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#include <stdlib.h>

struct process { int pid, bursttime , wtime , ttime ,remain ,ftime ,round;}

initialize variable in array process
pid --> process id
bursttime --> burst time
wtime --> wait time
ttime --> turnaround time
remain --> to save the remain of burst time after the number of rounds

p[10] ;

/* assuming all processes the arrive time of them zero then change according if burst
time equal or less or greater than the timeslice */

int main()
int i,pno,totwtime,totttime,timeslice ;
double avgW ,avgT;
int time=0;//declare variable of type int to compare it with the total time
int totaltime=0;//declare variable of type int to save the total time


printf(" \n ******* Round Robin Scheduling ******* \n");//print type of scheduling

printf("\n please enter the number of processes (max 9)\t");/*get the number of
processes from user and save it in 'pno'*/

if (pno>9)//check if the number of processes is less than or equal to 9

printf("\n the number of processes is greater than 9 \n");

for(i=1;i<=pno;i++)//get the burst time of each process

printf("\n please enter the burst time of p[%d]\t",i);

printf("\n please enter the Time slice: ");


for (i=pno;i>=0;i=i-1)/* to calculate the total needed time to

execute all processes */
printf("\n\t GANT Chart \n");
printf("\n \t | p[i] \t |time \t |round");
printf("\n \t ---------------------------------");

for (i=1 ; i<=pno ;i++)/* execute all processes just for a specific period
equal to timeslice & print the GANT Chart*/

p[i].round = 1;//initially all processes will enter the first round
p[i].wtime =time;//set the wait time to time
if (p[i].remain<=timeslice)/*when the process has a burst time
less than the timesilce*/
p[i].ftime = time;
p[i].remain = 0;

else /*when the process has burst time greater than the timeslice so is
execute only for a time equal to the timeslice and go back to the queue */
time = time+timeslice;
p[i].ftime = time;
printf("\n \t | p[%d] \t | %d \t | %d ", i ,p[i].ftime , p[i].round );
printf("\n \t ---------------------------------");

while (time<totaltime)/*check if there is a remain burst time and execute
that process & continue the Gant chart*/
for (i=1 ; i<=pno ;i++)
if (p[i].remain!=0)
p[i].round = p[i].round+1;/*since the process do not finish from the first
round so it will enter again and increase round */
p[i].wtime = (time - p[i].ftime )+ p[i].wtime;
if (p[i].remain<=timeslice)
p[i].ftime = time;
p[i].remain= 0;

time = time+timeslice;
p[i].ftime = time;
printf("\n \t | p[%d] \t | %d \t | %d ", i ,p[i].ftime , p[i].round );
printf("\n \t ---------------------------------");

printf("\n\n\n\t p[i] \t bursttime \t wtime \t ttime");

printf("\n\t ====================================================");

totwtime=totttime=0;//declare the total wait time and the

for (i=1;i<=pno;i++)//calculate ttime & totwtime & totttime

p[i].ttime = p[i].wtime + p[i].bursttime;
printf("\n\t p[%d] \t\t%d \t\t%d \t\t%d",p[i].pid,
p[i].bursttime,p[i].wtime,p[i].ttime );

avgW=((double)totwtime/pno);//calculate the average wait time

avgT=((double)totttime/pno);//calculate the average turnaround time

printf("\n \n \n \t avgW=%f \t avgT=%f \t\n",avgW,avgT);//print the average

wait time
******* Round Robin Scheduling *******

please enter the number of processes (max 9) 3

please enter the burst time of p[1] 4

please enter the burst time of p[2] 2

please enter the burst time of p[3] 5

please enter the Time slice: 2

GANT Chart

| p[i] |time |round

| p[1] | 2 | 1
| p[2] | 4 | 1
| p[3] | 6 | 1
| p[1] | 8 | 2
| p[3] | 10 | 2
| p[3] | 11 | 3

p[i] bursttime wtime ttime

p[1] 4 4 8
p[2] 2 2 4
p[3] 5 6 11

avgW=4.000000 avgT=7.666667

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