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The Ceylon Blue Books (1821 – 1937)

The Ceylon Blue Book was published during the early nineteenth century of the
British governing period of Ceylon. This is known as a government publication
submitted in the 31st December of each year.It was published to display the
progress of the colonial Government.It was an important record of total revenue
and expenditure of the government of Sri Lanka for each year.
This book was commenced in 1821although, it was started to print since 1862. It is
very difficult to read the handwritings in the Ceylon Blue Books from 1821-1861,
because of the poor physical condition.In 1937 they stopped to printing of this
publication. Because the cover is blue, it is called Blue Book.
This publication was issued under the orders of Government. The information was contributed by the
Colonial Secretary’s Office, Department of Census and Statistics, Department of the Registrar-
General, Director of Commercial Intelligence and Department of Commerce and Industries. Blue
Books contain statistical information on various activities of the country and submitted to the British
Government by the Governor of Ceylon through the Secretary of State for Colonies every year.

By the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, more revenue from the government
was depended on plantation economy and affiliate commerce and distribution activities. Hence, this
publicationcovers a number of different fields and also describe the basic facts of various statistical
fields. Namely,

*Taxes, duties, fees and other sources of revenue * Revenue and expenditure – comparative yearly
statement of revenue and expenditure. * Public Debt * Public works * Accounts of the Ceylon *
Government Railway * Government electrical undertakings * Municipalities and other local
bodies * Irrigation works * Legislation * Political franchise * The Board of Ministers and the State
Council Foreign Consuls * Places of worship * Population and statistics * Education *
Publications * Currency, Banking and weights and measures * Import and Export * Shipping *
Production and Natural Resources * Labour, Wages and cost of * Foodstuffs * Prisons and
Prisoners * Crime * Hospitals Returns * Lunatic Asylum * Charitable and Friendly Institutions
* Meteorology * Savings Banks, Agricultural loan * Banks and Co-operative Societies *
Tramways * Steamship Services * Roads * Motor Vehicles * Canals * Port and Telegraph
Statistics * Harbours

It can be proved accuracy of the detail in various fields compare with this publication. It includes
statistical information and general information on Ceylon.An important feature of this publication is
the discussion of information on revenue and expenditure in the nineteenth century and early
twentieth century under the heading of public institutions.Also useful is the list of the diagrams.This
publication often reflects the flow of the statistical view of the progress of Ceylon under the British

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