Exercise 1

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The following dialog is for question 1-3

Mrs. Lita : I’ve sent you an e-mail about the reunion party of our high school. Would you like to come?

Mr. Bonar : Are you the committee of the event?

Mrs. Lita : Yes, I am the secretary.

Mr. Bonar : I haven’t read the email. When will it be?

Mrs. Lita : Sunday, September 29,2019.

Mr. Bonar : It would be delighted to meet our friends, but I think I couldn’t come.

Mrs. Lita : Why?

Mr. Bonar : I am going to Singapore for business.

Mrs. Lita : That’s O.K., but please send me the response card in your e-mail.

Mr. Bonar : Sure.

Mrs. Lita : Good luck with your business!

Mr. Bonar : Thank you. Best regards to our friends, too.

1. Mrs. Lita and Mr. Bonar are ……

a. Relatives c. teachers e. old friends
b. E-friends d. new friends

2. Why should Mr. Bonar open his e-mail?

a. To send a response card back
b. To know who sends him an e-mail
c. To know who will come to the party
d. To invite his friends to attend the reunion party
e. To know more about the reunion party committee

3. From the dialog we know that….

a. Mrs. Lita is going abroad
b. Mr. Bonar is a businessman
c. Mr. Bonar will be present at the party
d. Mrs. Lita will not attend the reunion party
e. Mr. Bonar is the committe
Many people use the Internet to search for information, to broaden their knowledge. Many
others use it to chat with their friends. However, they have not optimized the functions of the Internet
yet, primarily to get money. Yes, you can earn money from the Internet.
Only a few people use the Internet to earn money. This is usually done by bloggers. In their
blogs, they usually write about interesting topics or issues for readers. The more people read the
articles, by visiting the blogs, the more advertisers appear on the blogs. These are sources of money.
In addition to creating a blog and filling it with interesting articles, many people try their luck by
doing online businesses recently. Businesswomen usually offer shoes, handbags, wallets, scarves, veils,
and many other accessories. While businessmen sell equipment used by men, such as air pumps, cars,
or motorcycle covers, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirt. Those online sellers can earn millions of
Rupiah per month!
There is one more thing you can do to earn money from the Internet. You can create online
games. Many youngsters often spend their weekends in an Internet café to play games with their
colleagues. Of course, the more interesting the games you create the more youngsters play them.
Consequently, many ads will benefit from the space you provide for your games, which become your
income resources!
So, the Internet is not only a medium for information, knowledge, and friends but also revenue.
By creating blogs and filling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn money from ads served on
their blogs. In addition, many people start doing online businesses using the Internet, for example,
selling shoes, bags, scarves for businesswomen, and sell vehicles, sports and fishing equipment and T-
shirts for businessmen. Creative game creators can also earn money from the Internet.

4. The suitable title for the text is……

a. The Reason People Use the Internet
b. The Rapid Growth of Internet Usage
c. The Way to Use the Internet Efficiently
d. Earning Money from the Internet
e. What the Internet is

5. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

a. Youngsters’ activity during weekend
b. Creating online games to earn money
c. Advertisements on online games
d. Playing online games in an Internet café
e. Interesting online games for youngsters

6. What do bloggers usually do to earn money from the Internet?

a. Writing about interesting topics or issues
b. Providing interesting online games
c. Informing about the benefit of being bloggers
d. Persuading people to become bloggers
e. Relating stories as successful bloggers
7. Creative game creators may earn sums of money from the Internet because…
a. They love playing online games
b. They may put a lot of advertisements on the blogs
c. They can create games which make the gamers addictive
d. They can challenge online gamers to compete with them
e. Online gamers usually play games at weekends

8. “By creating blogs and filling them with interesting items,….” (last paragraph)
The word ‘them’ refers to……….
a. Ads
b. Blogs
c. Money
d. Bloggers
e. Interesting writings

PT Ajisaka Abadi
Jl. Permata no. 19 Makassar
To : Employees of PT Ajisaka Abadi and family
To commemorate its silver anniversary, PT Ajisaka Abadi will hold a fun walk activity

Date : Sunday, December 1, 2019

Time : 6:30 a.m.
Start and finish : the front yard of PT Ajisaka Abadi
Door prizes : bicycles, electronic devices, vouchers, etc.
Costumes : free T-shirt
RSVP : Diana (087999977778888)
Free of charge!
Don’t miss it.

Sony Hendrawan
HRV Manager

9. Why will the employees be interested in joining the event?

a. They are fond of walking
b. They love their company
c. They have a chance to win prizes
d. The event will be held on the weekend
e. They will do it together with their families

10. What should the employees do to join the event?

a. Do registration
b. Pay a sum of money
c. Contact their families
d. Contact their managers
e. Prepare their costumes

Hoax e-mail messages distribute false, often disturbing, information designed to recipients into
passing the same note onto other E-mail users. On the surface, this does not sound like a terribly
threatening or bothersome practice. However, hoaxes, and those who choose to distribute them
can do real damage, both physical and mental.
Each message sent from a user’s e-mail account requires the expenditure of resources on the
computer of origination. On every computer network it happens to pass through or into. Like a
spam or virus, your mailbox can’t be hoax free. Hoaxes are often sent your friends, coworkers,
family and so on. This is the main reason why they are able to multiply and spread so easily over
the world. Multiplied exponentially by constant forwarding and re-forwarding around the world, a
single hoax message can result in huge overall energy drains. You, the end-user would experience
this drain in the form of a slow Internet connection or low hard drive space on your PC or e-mail
Physical damage like this is a nuisance at best. However, hoaxes have a sinister effect on
computer users who receives them. Not only can hoaxes create personal anxiety and mass panic,
but, when received in quantity by a single user, they can cause complacency. A complacent
attitude towards the mail arriving in an e-mail account on a regular basis could cause a user to
stop watching for the true threats posed by e-mail messages. That could lead to personal disaster.
In conclusion, the hoax has a real impact on physics and human psychology.

11. What is the text about?

a. What hoax e-mail messages are
b. Why hoax e-mail messages spread easily
c. How hoax e-mail messages affect companies
d. How people can receive hoax e-mail messages
e. Why hoax e-mail messages are disadvantageous

12. How can hoax messages spread fast and easily?

a. They appear automatically
b. They have a regular basic
c. They are difficult to identify
d. They spread via social media
e. They use fast Internet connection

13. To avoid the spread of hoax messages, people should….

a. Resend messages they ’ve received
b. Avoid communicating via e-mails
c. Inform others about the messages they’ve received
d. Delete messages they’ve received immediately
e. Be careful when resending messages they’ve received

One evening, Mawar and Krisna watched television news about the Internet challenges
“People, especially youngsters, are crazy about Internet challenges. What do you think?”asked
“The challenges are funny and attractive, but they should decide what challenge they can do,”
Mawar said.
“Don’t you think that the challenges are beneficial?”asked Krisna.
“I don’t think so. The challenges are sometimes harmful,” commented Mawar.
“Hmm…but many youngsters are happy and proud of doing that,” said Krisna.
“You’re right, but they only imitate what others do. They don’t realize that they may get an
accident when doing the challenges,” explained Mawar.
“Through the challenges, a youngster wants to show that he/she can do an extreme action,” said
“That’s the problem. They are supposed to be courageous, but it sometimes harms them. Didn’t
you hear that a person got an accident when doing a challenge?” asked Mawar.
“Yes. I’ve ever heard about that,” agreed Krisna.

14. What do Mawar and Krisna talk about?

a. The danger of Internet challenges
b. The advantages of Internet challenges
c. Safety when doing Internet challenges
d. Accident caused by Internet challenges
e. Youngsters’ feeling when doing Internet challenges

15. Why are many youngsters interested in doing Internet challenges?

a. They are happy
b. They want to be popular
c. The challenges are popular
d. The challenges are creative
e. The challenges are beneficial

16. “They are supposed to be courageous, but it sometimes harms them.”

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Fair
b. Safe
c. Daring
d. Polite
e. Happy
One afternoon after school, Anggi and Bagus chitchatted at the bus shelter.
“How is the result of your math test?” asked Anggi.
“Not good enough. I often have difficulties at math,” said Bagus.
“I think you should attend a math course,” explained Anggi.
“I have no time to attend a course. Our class is over in the late afternoon and you know, my
house is far from town,” said Bagus.
“ I think staying in a boarding house is a good choice,” said Anggi.
“I don’t think so. I can’t leave my mother at home without any companion,” told Bagus.
“ You’re right. Your mother will stay alone at home. Anyway,why don’t you try an online course?
You can do it anytime and anywhere. You only need the Internet connection,” said Anggi.
“Really? May I know the web address? asked Bagus.
“Here it is. You may open the web at home,” explained Anggi.
“O.K. Thanks,” answered Bagus.

17. What is Anggi’s suggestion?

a. Bagus joins a math test trial
b. Bagus joins an online course
c. Bagus opens a website at home
d. Bagus and his family move to town
e. Bagus asks his teacher for an extra lesson

18. From the text we know that……

a. Anggi is good at math
b. Bagus lives with his parents
c. Bagus lives in a city
d. Anggi and Bagus are classmates
e. Bagus always arrives home from school at midday

19. “You can do it anytime and anywhere.”

The underlined word refers to…….
a. The website
b. The math test
c. The online course
d. The math test
e. The Internet connection
Jl. Jambu no.5 Balikpapan

To : Mr. Kenn Brown

You are cordially invited to become a guest star at our English club. We need a
native Speaker to improve our speaking skills.
Date : Saturday, November 16, 2019
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : the town park
We really wait for your presence.


20. Why do the English club members invite Mr. Kenn Brown?
a. To be friend a native speaker
b. To be a mentor for the English club
c. To teach how to speak English fluently
d. To give motivation about studying abroad
e. To practice speaking English with a native speaker

21. What should Mr. Kenn Brown do after receiving the invitation?
a. Go to the town park
b. Visit the English club
c. Confirm his presence
d. Call the English club members
e. Speak with the English club members

“Why do you look unhappy?” asked Mr. Anto.

“I didn’t have a great harvest this season,” explained Mr. Toni.
“Don’t worry. I have the solution,” said Mr. Anto.
“What is it?” asked Mr. Anto.
“Here it is. Nutrition for soil and your plants,” said Mr. Toni while showing Mr. Anto a bottle of
“What is the function of such nutrition?” asked Mr. Anto.
“It will make the soil more fertile. You only need to spread it onto the land and the plants will
grow very well,” explained Mr. Toni.
“Are you sure that it will work?” asked Mr. Anto, hesitantly.
“Yes. I have proved it. I have a great harvest now,” said Mr. Toni.
“How can I get the nutrition? Is it available in stores?” asked Mr. Anto.
“So far, it is only sold online. I can buy it for you if you are interested,” told Mr. Toni
“Thanks. I hope it works and I get a great harvest next year,” said Mr. Anto, hopefully.
“I hope so,” replied Mr. Toni.

22. Who are Mr. Anto and Mr. Toni?

a. Sellers
b. Farmers
c. Breeders
d. Teachers
e. Greengrocers

23. What does Mr. Toni offer?

a. Seeds
b. Fertilizers
c. Pesticides
d. Farming tools
e. Nutrition for soil

24. Why is Mr. Toni sure about the item he offers?

a. He has used it by himself
b. He received it from his friends
c. He bought it from a trusted store
d. His friends have used it for years
e. It is recommended by successful farmers
25. Student        : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in a hallway?
Teacher       : No, it isn’t. leave it over there, near the gate
The underlined utterance is used for …
a. Offering help
b. Expressing dislikes
c. Introducing others
d. Giving suggestion
e. Making an offer

26. Dewi             : …..

Yuni              : I’d love to, but I’ve an appointment with a friend tomorrow
a. I’ll go to the fine art exhibition
b. The fine art exhibition is great
c. How about going to the fine art exhibition tomorrow?
d. I’ll be grateful if I go to the art exhibition
e. Is there any more interested in seeing the art exhibition
27. Rani              : Finally, it’s break time ….a cup of coffee?
Yudi              : That’s very nice of you
a. Shall I have
b. May you get me
c. May I offer some help to get
d. May you help me get
e. Would you like me to get you

28.  Bagas           : Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo this weekend?

Rini               : …….. I’m sure we’ll have some fun there
a. Oh, I disagree
b. I’m sorry, I can’t
c. That’s good idea
d. What a tiring journey
e. Okay

29. Rio      : I am not good at English.

Dian    : ..........................
A. I should practice English every day
B. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?
C. Do you like English?
D. I must take an English course
E. You must speak often

30 . A: I am so hungry.

B: .......................................

a. I think you should take a rest.

b. You ought to read it more carefully.

c. Calm down! You should be more relaxed.

d. What about going to a restaurant?

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