Tianbao Fuyao Lu (Legend of Exorcism) Chapter 16 Fox Hunting Part 2

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"Here they come!


Qiu Yongshi and Tai are standing outside the wall.

Hong Jun asked: "What about my flying knife?"

Tai looking innocent, points inside.

Qiu Yongshi: "We injured it with a fireball but it jumped into the palace."

Tai: "I'm the one who injured it with the fireball Brother Qiu. You didn't do
anything at all!"

"We didn't dare to go in after it." Qiu Yonshi explained. "I'm afraid of causing
trouble for Zhang Shi, so I'd ask you when you get here."

When Li Jinglong arrived, he got off his horse and was shocked to learn that the
fox had escaped into the palace.

"You..." Li Jinglong almost died of anger. "Can you even get away with that?"

"It hasn't escaped yet." Tai said. "Going in there to get it back?"

The fox demon has fled into the palace, how can we find it in such a big palace? Li
Jinglong locks his brow and looks at Tai and Qiu Yongshi. They just smile, as if
they knew each other by heart. At that moment, Li Jinglong understood their
intentions and nodded meaningfully-

-One of them fled to the eastern city as a decoy for the enemy. The other fled to
the place where help might be found, that is to say, in the palace? Tai and Qiu
Yongshi apparently didn't injured it seriously, but they just followed it, trying
to see where it was going.

In other words, there were most likely monsters lurking inside the palace as well.

But Hong Jun's flying dagger is still pinned to the fox demon, so he has to do what
he has promised to him. Countless thoughts turned in Li Jinglong's mind, when his
ears suddenly caught a subtle sound. The night was silent. The insects were silent
in the late autumn. The wind in Chang'an had not yet risen. And just a hundred
paces away, there was a clear sound. The sound of a fox hiding on the eaves of the
rear hall of the Xingqing Palace and he heard the sound of the flying knife
touching the tiles.

Hong Jun was about to open his mouth, but Li Jinglong made a "hush" gesture,
listening with a bated breath and heard a series of small sounds.

"It didn't go far. It's hiding on the roof of the back palace and was pulling that
flying dagger of yours." Li Jinglong said in a very low voice, "I heard it."

"It's no use." Qiu Yongshi shook his head. "As soon you get close to it, it will
run away. The fox demon is too smart. The palace won't be able to clean it up in
case of any trouble."

Li Jinglong took off the bow on his back and everyone looked at him with surprise.

"My arrow is a mortal weapon. Killing demons with it won't work." Li Jinglong said
towards Mo Zhigen. "I'll borrow your arrow."

Mo Zhigen couldn't believe it, saying, "You can shoot?!"

Hong Jun has been playing with flying daggers since he was a child, so naturall he
knows how difficult it is. And the sound Li Jinglong said earlier, the other four
simply couldn't hear anything. But even if they did, a hundred paces away, there's
no way that Hong Jun would be able to hit the target just ny listening to the sound
and identifying the object.

"Try it." Li Jinglong gently drew the longbow in the darkness.

When he was young, his riding skill was one of the best in a hundred miles. And he
often boasted he was the successor of Flying General Li Guang, but time passed and
he was ignored by people for many years. He has never had the chance to go to
battle, and in his normal life, his archery skills were treated as a monkey show
for the aristocrats, and so, he was reluctant to perform them.

As time went by, his skills had long been gone unmentioned. And he became the
laughing stock of Chang'an as he could not prove his origins.

He was also nervous at the moment, and his bow is still trembling slightly.

On top of the back hall of Xingqing Palace, as if sensing danger, the fox demon
looked into the endless darkness behind the high walls. Raised its claws, and
retreated slightly backwards.

"Go back first." Hing Jun whispered in the darkness. "It can be found, Li Jinglong,
I've got two more. They won't be in the way."

Li Jinglong took a deep breath and drew his longbow once again. Looking sideways at
Hong Jun and locking eyes with him, at this moment, there was a soft crash of tiles
in his ears.

For a moment, Li Jinglong decisively let go of the string!

An arrow flew without a sound, breaking through the willows in the palace. And with
a clear sound, the dead leaves flew up like a meteor, flying over a hundred paces
away. A hundred paces away, the fox was silent, shot in the abdomen spewing blood.

After not hearing the wail for a while, Li Jinglong sighed wearily. When he looked
at Hong Jun again, there was guilt in his eyes.

"I haven't practiced for too long, my hands are raw." Li Jinglong's eyebrows were
locked, and his eyes were filled with anxiety, wanting to break his bow into two.

Everyone was about to comfort Li Jinglong that you've done a good job tonight-

-The fox rolled down the roof the palace.

There was a sound of water in the back pond.

"Hit?" Mo Zhigen was shocked.

"Hit." Hong Jun said. "I'm going in to find it."

Hong Jun immediately threw out the hook, and climbed into the wall of courtyard.
Everyone was startled and looked at Li Jinglong, for a moment they were speechless.

"Come out immediately after ypu find it!" Li Jinglong instructed.

A moment later, Hong Jun climbed out and threw out the third fox. Only to see that
it was dying after an arrow pierced through its right breast. Li Jinglong was
relieved, and smiled: " I promised you that I would get the flying dagger back."

Li Jinglong had never laughed in front of everyone before, and such a smile, on the
contrary, made the atmosphere a bit awkward. Everyone looked at each other. Tai and
Qiu Yongshi couldn't quite accept the events of the night, so they were

"You have a nice smile, Li Jinglong." Hong Jun smiled, "Don't always have a long

Li Jinglong gave an unnatural cough and coldly said: "Let's go. We'll discuss it
when we get back".

Eveyone followed Li Jinglong back to the Exorcism Division.

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