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English Level 4

Isaac Silva U.

Topic: What would be the best way(s) to reduce crime in Quito?


Essay #1

A new way of seeing the city of Quito

¨He reminds me of the man who murdered both his parents, and then when the sentence

was about to be pronounced, pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was orphan¨ (Abraham

Lincoln). This quote from the president of the United States appropriately describes how crime

works in Quito and especially how everything is related to each other. It describes how criminals

end up denying what they did and how in the end, authorities end up leaving them free because

the police have a prior agreement with the criminals for their own benefit. Thus, criminals in

Quito commit a crime and pretend not to have done it because they have so much confidence in

the system that they know they will end up free. Therefore, some good solutions to reduce crime

in Quito are improving education, having a better distribution of the wealth, and preventing

corruption from important political positions.

The basis of every society is education and, without it, it is impossible for humankind to

move towards a better future against crime. If the government does not invest in a better

education and improves the resources of the education system, Quito´s youth will be more likely
to become criminals. To illustrate, a school that owns technology and has computers with

Internet will make the student to look for what they have learned in other media. This will make

the education of the young people more entertaining and they will be able to directly involve the

students so that they can improve their mentality. Another good choice is to involve young

people in extracurricular activities such as sports or arts so that they can learn discipline at what

they like and respect to others. For example, a guy that likes a lot playing the guitar would stop

stealing if there was a music workshop where he would be explained how to play the instrument

and this will generate interest in the guy, and even a way to survive economically. Other way is

just to talk about the problems and solutions that students have in their personal lives and also

around them. For instance, just by being listened to, a person can stop being bad and can stop

stealing from another person. Thus, education is a way to reduce crime in Quito.

Good distribution of wealth helps people to stop doing bad things like stealing.

Generating an economic activity that helps with jobs specifically for people of certain

neighborhoods of the capital, is a good way to reduce crime. To illustrate, if a man needs money

he will do everything necessary to obtain it but if this person had a job in which this person will

be busy, not only he/she would receive a salary but also help with the reduction of crime in

Quito. Also, an increase in the economic activity of the city is directly related to an improvement

in the distribution of wealth and therefore reduces marginality. For example, if the oil barrel has

a rise and the country gets the double of money for it, this process will increase the economy of

the country and with a good distribution of capital for all the neighborhoods, it will reduce crime.

Likewise, if entrepreneurship is encouraged, people will be more interested in having their own

business for the simple fact of having those benefits and earning their own money. For instance,

if a person is given access to a business of his/her own and also an easy handling of paperwork,
this person will be more interested in earning his/her own money than stealing it from others.

Therefore, the distribution of wealth can shorten the crime in the city.

Avoid corruption by high officials towards others can create a reaction where people will

behave properly as their ¨superiors¨. A controversial but effective way to reduce crime is the

increase in salaries of officials but this should be together with a better education of politics and

morality. For example, if the head of the ¨Institute of Heritage and Culture of Quito¨ receives a

good salary, it is very unlikely that this person will be corrupt; obviously this has to be together

with a good education so that this plan works. Similarly, rotating public officials in their jobs can

prevent the formation of corrupt ties between people. To illustrate, if an official is constantly

changing jobs, avoids being in contact with others and avoids giving preference to certain

people. Likewise, generating stronger laws can prevent corruption in society and, therefore,

reduce crime in the city. For instance, any public officer who is convicted of corruption most be

deprived of his employment, pension and benefits. In the end, reducing corruption in high social

classes, helps people avoid failing into this corruption system and therefore the crime ends up


When someone is used to a system where nothing is done against the bad, that person

ends up doing what he/she wants. This is something that can be very bad for society, and that

unfortunately all will let it go without doing anything. Therefore, the solution of this problem is

not to eliminate crime, but rather to change the person who is doing it, to let them know that

what they did is wrong, and that there are other ways to obtain something in life. The community

of Quito should think about how each individual has to change and has to improve their culture

and education in order to have the city they always wanted. The situation can change but it is up

to the person to know if it will improve or worsen.

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