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Tiaong Campus

First Examination
November 15, 2019

Student Name ______________________________________________ Course _____________ Score ____________

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer.


1. The National Service Training Program Act of 2001 is otherwise known as

a. RA 9316 b. RA 9163 c. RA 9361 d. RA 9136
2. The following are the three program components of NSTP, EXCEPT:
a. ROTC b. CAT c. LTS d. CWTS
3. Which of the following is NOT included as an area of importance of NSTP - CWTS?
a. Health b. Environment c. Politics d. Safety
4. The “L” in LTS means
a. Literacy b. Language c. Livelihood d. Leadership
5. The number of units per semester credited for NSTP
a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 3
6. NSTP component whose activities are focused on the betterment of life for members of the community
a. ROTC b. CAT c. LTS d. CWTS
7. NSTP component designed for national defense preparedness
a. ROTC b. CAT c. LTS d. CWTS
8. Activity which is NOT included in CWTS program
a. Public safety b. Community health c. Morality of the citizenry d. Military drill
9. CWTS means
a. Civic Welfare Training Service c. Community Welfare Training Service
b. Civic Workshop Training Service d. Citizens’ Welfare Training Service
10. Agency that has direct control, supervision, and monitoring of CWTS Program
a. Commission on Higher Education c. Department of National Defense
b. Department of interior and Local Government d. Department of Education
11. The minimum number of training hours per semester allotted for NSTP
a. 54 b. 60 c. 64 d. 68
12. Graduates of non-ROTC components of NSTP could be tapped by the State for what kind of service?
a. military and civic welfare c. literacy and military
b. civic welfare and literacy d. military, civic welfare and literacy
13. In consultation with other concerned agencies, the following jointly issued, adopted, and promulgated the
implementing rules and regulations to implement the provisions of the NSTP Act, EXCEPT:
a. CHED b. TESDA c. DND d. DOJ
14. Strict observance and implementation of NSTP Act of 2001 took effect starting Academic Year
a. 2001 – 2002 b. 2002 – 2003 c. 2003 – 2004 d. 2004 - 2005
15. It is the prime responsibility of the citizens of the Philippines to:
a. serve and protect other citizens c. defend the security of the state
b. help in maintaining peace and order d. conserve the environment
16. Who is the most valuable resource of the nation?
a. the youth b. the government officials c. the laborers d. the capitalists
17. The following are exempted from NSTP, EXCEPT:
a. PMA b. PMMA c. SLSU d. PNPA
18. Earned NSTP units shall
a. not be reflected in the transcript of records c. not be considered in the determination of honor students
b. not be included in the computation of GPA d. not be considered for the graduation of students
19. The basic tuition fees for any NSTP component should not be more than
a. 10% of the charges of the school per academic unit c. 30% of the charges of the school per academic unit
b. 20% of the charges of the school per academic unit d. 50% of the charges of the school per academic unit
20. Program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the
ethics of the program components, especially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the
general welfare
a. NSTP b. ROTC c. LTS d. CWTS

21. The interaction between plants and animals in an ecosystem is a demonstration of the environmental
principle: a. Change b. Interdependence c. Stewardship d. Finiteness of resources
22. The following maintain the balance of nature, EXCEPT:
a. Nutrient cycling b. Pollution c. Predation d. Plant succession
23. This occurs when the rate of human utilization of environmental resources exceeds several times the rate of
potential regeneration
a. degeneration b. destabilization c. deforestation d. degradation
24. The detrimental effects of technology and human activities causing disruption in the check and balance in nature
a. ecological blacklist b. ecological backleash c. ecological backlash d. ecological backslash
25. Which of the following is NOT an environmental principle?
a. Nature knows best. c. Some forms of life are important.
b. Everything is connected d. Everything changes.
26. It is said that the only constant thing in this world is __________
a. change b. energy c. life d. resource
27. Metal ores and fossil fuels are materials from the environment that cannot be replenished by natural processes.
These materials are
a. non-recyclable b. non-renewable c. non-reusable d. Irreversible
28. A Christian doctrine and environmental principle that implies that nature and its resources are God’s gift to all
men and that present generation should manage it not only for itself but for future generations as well
a. Balance of nature b. Finiteness of resources c. Sustainability d. Stewardship
29. Which is not a fossil fuel?
a. Crude oil b. Natural gas c. Firewood d. coal
30. The undesirable accumulation of substances resulting in diminished quality and utility of resource
a. Contamination b. Degradation c. Pollution d. Extinction
31. “Creation exists not be ravaged or abused but to take care of,” is the concept of what environmental principle?
a. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation. c. Nature knows best.
b. Everything is connected to everything else. d. Everything Changes.
32. A community of organisms interacting with each other and with their environment
a. Population b. Habitat c. Ecological zone d. Ecosystem
33. The following are examples of random changes, EXCEPT:
a. earthquakes b. soil erosion c. volcanic eruption d. meteorite bombardment
34. Species extinction is a form of change which is:
a. linear b. cyclical c. reverse d. random
35. The following can be thought of as ecological backlash, EXCEPT:
a. volacanic eruption b. landslides c. flashfloods d. low fish production due to water contamination
36. Refers to the state of balance or equilibrium of a system
a. ecological balance b. balance of nature c. homoeostasis d. sustainability
37. Passage in the Bible which states that God gave man the right to have dominion over all His creations
a. Genesis 1:8 b. Genesis 1:28 c. Genesis 2:18 d. Genesis 12:8
38. Sustainability implies striking a balance between the needs of
a. developed countries and developing countries c. humans and non-humans
b. the present generation and the future generation d. biotic components and abiotic components
39. Primary cause of global increases in carbon dioxide emissions
a. burning of fossil fuels b. deforestation c. volcanic eruption d. production of CFCs
40. A greenhouse gas which is the primary cause of greenhouse effect
a. CO b. CO 2 c. O 3 d. CFC
41. A process of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future
generation to meet their own needs
a. socio-economic development c. environmental conservation
b. sustainable development d. resource development
42. Serves as protective blanket of the earth against harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun
a. greenhouse b. clouds c. atmosphere d. ozone layer
43. A phenomenon in which certain atmospheric gases block the exit of reflected sun’s rays from the earth thus
warming the earth
a. algal bloom b. greenhouse effect c. thermal pollution d. ozone layer depletion
44. A collective term given to coal, petroleum, and natural gas which can be burned to produce energy
a. crude oil b. minerals c. fossil fuels d. geothermal energy
45. Refers to the death of all individuals of a species, not to be seen any more on earth
a. extinction b. epidemic c. mutation d. biodiversity loss
46. When wastes are thrown everywhere, what environmental principle is violated?
a. Ours is a finite earth. b . Everything changes c. Nature knows best. d. Everything must go somewhere.
47. Refer to the general or basic rule or laws about nature and environment
a. environmental protection c. environmental education
b. environmental principles d, environmental conservation
48. Changes brought about by humans are:
a. gradual b. small c. swift d. healthy
49. It is a resource in the wrong place.
a. pollutant b. fossil fuel c. organism d. waste
50. The functional position of an organism in an ecosystem
a. niche b, habitat c. food chain d. biotic


51. According to the Philippine Constitution, the following are citizens of the Philippines, EXCEPT:
a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines
c. Those who are born in the Philippines
d. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law
52. The right of every Filipino is enumerated in what part of the Philippine Constitution?
a. Preamble b. Bill of Rights c. Natinal Territory d. Miscellaneous Provisions
53. What duty of every Filipino involves having faith and confidence in the Republic and love for and devotion to the
a. To uphold the Constitution an obey the laws c. To defend the State
b. To contribute to the development and welfare of the State d. To be loyal to the Republic
54. What duty of every Filipino involves being productive so that so that he can provide the basic needs of the
family and himself?
a. To engage in gainful work c. To cooperate with duly constituted authorities
b. To register and vote d. To exercise rights responsibly


55. Your check of the scene suggests that a victim has suffered an electrical shock. The first thing to do is...
a. Cover all burns with a dry loose dressing.
b. Ask a bystander to help you move the victim.
c. Place the victim on one side with the head down.
d. Make sure the power is turned off.
56. A victim of a car accident has just vomited and now appears to be coughing up blood. He is breathing very
quickly and his pulse is weak and fast. What is most likely wrong?
a. He is having a seizure.
b. He has internal bleeding.
c. He is having a heart attack.
d. He is having a diabetic emergency.
57. You are caring for a victim with a burned hand. Put the hand in cool water if...
a. The burns are very deep
b. There are burns with open blisters
c. The burns are minor with no open blisters
d. You should put the hand in cool water for all of the above.
58. In general a splint should be...
a. Loose, so that the victim can still move the injured limb.
b. Snug, but not so tight that it slows circulation
c. Tied with cravats over the injured area.
d. None of the above
59. A victim has lost a lot of blood through a deep cut in his leg. He is breathing fast and seems pail and restless. He
is probably...
a. Having a stroke.
b. Having a heart attack.
c. In shock.
d. Choking
60. You suspect that a person has been poisoned. She is conscious. Your first call should be to...
a. The Poison Control Center or your local emergency phone number
b. The victim's physician.
c. The hospital emergency department.
d. The local pharmacy
61. Which would you do when caring for a seizure victim?
a. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
b. Place a small object, such as a rolled up piece of cloth, between the Victim's teeth.
c. Try to hold the person still
d. All of the above
62. Splint an injury to a muscle, bone, or joint only when...
a. You have to move or transport the victim.
b. You can do so without hurting the victim
c. You have splinting materials available.
d. Both a and b
63. For which of the following burn victims should you immediately call your local emergency phone number?
a. A 40 year old man who has burned his hand with hot coffee.
b. A 68-year-old woman who has a blistered grease burn on her hands and arms.
c. A 26-year-old woman who has a sunburn on her shoulders.
d. All of the above.
64. A 15-year-old boy has just splashed a chemical on his face. After sending someone to call for an ambulance, you
a. Cover the burned area.
b. Have the victim stay calm until ambulance arrives
c. Flush the burned area with large amounts of water until the ambulance arrives.
d. Immediately drive the victim to the hospital
65. Why should you cover burns with a clean or sterile dressing?
a. To prevent infection.
b. To cool burned area.
c. To keep the burned area warm
d. Both a and c
66. You find a person at the bottom of the stairs. He appears to have fallen and seems badly hurt. After sending
someone for help, you would....
a. Roll the victim onto his stomach keeping the head and back in a straight line.
b. Roll the victim onto one side
c. Position victim onto one side.
d. Attempt to keep the victim from moving
67. A victim has a large piece of glass sticking out of her leg. You should...
a. Leave the glass in her leg and control the bleeding.
b. Call your local emergency phone number.
c. Remove the glass and then control the bleeding
d. Both a and b
68. What should be your first concern at the scene where a person has been seriously burned?
a. Checking the scene for safety.
b. Checking the victims breathing and pulse
c. Calling your local emergency phone number
d. Cooling the burned area
69. A woman has fallen and burned her ankle. She says she heard something snap. She looks pale and is sweating.
What should you do?
a. Have the victim walk on the injured ankle.
b. Care for the injury as if it were serious
c. Apply heat and elevate the injury
d. Apply a dressing and loosely bandage
70. Which of the following should be done for a person experiencing a heat related illness.
a. Keep the victim warm.
b. Force the victim to drink fluids
c. Apply cool wet cloths
d. Place the victim in warm water
71. You feel a sudden sharp pain in the bottom of your left foot. You look at the bottom of your left shoe and see a
tack sticking in your shoe. What type of wound do you probably have?
a. Avulsion
b. Bruise
c. Scrape
d. Puncture
72. Which should be part of your care for a severely bleeding open wound?
a. Allow the wound to bleed in order to minimize infection
b. Apply direct pressure and elevate the injured area. (If no broken bones)
c. Use a tourniquet to stop all blood flow.
d. Both b and c
73. What should you do if you think a victim has serious internal bleeding?
a. Apply heat to the injured area
b. Call your local emergency phone number for help
c. Place the victim in a sitting position.
d. Give fluids to replace blood loss
74. Which of the following behaviors reduces your risk for injury?
a. Always wearing a safety belt when riding in automobiles
b. Limiting intake of alcohol.
c. Limiting intake of foods high in cholesterol
d. Both a and b
75. Which is the first step when caring for bleeding wounds.
a. Apply direct pressure with a clean or sterile dressing.
b. Apply pressure at the pressure point
c. Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood soaked bandages
d. Elevate the wound.
76. How can you reduce the risk of disease transmission when caring for open, bleeding wounds?
a. Wash your hands immediately after giving care
b. Avoid direct contact with blood
c. Use protective barriers such as gloves or plastic wrap
d. All of the above
77. You have tried to control a victim's bleeding with direct pressure and elevation, but the bleeding doesn't stop.
Where would you apply pressure to slow the flow of blood to a wound on the forearm?
a. Outside the arm midway between the shoulder and the elbow.
b. On the inside of the elbow
c. Inside the arm between the shoulder and the elbow
d. Any of the above will slow the flow of blood
78. Dressing and bandages are used to...
a. Reduce the victim's pain
b. Reduce internal bleeding
c. Help control bleeding and prevent infection.
d. Make it easier to take the victim to the hospital
79. Most injuries are due to situations that....
a. You have no control over or could not have been prevented
b. You have some control over or could have been prevented
c. Involve five or more people
d. Involve water sports
80. Where is the carotid artery located?
a. Inside the wrist just above the hand
b. On the neck to the right or left of the windpipe
c. Behind the kneecap
d. Inside the arm between the elbow and shoulder
81. On an infant, where would you check the pulse?
a. Inside the wrist just above the hand
b. On the neck to the right or left side of the windpipe
c. Behind the kneecap
d. Inside the arm between the elbow and shoulder.
82. For an infant who is choking, you would perform....
a. The Hiemlich maneuver
b. CPR
c. Back blows and chest thrusts
d. Hold the infant upside down and strike between the shoulder blades
83. Breathing emergencies may be caused from....
a. Asthma or Allergic reaction
b. Hyperventilation
c. Injury to a muscle or bone in the chest
d. All of the above
84. A person, who is unconscious, not breathing, has a weak pulse, needs....
a. CPR
b. Heimlich maneuver
c. Rescue breathing
d. Back blows and chest thrusts
85. You’re walking home and you see a man lying on the ground. You ask him if he’s all right but he doesn’t respond.
What should you do next?
a. Leave him to wake up by himself
b. Begin CPR
c. Check his airway is clear
d. None of the above
86. If an open wound continues to bleed after applying direct pressure
a. Add additional dressings and continue to apply direct pressure.
b. Do not remove any blood-soaked dressings.
c. Ensure that 9-1-1 or the local emergency number has been called.
d. All of the above.
87. What is the first step in caring for a wound with significant bleeding?
a. Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood-soaked bandages.
b. Apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing.
c. Apply pressure at a pressure point.
d. Care for shock.
88. How should you care for someone with minor frostbite on the fingers?
a. Get the person to a warm environment and then rewarm his or her hands using skin-to-skin contact.
b. Have the person shake his or her hands vigorously until feeling is restored.
c. Immerse his or her hands in hot water.
d. Massage his or her hands vigorously.
89. A woman burned her hand in the lunchroom. You should:
a. Cool the burn with large amounts of fresh running water.
b. Cover the burn loosely with a dry, sterile dressing.
c. Remove her from the source of the burn.
d. All of the above.
90. What sudden illness is usually caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain?
a. Diabetic emergency
b. Heat-related illness
c. Heart attack
d. Stroke
91. What is a common signal of sudden illness? Changes in
a. Changes in level of consciousness
b. Loss of vision or blurred vision
c. Signals of shock
d. All of the above
92. Which type of injury involves an open wound in which the bone has torn through the skin?
a. Dislocation
b. Open fracture
c. Sprain
d. Strain
93. How do you care for a person with a possible head, neck or spinal injury?
a. Move the injured area so that it rests above the person’s heart.
b. Move the person into a comfortable position as soon as possible.
c. Support the head in the position you find it. Do not try to align it.
d. None of the above.
94. A young woman is having trouble breathing and, based on your check of the person, you suspect that she is
having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting. What should you do?
a. After about 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
b. Call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personnel take over.
c. Give the person a cool drink.
d. Give the person abdominal thrusts.
95. In stroke recognition, FAST stands for:
a. Face, arm, speech and time.
b. Feet, airway, speech, and temperature.
c. Fever, anxiety, stress and taste.
d. Flexibility, asthma and sudden tightness in the chest.
96. Care for a person with heat exhaustion includes the following:
a. Force the person to quickly drink a lot of water.
b. Get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place.
c. Put more layers of clothing on the person as protection against the heat.
d. All of the above.
97. This sudden illness results from too much or too little sugar in the person’s blood. What is it?
a. Allergic reaction
b. Diabetic emergency
c. Seizure
d. Stroke
98. When caring for a person who is having a seizure, you should:
a. Place a spoon or wallet between the person’s teeth.
b. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
c. Try to hold the person still.
d. All of the above.
99. The general care for a muscle, bone or joint injury includes the following:
a. Reduce, Insulate, Compress and Evaluate
b. Rest, Ibuprofen, Cool and Evacuate
c. Rest, Immobilize, Cold and Elevate
d. None of the above
100. Theodore Roosevelt said that the most important ingredient in success is knowing how to get along with
a. True
b. False
101. One is remembered for what one does for others not for what one does for self.
a. True
b. False
102. Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy.
a. True
b. False
103. Before you can help others, it is necessary to be aware of your needs first.
a. True
b. False
104. Doing something good for another person whether individual or group is a way of reaching out.
a. True
b. False
105. Taking time to visit the sick is not expected of us.
a. True
b. False
106. Visiting the sick may solve a problem of the sick or help him/her accept the condition with joy and
a. True
b. False
107. To go through life without a true friend is to have missed one of the most challenging of human
a. True
b. False
108. A person has only one role in the lives of another and that is to be a friend only.
a. True
b. False
109. We do not need friends because we live in a society where we can live alone.
a. True
b. False
110. Walking is the only way of communicating among people.
a. True
b. False
111. Communication promotes better understanding among people.
a. True
b. False
112. People who value other people are able to listen more to them.
a. True
b. False
113. People who keep too many secrets value themselves more than others.
a. True
b. False
114. Not communicating everything to other people is dishonesty.
a. True
b. False
115. People in a family must communicate with each other to show that they care.
a. True
b. False
116. The spoken language is more powerful than written language.
a. True
b. False
117. It is better to talk and argue than not to communicate at all.
a. True
b. False
118. People must learn to critique and still be friends.
a. True
b. False
119. Talking about each other's differences leads to serious arguments and more misunderstandings.
a. True
b. False

B. Matching Type. Match Column A (Good Citizenship Values) with Column B (Meaning of Good Citizenship
Values). (16 pts.)
Column A Column B
____ 1. Faith in Almighty God a. being one as a people, as members of one family and country
____2. Freedom b. wanting the best for the country; being respectful and honoring the country
____3. Justice by its people and the whole world
____4. Patriotism c. having God to be present in our lives and having a relationship with Him
____5. Respect for Law and d. wanting human life to be preserved, nurtured and safeguarded
and Government e. wanting the rule of law to be upheld and complying with the laws of the
____6. Respect for Life land
____7. Truth f. wanting ourselves and other to be true and wanting truth
____8. Unity g. wanting that everyone be given what is due him as a human being
h. being able to exercise our freedom of will
____9. Concern for Family and
Future Generations
____10.Concern for the Environment i. wanting love to reign in our hearts an having harmonious relationship with
____11.Equality all people
____12.Love j. wanting each of us to have the opportunity to be fully human, and that no
____13.Order one be a victim of prejudices or biases
____14.Peace k. wanting to live in a serene and secure community and having peaceful
____15.Promotion of the Good peaceful relationship with own neighbors
____16.Work l. wanting all Filipinos to meet their basic needs and having opportunities
to develop and use God-given potentials
m. wanting what is best for our family and for the present and future
n. wanting our natural resources to be preserved and nurtured and being
good stewards of God’s creation
o. wanting organization, system, and predictability in all aspects of our life
as individuals and as a nation
p. wanting everybody to have a job to support the basic needs of his family
C. Fill in the blanks to complete the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. (10 pts.)

We, the sovereign (1)_______________________________________, imploring the aid of

(2) _____________________________, in order to build a just and humane (3)____________________________
and establish a (4)___________________________ that shall embody our ideals and (5)_____________________,
promote the (6) __________________________, conserve and develop our (7)____________________________, and
to secure to ourselves and our (8) ______________________ the blessings of independence and
(9) __________________________ under the rule of law and regime of truth, justice, (10 ) _______________________,
love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

Almighty God Common Good Filipino people Government Posterity
Aspirations Democracy Freedom Patrimony Society

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