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Teradata Vantage

What does Teradata do?

Teradata, the cloud data and analytics company, transforms how businesses work and people
live through the power of data. Teradata is an enterprise software company that develops and
sells database analytics software subscriptions. They leverage 100% of the relevant data, all
of the time, so businesses can analyze anything, deploy anywhere, and deliver analytics that
matter. This is called pervasive data intelligence, powered by the cloud. And it’s the answer
to the complexity, cost and inadequacy of today’s approach to analytics. Teradata is based in
San Diego, Calif., with 8,600+ employees around the world. The company provides three
main services: business analytics, cloud products, and consulting

What is Teradata Vantage?

Teradata Vantage is software which enables enterprises to uncover actionable answers to the
toughest business questions by tightly integrating the best analytic functions and engines to
provide a scalable, agile platform that enables enterprises to drive business value. Teradata
Vantage, the platform for pervasive data intelligence, is the company’s flagship product.
Vantage is the only hybrid-cloud solution of its kind, providing the ability to run powerful
analytics that leverage all of a company’s relevant data, all of the time. It enables enterprises
to uncover actionable answers to their toughest business questions with preferred tools and
languages. It also provides access to a wide variety of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive
analytics; autonomous decision making; machine learning functions; visualization tools and
more, deployed across public clouds, on-premises, on optimized or commodity infrastructure.

Vantage offers risk-free decision making by building in choice, agility and flexibility for the
customer. Deployment options include public clouds, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and
(coming in 2020) Google Cloud Platform, on-premises, on optimized or commodity
infrastructure, or as-a-service. With Teradata’s as-a-service offerings for Vantage, customers
are able to consume its market leading analytic capabilities any way they prefer, in the
environment of their choice.

Teradata Database provides data and analytics software for the communication, media,
financial services, healthcare, retail, technology, and manufacturing industries

Vantage Architecture:
Above is the virtual architecture of Teradata Vantage software. It shows how data enters into
the software till its storage. Through different analytical tools like Rstudio or Jupyter data is a
processed and analytical language like python and SQL the data is communicated in the
software. Then through its search engines data is accessed and later stored into its memory.


1. It can analyse anything- Vantage can read and compile any type of data and analyse it, no
matter how complex or ambiguous the data is.

2. It will derive analytics which matters- It will sort and filter the data inserted and will provide
you data which matters for your decision making. It can uncover the intelligence trapped
in their data to discover answers that matter.

3. Dismantling the complexity and ambiguity- It helps in breaking the complexity of data and
hence making it readable and understandable.

4. It has more than 180 prebuilt analytic functions to transform, prepare, analyse, and
visualize multi-structured data.

5. Advance SQL engine- Teradata SQL Engine includes embedded analytic functions

supporting high-speed analytics processing required to operationalize analytics. It is
the most comprehensive SQL Engine with the highest available and resilient data
platform in the industry.

6. Multiple coding languages- It has multiple coding languages in built to process the
data in a dynamic way. Some of the well-known languages are python, java, R and
much more.
7. It integrates all the functions and provide scalable and agile platform to access the


1. Integrates analytic functions- It collaborates all analytic functions and make a

centralised function and provides with reliable data.

2. Compress data- It reduces the size of data by compiling all the forms of data into one.

3. Provides with analytics-driven decision making- The decision making process is

based on core analytics as this software uses different types of analytical tools to
provide accurate and reliable decision.

4. Stores data- This software stores all the data procured for the purpose of analysis.

5. Eliminates the need to move data- One of the key function of this software is that this
eliminates the need to move the data from their software to some third party
application for further processing as whole processing takes place here only.

6. Reduces the complexity of data- Vantage’s key function is to reduce the ambiguity
and complexity of data in order to give a output which is easily understandable by
general people.

7. Analyse data and helps in prediction- It reads the data and help organisations’ to
predict future course of action.


Following are the advantages of this software-

1. It provides easy to understand data. As mentioned in its functions and features that the
Vantage is best when it comes to providing easy to understand output.

2. Helps in decision making. This software gives a good accuracy when it comes to
decision making.

3. Predicts decisions with higher accuracy level. Teradata vantage is a reliable software
which predicts future course of action from analysing current and past data and
following market trends.
4. It also helps in storing of data and hence reduces the dependence on third party
5. It has highly Resilient Data Management system. When it comes to withstanding after
failures or giving wrong predictions, Vantage works very effectively.

6. It provides the foundation for linear scalability. The more data is feed into the system
the better output it gives. Hence it provides good linear scalability option.

7. It has multiple analytic languages and tools. Vantage provides a number of analytical
tools like Jupyter, Rstudio, App center and etc. and also has analytical languages like
python, java, R and etc which helps in catering to diverse analytics background.

8. It allows working on huge amount of data in terabytes at same time. The system
neither hangs/crash nor corrupts’ while working on huge data.

Although this software is a wonderful platform for analytics driven decision making but
every great things comes with its own set of limitations/disadvantages. Following are few of
those disadvantages:

1. Data security-The stored data in the temporary storage is non-persistent and

2. Teradata IntelliFlex 2.1 is the only supported hardware for Teradata Vantage.
3. Expensive software and beneficial to only large firms.
4. Connection and queries take a significant amount of time. Errors are not intuitive
many a times and have to be deciphered.
5. Putting Teradata in the hands of someone who is not trained can give them a bad

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