena, California, or Medex, Hilliard, Ohio) with a four-foot length of
Park Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota pressure tubing. The proximal lumen was interfaced with the same
55415. Manuscript submitted December 19, transducer using a double-stopcock system similar to that described by
1986, and accepted March 11, 1987. Civetta [4]. With this system, a single transducer can be used

July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83 111


mm could be selected to give an appropriate size pres-

sure tracing for analysis. Cardiac outputs were calculated
by a cardiac output computer (Edwards Laboratories
9520) that was interfaced with a strip-chart recorder
(Edwards Laboratories 98 10) to record the thermodilution
The proximal and distal lumens of the Swan-Ganz cathe-
ter allow direct access to the mechanical events that
occur in the right atrium and pulmonary artery, respective-
ly. Inflation of the balloon occludes a pulmonary artery
segment (wedges the catheter) and allows left atrial me-
chanical events to be transmitted to the distal lumen of the
catheter. Two major positive atrial pressure waves, the A
wave and the V wave, can usually be recorded from the
right atrium and the wedge position [8] (Figure 1A and B).
A third minor positive wave, the C wave, can occasionally
be identified, more commonly in the right atrial tracing [6]
(Figure IC). The A wave is due to atrial contraction and
follows the P wave on the electrocardiogram [6]. In the
right atrial pressure tracing, the peak of the mechanical A
wave generally follows the peak of the electrical P wave
by about 80 msec (Figure 1B and C). In the wedge tracing,
this delay is longer (240 msec) due to the time required for
the left atrial mechanical event to be transmitted through
Figure 1. A, normal wedge pressure waveform. The peak the pulmonary vasculature to the distal lumen of the
of the A wave follows the peak of the electrocardiographic
P wave by 240 msec, whereas the peak of the V wave catheter and then to the transducer (Figure 1A). The C
occurs after the electrocardiographic T wave. B, normal wave is due to the sudden motion of the mitral and
right atria/ (RA) pressure waveforni. The peak of the A wave tricuspid valve rings toward the left and right atria at the
follows the peak of the electrocardiographic P wave by 80 onset of ventricular systole [6]. The C wave follows the A
msec, whereas the peak of the V wave occurs at the end of wave by a time period equal to the electrocardiographic
the electrocardiographic T wave. During inspiration, the P-R interval. Prolongation of the P-R interval often makes
right atria/ pressure falls and the A and V waves become
more prominent. C, right atrial pressure waveform from a
the C wave more readily visible in the atrial pressure
patient with first-degree atrioventricular block. The C wave tracing (Figure IC). The V wave is due to venous filling of
is clearly visible. The right atria/ pressure is elevated be- the left and right atria during ventricular systole when the
cause of right ventricular infarction. D, normal pulmonary mitral and tricuspid valves are closed [6]. The peak of the
artery (PA) pressure waveform. The peak systolic pressure V wave occurs at the end of ventricular systole at a time
(S) occurs within the electrocardiographic T wave. The when the two atria are maximally filled. In the right atrial
dicrotic notch (/V) is present. tracing, the peak of the V wave occurs near the end of the
electrocardiographic T wave, whereas in the wedge trac-
to monitor pressure waveforms. The pressure waveform ing, the peak of the V wave occurs after the T wave has
from either the proximal lumen or the distal lumen can be been inscribed due to transmission delay (Figure IA and
rapidly selected for analysis by turning the stopcocks. The B). Two negative deflections, the X and Y descents follow
dynamic response of the catheter system was quickly the A and V waves respectively (Figure 1A, B, and C). The
tested at the bedside by the fast-flush method [5]. A Could X descent reflects atrial relaxation and the sudden down-
(Cleveland, Ohio) 2400 four-channel physiologic recorder ward motion of the atrioventricular junction. The Y de-
that could be activated at the bedside was used to simulta- scent is due to rapid atrial empyting following opening of
neously record the pressure waveform and a single-lead the mitral and tricuspid valves [6]. During inspiration, the
electrocardiogram. A paper speed of 25 mm/second was mean right atrial and the mean wedge pressures both
usually selected for analysis of the pressure waveforms. decline (due to the decrease in intrathoracic pressure),
A paper speed of IO mm/second was occasionally used whereas the A and the V waves as well as the X and the Y
to assess the response of intracardiac pressures to respi- descents frequently become more prominent (Figure 1B)
ration or the hepatojugular reflux test. Calibrations of 0.5 [7]. The pulmonary artery waveform is characterized by a
mm Hg/mm, 1 mm Hg/mm, 2 mm Hg/mm, or 5 mm Hg/ systolic peak and diastolic trough with a dicrotic notch due

112 July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83


Figure 2. A, right atria/ (RA) pressure waveform demonstrates mechanical flutter waves (f) at 3OO/minute. B, right atria/
pressure waveform demonstrates a cannon wave, which is due to atrial systole (PJ at a time when the tricuspid valve has been
closed by a premature ventricular contraction (PVC). C, right atrial pressure waveform during paroxysmal supraventricular
tachycardia demonstrates regular cannon waves ( l). The sequence of atrial and ventricular contraction is reversed, but the
two events remain associated, which causes the cannon waves to be regular. When tachycardia ceases (large arrow), normal
A, C, and V waves appear with sinus rhythm. Note that the right atrial pressure is higher during tachycardia due to the
presence of the cannon waves.

to closure of the pulmonic valve (Figure 1D). The peak of addition, the tachycardia shortens diastole and results in
the pulmonary artery systolic wave occurs within the the summation of the A and V waves. The hypotension
electrocardiographic T wave (Figure 1D). When hemody- that accompanies this arrhythmia is due to the loss of
namic waveforms obtained with the Swan-Ganz catheter atrial contribution to ventricular filling and possibly to a
are analyzed, it is very helpful to define the aforemen- vasodepressor reflex initiated by the cannon waves
tioned relationships between electrical and mechanical [9, lo]. Cannon A waves are also commonly encountered
events. The time values just given are approximations and during ventricular arrhythmias, as illustrated by the cannon
vary depending on the individual patient and the length of wave that follows a premature ventricular contraction in
the pressure monitoring tubing used. Figure 2B. The presence of irregular cannon A waves in
the right atrial pressure tracing during a wide-complex
ARRHYTHMIAS tachycardia is due to atrioventricular dissociation and
Cardiac arrhythmias often cause recognizable changes in strongly suggests the presence of ventricular tachycardia,
the atrial pressure tracings that can be used both to as demonstrated in Figure 3. Similarly, single-chamber
diagnose the arrhythmia and to understand the hemody- ventricular pacemakers frequently provide examples of
namic consequences that the arrhythmia imposes on the the hemodynamic consequences of atrioventricular dis-
circulation. For example, with atrial fibrillation, atrial sys- sociation since these devices do not sense atrial activity.
tole is lost and the A wave disappears. Atrial flutter with Patients with these pacemakers may experience sudden
2: 1 atrioventricular block is occasionally difficult to diag- fluctuations in arterial blood pressure accompanied by
nose from the surface electrocardiogram. If this rhythm is intermittent cannon A waves that cause symptoms re-
suspected in a patient who already has an indwelling ferred to as the pacemaker syndrome [I I] (Figure 4).
pulmonary artery catheter, the right atrial pressure wave- Once again, the hypotension is the result of the loss of the
form should be recorded. The presence of mechanical atrial contribution to ventricular filling in combination with
flutter waves at approxmately 300/minute confirms the a vasodepressor reflex stimulated by the cannon waves
diagnosis of atrial flutter (Figure 2A). Paroxysmal supra- [IO]. Occasionally, pulsus alternans, which is a marker of
ventricular tachycardia is another commonly encountered severe left ventricular dysfunction, can be triggered by
arrhythmia that usually results from reentry within the premature ventricular contractions [ 121 (Figure 5).
atrioventricular junction [8]. The retrograde P wave is
often hidden within the QRS complex, which can make ACUTE MITRAL INSUFFICIENCY
the diagnosis of this arrhythmia challenging [8]. The pres- When the mitral valve suddenly becomes incompetent,
ence of atrial mechanical activity can be judged by exam- the left atrium is flooded with blood from the left ventricle
ining the right atrial pressure tracing for evidence of during ventricular systole. In this situation, the left ventri-
regular cannon waves (Figure 2C). These cannon waves cle ejects blood into a normal-sized and relatively unyield-
are the result of atrial contraction at a time when the ing left atrium, causing a giant V wave in the wedge
atrioventricular valves are closed by ventricular systole. In pressure tracing [13] (Figure 6). This large V wave ele-

July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83 113


Figure 3. Arterial (ART) and right atria/ (/?A) pressure waveforms during ventricular tachycardia. The presence of atrioverr
tricular dissociation can be deduced from these tracings. The atria and the ventricles are dissociated and thus contracting at
different rates. Cannon waves (arrows) are present in the right atria/ tracing whenever the right atrium contracts against the
tricuspid valve that has been closed by ventricular systole. These cannon waves are accompanied by a fall in the arterialpres-
sure since there is no effective atria/ contribution to ventricular filling on these beats. At other times, atria! contraction does
not encounter a closed atrioventricular valve and appropriate ventricular filling occurs. On these beats, no cannon waves
occur, and the arterial pressure increases.

vates the mean pulmonary venous pressure and results in

pulmonary congestion. The V wave may in fact resemble
the pulmonary artery waveform, and the operator may not
notice that the catheter has gone from the pulmonary
artery position into the wedge position. This can result in
permanent wedging of the catheter, with the attendant risk
of pulmonary infarction [ 141. This problem can be avoided
by careful examination of the pressure waveform and its
relationship to the electrocardiographic QRS complex.
The giant V wave of acute mitral regurgitation is often
transmitted to the pulmonary artery tracing, which yields a
bifid pulmonary artery waveform comprised of the pulmo-
nary artery systolic wave and the V wave [ 151 (Figure 6).
As the catheter is wedged, the pulmonary artery systolic
wave disappears but the V wave remains (Figure 6). In
addition, the pulmonary artery systolic wave occurs earli-
er in relation to the QRS complex than does the V wave
(Figure 6). Acute mitral insufficiency is one instance in
which the pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure is actu-
ally lower than the mean wedge pressure. In fact, the
transient reversal of pulmonary blood flow that accompa-
Figure 4. Right atrial (RA) and arterial (ART) pressure nies the giant left atrial V wave can result in highly
waveforms during demand ventricular pacing. Atrioventric- oxygenated blood entering the pulmonary artery and the
ular dissociation is present, and the spontaneous atrial rate mistaken diagnosis of a left-to-right shunt at the ventricu-
Js slightly sldwer than the paced ventricular rate. As atrial
contraction begins to occur during ventricular systole, cas
lar level (i.e., post-infarction ventricular septal defect)
non waves appear (double arrow). With the loss of apprcF [ 161. The giant V wave can also cause premature closure
priately timed atria/ systole, the arterial pressure declines of the pulmonic valve [ 171. It is important to emphasize
(&g/e arrow). that a large V wave in the wedge pressure tracing does

114 July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83


Flgure 5. Aortic and pulmonary artety

(PA) pressure waveforms from a patient
with severe congestive hear-f failure. A
premature ventricular contraction (PVC)
initiates pulsus aiternans, which is vi&
b/e in both the aortic and pulmonary ar-
tery tracings.

Figure 6. Arterial, pulmonary artery

(PA), and wedge pressure waveforms
from a patient with acute mitral regurgi-
tation. A prominent V wave(v) is present
in both the pulmonary artery and wedge
tracings and occurs after the electrocar-
diographic T wave has been inscribed.
The pulmonary artery waveform is bifid
due to the presence of both the pulm&
nary artery systolic wave (S) and the V
wave. inflation of the balloon (double
arrow) obliterates the S wave as the
catheter is wedged. The large V wave
can cause the wedge tracing to be mis-
taken for the pulmonary artery tracing if
the subtle difference in timing between
the S wave and the V wave is not n&
ticed. An A wave is not present due to
atria/ fibrillation.

not invariably indicate mitral insufficiency, and prominent TRICUSPID REGURGITATION

V waves may be observed when the left atrium is distend-
ed and noncompliant due to left ventricular failure from Tricuspid valve regurgitation generally occurs in the set-
any cause (i.e., ischemic heart disease, dilated cardiomy- ting of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dilata-
opathy) [18,19]. In addition, increased pulmonary blood tion and usually presents as a chronic condition [21].
flow such as that with acute ventricular septal defect may Tricuspid insufficiency causes accentuation of the right
also cause a large V wave [20]. A large V wave should be atrial V wave with a steep Y descent and attendant
interpreted carefully and in the context of the patient’s elevation of the mean right atrial pressure [21] (Fire
overall clinical status. 7A). The right atrial V wave of chronic tricuspid insuffi-

July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83 115


Figure 7. A, right atria/ (RA) waveform

from a patient with severe tricuspid t-e-
gurgitation. The regurgitation causes a
broad positive wave (CV) in the right
atrial tracing. When the tricuspid valve
opens, a steep Y descent occurs. The
arrow demonstrates the timing of the C V
wave. A small A wave due to atria/ syst*
le is present. 6, influence of inspiration
(INSP) and expiration (EXP) on right atria/
pressure in a patient with severe tricus-
pid regurgitation. During inspiration, the
positive CV wave and the negative Y
descent are both augmented. The mean
right atrial pressure does not decline dur-
ing inspiration, which is typical of tricus
pid regurgitation.

Figure 8. A, right atria/pressure wave-

form from a patient with right ventricular
infarction. The X and Y descents are
steep and nearly equivalent. B, influence
of inspiration (INSP) and expiration (EXP)
on right atrial pressure. An inspiratoty
increase in right atrial pressure is prs
sent (Kussmaul’s sign), which is typical
of right ventricular infarction.

ciency is not nearly as pronounced as the left atrial V ward across the pulmonic valve (Zadaca H, Santa Ana
wave of acute mitral insufficiency. During inspiration, the CA, personal communication). With significant tricuspid
mean atrial pressure may remain unchanged or even rise regurgitation, the Fick method [23] provides a more accu-
(Kussmaul’s sign [22] (Figure 76). Significant tricuspid rate measure of forward cardiac output (see later).
regurgitation often causes difficulty in placing the Swan-
Ganz catheter since the right heart is usually dilated and RIGHT VENTRICULAR INFARCTION
the regurgitant jet does not allow the inflated balloon to When a Swan-Car-z catheter is placed in a patient with
pass readily across the tricuspid valve. Under these cir- acute inferior myocardial infarction, it is important to
cumstances, fluoroscopy may be necessary to position search for hemodynamic evidence of right ventricular
the catheter. Tricuspid regurgitation also interferes with infarction. With right ventricular infarction, the right atrial
the accuracy of measurement of cardiac output by ther- pressure is often disproportionately increased relative to
modilution because, during each right ventricular systole, the wedge pressure [24]. The mean right atrial pressure
some of the indicator (cold solution) is lost (warmed) as it may, in fact, equal or exceed the mean wedge pressure
is ejected backward into the right atrium instead of for- [24]. With significant elevation of the right atrial pressure,

116 July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83


Figure 9. Pulmonary artery (PA),

wedge, and right atria/ (RA) pressure
waveforms from a patient with severe
right ventricular infarction. The polm&
nary arfery waveform has a narrow pulse
pressure due to reduced right ventricular
stroke volume. The right atria/, pulm&
nary arfery, and wedge waveforms all
resemble each other, which can make
placement of the catheter difficult with
out fluoroscopy. The right atria//wedge
pressure ratio is elevated at 0.8. Hepat@
jugular reflex (HJR) is present.

shunting can occur across a patent foramen ovale and (Figure 1OA). A normal right ventricle cannot generate a
cause serious arterial desaturation [25]. The right atrial high pulmonary artery pressure quickly, and the mean
waveform reveals prominent X and Y descents, and the Y pulmonary artery pressure rarely exceeds 40 mm Hg
descent may exceed the X descent due to the presence of even with a massive acute pulmonary embolus [31].
a dilated noncompliant right ventricle that is confined by a Higher levels of pulmonary artery pressure suggest a
nondistensible pericardium [26,27] (Figure 8A). These chronic component to the pulmonary hypertension (Fig-
findings are most apparent when the right atrial pressure ure 1OB). Elevation of the mean right atrial pressure is
is significantly elevated. In fact, subtle abnormalities of directly related to the degree of pulmonary hypertension
the X and Y descents may become quite exaggerated as and generally appears once the mean pulmonary artery
the right atrial pressure rises during volume expansion pressure exceeds 35 mm Hg [31]. When thromboemboli
therapy for the right ventricular infarction. During inspira- obstruct the pulmonary arteries, the pulmonary vascular
tion, the right atrial pressure usually does not decline and resistance rises and the pulmonary artery end-diastolic
may actually increase (Kussmaul’s sign) [26,28] (Figure pressure remains significantly higher than the mean
8B). In addition, hepatojugular reflux is commonly present wedge pressure [32,33] (Figure IOA and B). The A and V
(Figure 9). With severe right ventricular infarction, the waves frequently disappear from the wedge tracing be-
pulmonary artery pulse pressure is narrow due to de- cause the abnormal pulmonary vasculature does not al-
creased right ventricular stroke volume [29] (Figure 9). In low retrograde transmission of these pressure waves
this circumstance, it may be difficult to ascertain whether from the left atrium to the distal catheter lumen [34,35]
the distal lumen of the catheter is in the right atrium, right (Figure 10A and B). The respiratory distress that accom-
ventricle, pulmonary artery, or wedge position, and fluor- panies acute pulmonary embolism can cause large
oscopy may be needed to resolve the dilemma [29]. swings in the intrathoracic pressure, which are transmit-
Tricuspid insufficiency due to papillary muscle dysfunction ted to the wedge pressure tracing (Figure IOA). Wide
and right ventricular dilatation may complicate right ven- swings in the intrathoracic pressure with respiration re-
tricular infarction [30]. duce the accuracy af the mean wedge pressure as a
measure of the transmural left ventricular filling pressure
ACUTE PULMONARY EMBOLUS [36]. The true left ventricular filling pressure is usually
Pulmonary hypertension is present in approximately 70 overestimated in this setting [36]. Caution is advised when
percent of patients with acute pulmonary embolus and a Swan-Ganz catheter is inserted in patients with suspect-
generally appears when 25 to 30 percent of a previously ed pulmonary embolism because peripheral venous em-
normal pulmonary vascular bed becomes obstructed [3 I] boli can become trapped in the body of the right atrium or

July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83 117


Figure 10. A, pulmonary artery (PA) and wedge pressure tracings from a patient with acute pulmonary embolism. The
pulmonary artery pressure is modestly increased, and a large pressure gradient is present between the pulmonary artery end-
diastolic pressure and the wedge pressure. Large respiratory swings are present in the wedge pressure because of respiratory
distress. Discrete A and V waves are not visible in the wedge tracing. B, pulmonaryarteryand wedge pressure tracings from a
patient with chronic pulmonary emboli. Severe pulmonary hypertension is present, with a wide pressure gradient between the
pUlmOnafy artery end-diastolic pressure and the wedge pressure. Discrete A and V waves are not present in the wedge
pressure waveform probably because of obstruction of the pulmonary vascular bed.

right ventricle as they travel through the heart [37]. Pas-

sage of the catheter could dislodge these clots. In our
institution, two-dimensional echocardiography is routinely
performed prior to insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter
when pulmonary embolism is suspected so that the right,
atrium and right ventricle can be evaluated for entrapped
clots. Balloon inflation time should be limited in patients
with significant pulmonary hypertension because of the
risk of pulmonary artery rupture [38].

The hemodynamic hallmarks of pericardial tamponade
are elevation and equalization of the right atrial and wedge
pressures coupled with pulsus paradoxus in a patient with
a pericardial effusion [39] (Figure 11). Close examination
of the right atrial pressure waveform reveals a dominant X
descent because the cardiac volume is least during ven-
tricular systole and the degree of tamponade lessens
somewhat [40] (Figure 11). The Y descent is attenuated
or absent [40] (Figure 11). During inspiration, the mean
right atrial pressure declines (Figure 1 l), which can ba
helpful in distinguishing pericardial tamponade from other
conditions that cause equalization of the right atrial and
wedge pressures, such as right ventricular infarction and
Figure 11. Right atrial (RA) and aortic pressure tracings pericardial constriction [39]. In an occasional patient with
from a patient with pericardial tamponade. The aortic pres-
sure declines by 20 mm during inspiration (pulsus para-
severe underlying left ventricular dysfunction, pericardial
doxus). The right atria/ pressure declines normally during tamponade can be present at a time when the right atrial
inspiration (INSP). The X descent is dominant, and no Y pressure is significantly lower than the left ventricular
descent is present. filling pressure [41]. Pulsus paradoxus may be absent in

118 July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83


this small subset of patients [40]. Hypovolemia can also TABLE I Hemodynamic Parameters and Oxygen
modify the hemodynamics of pericardial tamponade, in Saturations in a Patient with Acute
which case the venous pressures are only modestly ele- Ventricular Septal Defect
vated [42]. Right atrial pressure 18 mm Hg
Pulmonary artery pressure 54117 mm Hg
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 22 mm Hg
ACUTE VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT Cardiac output (thermodilution) 4.2 liters/minute
Right atrial oxygen saturation 49 percent
The Swan-Ganz catheter is helpful in distinguishing acute Pulmonary artery oxygen saturation 61 percent
ventricular septal defect from acute mitral insufficiency
following myocardial infarction. Rupture of the ventricular
septum causes acute volume overload of the right ventri-
cle with pulmonary-to-systemic blood flow ratios usually fourth of the thermodilution-determined cardiac output
greater than 2:l [43]. The diagnosis of an acute left-to- because the thermodilution method measures right-sided
right shunt can be confirmed with the Swan-Ganz catheter cardiac output (pulmonary blood flow). Thus, a “normal”
by demonstrating a significant increase (10 percent or thermodilution-measured cardiac output in a patient with
more) in the oxygen saturation between the right atrium an acute ventricular septal defect usually reflects a severe
and the pulmonary artery [44,45] (Table I). The right atrial reduction in systemic blood flow.
oxygen saturation must be interpreted carefully because
this chamber receives venous blood from three sources:
the inferior vena cava, the superior vena cava, and the
coronary sinus [44]. The right atrial oxygen saturation will The thermodilution method is the most widely used means
be misleadingly decreased if the proximal lumen of the of measuring cardiac output. The temperature of pulmo-
catheter happens to be adjacent to the coronary sinus. On nary artery blood is instantly measured by a thermistor
the other hand, the right atrial saturation will be mislead- located near the distal tip of the pulmonary artery cathe-
ingly increased when significant tricuspid regurgitation is ter. The injection of cold solution into the proximal (right
present in addition to an acute ventricular septal defect. atrial) lumen of the catheter allows the cardiac output to
Arterial blood enters the right ventricle through the septal be determined by the indicator-dilution technique [47]. As
defect and then refluxes across the tricuspid valve into the right-sided cardiac output increases, the indicator (cold
right atrium. This combination is most likely to occur when solution) becomes more and more diluted by the warm
septal rupture complicates acute inferior myocardial in- venous blood, and less temperature drop is detected by
farction with concomitant right ventricular infarction and the pulmonary artery thermistor. Cardiac output is usually
tricuspid papillary muscle dysfunction. With an acute ven- calculated by a computer that uses’an elaborate formula
tricular septal defect, the mean right atrial, wedge, and incorporating the area under the thermodilution curve
pulmonary artery pressures are all significantly elevated (obtained by plotting the decline in pulmonary artery tem-
[43,46] (Table I). As discussed earlier, a prominent V perature versus time) [48]. Representative curves from
wave may be present in the wedge tracing [ 191. In a few patients with low, normal, and high cardiac outputs are
patients, left ventricular contrast angiography may be illustrated in Figures 12A, B, and C, respectively. In my
required to learn whether the hemodynamic collapse is experience, most physicians accept the computer-gener-
due to acute ventricular septal defect, acute mitral regur- ated digital display of cardiac output as accurate and do
gitation, or both. With acute ventricular septal defect, the not visually inspect the thermodilution curve. Under cer-
systemic cardiac output averages only one half to one tain circumstances, however, the curve can be distorted

Figure 12. A spectrum of thermodilw

tion cardiac output curves (pulmonary
artery temperature versus time). A, low
cardiac output. 6, normal cardiac output.
C, high cardiac output. D, tricuspid re-
gurgitation. The notches on the descend-
ing portion of the curves are artifacts
generated by the cardiac output comput-

July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83 119


and the computer-generated cardiac output is inaccurate. er with at least two-channel capability is mandatory. Ven-
One of the most commonly encountered intrinsic reasons tilators are the bane of hemodynamic monitoring. The
for curve distortion is significant tricuspid regurgitation. In difficult subject of hemodynamic monitoring during posi-
this condition, a portion of the injected bolus of cold tive-pressure ventilation (both with and without positive
solution “washes” back and forth between the right atri- end-expiratory pressure) is beyond the scope of this pa-
um and the right ventricle, yielding a curve that is easily per and is discussed elsewhere [51]. Finally, seemingly
recognized by its prolonged decay time (Figure 12D). As minor details such as small air bubbles in the catheter
noted earlier, with significant tricuspid regurgitation, the system and blood clots at the pressure monitoring lumens
thermodilution method is not an accurate measure of can seriously degrade the pressure recordings. The quali-
cardiac output. When a reliable thermodilution curve can- ty of the dynamic response of the catheter system can
not be obtained, an assessment of the cardiac output can easily be tested at the bedside using the fast-flush method
be made by measuring the arteriovenous oxygen differ- [51.
ence: (percent oxygen saturation of arterial blood - per-
cent oxygen saturation of mixed venous blood) X hemo- SUMMARY
globin (g/dl) X 1.36 ml of oxygen per gram of hemoglo- The Swan-Ganz catheter has been in general clinical use
bin). The mixed venous (pulmonary artery) blood sample for more than 15 years, and proper use of the device is
is readily obtained from the distal lumen of the indwelling taught as a standard part of most internal medicine resi-
Swan-Ganz catheter. The normal arteriovenous oxygen dency programs in this country. During these 15 years, it
content difference is 3.0 to 5.0 ml/d1 [49]. As cardiac has become clear that this device is capable of providing
output declines, the peripheral tissues extract more oxy- a wealth of physiologic information, yet most physicians
gen from hemoglobin, and the arteriovenous oxygen dif- routinely utilize only two parameters: the mean wedge
ference increases. The opposite occurs with an increase pressure and the cardiac output. Careful examination of
in the cardiac output, and thus the arteriovenous oxygen the right atrial and wedge pressure waveforms and their
difference can be used to assess cardiac output [49]. In response to alterations in the cardiac rhythm enhances
certain conditions (septic shock, adult respiratory distress the catheter’s diagnostic utility. The response of the mean
syndrome), the arteriovenous oxygen difference does not right atrial pressure to various maneuvers such as inspira-
correlate well with cardiac output [50]. The thermodilution tion and the hepatojugular reflux test can also provide
measurement of cardiac output is easy to perform and useful diagnostic information, especially in the setting of
usually both accurate and reproducible [47]. The arterio- pericardial disease or right ventricular infarction. Analysis
venous oxygen content difference should be used to of the pulmonary artery waveform often provides the first
assess cardiac output when a reliable thermodilution evidence of the giant V wave of acute mitral regurgitation
curve cannot be obtained. or the narrow pulmonary artery pulse pressure of severe
right ventricular infarction. When possible, the thermodilu-
tion-determined cardiac output curve should be inspected
High-quality pressure tracings cannot be obtained in every for distortion. If a reliable curve cannot be obtained, then
patient. Significant tachycardia (ventricular rate of 150 the arteriovenous oxygen difference should be calculated.
beats/minute or more) may exceed the frequency re- Measurement of the oxygen saturation in the right atrium
sponse characteristics of the catheter system and often and pulmonary artery is helpful if an intracardiac shunt
reduces the quality of the pressure recordings. In addition, (i.e., acute ventricular septal defect) is suspected. The
the A, C, and V waves as well as the X and Y descents Swan-Ganz catheter is also a valuable tool both for teach-
can be difficult to separate during significant sinus tachy- ing and for learning circulatory physiology since it pro-
cardia. In general, the right atrial pressure waveform is vides easily recorded details of the hemodynamic de-
superior to the wedge waveform for analyzing the A, C, rangements that accompany both mechanical and electri-
and V waves and the X and Y descents because some of cal cardiac disorders. The Swan-Ganz catheter may or
the fine details of left atrial mechanical events are lost may not be overused, but the information it can provide
(damped) during transmission through the pulmonary vas- should not be underutilized.
culature to the distal lumen of the catheter. On occasion,
the proximal (right atrial) pressure port will lodge against
the wall of the right atrium and no phasic pressure waves
will be present on the right atrial tracing. In this instance, I am grateful to Dr. Morrison Hodges, Dr. Robert Puer-
the mean right atrial pressure will be inaccurate. It is inger, and Dr. Stanley Nasraway for their careful review of
important to emphasize that precise interpretation of the the manuscript and for many excellent suggestions. Be-
various waveforms requires simultaneous recording of linda Anderson and Maureen Adams are responsible for
the electrocardiogram and the pressure tracing. A record- the expert preparation of this manuscript.

120 July 1987 The American Journal of Medicine Volume 83


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