An Automated Radiographic NDT System For Weld Inspection - Part I - Weld Extraction PDF

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NDT&E International, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp.

157-162, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER PII: S0963-8695(96)00009-6 0963-8695/96 $15.00+ 0.00

An a u t o m a t e d r a d i o g r a p h i c N D T
system for weld inspection:
Part I - W e l d e x t r a c t i o n
T. Warren Liao *t and Jiawei Ni*
*Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department, *Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Received 17 July 1995; revised 25 October 1995

An automated radiographic N DT system for weld inspection is developed. The entire

system consists of two major components: weld extraction and flaw detection.
Welds are first extracted from digitized radiographic images. The extracted welds are
then processed by flaw detection algorithms to determine their qualities. This paper
describes the weld extraction methodology, which forms the first part of the system.
An example is used to illustrate the working of the methodology. The methodology is
concluded to be effective for weld extraction after being successfully tested with 25
images. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

Keywords: radiographic images, weld inspection, pattern recognition

Welded structures often have to be tested nondestruc- in situations, such as on site, where portability of the
tively, particularly for critical applications where weld equipment is needed. Gamma-ray sources are much used
failure can be catastrophic, such as in pressure vessels, for the radiography of pipe welds.
load-bearing structural members, and power plants.
The quality of radiographic images is a key factor for
Nondestructive testing techniques for welded joints
detecting weld flaws. The image quality of film radio-
usually include visual, radiographic, magnetic particle,
graphy is usually measured by the flaw sensitivity using
liquid penetrant, and ultrasonic testing methods. Of various image-quality indicators (IQIs). To increase the
interest in this paper i~ the radiographic testing (RT)
ability to detect small and narrow cracks, the RT
technique must be optimized by a proper selection of
Conventionally, a radiographic image is produced by all influential factors. The important factors in film
permitting the X-ray or gamma-ray source to penetrate radiography include film type, film density, energy level
an object and expose a photographic film. Film radio- of the source, focus-to-film distance, exposure time, and
graphy produces 'negative' images which are normally developer temperature. Discussions related to these
viewed in 'static' mode using a view box by a certified topics can be seen in References 1-6. Article 2 of
inspector. The intensity of exposure of a particular point Subsection (a) of ASTM Section V specifies RT
on the film depends primarily on the object density, the requirements for welds. Weld flaws are typically
source-object-film geometry, the type of film, and the characterized by a local variation in material density,
developing process. The information content of a which manifests itself as a local variation in image
radiograph depends upon the absorption characteristics intensity in the resulting radiographic image.
of the object, which are determined by the thickness, Radiographic inspection is performed to reach a decision
density, and material properties of the object exposed at about the acceptability of the component or product
a selected energy level. X-ray is primarily used in the being tested. Before any evaluation can be made, the
examination of welds in thinner gauge materials where interpreter must be certain that the images are
flaws are likely to be small, fine and difficult to detect. satisfactory. In addition, the interpreter must have a
Gamma-radiography is used for thicker welds, especially solid understanding of the following in order to be
successful with the interpretation of the radiographic
film for welding quality.
tCorresponding author: 3128 CEBA, IMSE Dept., LSU, Baton
Rouge, LA 70803, USA. E-mail: • principles of radiographic examinations

T. W. Liao and J. Ni

• welding processes, their associated flaws, and their (250-pixel by 300-line) was also produced. Each pixel has
images as they appear on the radiograph 12 bits. The digitized images are all stored in VICOM file
• the acceptance criteria as specified in the referenced format. The images contain reference objects to identify
codes and standards. positions in the welds or to calibrate the intensity of the
X-rays. These objects include rulers, penetrometers,
Reference 7 provides a guide to types of discontinuities densitometers, identification letters, space between weld
identified in American Petroleum Institute (API) strips, etc. Only the items within a weld are of interest.
Standard 1104 and their images as they appear in the
radiographic film. Twenty-five probability-of-detection (POD) tapes, pre-
pared originally for the project conducted by Martin
It takes time to train a film interpreter. In addition,
Marietta Electronics, Information & Missiles Group for
human interpretation of weld quality based on film
Martin Marietta Manned Space Systems (M3SS), were
radiography is very subjective, inconsistent, labour
used in this study. Each POD tape was prepared as
intensive, and sometimes biased. It is thus desirable to described above and was designated with a number. The
develop some forms of computer-aided systems to assist existence of weld anomalies was established by experts
the human interpreter in evaluating the quality of welded examining the X-rays using existing tools at M3SS. The
joints. This involves the digitization of film radiography
expert identified the type of anomaly, its approximate
and the development of algorithms to extract welds and
location (measured in inches with a ruler) relative to the
to identify flaws in the welds. Nowadays, radiographic
upper left corner of the image, and the 'size' of the object.
film images can be digitized by a digital radiography
The POD test was designed to produce the data from
system (digitizer) without losing the useful information
which a probability of detection curve as a function of
captured in the original radiograph [8]. Digitized radio-
the object's size could be produced. It is intended to give
graphic images not only enable more-efficient manage-
a first measure of the confidence that objects of a
ment of radiographic inspection data, but also make
particular size have been found. The scope of this paper
automatic inspection of welds [9] and closed-loop process
is restricted to weld extraction. The results of flaw
control (1°] possible.
detection will be reported in another paper.
The Advanced Quality Technology Group of Martin
Marietta Manned Space Systems has been supporting
research projects related to computer-aided or auto- Weld extraction methodology
mated inspection of the Space Shuttle External Tank
Welds [1]-13]. An ongoing project, partially supported Since only the items within a weld are of interest, it is
by Martin Marietta Manned Space Systems, is being preferred to extract the welds (four in total) from each
conducted at Louisiana State University for the devel- image before applying flaw detection algorithms. The
opment of an automated weld inspection system. The 250-pixel by 300-line decimated images were used for this
objective is to provide machine-aided support to the X- purpose to reduce the amount of data needed to be
ray film examination staff, while improving quality and processed, thus shortening the processing time. Figure 1
reducing cost. This paper presents a methodology shows a typical decimated image (POD 15). The extrac-
developed for welds extraction as a part of the tion methodology was developed using the Khoros
automated inspection system. software package[14] installed on a Sun SPARC5 work-
station. Data conversion from VICOM to VIF format
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The
was performed on all images to enable their processing in
acquisition of radiographic images is described in the
the Khoros environment.
next section. The weld extraction methodology is then
presented. The test results are then provided and The methodology was developed based on the observa-
discussed, followed by the conclusions. tion that the intensity plot of a weld looks more like
Gaussian than the other objects in the image. This was
manifested by an intensity plot of a line image, as shown
in Figure 2, extracted from Figure 1. The weld extraction
Acquisition of radiographic images methodology consisted of the following steps:
X-ray film strips of about 3.5 inches wide by 17 inches (1) Divide the image into four approximately equal
long were digitized four at a time using the NDT SCAN parts (each part is called a subqmage) vertically.
II digitizer. Refer to Reference 8 for a detailed These four sub-images are called imagek, k = 0, 1,2,
description of the digitizer. Four strips were laid on the and 3. The first three sub-images (from right to left)
digitizer at once with the scan direction orthogonal to the are 62 pixels wide, computed by taking the smallest
long axis of the strips. The strips were digitized at 70 #m integer of 250/4. The width of the fourth sub-image
resolutions (about seven lp/mm) to produce 5000-pixel is 64 ( - - 2 5 0 - 3 × 62). Each sub-image contains
by 6000-line images. This results in large X-ray images exactly one weld.
(30 million pixels) that must be processed to find (2) S e t k = 0 .
anomalies in welds. Along with each 5000-pixel by (3) Process imagek.
6000-line image, a decimated image 20 times smaller (4) Set the no. of iterations I = 0.

An automated radiographic N DT system

Calculate the width of each object. The peak

(trough) detection algorithm is detailed below.
(8) Compute the similarity between the intensity plot of
each object and its Gaussian in terms of mean
square error (MSE). More discussion of this step is
given below.
(9) Identify the object with the lowest MSE to be the
weld. Record the location and the width of the
weld. An incorrect identification of the weld could
occur in the case that the intensity plot of the weld is
distorted due to flaws or a non-weld object, most
likely the space between film strips, looking more
like Gaussian than the weld.
(10) Calculate two slopes: the slope between the peak
location of the first line image and the peak location
of the second line image; and the slope between the
peak location of the first line image and the peak
location of the third line image.
(11) Compute the difference between the above two
slopes. A 5% difference is used as the criterion to
determine whether an incorrect identification of the
weld has been made.
(12) Increment I by one and go to Step 5, if the
difference is larger than 5%.
Figure I Typical radiographic (decimated) weld image (POD15) (13) Find the maximum width of the weld. Use the slope
to determine the centre locations of the starting
I nfens Tfy PI of (y=130) and the end positions of the entire weld. Add one
half of the maximum width to the centre location
having the larger x value and let it be the right-
boundary of the weld. Subtract one half of the
maximum width to the centre location having the
smaller x value and let it be the left-boundary of the
weld. Extract the weld based on the boundaries.
(14) Increment k by one and go to Step 3 if k < 3.
~3 m (15) For each decimated image, four welds are found.
o The weld location information is used to extract
welds from the full images. The extracted welds can
i. 0 m
then be used for detecting flaws in the welds.

Peak (trough) detection

Peaks (troughs) are detected by watching for sign
changes in the slope of the line image: slope = f ( x ) -
f(x-1). The number of peaks (troughs) detected is
affected by the window size used. Window size indicates
o I I
o 50 I O0 150 200 2~g the number of steps on both sides of a point that must be
monotonically increasing/decreasing before the point
Figure 2 Intensity plot of a line image extracted from Figure 1 will be counted as a peak or trough. The smallest window
size is one. Increasing the window size will tend to reduce
the number of peaks (troughs) found. A larger window
(5) Extract three line images corresponding to
size is thus often used for 'smoothing' the data. If a flat
y = 0 + I , 100+1, and 200 + I .
peak is encountered, the last point of the flat area will be
(6) Detect objects in each line image by applying the
assigned as the peak position
peak detection algorithm. Increment I by one and
go to Step 5 if no peak is found in any one of the line Peak detection is applied to identify the objects in a line
images. This usually occurs when line images are image. The window size is chosen to be three, which is
extracted from the top portion of the image. large enough to prevent identifying a local variation as a
(7) For each line image, find the troughs associated peak and small enough to identify a weld as a peak. This
with each of the objects detected in the previous value is selected based on the observation that the
step by applying the trough detection algorithm. smallest width of welds is at least ten pixels wide.

T. W. Liao and J, Ni

Trough detection is applied to find all the troughs in a

line image using the smallest window size, i.e., one. For
each peak identified in peak detection, a pair of troughs
symmetric to the peak is found. The closest trough to
the peak is first located and considered to be one of the
troughs associated with the peak. Once one of the troughs
has been located, the other trough can be easily
determined. If the located trough is on the left-hand
side (right-hand side) of the peak, the other trough is
determined by adding (subtracting) the distance between
the closest trough and the peak to (from) the peak

Similarity between an object and its Gaussian

The similarity between the intensity plot of each object
and its Gaussian plot is defined in terms of mean square
error (MSE). Assume that the object is centred at x = X
and its left- and right-troughs are located at x = X - d
and X + d, MSE is calculated as follows:
Z f(x) -g(x)
MSE = x=X-a
2d (1)
where d is the distance between the peak and its closest
Figure 3 Sub-image (image2) extracted from Figure 1
The object with a smaller MSE is considered to be more
similar to Gaussian. Since the intensity plot of a weld
generally looks more like Gaussian than the other image2. Note that the negative of the original is shown
objects, the object with the lowest MSE is tentatively here for the sake of better visualization.
identified as the weld. For comparing the MSEs of The intensity plots of three line images (Figure 4)
objects, a normalization operation is performed on each extracted from image2, corresponding to y = 30, 130,
object by dividing the intensity of each pixel by the and 230, is used to illustrate the working of Steps 5-11.
summation of the intensities of all the pixels belong to These three line images are called image2 30, image2_130,
the object (bounded by its left-trough and right-trough). and image2 230, respectively. Setting the window size
The normalized Gaussian intensity plot of an object equal to three, the peak detection algorithm finds 1, 3,
centred at x = X has the following mathematical and 1 peaks for image2_30, image2_130, and image2_230,
function: respectively. The peaks for image l30, called image_
130_peakO, image2130_peakl, and image2_130_peak2
1 e_(x_X)2/2a2
~rx/~ (2) from left to right, are located at x = 23, 36, and 54 with
intensity levels of 254, 97, and 46, respectively. Figure 5
where c~is the width parameter of the object. The cr value shows the positions and intensities of these detected
is determined by the relationship FWHM = 2.35a, peaks. Setting the window size equal to one, the trough
where FWHM is the full width at half maximum. The detection algorithm finds 6, 4 and 4 troughs for image2_
FWHM value is computed by first identifying the 30, image2_130, and image2_230, respectively. Figure 6
maximum intensity of the object, followed by the finding shows the positions and intensities of the detected troughs
of the x positions of the intensity plot of half maximum. for image2_130. The troughs closest to image2_130_peakO,
The maximum intensity of an object is the intensity of the image2130_peakl, and image2_130_peak2 are deter-
peak of the object. mined to be the true troughs corresponding to each of
the peaks.
As described earlier, the MSE of each object is
Test results and discussions calculated. The intensity of each object is first normal-
ized. The peak intensity of an object is next used to
The decimated image of POD15, as shown in Figure 1, compute its FWHM, which is then used to compute the
is arbitrarily chosen and used to illustrate the weld width parameter, a, of the object. For image2 130_peakO,
extraction methodology. According to the methodology, image2_130_peakl, and image2 130_peak2, their as
the image is first divided into four parts: imageo, image1, are calculated to be 3.404255, 1.702128, and 1.702128,
imagee, and image3 from right to left. Figure 3 shows respectively. According to Eq. (1), Gaussian plots

An automated radiographic NDT system

Peaks D e f e c t e d
Intensity Plot (y=3o) 4-

n --

0 --




, J

0 --

~o ,t.o el


l-ty PLot (y=130)

20 &O

Figure 5 Peaks detected in image2_130

;° T rough s Defected


I I 7 OO _
20 ~o 81
Intensify Plot (y=230) J I

e o


JU 0

Figure 6

Troughs detected in image2_ 730

A 61

weld due to its lowest MSE value. Similarly, the welds

in image2_30 and image2_230 are found to be centred at
I I I x = 35 and 37, respectively. The slope of the line
20 J.O • I
connecting the peak positions of imagee_30 and
Figure 4 Intensity plots of three line images extracted from the image2_130 and the slope of the line connecting the
sub-image in Figure 3
peak positions of image230 and imagee230 are
calculated to be (36-35)/(130-30) and (37-35)/(230-
corresponding to the detected objects are determined. 30), respectively. The weld locations identified are
The MSE of an object and its Gaussian is calculated. The concluded to be correct because the difference between
MSE of image2_130_peakO, image2130_peak1, and these two slopes is smaller than 0.0005 (= 0.5*(36-35)/
image2_130_peak2 are computed to be 0.021247, (130-30)).
0.001638, and 0.006999, respectively. The object asso- Following the steps of weld extraction methodology, the
ciated with image2_130_peak1 is considered to be the four welds in the decimated image of POD15 are

T. W. Liao and J. Ni

working of the methodology was clearly illustrated using

a sample image. The methodology constitutes the first
part of an automated radiographic NDT system for weld
quality inspection. To prove its effectiveness, the
methodology was tested with all 25 images made
available for this study. The test results show that the
methodology is capable of extracting all linear welds
correctly. The extracted welds are being processed by
flaw detection algorithms to determine their qualities.
The results of flaw detection will be presented in a
forthcoming paper.


The authors acknowledge the support of Martin

Marietta Manned Space Systems and the Board of
Regents, State of Louisiana through the LEQSF(1994-
96) RD-B-06 grant.

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