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NAME : ………………………………………………………………..

FORM : ………………………………………………………………..


(FORM 1 & 2)



1. This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.

2. Write your answers in the spaces provided in the question paper.
3. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated
4. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets.
5. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
6. Hand in your entire answer sheet at the end of the examination.
Form 1
Section A

Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

1. Diagram 1 shows and animal cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan sel haiwan.

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

(a) On Diagram 1, label the structures P, Q and R using the following words:
Pada Rajah 1, labelkan struktur P, Q dan R menggunakan perkataan-
perkataan berikut:

Nucleus Cytoplasm Cell membrane

Nukleus Sitoplasma Membran sel

[ 3 marks]
[3 markah]
(b) Draw lines to match the cell structure to its function.
Gariskan untuk memadankan struktur sel dan fungsinya.

Structure Function

P ο controls the activity of the

mengawal aktiviti di dalam

Q ο controls the movement of

substances in and out of
the cell
mengawal pergerakan
keluar dan masuk bahan-
bahan daripada sel

R ο site for chemical process

tempat berlakunya proses

[ 3 marks]
[3 markah]

2. Diagram 2 shows the classification of matter

Rajah 2 menunjukkan pengkelasan jirim


Element Mixture
Unsur Campuran


a) What is represented by T?
Apakah yang diwakili oleh T?

[ 1 mark]
[ 1 markah]

b) (i) Draw the arrangement of particles of substance T in the box below. Lukis
susunan zarah bahan T dalam kotak di bawah

[ 1m]

(ii) State one difference between substance T and a mixture

Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara bahan T dan campuran.


[ 1mark]
[1 markah]

(Substance S is suitable to make cooking utensils.

Bahan S sesuai untuk membuat peralatan memasak.

C) Name the substance S

Namakan bahan S



[ 1mark]
[1 markah]

Bahan U

Bahan U

The bulb in diagram above is not light up when the substance U is used.
Mentol dalam rajah di atas tidak menyala apabila bahan U digunakan.

(d) (i) State the example of substance U used in the circuit above.
Nyatakan contoh bahan U yang digunakan dalam litar di atas


[ 1mark]
[1 markah]

(d) (ii) Give a reason for your answer in d (i)

Berikan satu sebab untuk jawapan anda di d(i)


[ 1 mark]
[1 markah]

3. shows substances which illustrate the states of matter.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan bahan yang menggambarkan keadaan-keadaan jirim.


Diagram 3
Rajah 3

(a) What is the state of matter for P and Q?

Apakah keadaan jirim bagi bahan P and Q ?


[2 marks]

(b) The states of matter can be differentiate by the arrangement of the particles in
Draw the arrangement of particles represented by substances P and Q.
Keadaan jirim boleh dibezakan dengan susunan zarah. Lukiskan susunan
zarah bahan P dan Q.

P Q [2marks]

(c) State one property to differentiate between the particles in water and air
Nyatakan satu ciri untuk membezakan zarah dalam air dan udara.


(d) State which substance has higher density in 3(c)

Nyatakan bahan yang mempunyai ketumpatan yang lebih tinggi dalam



4. The set-up of apparatus shown below was prepared to study the content of a gas
in ordinary air. It was found that the level of water in the gas
rose when the candle went off.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan radas yang disedikan untuk mengkaji
kandungan gas dalam udara biasa. Didapati aras air dalam kelalang gas
meningkat apabila lilin terpadam.

(a) What is the gas used for combustion?

Apakah gas yang digunakan untuk pembakaran?


[1 marks]
[1 markah]

b) Based on the observation, what is the fraction of air that had been
used up for burning?
Berdasarkan daripada pemerhatian, Apakah pecahan udara yang
telah digunakan dalam pembakaran?


[1 mark]
[1 markah]

c) From your answer in (b), what is the conclusion that can be made in
this experiment?
Daripada jawapan anda di (b), apakah kesimpulan yang dapat
dibuat daripada eksperimen ini ?


[1 mark]
[1 markah]

d) Fill in the table below to show the percentages of gases in the gas jar
at the end of the experiment.
Leng kapkan jadual di bawah bagi menunjukkan peratus gas
diakhir eksperimen

Gas Percentage / %
[2 marks]
[2 markah]

e(i) How is the content of carbon dioxide in the gas jar change at
the end of experiment?
Bagaimana kandungan karbon dioksida dalam kelalang gas
berubah pada akhir eksperiment ? [1 mark]



e(ii) Explain your answer in (e)(i).

Jelaskan jawapan anda di (e)(i).


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
Form 2
Section A

1. Diagram 1 shows the structures of the human skin.


(a) On Diagram 1, label the structures P, R and S using the following words

Pressure receptors Touch receptor Pain receptors

[3 marks]

(b) State one function of the skin.

[1 mark]
(c) What are the two factors that influence the sensitivity of the skin?

[i] __________________________________

[ii] __________________________________
[2 marks]

2. Diagram 3 shows a human digestive system.


(a) Name two of the parts labelled P, Q, R, S, T, U and V.

[2 marks]

(b) What is produced by part V?

…………………………………………. [1 mark]

( c) Which part does digestion ends?

[1 mark]

(d) State the function of parts labelled



[3 marks]
3. Diagram 4 shows an experiment on the electrolysis of water.


(a) Name two elements of water [2 marks]

(b) Define electrolysis. [2 marks]

( c) Based on the above diagram,

(i) what is gas Y? [1 mark]

(ii) What will happen when gas X is tested with a burning wooden splinter?
[1 mark]

Study the given chart above and answer the question about the daily energy
requirement for different individuals.

(a) Which group of individuals need the most energy?

[1 mark]

(b) Why does the child require a lot of energy for daily activities?

______________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) List 4 factors that influence a person’s need for energy.




[4 marks]


Identify the special support structures shown in figure above.

(a) Write the names of the support structures shown above.

P ____________________________

Q ____________________________

R ____________________________

S ____________________________
[4 marks]

(b) Name an example of plant that has the same special support structure as S.

[1 mark]

(c ) Why does the plant P need to have this special support structure ?

[1 mark]

(d) State the characteristic of the special support structure of plant R

[1 mark]
6. Given below are three types of levers, state the class of lever.


[3 marks]
(ii) Calculate the distance d if the lever system in figure below is balanced.


[2 marks]

(iii) Figure below shows a wheelbarrow with its load weighing 500 newtons. The weight
acts at a distance of 0.8 m from the centre of the wheel. What force is needed to lift the
handles, which is 1.6 m from the centre of the wheel?


[2 marks]

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