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Learning Episode 5

My Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity

forms provided for you to document your
Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/ uses the learning
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning
resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses
indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness and
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning forward showing
their interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards
the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their actions show
attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?


Date of Observation: August 9, 2017

School: Lanigay High School
Subject: T.L.E
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9
The lesson is all about Basic table appointment using available utensils. The
teacher uses the modules, books and manila paper on the first day. They
discussed the entire topic. The next day is the practicum which all of the
students try to do it. The students show eagerness and attentiveness because
they really wanted to learn especially the girls. I can see that during the
discussion some were not paying attention but when the actual thing come
they were really focused and willing to learn.

My Analysis


Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 9

Date of Observation: August 10, 2017

Subject Matter: Materials and utensils in making sandwiches
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:
The teacher used the inquiry approach where she asked questions
indifferent levels from yes or no to explain why and why not?

Teaching Aids Strengths Weaknesses Appropriations of

used the Teaching Aids
(Enumerate in used
bullet form)
Book The books is Some books Students can
very much where not related to the topic
needed and updated and being discussed if
when internet not applicable they have the
is not in the K to 12 books.
available it’s curriculum.
the source of And the books
information. were not
available it’s
It’s very much the source of
available information.
because every
Chalkboard school has it.
You cannot Can maximize the
save what has learning inside the
been written classroom
because it can
be erased and
it cannot be

My Analysis

Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the class you observed.
In what level of technology integration do you thing the teacher operated? Why?
None. The classrooms that I have observed they didn’t use technology
instead they still use the tradition way which is chalk and chalkboard and
paper and pen materials.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristics of

the learning characteristics environment in the class that you observed? Point your
observations that justify your answer.
They do not have Technology like projectors and computers used
during their class well some of the higher sections even though they don’t
have technologies, they just have manila paper and sometimes their
secretaries write something on the board or while the teacher is discussing in
front they were still eager to listen and learned specially that they have
modules and textbooks.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not?
Give your suggestions.
Yes I must say that the learning resources were used effectively like the
modules and textbooks as well as the Articles from the internet that has this
technology that can add excitements and interest to the students to engage in
the learning.

My Reflections/Insights

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do

similarly and what would you do differently if you would
teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?

Based in their prior knowledge in order to discuss

and expand what they have known in the said topic so
that they can easily catch up the lesson. Inquiry
approach is also a help asking question that will develop their HOTS
(Higher Order Thinking Skill). I will integrate also activities like game,
song composition and group activities that will make them active and
motivated to listen and participate.

The use of technology is also a great help use of projector and

computer for power point presentation and video clip to show some
examples regarding the lesson.

In the group activities it must be connected to the topic so that

aside from having fun they can also learn. Being a teacher is not very
easy especially in the remote areas where electricity is not yet possible
in this area I will provide some clip arts, cut-out pictures and
flashcards that will also drive their interest to listen and actively
participate in the class discussion.

Integrating Theory and Practice
1. A Science teacher uses a power point presentation
to show the classification in kingdom Animalia. The
teacher then teaches them how to use a software in
making graphic organizers. Students then use this to
create own graphic organizers to classify animals.
This shows technology integration which

A. entry-constructive
B. adoption-constructive
C. infusion-constructive
D. transformation-constructive

2. Teacher A demonstrate show to work with a math

app that provides practice in adding mixed fractions. The students then
work independently with the appto provide them sufficient practice in
adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which is

A. entry-active
B. adoption-active
3. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila
will work together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in
Visayas and Mindanao. They will create posters and a video clip to
communicate a message about peace campaign. This project involves
technology integration which is ____________.

A. entry-active
B. adoption-constructive
C. transformation-constructive
D. adaptation-collaborative

My Learning Portfolio

Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put

your comments/annotations about what you observed.

The teacher used authentic materials to demonstrate the proper uses of

utensils needed in making sanwitches.

My Learning Rubric
Name of FS Student: Mark Anthony N. Rafallo Date Submitted:
Year & Section: 3-C Course: BSED
Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs
4 3 2 Improvement
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
outstanding quality; work were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
Learning Activities exceeds expectatio quality. quality. most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions
answered completely; in answered completely. not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the Learning depth answers; completely.
Episode thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. theories spelling
grammar and spelling. unsatisfactory
Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling
are superior. acceptable 1
3 2
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection
are profound and clear; are clear, but not clearly are shallow; supported statements are
Reflections/ Insights supported by supported by by experiences from the unclear and
experiences from the experiences from the learning episodes shallow and are not
learning episodes learning episodes supported by
experiences from
the learning
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions
clear, well-organized and clear, well-organized; supporting were not answered.
Learning Portfolio all supporting; most supporting documentations are
documentations are documentations are organized but are Grammar and
located in sections available and logical and lacking spelling
clearly designated clearly marked locations unsatisfactory
3 1
4 2
Submission of Learning Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days
Episode deadline deadline the deadline or more after the
4 3 2 1
Over-all score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7 below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher Date: _________________

Above Printed Name


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