Review Homework Chap-3

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Chemistry Review Chapter No-3

Name: _______________ Class: _______________

Max. Score: 40 Obtained Score: _______

Q-1 A fluorine atom gains an electron to make a fluoride ion, F-. Which one of the
following atoms or ions has a different electronic structure from a fluoride ion?

A Na+

B Ne

C Cl-

D Mg2+

Q-2 Which one of the following statements about hydrogen is wrong?

A Hydrogen has a diatomic molecule, H2.

B One hydrogen atom gives its single electron to another hydrogen atom to give
a molecule consisting of pairs of ions, H+ H-.

C Hydrogen molecules are held together because each nucleus is attracted to a

shared pair of electrons.

D Hydrogen molecules are held together by covalent bonds.

Q-3 Which one of the following statements describes what happens when sodium
combines with oxygen to form sodium oxide, an ionic compound?

A Two sodium atoms each give an electron to a single oxygen atom.

B One sodium atom gives an electron to one oxygen atom.

C One oxygen atom gives an electron to each of two sodium atoms.

D One oxygen atom gives an electron to one sodium atom.

Q-4 The two atoms in a molecule of oxygen, O2, are joined by

A an ionic bond

B a single covalent bond

C a double covalent bond

D a triple covalent bond

Q-5 Water, H2O, is a covalent molecule. How many electrons are there in the outer
energy level of the oxygen when the bonding is complete (including those shared
with the hydrogens)?

A 2

B 4

C 6

D 8

Q-6 Boron trifluoride, is a covalent molecule. How many electrons are there in the
outer energy level of the boron when the bonding is complete (including those shared
with the fluorines)?

A 0

B 3

C 6

D 8

Q-7 Nitrogen reacts with lithium to form an ionic compound, lithium nitride. By
considering what happens to the electrons when a lithium atom combines with a
nitrogen atom, work out the charge on a nitride ion.

A +1

B –1

C +3

D –3

Q-8 Sodium and magnesium metals are both examples of metallic bonding. A metal
structure contains an array of positive ions in a sea of delocalised electrons.

Which one of the following statements is false?

A Sodium chloride and magnesium chloride also contain positive sodium and
magnesium ions. Metallic bonding is just the same as ionic bonding.

B Delocalised electrons are electrons which aren’t attached to particular atoms,

but are free to move throughout the structure.

C Each sodium atom contributes one electron to the sea of electrons; each
magnesium atom contributes two electrons to the sea.

D The metallic bond is stronger in magnesium than in sodium.

Q-9 The melting point of potassium is 63.7°C; the melting point of calcium is 850°C.
Which one of the following isn’t a necessary part of the correct explanation for this?

A Calcium atoms have two electrons in their outer energy level, but potassium
atoms only have one.

B In the metallic bond which holds the metal together, in calcium there is an array
of 2+ ions, and in potassium there is an array of 1+ ions.

C Calcium contributes twice as many electrons to the delocalised sea of electrons
as potassium does.

D In the metallic bond, the delocalised electrons are free to move throughout the

Q-10 Which one of the following statements about water is wrong?

A In liquid water, the molecules are attracted to their neighbours by relatively

weak intermolecular forces.

B When you heat water to boiling point, the energy breaks the covalent bonds
between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to produce steam.

C When you cool water to freezing point, the water molecules are moving slowly
enough that the intermolecular forces can hold them together as solid ice.

D Intermolecular forces in water are due to slight electrical distortions in water

molecules which make some parts slightly negative and other parts slightly

Q-11 What is an ionic bond?

Q-12 Explain how ionic bond is formed in NaF.

Q-13 What is covalent bond?


Q-14 Explain covalent bonding in CH4.
Q-15 Draw dots and cross diagrams to show covalent bonding in the following
a) CO2 b) C2H4 c) HCl

d) NH3 e) C2H2 f) O2

Q-16 Draw dots and cross diagrams to show ionic bonding in the following
a) MgO

b) CaCl2

c) Na2O

d) KF2

Q-17 What is metallic bond?

Q-18 Explain metallic bonding in magnesium.

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