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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Nagcarlan Satellite Campus
Nagcarlan, Laguna

I, Juddie Mynn J. Barba, a fourth year BEED student at Laguna State Polytechnic University, Nagcarlan
Satellite Campus. I am conducting a research entitled “Assessment of educational games in learning
mathematics of grade IV students in elementary schools in Nagcarlan”. In this regard, I would like to ask
your help by answering the following questions.

This questionnaire is not something to be graded. Please tell me your opinion by putting a  check ( in
the box corresponding to Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), or Strongly
Disagree (SD).

Rest assured that all your responses will be kept confidential. Thank for your cooperation and God Bless



Name: (Optional) _____________________

Age: _______
Sex: ___ Male ___ Female

Part I: Insights about Mathematics.

Statements SA A U D SD
1. The student thinks that mathematics is not needed in order to keep
the world running.
2. The student doesn’t think that math will help him/her to get a good
job in the future.
3. The math that the student learns at school is useful in other subject.
4. The student thinks that only very intelligent students can understand
5. The student thinks that math can be fun.
6. The student thinks that there is nothing creative about mathematics;
it's just memorizing formulas and things.
7. The student thinks that mathematics is mainly about having a good
8. The student thinks that taking math is a waste of time.
9. The student thinks that learning math is stressful.
10. The student thinks that mathematics is boring.

Part II: Learning Barriers

Student as a learning barrier
Statements SA A U D SD
1. The student hates mathematics.
2. Math is hard for the student and it is his/ her worst subject.
3. Mathematics makes the student feel uneasy and confused.
4. When the student sees a math problem, he/ she feel nervous.
5. The student thinks that he/ she was never good at math.
6. The student has doubts in my abilities to solve mathematics
7. The student feels accomplished when he/ she solve a problem.
8. If the student cannot solve a math problem quickly, he/ she quit
9. The student is afraid to give an incorrect answer during his/ her
mathematics class.
10. The student came to class without completing his/ her assignments.
Teacher as a learning barrier
Statements SA A U D SD
1. The teacher of the student has been interested in his/ her progress
in math.
2. The teacher of the student is accessible outside of the class.
3. The teacher of the student is well prepared.
4. The teacher of the student answers all his/ her questions well.
5. The teacher of the student tries to understand his/ her way of doing
math problems.
6. The teacher of the student asks him/ her to explain how he/ she got
the answer to the math problems.
7. The teacher of the student teaches mathematics as simple as
he/she can.
8. When the student doesn’t understand something, his/ her teacher
gives him/her best to help.
9. The teacher of the student shows how to solve math problems and
then the student practice similar problems.
10. The student doesn’t feel shy when asking a question because the
student knows that his/her teacher is approachable.
Environment as a learning barrier
Questions SA A U D SD
1. It’s easier for the student to understand the lesson if the classroom
is noise-free.
2. If the students’ seatmate talks to him/ her while the teacher is
discussing in front of the class, the student didn’t understand the
lesson being tackled.
3. The noise outside/inside the classroom distracts the focus and
involvement of the student to the discussion.
4. The classroom of the student is well-lighted, so he/ she can clearly
visualize the teacher and the teaching materials being used.
5. The blackboard or screens is placed where every student viewed it
6. The notes posted on the wall helps the student to easily remember
the information he/ she needs.
7. The students’ classroom is big enough to move around comfortably.
8. The classroom equipment is sufficient and enough to meet the
students’ needs to learn.
9. The student feels comfortable with his/ her mathematics class
because all of his/ her classmates are his/ her friends.
10. The students’ classroom is clean and neat.

Part III. Educational Games

Questions SA A U D SD
1. The student wants to play games during mathematics class.
2. The student can still find time to play even when he/ she is busy.
3. The student thinks that games can give him/ her lot of benefits.
4. The student preferred to answer questions in a game way compared
to paper and pencils activity.
5. The student is interested in using games for learning in the future.
6. The student prefers to do exercises in games rather than quizzes
during class.
7. The usage of educational games makes mathematics subject more
interesting to the student.
8. These educational games help the student to think critically.
9. The student learns a lot during mathematics class with educational
10. The student can communicate and cooperate with confidence in
mathematics class with educational games.

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