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The topic I want to choose for my project is about the social situation that we are experiencing in
Colombia, due to the pandemic, a crucial issue that I consider generates quite a lot of disagreement
and perhaps a moral mess is about the economic reactivation.

Since we went into quarantine, many businesses, enterprises, among others, which either because
they are not considered of basic need or did not have sufficient economic stability, opted to close
their doors permanently. On the other hand, there is what we know as informal vendors who work
in the streets, both the first mentioned and the second, suffered economic failures that perhaps led
them to not even have sufficient financial solvency to maintain their homes.

However, this is not all, economic sectors such as hotels, tourism and air transport, being a sector
with a long history and in principle with a good economic solvency, did not withstand this recession
as expected, some airlines had to enter " bankruptcy "and lower wages or even suspend contracts in
order not to go overboard.
All this is carried out to protect Colombian citizens from this virus that attacks people of all ages
and that worldwide has caused the highest percentage of deaths.
Indeed, it is important that good, preventive, and emergency practices are carried out to reduce the
possibility of infections and deaths in the country. But ... What about those who do not die of covid
but die of hunger? What about those who are left without work every day due to more company
closings? What about those who had to close their businesses family members and not only lost that
income but, on the contrary, acquired a larger debt?

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