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Compiled by Watson Goodman Free—not to be sold

WHO AM I . . . ?
Our Creator knows who we are. In His eternal Word we
can find who we were made to be, what we became through
sin, where that leads us, and what we can become by accept-
ing God’s rescue.
Some do not know of God’s rescue. Some know of it in part
and need to inquire diligently into it. Some fight against
being rescued by God, while others embrace it dearly and in
being rescued find that they have become in Jesus Christ a
person of very high eternal destiny.
My eternal soul is worth exactly what I let the Creator make
it. I can either reject Him, resulting in my worthlessness in
never-ending eternity, or I can accept Him and by faithful
obedience let Him raise me to share with Him the eternal
throne of the universe. —Watson Goodman (1920 - 2002)
The Bible text used is from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas
Nelson Inc., Publishers. Used by permission.
He Will Have an Eternal Bride
As the bridegroom rejoices over bridegroom; but the friend of the
the bride, so shall your God re- bridegroom, who stands and
joice over you. —Isaiah 62:5b hears him, rejoices greatly be-
“Then the kingdom of heaven cause of the bridegroom’s voice.”
shall be likened to ten virgins who —John 3:29a
took their lamps and went out to And Jesus said to them, “Can
meet the bridegroom. And at mid- the friends of the bridegroom
night a cry was heard: ‘Behold, mourn as long as the bridegroom
the bridegroom is coming.’ ” is with them? But the days will
—Matthew 25:1 and 6a come when the bridegroom will be
Christ—the Bridegroom taken away from them, and then
For I am jealous for you with they will fast.” —Matthew 9:15
godly jealousy. For I have be- “Let us be glad and rejoice and
trothed you to one husband, that give Him glory, for the marriage
I may present you as a chaste vir- of the Lamb has come, and His
gin to Christ. —2 Corinthians 11:2 wife has made herself ready.”
“He who has the bride is the —Revelation 19:7
No Lesser Order of Being Could revealed” (1 Peter 5:1b). “. . . par-
Qualify as His Bride takers of His promise in Christ
So God created man in His own through the gospel” (Ephesians
image; in the image of God He cre- 3:6b). “. . . qualified us to be par-
ated him; male and female He cre- takers of the inheritance of the
ated them. —Genesis 1:27 saints in the light” (Colossians
1:12b) . “. . . those who are benefit-
Just as He chose us in Him be- ed are believers and beloved. . . ” (1
fore the foundation of the world,
Timothy 6:2b) “For we have be-
that we should be holy and with-
out blame before Him in love. come partakers of Christ . . . ”
—Ephesians 1:4 (Hebrews 3:14a). “. . . have become
partakers of the Holy Spirit”
Eligible to Partake of God (Hebrews 6:4b). “. . . that we may
“. . . that through these you be partakers of His holiness”
may be partakers of the divine na- (Hebrews 12:10). “. . . you all are
ture . . . ”(2 Peter 1:4b). “. . . a par- partakers with me of grace” (Phi-
taker of the glory that will be lippians 1:7b).
“For in the image of God He vine Nature is like gold or silver
made man.” —Genesis 9:6b or stone, something shaped by art
“God, who made the world and and man’s devising.”
everything in it . . . since He gives —Acts 17:24a, 25b, 26a, 27-29
to all life, breath, and all things. Adam, Made in God’s Image,
And He has made from one blood Must Have Radiated Glory
every nation of men to dwell on Like God’s Glory
all the face of the earth . . . so that
they should seek the Lord, in the So that the priests could not
hope that they might grope for continue ministering because of
Him and find Him, though He is the cloud; for the glory of the
not far from each one of us; for in LORD filled the house of the
Him we live and move and have LORD. —1 Kings 8:11
our being, as also some of your Jesus . . . was transfigured be-
own poets have said, ‘For we are fore them. His face shone like the
also His offspring.’ Therefore, sun, and His clothes became as
since we are the offspring of God, white as the light.
we ought not to think that the Di- —Matthew 17:1a, 2
Made Like God, Who Is Holy Then the LORD saw that the
Because it is written, “Be holy, wickedness of man was great in
for I am holy.” —1 Peter 1:16 the earth, and that every intent of
Disobedience Caused the thoughts of his heart was only
Separation evil continually. —Genesis 6:5
For as by one man’s disobedi-
ence many were made sinners, so God Rejects the Wicked
also by one Man’s obedience “I tell you I do not know you,
many will be made righteous. where you are from. Depart from
—Romans 5:19 Me, all you workers of iniquity.”
For all have sinned and fall —Luke 13:27b
short of the glory of God.
—Romans 3:23 Man Is Lost in Darkness
“And this is the condemnation,
Now Deceitful and Wicked that the light has come into the
“The heart is deceitful above all world, and men loved darkness
things, and desperately wicked; rather than light, because their
who can know it?” —Jeremiah 17:9 deeds were evil.” —John 3:19
Fallen Flesh Is Unclean all men, resulting in condemna-
But we are all like an unclean tion. —Romans 5:18a
thing, and all our righteousnesses
are like filthy rags; we all fade as Sin Holds Me Captive
a leaf, and our iniquities, like the But I see another law in my
wind, have taken us away. members, warring against the law
—Isaiah 64:6
of my mind, and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is
Eternal Death Is Upon Me in my members. —Romans 7:23
Therefore, just as through one Sin Separates From God
man sin entered the world, and But your iniquities have sepa-
death through sin, and thus death rated you from your God.
spread to all men, because all —Isaiah 59:2a
sinned. —Romans 5:12
I Am Accountable to God
I Am Condemned So then each of us shall give ac-
Therefore, as through one count of himself to God.
man’s offense judgment came to —Romans 14:12
In Fallen Flesh, I Am Like I Can Have Immortality
Clay, Grass, a Vapor and Eternal Life in Christ
But now, O LORD, You are our “And whoever lives and be-
Father; we are the clay, and You lieves in Me shall never die. Do
our potter; and all we are the work you believe this?” —John 11:26
of Your hand. —Isaiah 64:8 He who believes in the Son of
Because “all flesh is as grass, God has the witness in himself; he
and all the glory of man as the who does not believe God has
flower of the grass. The grass made Him a liar, because he has
withers, and its flower falls not believed the testimony that
away.” —1 Peter 1:24 God has given of His Son. And
this is the testimony: that God
Whereas you do not know what has given us eternal life, and this
will happen tomorrow. For what life is in His Son. He who has the
is your life? It is even a vapor that Son has life; he who does not have
appears for a little time and then the Son of God does not have life.
vanishes away. —James 4:14 —1 John 5:10-12
Lift up your heads, O you unapproachable light, whom no
gates! And be lifted up, you ever- man has seen or can see, to whom
lasting doors! And the King of be honor and everlasting power.
glory shall come in. Who is this Amen. —l Timothy 6:14b, 15b, 16
King of glory? The LORD strong
and mighty, the LORD mighty in This King Will Be King Over
battle. Lift up your heads, O you All the Earth
gates! And lift them up, you ever-
lasting doors! And the King of And in that day it shall be that
glory shall come in. Who is this living waters shall flow from Je-
King of glory? The LORD of hosts, rusalem, half of them toward the
He is the King of glory. Selah. eastern sea and half of them
—Psalm 24:7-10 toward the western sea; in both
. . . until our Lord Jesus Christ’s summer and winter it shall occur.
appearing . . . who is the blessed And the LORD shall be King over
and only Potentate, the King of all the earth. In that day it shall
kings and Lord of lords, who be—”the LORD is one,” and His
alone has immortality, dwelling in name one. —Zechariah 14:8, 9
Jesus answered, “My kingdom priest asked Him, saying to Him,
is not of this world. If My king- “Are You the Christ, the Son of
dom were of this world, My ser- the Blessed?” And Jesus said, “I
vants would fight, so that I am. And you will see the Son of
should not be delivered to the Man sitting at the right hand of
Jews; but now My kingdom is not the Power, and coming with the
from here.” Pilate therefore said clouds of heaven.” —Mark 14:61, 62
to Him, “Are You a king then?”
Jesus answered, “You say rightly “When the son of Man comes in
that I am a king. For this cause I His glory, and all the holy angels
was born, and for this cause I with Him, then He will sit on the
have come into the world, that I throne of His glory . . . . Then the
should bear witness to the truth. King will say to those on His
Everyone who is of the truth right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of
hears My voice.” —John 18:36, 37 My Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the founda-
But He kept silent and an- tion of the world.’ ”
swered nothing. Again the high —Matthew 25:31 and 34
But to the Son He says: “Your the greatest in the kingdom of
throne, O God, is forever and ever; heaven.” —Matthew 18:3, 4
a scepter of righteousness is the “The kingdoms of this world
scepter of Your Kingdom.” have become the kingdoms of our
—Hebrews 1:8 Lord and of His Christ, and He
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise shall reign forever and ever!”
and extol and honor the King of —Revelation 11:15b
heaven, all of whose works are The eyes of your understanding
truth, and His ways justice. And being enlightened; that you may
those who walk in pride He is able know what is the hope of His call-
to abase. —Daniel 4:37 ing, what are the riches of the glo-
And said, “Assuredly, I say to ry of His inheritance in the saints,
you, unless you are converted and and what is the exceeding great-
become as little children, you will ness of His power toward us who
by no means enter the kingdom of believe, according to the working
heaven. Therefore whoever hum- of His mighty power.
bles himself as this little child is —Ephesians 1:18, 19
“As You have given Him au- is to come. And He put all things
thority over all flesh, that He under His feet, and gave Him to
should give eternal life to as be head over all things to the
many as You have given Him.” church, which is His body, the
—John 17:2 fullness of Him who fills all in all.
Who has gone into heaven and —Ephesians 1:20-23
is at the right hand of God, angels But Jesus did not commit Him-
and authorities and powers hav- self to them, because He knew all
ing been made subject to Him. men, and had no need that anyone
—1 Peter 3:22 should testify of man, for He
Which He worked in Christ knew what was in man.
when He raised Him from the —John 2:24, 25
dead and seated Him at His right “I in them, and You in Me; that
hand in the heavenly places, far they may be made perfect in one,
above all principality and power and that the world may know that
and might and dominion, and ev- You have sent Me, and have loved
ery name that is named, not only them as You have loved Me.”
in this age but also in that which —John 17:23
“Worthy is the Lamb who was power of God and the wisdom of
slain to receive power and riches God. —1 Corinthians 1:24
and wisdom, and strength and Saying: “We give You thanks,
honor and glory and blessing!” O Lord God Almighty, the One
—Revelation 5:12b who is and who was and who is to
Then Jesus came and spoke to come, because You have taken
them, saying, “All authority has Your great power and reigned.”
been given to Me in heaven and on —Revelation 11:17
earth.” —Matthew 28:18 That their hearts may be en-
couraged, being knit together in
Yet for us there is only one God, love, and attaining to all riches of
the Father, of whom are all the full assurance of understand-
things, and we for Him; and one ing, to the knowledge of the mys-
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom tery of God, both of the Fa-
are all things, and through whom ther and of Christ, in whom are
we live. —l Corinthians 8:6 hidden all the treasures of wis-
But to those who are called, dom and knowledge.
both Jews and Greeks, Christ the —Colossians 2:2, 3
He shall have dominion also of Zion. I will declare the decree:
from sea to sea, and from the Riv- The LORD has said to Me, ‘You
er to the ends of the earth . . . . are My Son, today I have begot-
Yes, all kings shall fall down be- ten You. Ask of Me, and I will
fore Him; all nations shall serve give You the nations for Your in-
Him. —Psalm 72:8 and 11 heritance, and the ends of the
earth for Your possession.’ ”
The kings of the earth set them- —Psalm 2:2-4 and 6-8
selves, and the rulers take counsel Who would not fear You, O
together, against the LORD and King of the nations? For this is
against His Anointed, saying, Your rightful due, for among all
“Let us break Their bonds in the wise men of the nations, and
pieces and cast away Their cords in all their kingdoms, there is
from us.” He who sits in the heav- none like You. But the LORD is
ens shall laugh; the LORD shall the true God; He is the living God
hold them in derision . . . . “Yet I and the everlasting King . . . .
have set My King on My holy hill —Jeremiah 10:7 and 10a
I am the LORD, that is My Your will they exist and were cre-
name; and My glory I will not ated.” —Revelation 4:11
give to another, nor My praise to Now to the King eternal, im-
graven images. —Isaiah 42:8 mortal, invisible, to God who a-
For the LORD is the great God, lone is wise, be honor and glory
and the great King above all gods. forever and ever. Amen.
—Psalm 95:3 —l Timothy 1:17
“Then the sign of the Son of Shares His Glory with His Bride
Man will appear in heaven, and “And the glory which You gave
then all the tribes of the earth will Me I have given them, that they
mourn, and they will see the Son may be one just as We are one.”
of Man coming on the clouds of —John 17:22
heaven with power and great For I consider that the suffer-
glory.” —Matthew 24:30 ings of this present time are not
“You are worthy, O Lord, to re- worthy to be compared with the
ceive glory and honor and power; glory which shall be revealed in
for You created all things, and by us. —Romans 8:18
Of the increase of His govern- and all their host I have com-
ment and peace there will be no manded. I have raised him up in
end. —Isaiah 9:7a righteousness, and I will direct all
his ways . . . . ” —Isaiah 45:9a, 10-13a
“Woe to him who strives with Then to Him was given domin-
his Maker! Woe to him who says ion and glory and a kingdom, that
to his father, ‘What are you beget- all peoples, nations, and lan-
ting?’ Or to the woman, ‘What guages should serve Him. His do-
have you brought forth?’ ” Thus minion is an everlasting domin-
says the LORD, the Holy One of ion, which shall not pass away,
Israel, and his Maker: “Ask Me of and His kingdom the one which
things to come concerning My shall not be destroyed.
sons; and concerning the work of —Daniel 7:14
My hands, you command Me. I Yield to His Command!
have made the earth, and created Yes, all kings shall fall down be-
man on it. It was I—My hands fore Him; all nations shall serve
that stretched out the heavens, Him. —Psalm 72:11
Foretold Place and Manner of made alive by the Spirit.
Death and Resurrection —1 Peter 3:18
“Behold, we are going up to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who
Jerusalem, and the Son of Man gave Himself for our sins, that He
will he betrayed to the chief might deliver us from this present
priests and to the scribes; and evil age, according to the will of
they will condemn Him to death, our God and Father.
and deliver Him to the Gentiles to —Galatians 1:3b, 4
mock and to scourge and to cruci-
fy. And the third day He will rise By this we know love, because
again.” —Matthew 20:18, 19 He laid down His life for us.
Sin Is Horrible in God’s Sight —1 John 3:16a
to Require This Remedy For the message of the cross is
For Christ also suffered once foolishness to those who are per-
for sins, the just for the unjust, ishing, but to us who are being
that He might bring us to God, saved it is the power of God.
being put to death in the flesh but —1 Corinthians 1:18
But now in Christ Jesus you “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief
who once were far off have been cornerstone, elect, precious, and
made near by the blood of Christ. he who believes on Him will by no
—Ephesians 2:13 means be put to shame. There-
Having boldness to enter the fore, to you who believe, He is pre-
Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by cious.” —1 Peter 2:6b, 7a
a new and living way. And that from childhood you
—Hebrews 10:19b, 20a have known the Holy Scriptures,
. . . the blood of the everlasting which are able to make you wise
covenant. —Hebrews 13:20b for salvation through faith which
Having made peace through the is in Christ Jesus.
blood of His cross. —2 Timothy 3:15
—Colossians 1:20a Bridegroom Seeks His Bride
To Him who loved us and For the Son of Man has come to
washed us from our sins in His seek and to save that which was
own blood. —Revelation 1:5b lost. —Luke 19:10
I Deserve Eternal Death who has saved us and called us
The soul who sins shall die. with a holy calling, not according
—Ezekiel 18:4b to our works, but according to His
Therefore, just as through one own purpose and grace which was
man sin entered the world, and given to us in Christ Jesus before
death through sin, and thus death time began, but has now been re-
spread to all men, because all vealed by the appearing of our
sinned. —Romans 5:12 Savior Jesus Christ, who has abol-
For the wages of sin is death. ished death and brought life and
—Romans 6:23a immortality to light through the
Death Was Conquered for Me gospel. —2 Timothy 1:8-10
Therefore do not be ashamed of “I am He who lives, and was
the testimony of our Lord, nor of dead, and behold, I am alive forev-
me His prisoner, but share with ermore. Amen. And I have the
me in the sufferings for the gospel keys of Hades and of Death.”
according to the power of God, —Revelation 1:18
Christ died for our sins accord- ever believes in Him will receive
ing to the Scriptures. remission of sins.” —Acts 10:43
—1 Corinthians 15:3b “Nor is there salvation in any
“...the church of God which other, for there is no other name
He purchased with His own under heaven given among men
blood.” —Acts 20:28b by which we must be saved.”
“I am the good shepherd. The —Acts 4:12
good shepherd gives His life for The Lord is not slack concern-
the sheep.” —John 10:11 ing His promise, as some count
And He died for all, that those slackness, but is longsuffering
who live should live no longer for toward us, not willing that any
themselves, but for Him who died should perish but that all should
for them and rose again. come to repentance. —2 Peter 3:9
—2 Corinthians 5:15 And you will seek Me and find
“To Him all the prophets wit- Me, when you search for Me with
ness that, through His name, who- all your heart. —Jeremiah 29:13
Your throne, O God, is forever enmity against God; for it is not
and ever; a scepter of righteous- subject to the law of God, nor in-
ness is the scepter of Your king- deed can be. So then, those who
dom. You love righteousness and are in the flesh cannot please God.
hate wickedness. —Psalm 45:6, 7a But you are not in the flesh but in
the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of
Do you not know that the un- God dwells in you. Now if anyone
righteous will not inherit the king- does not have the Spirit of Christ,
dom of God? —1 Corinthians 6:9a he is not His. —Romans 8:5-9

For those who live according to

the flesh set their minds on the Adulterers and adulteresses!
things of the flesh, but those who Do you not know that friendship
live according to the Spirit, the with the world is enmity with
things of the Spirit. For to be car- God? Whoever therefore wants to
nally minded is death, but to be be a friend of the world makes
spiritually minded is life and himself an enemy of God.
peace. Because the carnal mind is —James 4:4
He who covers his sins will not ing baptized?” Then Philip said,
prosper, but whoever confesses “If you believe with all your
and forsakes them will have mer- heart, you may.” And he an-
cy. —Proverbs 28:13 swered and said, “I believe that
And we have known and be- Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
lieved the love that God has for —Acts 8:36, 37
us. God is love, and he who abides “He who hears My word and be-
in love abides in God, and God in lieves in Him who sent Me has ev-
him. —1 John 4:16 erlasting life, and shall not come
But as many as received Him, into judgment, but has passed
to them He gave the right to be- from death into life. —John 5:24b
come children of God. —John 1:12a That your faith should not be in
“He who receives Me receives the wisdom of men but in the pow-
Him who sent Me.” —Jobn 13:20b er of God. —1 Corinthians 2:5
Now as they went down the Then Jesus said to those Jews
road, they came to some water. who believed Him, “If you abide
And the eunuch said, “See, here is in My word, you are My disciples
water. What hinders me from be- indeed.” —John 8:31
To know the love of Christ follow Me. And I give them eter-
which passes knowledge; that you nal life, and they shall never per-
may be filled with all the fullness ish; neither shall anyone snatch
of God. —Ephesians 3:19 them out of My hand.”
God is faithful, by whom you —John 10:26-28
were called into the fellowship of For this reason I also suffer
His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. these things; nevertheless I am
—1 Corinthians 1:9
not ashamed, for I know whom I
have believed and am persuaded
And if Christ is in you, the body that He is able to keep what I
is dead because of sin, but the have committed to Him until that
Spirit is life because of righteous- Day. —2 Timothy 1:12
ness. —Romans 8:10 Therefore let those who suffer
“But you do not believe, be- according to the will of God com-
cause you are not of My sheep, as mit their souls to Him in doing
I said to you. My sheep hear My good, as to a faithful Creator.
voice, and I know them, and they —1 Peter 4:19
Who is he who overcomes the And having been set free from
world, but he who believes that sin, you became slaves of right-
Jesus is the Son of God? —1 John 5:5 eousness. But now having been
set free from sin, and having be-
Who were born, not of blood,
come slaves of God, you have
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of
your fruit to holiness, and the
the will of man, but of God.
end, everlasting life.
—John 1:13
—Romans 6:18 and 22
“And you shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you Stand fast therefore in the liber-
free.” —John 8:32 ty by which Christ has made us
free, and do not be entangled
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and again with a yoke of bondage.
where the Spirit of the Lord is, —Galatians 5:1
there is liberty. —2 Corinthians 3:17
“Therefore if the Son makes “For you will be His witness to
you free, you shall be free all men of what you have seen and
indeed.” —John 8:36 heard.” —Acts 22:15
Do you not know that the un- and priests to His God and Fa-
righteous will not inherit the king- ther, to Him be glory and domin-
dom of God? Do not be deceived. ion forever and ever. Amen.
Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, —Revelation 1:5b, 6
nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,
nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor Do you not know that the saints
covetous, nor drunkards, nor re- will judge the world?
vilers, nor extortioners will inher- —1 Corinthians 6:2a
it the kingdom of God. And such You shall also be a crown of glo-
were some of you. But you were ry in the hand of the Lord, and a
washed, but you were sanctified, royal diadem in the hand of your
but you were justified in the name God. —Isaiah 62:3
of the Lord Jesus and by the Spir-
it of our God. —1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Exalted Position
“That they all may be one, as
To Him who loved us and You, Father, are in Me, and I in
washed us from our sins in His You; that they also may be one in
own blood, and has made us kings Us.” —John 17:21a
The Lord is near to all who call When you pass through the wa-
upon Him, to all who call upon ters, I will be with you; and
Him in truth. —Psalm 145:18 through the rivers, they shall not
And what agreement has the overflow you. When you walk
temple of God with idols? For you through the fire, you shall not be
are the temple of the living God. burned, nor shall the flame scorch
As God has said: “I will dwell in you. —Isaiah 43:2
them and walk among them. I will “I in them, and You in Me; that
be their God, and they shall be they may be made perfect in one,
My people.” —2 Corinthians 6:16 and that the world may know that
But rejoice to the extent that You have sent Me, and have loved
you partake of Christ’s suffer- them as You have loved Me.”
ings, that when His glory is re- —John 17:23
vealed, you may also be glad with “Father, I desire that they also
exceeding joy. —1 Peter 4:13 whom You gave Me may be with
And truly our fellowship is with Me where I am, that they may be-
the Father and with His Son hold My glory which You have
Jesus Christ. —1 John 1:3b given Me.” —John 17:24a
“At that day you will know that The Righteousness of Saints
I am in My Father, and you in Me, Is the Righteousness
and I in you.” —John 14:20 of the Indwelling Christ
His Last Command To them God willed to make
Our First Concern known what are the riches of the
And the Spirit and the bride glory of this mystery among the
say, “Come!” —Revelation 22:17a Gentiles: which is Christ in you,
the hope of glory. —Colossians 1:27
“Go therefore and make disci-
ples of all the nations, baptizing Him we preach, warning every
them in the name of the Father man and teaching every man in all
and of the Son and of the Holy wisdom, that we may present ev-
Spirit, teaching them to observe ery man perfect in Christ Jesus.
all things that I have commanded —Colossians 1:28
you; and lo, I am with you always, For Christ is the end of the law
even to the end of the age.” for righteousness to everyone who
Amen. —Matthew 28:19, 20 believes. —Romans 10:4
Blessed be the God and Father raised us up together, and made
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ac- us sit together in the heavenly
cording to His abundant mercy places in Christ Jesus, that in the
has begotten us again to a living ages to come He might show the
hope through the resurrection of exceeding riches of His grace in
Jesus Christ from the dead. His kindness toward us in Christ
—1 Peter 1:3 Jesus. —Ephesians 2:4-7
Let us therefore come boldly to
But may the God of all grace,
the throne of grace, that we may
who called us to His eternal glory
obtain mercy and find grace to
by Christ Jesus, after you have
help in time of need.
suffered a while, perfect, estab-
—Hebrews 4:16
lish, strengthen, and settle you.
But God, who is rich in mercy,
—l Peter 5:10
because of His great love with
which He loved us, even when we Being justified freely by His
were dead in trespasses, made us grace through the redemption
alive together with Christ (by that is in Christ Jesus.
grace you have been saved), and —Romans 3:24
But when the fullness of the And because you are sons, God
time had come, God sent forth has sent forth the Spirit of His
His Son, born of a woman, born Son into your hearts, crying out,
under the law, to redeem those “Abba, Father!” Therefore you
who were under the law, that we are no longer a slave but a son,
might receive the adoption as and if a son, then an heir of God
sons. —Galatians 4:4, 5 through Christ. —Galatians 4:6, 7
Behold what manner of love the And if children, then heirs—
Father has bestowed on us, that heirs of God and joint heirs with
we should be called children of Christ, if indeed we suffer with
God! —1 John 3:la Him, that we may also be glori-
Heirs of God fied together. —Romans 8:17
“He who overcomes shall inher- And if you are Christ’s, then
it all things, and I will be his God you are Abraham’s seed, and
and he shall be My son.” heirs according to the promise.
—Revelation 21:7 —Galatians 3:29
And we know that all things give them, for they do not know
work together for good to those what they do.” —Luke 23:34a
who love God, to those who are
the called according to His pur- Be Meek and Gentle
pose. For whom He foreknew, He Now I, Paul, myself am plead-
also predestined to be conformed ing with you by the meekness and
to the image of His Son, that He gentleness of Christ.
—2 Corinthians 10:1a
might be the firstborn among
many brethren. —Romans 8:28, 29 Walk in Christ’s Love
Then God said, “Let Us make “As the Father loved Me, I also
man in Our image, according to have loved you; abide in My
Our likeness.” —Genesis 1:26a love.” —John 15:9
Serve Like Christ Spread Gospel World-Wide
“I am among you as the One Then Jesus said to them again,
who serves.” —Luke 22:27b “Peace to you! As the Father has
Be Forgiving sent Me, I also send you.”
Then Jesus said, “Father, for- —John 20:21
That you would have a walk “Whoever comes to Me, and
worthy of God who calls you into hears My sayings and does them,
His own kingdom and glory. I will show you whom he is like:
—1 Thessalonians 2:12 He is like a man building a house,
Whoever transgresses and does who dug deep and laid the founda-
not abide in the doctrine of Christ tion on the rock. And when the
does not have God. He who abides flood arose, the stream beat vehe-
in the doctrine of Christ has both mently against that house, and
the Father and the Son. —2 John 9 could not shake it, for it was
founded on the rock.”
Christ Will Have a Bride That —Luke 6:47, 48
Cannot Be Enticed From Him
Blessed is the man who endures Christ Will Have a Bride
temptation; for when he has been That is Eager for His Presence
proved, he will receive the crown Looking for the blessed hope
of life which the Lord has prom- and glorious appearing of our
ised to those who love Him. great God and Savior Jesus
—James 1:12 Christ. —Titus 2:13
For by grace you have been That your faith should not be in
saved through faith, and that not the wisdom of men but in the pow-
of yourselves; it is the gift of God, er of God. —1 Corinthians 2:5
not of works, lest anyone should Will Be Made Perfect
boast. For we are His workman- and Complete in Him
ship, created in Christ Jesus for For by one offering He has
good works, which God prepared perfected forever those who are
beforehand that we should walk being sanctified. —Hebrews 10:14
in them. —Ephesians 2:8-10 Till we all come to the unity of
the faith and the knowledge of the
Now to Him who is able to do Son of God, to a perfect man, to
exceedingly abundantly above all the measure of the stature of the
that we ask or think, according to fullness of Christ. —Ephesians 4:13
the power that works in us, to For in Him dwells all the full-
Him be glory in the church by ness of the Godhead bodily; and
Christ Jesus throughout all ages, you are complete in Him, who is
world without end. Amen. the head of all principality and
—Ephesians 3:20, 21 power. —Colossians 2:9, 10
Why Should He Who Countless For as we have many members
Angels Worship Center His in one body, but all the members
Love on Fallen, Rebellious do not have the same function, so
Man? we, being many, are one body in
But when He again brings the Christ, and individually members
firstborn into the world, He says: of one another. —Romans 12:4, 5
“Let all the angels of God wor-
ship Him.” —Hebrews 1:6 Bride Gets Life From Him
He who has the Son has life; he
My delight was with the sons of who does not have the Son of God
men. —Proverbs 8:31b
does not have life. —1 John 5:12
You also have become dead to
the law through the body of Total Love for the Bride
Christ, that you may be married He who did not spare His own
to another, even to Him who was Son, but delivered Him up for us
raised from the dead, that we all, how shall He not with Him
should bear fruit to God. also freely give us all things?
—Romans 7:4b —Romans 8:32
Shares His Throne with Bride more. And I will write on him the
“To him who overcomes I will name of My God and the name of
grant to sit with Me on My the city of My God, the New Jeru-
throne, as I also overcame and sat salem, which comes down out of
down with My Father on His heaven from My God.
throne.” —Revelation 3:21 —Revelation 3:12a

The King’s City and Bride Then I, John, saw the holy city,
But now they desire a better, New Jerusalem, coming down out
that is, a heavenly country. There- of heaven from God, prepared as a
fore God is not ashamed to be bride adorned for her husband.
called their God, for He has pre- —Revelation 21:2
pared a city for them.
—Hebrews 11:16 Blessed are those who do His
commandments, that they may
“He who overcomes, I will have the right to the tree of life,
make him a pillar in the temple of and may enter through the gates
My God, and he shall go out no into the city. —Revelation 22:14
“Therefore if you have not been “I know your works, tribula-
faithful in the unrighteous mam- tion, and poverty (but you are
mon, who will commit to your rich).” —Revelation 2:9a
trust the true riches?”
—Luke 16:11
Danger in Earthly Riches
For you know the grace of our Command those who are rich in
Lord Jesus Christ, that though this present age not to be haugh-
He was rich, yet for your sakes He ty, nor to trust in uncertain riches
became poor, that you through but in the living God, who gives
His poverty might become rich. us richly all things to enjoy. Let
—2 Corinthians 8:9 them do good, that they be rich in
Listen, my beloved brethren: good works, ready to give, willing
Has God not chosen the poor of to share, storing up for them-
this world to be rich in faith and selves a good fouudation for the
heirs of the kingdom which He time to come, that they may lay
promised to those who love Him? hold on eternal life.
—James 2:5 —1 Timothy 6:17-19
Who will transform our lowly you up and give you an inher-
body that it may be conformed to itance among all those who are
His glorious body, according to sanctified.” —Acts 20:32
the working by which He is able
even to subdue all things to Him- When Christ who is our life ap-
self. —Philippians 3:21 pears, then you also will appear
Giving thanks to the Father with Him in glory. —Colossians 3:4
who has qualified us to be partak-
ers of the inheritance of the saints That the Gentiles should be fel-
in the light. He has delivered us low heirs, of the same body, and
from the power of darkness and partakers of His promise in
translated us into the kingdom of Christ through the gospel. To me,
the Son of His love. who am less than the least of all
—Colossians 1:12, 13 the saints, this grace was given,
“And now, brethren, I com- that I should preach among the
mend you to God and to the word Gentiles the unsearchable riches
of His grace, which is able to build of Christ. —Ephesians 3:6 and 8
Let all those who seek You re- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of
joice and be glad in You; let such Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jeru-
as love Your salvation say contin- salem! Behold, your King is com-
ually, “The Lord be magnified!” ing to you; He is just and having
—Psalm 40:16 salvation.” —Zechariah 9:9a
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice,
“Nevertheless do not rejoice in
you righteous; and shout for joy,
this, that the spirits are subject to
all you upright in heart!
you, but rather rejoice because
—Psalm 32:11
your names are written in heav-
Rejoice in the Lord always. en.” —Luke 10:20
Again I will say, rejoice!
—Philippians 4:4 But let all those rejoice who put
For our light affliction, which is their trust in You; let them ever
but for a moment, is working for shout for joy, because You defend
us a far more exceeding and eter- them; let those also who love
nal weight of glory. Your name be joyful in You.
—2 Corinthians 4:17 —Psalm 5:11
“But he who sins against me outside and knock at the door,
wrongs his own soul; all those saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’
who hate me love death.” and He will answer and say to
—Proverbs 8:36 you, ‘I do not know you, where
See that you do not refuse Him you are from.’ ” —Luke 13:24, 25
who speaks. For if they did not es- Mercy Refused Can Turn to
cape who refused Him who spoke Wrath
on earth, much more shall we not And with all unrighteous decep-
escape if we turn away from Him tion among those who perish, be-
who speaks from heaven. cause they did not receive the love
—Hebrews 12:25 of the truth, that they might be
saved. And for this reason God
“Strive to enter through the will send them strong delusion,
narrow gate, for many, I say to that they should believe the lie,
you, will seek to enter and will not that they all may be condemned
be able. When once the Master of who did not believe the truth but
the house has risen up and shut had pleasure in unrighteousness.
the door, and you begin to stand —2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Full of Sin, Condemned not receive My words, has that
“He who believes in Him is not which judges him—the word that
condemned; but he who does not I have spoken will judge him in
believe is condemned already, be- the last day.” —John 12:48
cause he has not believed in the
name of the only begotten Son of Loved and Sought After
God. —John 3:18 In this the love of God was
For if we sin willfully after we manifested toward us, that God
have received the knowledge of has sent His only begotten Son in-
the truth, there no longer remains to the world, that we might live
a sacrifice for sins, but a certain through Him. —1 John 4:9
fearful expectation of judgment, And the Spirit and the bride
and fiery indignation. say, “Come!” And let him who
—Hebrews 10:26, 27a hears say, “Come!” And let him
who thirsts come. And whoever
Judged by the Word desires, let him take the water of
“He who rejects Me, and does life freely. —Revelation 22:17
It is foolish to spend eternity in who built his house on the sand:
torment with Satan in hell when and the rain descended, the floods
you could have been in unspeak- came, and the winds blew and
able happiness in Christ sharing beat on that house; and it fell.
the throne of the universe for- And great was its fall.”
ever! —Matthew 7:26, 27
The fool has said in his heart, Therefore Sheol has enlarged it-
“There is no God.” —Psalm 53:la self and opened its mouth beyond
But the Lord said to him, “Now measure; their glory and their
you Pharisees make the outside of multitude and their pomp, and he
the cup and dish clean, but your who is jubilant, shall descend into
inward part is full of greed and it. —Isaiah 5:14
wickedness. Foolish ones! Did not “As a partridge that broods but
He who made the outside make does not hatch, so is he who gets
the inside also?” —Luke 11:39, 40 riches, but not by right; it will
“Now everyone who hears these leave him in the midst of his days,
sayings of Mine, and does not do and at his end he will be a fool.”
them, will be like a foolish man —Jeremiah 17:11
Where All Must Go Who Refuse and they have no rest day or
the King of Glory night, who worship the beast and
But if it bears thorns and briers, his image, and whoever receives
it is rejected and near to being the mark of his name.”
cursed, whose end is to he burned. —Revelation 14:11
—Hebrews 6:8 They are the enemies of the
cross of Christ: whose end is de-
“The Son of Man will send out
struction. —Philippians 3:18b, 19a
His angels, and they will gather
out of His kingdom all things that God is eager to perform miracles
offend, and those who practice to keep us from going to hell,
lawlessness, and will cast them in- such as facing hell for us, con-
to the furnace of fire. There will quering eternal death, and rising
be wailing and gnashing of again that we might find victory
teeth.” —Matthew 13:41-42 in Him and live. Another miracle
is in transforming a sinner from
“And the smoke of their tor- rebelliousness to a new heart of
ment ascends forever and ever; love in Christ.
Then I saw an angel coming leased from his prison. And the
down from heaven, having the devil, who deceived them, was
key to the bottomless pit and a cast into the lake of fire and brim-
great chain in his hand. He laid stone where the beast and the
hold of the dragon, that serpent false prophet are. And they will
of old, who is the Devil and Satan, be tormented day and night for-
and bound him for a thousand ever and ever.
years; and he cast him into the —Revelation 20:7 and 10
bottomless pit, and shut him up,
and set a seal on him, so that he Total and Eternal Victory
should deceive the nations no Over Satan
more till the thousand years were Inasmuch then as the children
finished. But after tbese things he have partaken of flesh and blood,
must be released for a little while. He Himself likewise shared in the
—Revelation 20:1-3 same, that through death He
might destroy him who had the
Now when the thousand years power of death, that is, the devil.
have expired, Satan will be re- —Hebrews 2:14
“No one can serve two masters; My servant will be also. If anyone
for either he will hate the one and serves Me, him My Father will
love the other, or else he will be honor.” —John 12:26
loyal to the one and despise the “But the cowardly, unbelieving,
other. You cannot serve God and abominable, murderers, sexually
mammon.” —Matthew 6:24 immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and
Are You Following Satan all liars shall have their part in
to Prison, or the King of Kings the lake which burns with fire and
to His Eternal Majestic Throne? brimstone, which is the second
“To open their eyes and to turn death.” —Revelation 21:8
them from darkness to light, and Jesus answered them, “Most
from the power of Satan to God, assuredly, I say to you, whoever
that they may receive forgiveness commits sin is a slave of sin. And
of sins and an inheritance among a slave does not abide in the house
those who are sanctified by faith forever, but a son abides forever.
in Me.” —Acts 26:18 Therefore if the Son makes you
“If anyone serves Me, let him free, you shall be free indeed.”
follow Me; and where I am, there —John 8:34-36
Jesus answered and said to her, fountains of waters. And God will
“If you knew the gift of God, and wipe away every tear from their
who it is who says to you, ‘Give eyes.” —Revelation 7:17
Me a drink,’ you would have
asked Him, and He would have And he showed me a pure river
given you living water.” of water of life, clear as crystal,
—John 4:10 proceeding from the throne of
God and of the Lamb. In the mid-
On the last day, that great day dle of its street, and on either side
of the feast, Jesus stood and cried of the river, was the tree of life,
out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let which bore twelve fruits, each
him come to Me and drink.” tree yielding its fruit every
—John 7:37
month. And the leaves of the tree
“Whoever drinks of the water were for the healing of the na-
that I shall give him will never tions. And there shall be no more
thirst. —John 4:14a curse, but the throne of God and
“For the Lamb who is in the of the Lamb shall be in it, and His
midst of the throne will shepherd servants shall serve Him.
them and lead them to living —Revelation 22:1-3
“But seek first the kingdom of fallow ground, for it is time to
God and His righteousness, and seek the Lord, till He comes and
all these things shall be added to rains righteousness on you.
you.” —Matthew 6:33 —Hosea 10:12
“But from there you will seek Seek the Lord while He may be
the Lord your God, and you will found, call upon Him while He is
find Him if you seek Him with all near. —Isaiah 55:6
your heart and with all your “If My people who are called by
soul.” —Deuteronomy 4:29 My name will humble themselves,
I love those who love me, and and pray and seek My face, and
those who seek me diligently will turn from their wicked ways, then
find me. —Proverbs 8:17 I will hear from heaven, and will
“And I say to you, ask, and it forgive their sin and heal their
will be given to you; seek, and you land.” —2 Chronicles 7:14
will find; knock, and it will be I will praise You, O Lord my
opened to you.” —Luke 11:9 God, with all my heart, and I will
Sow for yourselves righteous- glorify Your name forevermore.
ness; reap in mercy; break up your —Psalm 86:12
“Come, I will show you the voice of a great multitude, as the
bride, the Lamb’s wife.” And he sound of many waters and as the
carried me away in the Spirit to a sound of mighty thunderings,
great and high mountain, and saying, “Alleluia! For the Lord
showed me the great city, the holy God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be
Jerusalem, descending out of glad and rejoice and give Him
heaven from God, having the glo- glory, for the marriage of the
ry of God. But I saw no temple in Lamb has come, and His wife has
it, for the Lord God Almighty and made herself ready.” And to her it
the Lamb are its temple. And the was granted to be arrayed in fine
city had no need of the sun or of linen, clean and bright, for the
the moon to shine in it, for the glo- fine linen is the righteous acts of
ry of God illuminated it, and the
Lamb is its light. And the nations the saints. Then he said to me,
of those who are saved shall walk “Write: ‘Blessed are those who
in its light. are called to the marriage supper
—Revelation 21:9b-11a; 22-24a of the Lamb!’” And he said to
me, “These are the true sayings of
And I heard, as it were, the God.” —Revelation 19:6-9
Submissive to Him be found by Him in peace, without
Present yourselves to God as spot and blameless. —2 Peter 3:14
being alive from the dead . . . . You are all fair, my love, and
—Romans 6:13b there is no spot in you.
Loves the Bridegroom —Song of Solomon 4:7
Grace be with all those who love Filled with Divine Power
our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Who has come . . . according to
Amen. —Ephesians 6:24 the power of an endless life.
One with Him —Hebrews 7:16
For we are members of His Filled with Divine Love
body, of His flesh and of His But whoever keeps His word,
bones. —Ephesians 5:30 truly the love of God is perfected
That through these you may be in him. —1 John 2:5a
partakers of the divine nature . . . . Will Have Absolute Grace
—2 Peter 1:4b Rest your hope fully upon the
Spotless grace that is to be brought to you
Therefore, beloved, looking for- at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
ward to these things, be diligent to —1 Peter 1:13b
“These will make war with the mouth and destroy with the
Lamb, and the Lamb will over- brightness of His coming.
come them, for He is Lord of lords —2 Thessalonians 2:8
and King of kings; and those who
And this shall be the plague
are with Him are called, chosen,
with which the Lord will strike
and faithful.” —Revelation 17:14
all the people who fought against
Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dis-
Then a mighty angel took up a solve while they stand on their
stone like a great millstone and feet, their eyes shall dissolve in
threw it into the sea, saying, their sockets, and their tongues
“Thus with violence the great city shall dissolve in their mouths.
Babylon shall be thrown down, —Zechariah 14:12
and shall not be found anymore.”
—Revelation 18:21 Then comes the end, when He
delivers the kingdom to God the
And then the lawless one will be Father, when He puts an end to
revealed, whom the Lord will con- all rule and all authority and pow-
sume with the breath of His er. —1 Corinthians 15:24
“Your kingdom come. Your will And I saw the souls of those
be done on earth as it is in heav- who had been beheaded for their
en.” —Matthew 6:10 witness to Jesus and for the word
“Blessed are the meek, for they of God, who had not worshiped
shall inherit the earth.” the beast or his image, and had
—Matthew 5:5 not received his mark on their
foreheads or on their hands. And
“The kingdoms of this world they lived and reigned with Christ
have become the kingdoms of our for a thousand years.
Lord and of His Christ, and He —Revelation 20:4b
shall reign forever and ever!”
—Revelation 11:15b Blessed and holy is he who has
“For You were slain, and have part in the first resurrection. Over
redeemed us to God by Your such the second death has no pow-
blood...and have made us kings er, but they shall be priests of
and priests to our God; and we God and of Christ, and shall reign
shall reign on the earth.” with Him a thousand years.
—Revelation 5:9b, 10 —Revelation 20:6
God and I Go on Endlessly— “Behold, the tabernacle of God
O Joy! is with men, and He will dwell
I will extol You, my God, O with them, and they shall be His
King; and I will bless Your name people, and God Himself will be
forever and ever. —Psalm 145:1 with them and be their God. And
God will wipe away every tear
“Father, I desire that they also from their eyes; there shall be no
whom You gave Me may be with more death, nor sorrow, nor cry-
me where I am, that they may be- ing; and there shall be no more
hold My glory which You have
given Me.” —John 17:24a
pain, for the former things have
passed away.” —Revelation 21:3b, 4
And the dead in Christ will rise
first. Then we who are alive and And there shall be no night
remain shall be caught up togeth- there: They need no lamp nor
er with them in the clouds to meet light of the sun, for the Lord God
the Lord in the air. And thus we gives them light. And they shall
shall always be with the Lord. reign forever and ever.
—1 Thessalonians 4:16b, 17 —Revelation 22:5
“To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me
on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with
My Father on His throne.” —Revelation 3:21
Oh, the great love the dear Savior has shown
To shamefully die on the tree;
Leaving His sceptre and beautiful throne
To rescue a sinner like me.
—I. N. McHose
Praise the Lord, He’s holy and just;
Praise the Lord, He loves me, but dust;
Praise the Lord, SERVE HIM I MUST!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! PRAISE THE LORD!
— Watson Goodman
Published in numerous languages by World Missionary Press as God supplies
funds in answer to prayer. If you would like more copies for careful distribution,
please write in English, if possible. Specify which language or languages you
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