(Crude Oil Lab.) Experiment 1: Density & Specific Gravity

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Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research

University of Technology
Petroleum Technology Department

(Crude oil lab.)

Experiment 1
Density & specific gravity

student's name: 2ST

Moaml Ahmed jaffer

Karar karem
Omer asmael

Objective :
The purpose of the experiment is to learn ABI of fluids and
density , specific gravity.
Introduction :
Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. The
symbol most often used for density is (p)(the Greek letter rho).
Density is temperature-dependent It is most often reported for
oils in units of g/mL or g/cm ³ , and less often in units of kg/m³,
density also defined as its weight per unit volume.
Now, mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by
p= m/v

Where (p) is the density, (m) is the mass, and (v) is the volume.
From this equation, mass density must have units of a unit of
mass per unit of volume. As there are many units of mass and
volume covering many different magnitudes there are a large
number of units for mass density in use.
- The (SI) unit of kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m³)
-The (ces) unit of gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm³)
These are probably the most common used units for density .
1- We calculate the net weight of each fluid by means of
the sensitive scale

2- We must know the volume of the beaker in which the

fluids were weighed, such as 50 ml

3- We find the density of each fluid by applying this law


4- Then we find sp.gr by application of this law


5 - We find API of fluid API=141.5/SP.GR – 131.5

Pyknometer & Hydrometer

w.of water = 24.7 g , w.of naphtha = 18.56

w.of gas oil= 21.12g , w.of kerogen=19.98

volume of flask = 25ml

p.of naphtha=m/v = 18.56/25 = 0.74 = s.p.g

p.of gas oil = m/v = 21.12/25= 0.84=s.p.g

p.of kerogen=m/v=19.98/25=0.8=s.p.g

API = 141.5/s.p.g – 131.5

API of naphtha = 59.71

API of oil gas = 36.9

API of kerogen = 45.2

Naphtha > kerogen > gas oil

 We find that the density is inversely proportional to
the API, the higher the density, the less the API.
 We find that the higher the API value, the greater the
fluid acceptability and quality.
 What is the relationship between pressure and
temperature in relation to density?
- P α 1/T
- P α pressure
 Who is more accurate in calculating the pycnometer
or hydrometer density?
- Pycnometer is more accurate than hydrometer
 What is the relationship between API and density?
- Density α 1/API


Textbook of crude oil lab.

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