An Overview of Categorization Techniques: B. Mahalakshmi, Dr. K. Duraiswamy

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645

An Overview of Categorization techniques

B. Mahalakshmi1, Dr. K. Duraiswamy2
Associate Prof., Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India
Dean (Academic), K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India

Abstract : Categorization is the process in which ideas and Document categorization is one solution to this problem. A
objects are recognized, differentiated and understood. growing number of statistical classification methods and
Categorization implies that objects are grouped into machine learning techniques has been applied to text
categories, usually for some specific purpose. A category categorization including Neural Networks, Naïve Bayes
illuminates a relationship between the subjects and objects classifier approaches, Decision Tree, Nearest neighbor
of knowledge. The data categorization includes the classification, Latent semantic indexing, Support vector
categorization of text, image, object, voice etc .With the machines, Concept Mining, Rough set based classifier, Soft
rapid development of the web, large numbers of electronic set based classifier[3].
documents are available on the Internet. Text categorization
becomes a key technology to deal with and organize large Document classification techniques include:
numbers of documents. Text representation is an important  Back propagation Neural Network
process to perform text categorization. A major problem of  Latent semantic indexing
text representation is the high dimensionality of the feature  Support vector machines
space. The feature space with a large number of terms is not  Decision trees
only unsuitable for neural networks but also easily to cause  Naive Bayes classifier
the over fitting problem. Text categorization is the  Self-Organizing Map
assignment of natural language documents to one or more  Genetic Algorithm.
predefined categories based on their semantic content is an
important component in many information organization and II. Back Propagation Neural Network
management tasks. This paper discusses various The back-propagation neural network [5] is used
categorization techniques, tools and their applications in for training multi-layer feed-forward neural networks with
different fields. non-linear units. This method is designed to minimize the
total error of the output computed by the network. In such a
Keywords- Clustering, Neural networks, Latent Semantic network, there is an input layer, an output layer, with one or
Indexing, Self-Organizing map. more hidden layers in between them. During training, an
input pattern is given to the input layer of the network.
I. Introduction Based on the given input pattern, the network will compute
Automatic text categorization is an important the output in the output layer. This network output is then
application and research topic for the inception of digital compared with the desired output pattern. The aim of the
documents. Text categorization [1] is a necessity due to the back-propagation learning rule is to define a method of
very large amount of text documents that humans have to adjusting the weights of the networks. Then, the network
deal with daily. A text categorization system can be used in will give the output that matches the desired output pattern
indexing documents to assist information retrieval tasks as given any input pattern in the training set [7].
well as in classifying e-mails, memos or web pages in a The training of a network by back-propagation
yahoo-like manner. involves three stages: the feed forward of the input training
The text classification task can be defined as assigning pattern, the calculation and back-propagation of the
category labels to new documents based on the knowledge associated error, the adjustment of the weight and the
gained in a classification system at the training stage. In the biases. The main defects of the BPNN can be described as:
training phase, given a set of documents with class labels slow convergence, difficulty in escaping from local
attached and a classification system is built using a learning minima, easily entrapped in network paralyses, uncertain
method, machine learning communities. network structure. In order to overcome the demerits of
Text classification [4] tasks can be divided into two BPNN some techniques are introduced and it is mentioned
sorts: supervised document classification where some below.
external mechanism provides information on the correct Cheng Hua Li and Soon Cheol Park introduced a
classification for documents, and unsupervised document new method called MRBP. MRBP (Morbidity neuron
classification, where the classification must be done entirely Rectify Back-Propagation neural network) [5]. This method
without reference to external information. There is also a is used to detect and rectify the morbidity neurons. This
semi-supervised document classification, where some reformative BPNN divides the whole learning process into
documents are labeled by the external mechanism. many learning phases. It evaluates the learning mode used
Text categorization [2] is the problem of in the phase evaluation after every learning phase. This can
automatically assigning predefined categories to free text improve the ability of the neural network, making it more
documents. While more and more textual information is adaptive and robust, so that the network can more easily
available online, effective retrieval is difficult without escape from a local minimum, and be able to train itself
indexing and summarization of document content. more effectively. 3131 | Page

International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645
Wei Wang and Bo Yu proposed a combined method on the principle that words that are used in the same
called MBPNN and LSA. The MBPNN [6] accelerates the contexts tend to have similar meanings. A key feature of
training speed of BPNN and improve the categorization LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual content of a body
accuracy. LSA can overcome the problems caused by using of text by establishing associations between those terms that
statistically derived conceptual indices instead of individual occur in similar contexts.
words. It constructs a conceptual vector space in which LSI overcomes two of the most severe constraints
each term or document is represented as a vector in the of Boolean keyword queries: multiple words that have
space. It not only greatly reduces the dimension but also similar meanings (synonymy) and words that have more
discovers the important associative relationship between than one meaning (polysemy). Synonymy and polysemy are
terms. The two methods to improve the speed of training often the cause of mismatches in the vocabulary used by the
for BPNN in order to improve the back propagation authors of documents and the users of information retrieval
algorithm in terms of faster convergence and global search systems. [8] As a result, Boolean keyword queries often
capabilities are: return irrelevant results and miss information that is
 Introduce momentum into the network. relevant.
Convergence is sometimes faster if a momentum term LSI is also used to perform automated document
is added to the weight update formulas categorization. In fact, several experiments have
 Using adaptive learning rate to adjust the learning rate. demonstrated that there are a number of correlations
The role of the adaptive learning rate is to allow each between the way LSI and humans process and categorize
weight to have its own learning rate, and to let the text [9]. Document categorization is the assignment of
learning rate vary with time as training progress. documents to one or more predefined categories based on
Latent semantic analysis (LSA) uses singular value their similarity to the conceptual content of the categories
decomposition (SVD) [8] technique to decompose a large [8]. LSI uses example documents to establish the
term-document matrix into a set of k orthogonal factors, it conceptual basis for each category. During categorization
can transform the original textual data to a smaller semantic processing, the concepts contained in the documents being
space by taking advantage of some of the implicit higher- categorized are compared to the concepts contained in the
order structure in associations of words with text objects example items, and a category is assigned to the documents
.These derived indexing dimensions, rather than individual based on the similarities between the concepts they contain
words, can greatly reduce the dimensionality and have the and the concepts that are contained in the example
semantic relationship between terms. So even two documents. Dynamic clustering based on the conceptual
documents don‟t have any common words, we also can find content of documents can also be accomplished using LSI.
the associative relationship between them, because the Clustering is a way to group documents based on their
similar contexts in the documents will have similar vectors conceptual similarity to each other without using example
in the semantic space. The SVD used for noise reduction to documents to establish the conceptual basis for each cluster.
improve the computational efficiency in text categorization This is very useful when dealing with an unknown
and also LSA expanded term by document matrix used in collection of unstructured text.
conjunction with background knowledge in text Yan Huang described about Text Categorization
categorization. The supervised LSA had been proposed to via Support Vector Machines (SVMs) approach based on
improve the performance in text categorization. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [10]. Latent Semantic
MBPNN overcomes the slow training speed Indexing is a method for selecting informative subspaces of
problem in the traditional BPNN and can escape from the feature spaces with the goal of obtaining a compact
local minimum. MBPNN enhances the performance of text representation of document. Support Vector Machines [3]
categorization. The introducing of LSA not only reduces are powerful machine learning systems, which combine
the dimension, further improves its accuracy and efficiency. remarkable performance with an elegant theoretical
Bo Yu et al. [40] have proposed text categorization models framework. The SVMs well fits the Text Categorization
using back-propagation neural network (BPNN) and task due to the special properties of text itself. The
modified back-propagation (MBPNN). A major problem of LSI+SVMs frame improves clustering performance by
text representation is the high dimensionality of feature focusing attention of Support Vector Machines onto
space. Dimensionality reduction and semantic vector space informative subspaces of the feature spaces. LSI is an
generation was achieved using a technique Latent Semantic effective coding scheme and It captures the underlying
Analysis (LSA). They have tested their categorization content of document in semantic sense. SVMs well fit for
models using LSA on newsgroup dataset. They found that text categorization task due to the properties of text.
computation time for neural network with LSA method was LSI+SVMs shows to be a promising scheme for TC task.
faster than the neural network with VSM model. Further, Chung-Hong Lee et al. described that an LSI is a
the categorization performance of neural network using technique for Information Retrieval, especially in dealing
LSA was better than using VSM. with polysemy and synonymy [11]. LSI use SVD process to
decompose the original term-document matrix into a lower
III. Latent Semantic Indexing dimension triplet. The triple is the approximation to original
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is an indexing and matrix and can capture the latent semantic relation between
retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called terms. A novel method for multilingual text categorization
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns using Latent Semantic Indexing is mentioned here. The
in the relationships between the terms and concepts centroid of each class has been calculated in the
contained in an unstructured collection of text. LSI is based decomposed SVD space. The similarity threshold of
categorization is predefined for each centroid. Test 3132 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645
documents with similarity measurement larger than the problems existing in the vector space model used for text
threshold will be labeled Positive or else would be labeled representation.
Negative. Experimental result indicated that the I.Kuralenok and I. Nekrest‟yanov [41] have
performance on the precision, recall is quite good using LSI considered the problem of classifying the set of documents
technique to categorize the multi-language text. into given topics. They have proposed a classification
Sarah Zelikovitz and Finella Marquez presented a work that method based on the use of LSA to reveal semantic
evaluates background knowledge created via web searches dependencies between terms. The method used the revealed
might be less suitable. For some text classification tasks, relationships to specify the function of the topical proximity
unlabeled examples might not be the best form of of terms, which was then used to estimate the topical
background knowledge for use in improving accuracy for proximity of documents. The results indicated a high
text classification using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) quality of classification. The computation cost of this
[12]. LSI‟s singular value decomposition process can be method was high at the initial stage and relatively cheap at
performed on a combination of training data and the classification stage. However, considering the problem
background knowledge. The closer the background of clusterization of documents, unlike the classification
knowledge is to the classification task, the more helpful it problem, the topics of the groups are not given in advance.
will be in terms of creating a reduced space that will be
effective in performing classification. Using a variety of IV. Support vector machines
data sets, evaluate sets of background knowledge in terms SVMs are a set of related supervised learning
of how close they are to training data, and in terms of how methods used for classification and regression. Given a set
much they improve classification. of training examples, each marked as belonging to one of
Antony Lukas et al. made a survey about two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model
document categorization using Latent semantic indexing that predicts whether a new example falls into one category
[13]. The purpose of this research is to develop systems that or the other. An SVM model is a representation of the
can reliably categorize documents using the Latent examples as points in space, mapped so that the examples
Semantic Indexing (LSI) technology [11]. Categorization of the separate categories are divided by a clear gap that is
systems based on the LSI technology do not rely on as wide as possible. New examples are then mapped into
auxiliary structures and are independent of the native that same space and predicted to belong to a category based
language being categorized .Three factors led us to on which side of the gap they fall on. A support vector
undertake an assessment of LSI for categorization machine constructs a hyper plane or set of hyper planes in a
applications. First, LSI has been shown to provide superior high or infinite dimensional space, which can be used for
performance to other information retrieval techniques in a classification, regression or other tasks. A good separation
number of controlled tests [8]. Second, a number of is achieved by the hyper plane that has the largest distance
experiments have demonstrated a remarkable similarity to the nearest training data points of any class since in
between LSI and the fundamental aspects of the human general the larger the margin the lower the generalization
processing of language. Third, LSI is immune to the error of the classifier [14].
nuances of the language being categorized, thereby Lukui Shi et al. proposed an algorithm combined
facilitating the rapid construction of multilingual nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques with support
categorization systems. The emergence of the World Wide vector machines for text classification. To classify
Web has led to a tremendous growth in the volume of text documents, the similarity between two text documents is
documents available to the open source community. It had considered in many algorithms of text categorization. Here
led to an equally explosive interest in accurate methods to geodesic distance is used to represent the similarity between
filter, categorize and retrieve information relevant to the two documents. In this algorithm, high-dimensional text
end consumer. Of special emphasis in such systems is the data are mapped into a low-dimensional space with the
need to reduce the burden on the end consumer and ISOMAP algorithm after geodesic distances among all
minimize the system administration of the system. The documents are computed at first. Then the low-dimensional
implementation of two successfully deployed systems data are classified with a multi-class classifier based single-
employing the LSI technology for information filtering and class SVM [15].
document categorization was described. The systems utilize ISOMAP is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction
in-house developed tools for constructing and publishing technique, which generalizes MDS by replacing Euclidean
LSI categorization spaces. distances with an approximation of the geodesic distances
Two-stage feature selection algorithm [32] is on the manifold. The algorithm is to compute the geodesic
based on a kind of feature selection method and latent distances between points, which represent the shortest paths
semantic indexing. Feature selection is carried out in two along the curved surface of the manifold. For neighboring
main steps. First, a new reductive feature space is points; the input space distance gives a good approximation
constructed by a traditional feature selection method. In the to the geodesic distance. For objects, the geodesic distances
first stage, the original features dimension is decreased can be approximated by a sequence of short hops between
from m to t. Second, features are selected by LSI method on neighboring points.
the basis of the new reductive feature space that was The multi-class classifier based on single-class
constructed in the first stage. In the second stage, the SVM can effectively treat multi-class classification
features dimension is decreased from t to k. The feature- problems. The efficiency of the classifier will be rapidly
based method and semantic method are combined to reduce degraded when the dimension of data becomes greatly high.
the vector space. The algorithm not only reduces the Usually, the dimension of text data is huge. To fast classify
number of dimensions drastically, but also overcomes the high-dimensional text data, it is necessary to decrease the 3133 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645
dimension of high-dimensional data before classifying text performance of new Gini index was compared with feature
documents. It is a good selection to combine the above selection methods Inf Gain, CrossEntroy, CHI, and Weigh
multi-class classifier with ISOMAP. of Evid. The results showed that the performance of new
Montanes E described a wrapper approach with method was best in some dataset and inferior in another
support vector machines for text categorization [16]. Text dataset. As a whole, they concluded that their improved
Categorization is the assignment of predefined categories to Gini index showed better categorization performance.
documents plays an important role in a wide variety of
information organization and management tasks of V. Decision Tree
Information Retrieval (IR). It involves the management of a Decision tree learning [25], used in data mining
lot of information, but some of them could be noisy or and machine learning, uses a decision tree as a predictive
irrelevant and hence, a previous feature reduction could model which maps observations about an item to
improve the performance of the classification. Here they conclusions about the item's target value. More descriptive
proposed a wrapper approach. This approach is time- names for such tree models are classification trees or
consuming and also infeasible. But this wrapper explores a regression trees. In these tree structures, leaves represent
reduced number of feature subsets and also it uses Support classifications and branches represent conjunctions of
Vector Machines (SVM) [18] as the evaluation system; and features that lead to those classifications. A decision tree
these two properties make the wrapper fast enough to deal can be used to visually and explicitly represent decisions
with large number of features present in text domains. and decision making. In data mining, a decision tree
István Pilászy [17] gave a short introduction of text describes data but not decisions rather the resulting
categorization (TC), and important tasks of a text classification tree can be an input for decision making [24].
categorization system. He also focused on Support Vector The text categorization performance of purely
Machines (SVMs), the most popular machine learning inductive method is used [23].Two inductive learning
algorithm used for TC. algorithms are: Bayesian classifier and other one is
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been Decision tree. Both the algorithms studied about indexing
proven as one of the most powerful learning algorithms for the data for document retrieval and also extraction of data
text categorization. Support vector machines (SVMs) [19] from the text sources.
are a set of related supervised learning methods used for The Bayes rule is to estimate the category
classification and regression. In simple words, given a set assignment probabilities and then assign to a document
of training examples, each marked as belonging to one of those categories with high probabilities. The decision tree
two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model use the algorithm DT-min 10: to recursively subdivide the
that predicts whether a new example falls into one category training examples into subsets based on the information
or the other. Intuitively, an SVM model is a representation gain metric [21].
of the examples as points in space, mapped so that the Maria Zamfir Bleyberg and Arulkumar Elumalai
examples of the separate categories are divided by a clear introduced a rough set method. It is founded on the
gap that is as wide as possible. New examples are then assumption that with every object of the universe we
mapped into that same space and predicted to belong to a associate some information. Objects characterized by the
category based on which side of the gap they fall on same information are similar in view of the available
[20].Redundant features and high dimension are well- information about them. The indiscemibility relation
handled. generated in this way is the mathematical basis of rough set
Linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [33] theory. Any set of all indiscernible objects is called an
have been used successfully to classify text documents into elementary set, and forms a basic granule of knowledge
set of concepts. The training time was taken with respect to about universe. Any union of some elementary sets is
each category by SVMlight, PSVM, SVMlin, and SVMperf referred as crisp set, otherwise the set is rough. In the rough
on two corpuses. The training times of all other algorithms set theory, any vague concept is replaced by a pair of
were higher than SVM light on both corpuses. On reuters- precise concepts: the lower and the upper approximation of
21578, the training time of PSVM is the least, and on the vague concept. The learning methods based on rough
assumed, both SVMlin and PSVM achieve less training sets, can be used to support flexible, dynamic, and
time when compared with other algorithms. The order of personalized information access and management in a wide
computational complexity of PSVM scales with respect to variety of tasks.
dimensionality of the corpus. The solution of FPSVM can
also be obtained by solving system of simultaneous linear VI. Naive Bayes Classifier
equations similar to PSVM. PSVM maintains almost A naive Bayes classifier is a simple probabilistic
constant training time irrespective of the penalty parameter classifier based on applying Bayes theorem with strong
and categories. The performance of PSVM can greatly be independence assumptions. A naive Bayes classifier
improved by using it along with advanced feature assumes that the presence or absence of a particular feature
selection/extraction methods like word clustering, rough of a class is unrelated to the presence or absence of any
sets. other feature. Depending on the precise nature of the
Wenqian Shangahan et al. [38] have designed a probability model, naive Bayes classifiers can be trained
novel Gini index algorithm to reduce the high very efficiently in a supervised learning setting. One can
dimensionality of the feature space. They have constructed work with the naive Bayes model without believing in
a new measure function of Gini index to fit text Bayesian probability or using any Bayesian methods. In
categorization. Improved Gini index algorithm was spite of their naive design and apparently over-simplified
evaluated using three classifiers: SVM, kNN, fkNN. The 3134 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645
assumptions, naive Bayes classifiers have worked quite Richard Freeman et al. [35] have investigated the
well in many complex real-world situations. An advantage use of self-organizing maps for document clustering. They
of the naive Bayes classifier is that it requires a small have presented a hierarchical and growing method using a
amount of training data to estimate the parameters series of one-dimensional maps. The documents were
necessary for classification. Because independent variables represented using vector-space model. Dynamically
are assumed, only the variances of the variables for each growing one-dimensional SOM were allocated
class need to be determined and not the entire covariance hierarchically to organize the give set of documents. The
matrix [26]. hierarchical structured maps produced were visualized
Jantima Polpinij and Aditya Ghose solved an ambiguity easily as a hierarchical tree. The results showed a more
problem of software errors because much of the intuitive representation of a set of clustered documents.
requirements specification is written in a natural language Nikolaos and Stavros [36] have introduced
format. It is hard to identify consistencies because this LSISOM method, for automatic categorization of document
format is too ambiguous for specification purposes. [27] A collections. The method LSISOM obtained word category
method for handling requirement specification documents histograms from the SOM clustering of the Latent Semantic
which have a similar content to each other through a Indexing representation of document terms. The problem of
hierarchical text classification. The method consists of two high dimensionality of VSM word histograms document
main processes of classification: heavy classification and representation was suppressed by LSI representation. The
light classification. The heavy classification is to classify SOM used was a two-dimensional SOM. They used 420
based on probabilistic text classification (Naïve Bayes), articles as dataset from the TIME Magazine. They have
while light classification is to handle elaborate specification proved that LSISOM method is computationally efficient
requirement documents by using the Euclidean Distance. due to dimensionality reduction using LSI of documents.
Slimming down the number of requirements specification They have compared Standard SOM (SSOM) and LSISOM
through hierarchical text classification classifying may for a set of documents. They justified that consistent
yield a specification which is easier to understand. That mapping of documents onto a single cluster was obtained
means this method is more effective for reducing and by LSISOM.
handling in the requirements specification. The method topological organization of content
Dino Isa et al. [42] have designed and evaluated a (TOC) [37] is topology preservation of neural network for
hybrid classification approach by integrating the naïve content management and knowledge discovery. TOC
Bayes classification and SOM utilizing the simplicity of the generate taxonomy of topics from a set of unstructured
naïve Bayes to vectorize raw text data based on probability documents. TOC is a set of 1D-growing SOMs. The TOC
values and the SOM to automatically cluster based on the method produced a useful hierarchy of topics that is
previously vectorized data. Through the implementation of automatically labeled and validated at each level. This
an enhanced naïve Bayes classification method at the front- approach used entropy–based BIC to determine optimum
end for raw text data vectorization, in conjunction with a number of nodes. TOC and 2D-SOM were compared; the
SOM at the back-end to determine the right cluster for the results showed that topological tree structure improved
input documents, better generalization, lower training and navigation and visualization. The main advantages of the
classification time, and good classification accuracy was approach are the validation measure, scalability, and
obtained. The drawback of this technique is the fact that the topology representation. To improve TOC, feature selection
classifier will pick the highest probability category as the method LSA can be used to enhance the association
one to which the document is annotated too. between terms.
Yan Yu et al. [39] have presented a new document
VII. Self-Organizing Map clustering method based on one-dimensional SOM. This
The SOM [28] is an unsupervised-learning neural- method obtained the clustering results by calculating the
network method that produces a similarity graph of input distances between every two adjacent MSPs (the most
data. It consists of a finite set of models that approximate similar prototype to the input vector) of well trained 1D-
the open set of input data, and the models are associated SOM. Their work proved that procedure using 1D-SOM is
with nodes (neurons) that are arranged as a regular, usually simple and easy relative to that with 2D-SOM.
2-D grid. The models are produced by a learning process Tommy W. S. Chow and M. K. M. Rahman [43]
that automatically orders them on the 2-D grid along with have proposed a new document retrieval (DR) and
their mutual similarity. plagiarism detection (PD) system using multilayer self-
Cheng Hua Li and Soon Choel Park described two organizing map (MLSOM). Instead of relying on
kinds of neural networks for text categorization [30], multi- keywords/lines, the proposed scheme compared a full
output perceptron learning (MOPL) and back-propagation document as a query for performing retrieval and PD. The
neural network (BPNN), and then a novel algorithm using tree-structured representation hierarchically includes
improved back-propagation neural network is proposed. document features as document, pages, and paragraphs.
This algorithm can overcome some shortcomings in MLSOM, a kind of extended SOM model, was developed
traditional back-propagation neural network such as slow for processing tree-structured data. A tree data consists of
training speed and easy to enter into local minimum. The nodes at different levels. In MLSOM, there were as many
training time and the performance, and tested three methods SOM layers as the number of levels in the tree. They
are compared. The results showed that the proposed mapped the position vectors of child nodes into the SOM
algorithm is able to achieve high categorization input vector. The mapping of position vectors was
effectiveness as measured by the precision, recall and F- conducted using a simple 1D- SOM that is trained.
measure. Experimental results using MLSOM were compared against 3135 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.5, Sep.-Oct. 2012 pp-3131-3137 ISSN: 2249-6645
tree-structured feature and flat-feature. They have shown should be still concentrated on efficient feature selection
that tree-structured representation enhanced the retrieval and on categorizing different types of data in different
accuracy and MLSOM served as an efficient computational fields. In order to improve the text categorization various
solution. However, for a very large scale implementation of other semantic based machine learning algorithms can be
DR and PD, it is difficult to process all documents in a added in future.
single MLSOM module. References
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