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“Taxes, after all, are dues that

we pay for the privilege of
membership in an organized
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


Tax is a compulsory contribution from individuals and or business organizations from the purpose of financing the expenditure of the govern-
ment. It is also the most important source of government revenue.

Tax Accounting refers to the rules used to generate tax assets and liabilities in the accounting records of a business or individual. It is derived
from the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), rather than one of the accounting frameworks, such as GAAP or IFRS. It is also the preparation of tax returns
and rendering of tax advices, such as determination of tax consequences of certain proposed business endeavors. (Millan, 2019)

TIME! Income tax is a tax on a person’s income, emolu-
 Exempt sales
ments, profits arising from property, practices of profession,
 The word “tax" came from the Latin word “taxo”
conduct of trade or business or on the pertinent items of
means “I estimate”. Exempt sales or VAT-exempt sale is a sale of
goods, properties or services and the use or lease of proper- gross income specified in the Tax Code of 1997, as amended,
less the deductions if any, authorized for such types of in-
 Governments have been imposing taxes for ties that are not charged with output tax. VAT-exempt transac-
come, by the Tax Code, as amended, or other special laws.
thousands of years. There are recordings of tax tions include sale or importation of agricultural and marine
payments made in Mesopotamia circa 2500 B.C. food products, fertilizers, educational services rendered by
At the time, people who didn’t have money to pay private institutions accredited by the Department of Education, DONOR’S TAX
taxes often had to pay with livestock, food, or CHED, and TESDA, sale of real properties, and sale or lease
labor. of goods and services to senior citizens and persons with Donor’s tax is a tax on a donation or gift, and is
disabilities, among other transaction. imposed on the gratuitous transfer of property between two or
 Even Albert Einstein found taxes inscrutable . He more persons who are living at the time of the transfer. It shall
once said, “The hardest thing in the world to  Percentage tax apply whether the transfer is in trust or otherwise, whether the
understand is the income tax” (that is according to gift is direct or indirect and whether the property is real or
Leo Mattersdorf, the math genius’ tax preparer). Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on per- personal , tangible or intangible.
sons or entities that sell or lease goods, properties or services
 Excise taxes are known as “sin taxes”. These are in the course of trade or business whose gross annual sales
the taxes placed on tobacco, alcohol, and gam- or receipt do not exceed P550,000.00 and are not VAT- ESTATE TAX
bling. registered. This tax is quarterly. Some of the persons and
companies required to file or pay for this tax include those Estate tax is a tax on the right of the deceased
who engage in car rentals, franchise grantees of gas, water person to transmit his/her lawful heirs and beneficiaries at the
 As Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing
time of death and on certain transfers, which are made by
can be said to be certain, except death and tax- utilities, life insurance business, bank, non-bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions, pawn- laws as equivalent to testamentary disposition. It is not tax on
es”. Although he’s often credited with the idea, property. It is a tax imposed on the privilege of transmitting
that line come from a 1789 letter, and similar shops and other non-bank intermediaries.
property upon the death of the owner. The estate tax is based
quotes date to 1716 and 1724.
 VAT on sales on the laws in force at the time of death notwithstanding the
postponement of the actual possession or enjoyment of the
 Aside from the nation of Eritrea in Africa, the
estate by the beneficiaries.
United States is the only country that requires Value-added tax (VAT) is a form of sales tax. It is a
citizens to pay taxes on their income if they work tax on consumption levied on sale, barter, exchange or lese of
and live outside the country. Some wealthy indi- goods or properties and services in the Philippines and on TRANSFER TAX
viduals have renounced their citizenship and have importation of goods into the Philippines. It is an indirect tax,
which may be shifted or passed on to buyer, transferee, or Transfer tax is any kind of tax that is levied on the
moved to another country to avoid paying taxes.
lessee of goods, properties or services. transfer of ownership or title of property from one entity to
 Fortune tellers, astrologers, and witches were “Output tax” means the VAT due on the sale, lease
another. Transfer taxes are usually non-deductible, although
added to Romania’s labor code in 2011, meaning they may be added to the basis on the sales of securities and/
or exchange of taxable goods or properties or services by any
they have to pay income tax and contribute to the or investment property. It is also considered as excise tax in
person registered or required to register under Section 236 of
country’s social programs. Some witches cast some states.
the Tax Code.
curses on the government in response — alt-
hough others felt it legitimized their work. “Input tax” means VAT due on or paid by a VAT-
registered on importation of goods or local purchase of goods,
 In Roman times, urine and the ammonia within it properties or services, including lease or use of property in the Under the National International Revenue Code, a
were collected for uses such as tanning and course of his trade or business. It shall also include the transi- documentary stamp tax is imposed upon documents, instru-
laundering. Emperor Verpasian imposed tax on tional input tax determined in accordance with Section 111 of ments, loan, agreements, and papers, and upon acceptances,
the buyers of urine from public urinals. Today the Tax Code, presumptive input tax and deferred tax from assignments, sales and transfers of the obligation. The
words for “urinal” in French, Italia, and Romanian previous period amount of tax is either fix or based on the par of face value of
are derived from the emperor’s name. the document or instrument, right or property incident thereto.
 Excise tax DST is imposed on each and every transaction so failure to
pay in one transaction is a distinct offense. DTS is paid manu-
CONSUMPTION TAX An excise tax is a legislated tax on specific goods or ally or through electronic filing and payment system, or
services at purchase such as fuel, tobacco, and alcohol. through the loose documentary stamps for the purpose de-
Consumption tax is a broad category of tax, Excise taxes are primarily for businesses. Consumers may
levied or collected for the purchase of good or service. It is pending on the type of of taxable transaction.
not see the cost of excise taxes are paid by merchants who
charged when the customers spend money, and is as- then pass the tax on to consumers through higher prices.
sessed on earned money. Examples of consumption taxes Merchant pay excise taxes in product pricing which increases
include retail sales taxes, excise taxes, value-added taxes, the retail price overall. There are some excise taxes however
use taxes, taxes on gross business transfer (taxes), and that are paid directly by a consumer including property taxes
import duties. Consumption taxes are paid fro by custom- and excise on certain retirement account activities.
ers rather than businesses, even though they may original-
ly be paid by a business that passes the tax along to the
consumer in the selling price. Consumption taxes are
generally not collected by vendors at the retail level, who
then pay the national or state taxing authority.

Adjusted Gross Income, is all the income you
receive over the course of the year, including wages, inter-
est, dividends, and capita; gains, minus things such as
contributions to a qualified IRA, some business expenses,
moving costs and alimony payments.


WHAT DOES TAX ACCOUNTANT DO? Tax credits are much like credits you get from a
If you are studying accounting, it is important to store. After you calculate you tax bill, you can use the credit
learn what a tax accountant does before you decide that to reduce the amount that you owe.
this is the occupation you would like to pursue after gradua-
tion. As an accountant who specializes in taxation, you will  TAX DEDUCTIONS
work with either individuals or corporations to handle taxes,
financial records and also audits. Tax deductions are expenses the Internal Reve-
nue Services allows you to subtract from your AGI to arrive
In tax accounting, you can work with individuals or at you taxable income.
with companies as a direct employee or as an independent
contractor who runs their own business. If you decide to  STANDARD DEDUCTION
work with individuals, you may be in charge of tax prepara-
tion where you will help your clients to lower their tax obliga- This is a fixed dollar amount that taxpayers can
tion when filing. If you choose to got to the corporate route subtract from their own income. The standard deduction is
and you work for a company, you may work as a supervisor available to all filers and is determined by the taxpayer’s
in the accounting department or as a member of the team in filing status.
the department. You will need to know the governmental
regulations in accounting as well as all of the Generally  ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to be successful in
this role. These are expenses that can be deducted from KEY TERMS IN ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME
your AGI to help you reach a smaller income upon which TAX:
If you want to become a tax accounting profes- you must calculate you tax bill.
sional, you will need to earn your degree in accounting ad
then get on-the-job experience. Once you have degree, you  EXEMPTION
will bw prepared to work with tax returns or company tax Accounting profit means profit, which is showing
record keeping with a firm or directly with a company. This is an amount the IRS lets you subtract from in profit and loss statement after considering all the income
your income to reflect all the people who count on your and expenses but before tax.
Taxable profit means profit, which is arrived as
This is the system in which higher tax rates are per tax laws and on which tax needs to pay as per tax law.
applied as income levels increase. The U.S. tax system
uses progressive taxation with tax brackets starting at 10  CURRENT TAX
percent and rising to 39.6 percent for the wealthiest taxpay-
ers. The current tax is a tax, which is payable or paid
on taxable profit as per the applicable tax rate of the current

This describes the philosophy upon which our tax  DEFERRED TAX
system is based: U.S. taxpayers voluntarily comply with the
tax laws and report their income and other tax items. Deferred tax which arises due to timing differ-
ences. Temporary/ timing differences are the differences
COMMON TYPES OF TAXPAYERS:  WITHHOLDING between the carrying amounts of asset and liabilities in the
financial statement and amount of assets and liabilities
Also known as pay-as-you-ear taxation, the with-
 SELF-EMPLOYED holding method enables taxes to be taken out of your wag-
attributed for tax purpose (also called Tax Based).

Single proprietors are persons engaged in trade es or other income as you earn it and before you receive
or business not including performance of services as em- your paycheck.


Professionals are self-employed individuals in the

practice of profession or calling not including performance
of service as employee.


Mixed Income Earners are persons who are any

two of the following: Professional, Single Proprietors, and
Local Employees.


Local Employees are citizens of the Philippines

who work and derived income fro an employer based within
the Philippines.

 UNDER E.O 98

Persons Registering Under E.O. 98 are those

individuals who are securing TIN to be able to transact with
other government offices such as LTO, NBI, DFA, and


Fun Facts about Tax Accounting Documentary Stamp Tax

TYPE OF TAXES Role of Tax Accountant

Consumption Tax Common type of Taxes

Except Tax 10 Key tax terms to help you cut

through the jargons
Percentage Sales
Key terms in Accounting for Income
VAT on Sales Tax
Excise Tax
Income Tax

Transfer Tax
Donor’s Tax (10 Key Tax Terms To Know) (Key Terms in Accounting for Income Tax) (Tax accounting--- AccountingTools) (10 Facts About

Taxes You Didn’t Know | The Motley Fool) (What Does a Tax Account-

ant DO?- Top Accounting Degrees) (21 Fun Facts to

Lighten Up Tax Time – Blue Orchid Accounting)
Prepared by:
Keziah S. Sapul Donna May M. Bandoja Junnel A. Saudan Cherrymae A. Lumague Roselyn G. Billones
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Institute of Business, Science, and Medical Arts
Fransisco St., Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

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