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Eureka – page 439

Main Ideas:
The Smallpox Cure
1-A milkmaid told the young doctor in training that if he already caught smallpox,
he will not catch cowpox.
2- This young English doctor-in-training took a risk to test the vaccine for cowpox
and it worked out
3- Jenner (the young English doctor-in-training) found the vaccine for cowpox and
Louis Pateur perfected this procedure.
1- Scientist Alexander Fleming made a very important medical discovery by
2- He left several cultures of bacteria in petri dishes in the lab. By accident,
mold came to them and removed the “Staphylococcus” bacteria, which was
a deadly bacteria.
3- This is how Penicillin medicine was created.
Think of the text features of non-fiction.
1- Bold words
2- Facts and statistics
3- Photographs
4- Illustrations
5- Side notes
6- Headings
7- Subheadings
8- Title and subtitle
9- Glossary (definitions)
10- Captions
11- Bullets
12- Diagrams
13- Italics
Vocabulary words:
1- Contemporaries (noun): one of the same or nearly the same age as another.
2- Dotted (verb): marked.
3- Contracted (verb): become infected with something
4- Devastating (adjective): causing great damage.
5- Eradication (noun): complete removal.
6- Serendipity (noun): fate and chance.

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