Ii. Basic Principles A. Constitutional and Statutory Rights of Workers

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- LC gives right to strike only to “registered” labor
a. Constitutional and statutory rights of workers {Sec.3, Art. XIII} organization, which means duly registered with DOLE or
in any branch or local thereof (CSC and DOLE for govt.
- Right to self-organization
- Right to collective bargaining
- Right to security of tenure - In the case of civil servants, though not denied with
the right to self-organization, employees may not resort
- Right to just and humane conditions of work
to strikes, walkouts and other temporary work
- Right to collective negotiations stoppages to pressure the Government to accede to
- Right to peaceful concerted activities their demands. (EO 180, Rul III, Sec. 4: The terms and
- Right to strike {grounds: unfair labor practices/bargaining deadlock} conditions of employment in the government including
any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof and
- Right to living wage
government-owned and controlled corporations with
- Right to participate in policy and decision making original charters are governed by law and employees
- Right to just share in the fruits of production therein shall not strike for the purpose of securing
changes thereof; Social Security Systems Employees
Association vs. CA; Manila Public School Teachers
Association vs. Laguiao; Alliance of Government Workers
vs. Minister of Labor and Employment; GSIS vs.
Kapisanan ng Manggagawa sa GSIS)


DOLE Advisory No. 4 Series of 2016 was issued, pursuant to

the provisions of Articles 5 and 168 of the LCP, to ensure the
compliance with Labor Standards and Occupational and
Safety Health Standards and better working conditions for all
workers and/or talents, including children and elderly, in the
Movie and Television industry.

Art. 5.- authority of DOLE and other government agencies

charged with administration and enforcement of LCP or
any of its parts to promulgate the necessary
implementing IRRs.

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

Art. 168.- authority of DOLE Secretary, by appropriate THE WORKING CHILD, AMENDING FOR THIS
orders, to set and enforce mandatory occupational safety PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACTNO. 7610
and health standards to eliminate or reduce osh hazards
 Provided that the following must be observe:
in all workplaces and institute new, and update existing,
- occupational safety and health
programs to ensure safe and healthful working conditions
- adequate transportation facilities
in all places of employment
- safe/adequate/free accommodation when
Salient points: on location/set
- minimum benefits not lower than the
 Actual work hours:
minimum standards under the Labor Code
 shall not exceed 8 hrs. - social welfare benefits
 shall not exceed 12 hrs. if required to work
beyond 8 hours.
 shall not exceed 8 hrs. for elderly (60 yrs.
a. Aspects of Labor Standards
and above)
- Compensation
 shall not exceed 4 hrs./day nor shall exceed
- Benefits
20 hrs./week for children below 15 yrs.
- Working conditions
 shall not exceed 8 hrs./day nor shall exceed
b. Employer-Employee Concept (Art. 97. 219, LCP)
40 hrs./week for children 15 yrs. of age but
under 18 yrs. old* Employer - includes any person acting in the interest of an
 children in movie and televisions industry – employer, directly or indirectly. The term shall not
not allowed to work: include any labor organization or any of its officers
 below 15 yrs. old - between 8:00 or agents except when acting as an employer.
PM to 6:00 AM of the following day
 15 yrs. of age but below 18 yrs. old -
between 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM of A labor organization may be deemed an
the following day “employer” when it as acting as such in relation to
 waiting time considered as working time person rendering services under hire, particularly
in connection with its activities for profits or gain.
*in accordance with RA 9231, AN ACT e.g. a labor organization which operates a
PROVIDING FOR THE ELIMINATION OF THE stevedoring and arrastre business under
WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR AND contracts with various shipping firms, with
AFFORDING STRONGER PROTECTION FOR an organizational structure, operational
systems and facilities similar to those of

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

independent contractors engaged in the 1. Where the employment has
same line of business. been fixed for a specific project
or undertaking the completion or
Employee – includes any person in the employ of an
termination of which has been
determined at the at the time of
- The term shall not be limited to the employees the engagement of the employee
of a particular employer, unless this Code shall 2. Where the work or service to be
explicitly states. performed is seasonal in nature
- It shall include any individual whose work has and the employment is for the
ceased as a result of or in connection with any duration of the season.
current labor dispute or because of any unfair - Where the casual employee has
labor practice if he has not obtained any other rendered at least 1 yr. of service,
substantially equivalent and regular employment whether such service is continuous or
broken, with respect to the activity in
which he is employed and his
employment shall continue while such
c. Employer-Employee Relationship
activity exists.
- Necessary for the provisions of the Labor Code to apply.
- The existence or absence of employer-employee relation
 Casual- deemed as such if not covered by the first
is a question of law and a question of fact.
paragraph of Art. 295
- The character of the relationship between the parties is
not whatever they call it in their contract but what the
law calls it after the examination of the facts.
- The employer-employee relationship may cover core or
non-core activities of the employer’s business.
d. Four-fold Test – use to determine the existence of employer-
- Art. 295 is not the yardstick in determining the existence
employee relationship. It comprises the following elements:
of an employment relationship; it merely distinguishes
1. The selection and engagement of the employee;
between two (2) kinds of employees:
2. The payment of wages;
3. The power of dismissal; and
 Regular - where the employee has been engaged
4. The employer’s power to control the employee with
to perform activities which are usually necessary
respect to the means and methods by which the work
or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
is to be accomplished.
employer, notwithstanding the provisions of the
- Control test- the most important element, in
written agreement to the contrary and regardless
which the absent of such, employer-employee
of the oral agreement of the parties.
relationship does not exist.
 Exceptions:

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compensation was paid in cash on percent
commission basis.
e. Two-tiered test:
- Stevedores
1. Control test – the putative employer’s power to
control the employee with respect to the means and - Lawyers, doctors, nurses, dentists, public relations
methods by which the work is to be accomplished; practitioners and other professionals – if employed
and by a private corporation or even the government

2. Economic reality test – the underlying economic - Resident physician – there is employer-employee
realities of the activity or relationship. Under this test, relationship between the resident physician and the
the proper standard of economic dependence is training hospitals unless:
whether the worker is dependent on the alleged
 There is a training agreement between
employer for his continued employment in that line
them; and
of business.
 The training program is duly accredited or
approved by the appropriate government
 Stipulation in the contract not controlling in determining agency.
the existence of the relationships.
 Exclusivity provision does not indicate employment - Employees of cooperatives
relationship. - Insurance agents
 Retainer arrangement does not give rise to employment

Cases where employment relationship exists:

- Jeepney drivers and conductors- under the
“boundary system” between the driver and conductor
and the owner, the relationship is that of employer- Cases where employment relationship does not exist:
- Commission salesman
- Taxi drivers – under the same “boundary system”
- Contract of agency, which is governed by the contract
of agency and the provisions of the NCC on agency
- Fishermen – fishermen-crew who rendered services in
various capacities aboard the fishing vessels of a
company engaged in “trawl” fishing and whose

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- Working scholars are not employees of the school - Expiration of employment period
(Sec. 14, Rule X, Book III, Rules to implement the
Labor Code) Factors that do not interrupt employment relationship:
- Leave of absence with pay
- Medical consultants and visiting physicians – only in
- Illegal dismissal
allocating responsibility in cases of medical negligence
- Strike
that they are treated as employees of the hospital.

- Independent contractors or their employees do not

f. Principal-agent relationship – by contract of agency, a person
have any employer-employee relationship with the
binds himself to render some service or to do something in
company with which said independent contractors are
representation or on behalf of another with the consent or
dealing or transacting business.
authority of the latter.
- Persons rendering caddying services to club
Principal – the person represented; one whom the agent
members are not employees of the golf club. Neither
represents and from whom he derives his
the club’s suggestion as to the rate of fees to be paid
to caddies nor the implementation of the group
rotation system indicates that the caddies are Agent- the person acting in a representative capacity; one
employees thereof. who acts for and represents another.

ER-EE relationship is deemed suspended in the following  Agency vs. Employment Relationship
 The relations between capital and labor are not
1. When the employee is under suspension, either as a
merely contractual. They are so impressed with
disciplinary penalty or as a preventive measure during
public interest that labor contracts must yield to
the pendency of the disciplinary proceedings against
the common good.
 Therefore, such contracts are subject to the
2. During off season, in case of regular seasonal
special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining,
strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working
3. When fishing vessels are dry-docked or undergoing
conditions, hours of labor and similar subject. (Art.
1700 NCC)
4. When an employee is laid off for a period not
 Agency is governed by contract of agency under
exceeding 6 mos. due to suspension of business
the Civil Code, while Employment relationship is
governed by labor laws or civil service law.
5. When an employee fulfills a civic or military duty.
Termination of E-E relationship:
Agency Employment Relationship
- Dismissal
- Resignation or abandonment of employment
Basis is representation. Basis is rendition of service with

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

compensation. Contractual employee –includes one employed
by a contractor or subcontractor to perform or
Relationship is essentially Contractual, but also impressed complete a job, work or service pursuant to an
contractual. with public interest. arrangement between the latter and a principal.

It is entered into to Purpose is for the employee to - Civil Code and pertinent commercial laws-
establish a juridical render some service for the direct govern between the principal and contractor
relationship on behalf of benefit of the employer or
the principal with third employer’s business. - Labor Code and special pertinent laws –
parties. govern between the contractor and his
- No ER-EE relationship exist between the
f. Principal and Independent Contractor
principal and contractor’s employees, but it
exists where the contracting arrangement is
Independent contracting
not legitimate.
- an arrangement whereby the *principal agrees to
farm out to a contractor the performance or
completion of a *specific job or work within a definite
Labor-only contracting – an arrangement whereby the
or predetermined *period, regardless of whether
contractor or subcontractor merely recruits, supplies, or
such job or work is to be performed or completed
places workers to perform a job or work for a principal, and
*within or outside the premises of the principal.
the elements enumerated of Sec. 5 of DO 174, Series of
(D.O.No.174, Series of 2017)
2017, implementing Articles 106-109 of LCP, are present,
- One party to a contract undertakes to accomplish a
certain result according to his own method and Sec. 5 of DO 174, Series of 2017. – Absolute Prohibition
without being subject to the other party’s control against Labor-only Contracting. Labor only contracting,
except as to the result of the work, the contract is one which is prohibited, refers to an arrangement where:
for a piece of work.
- Trilateral Relationship: a) i. the contractor or subcontractor does not have
Principal – refers to any employer who puts out substantial capital, or
or farms out a job, service or work to a ii. the contractor or subcontractor does not have
contractor or subcontractor investments in the form of tools, equipment,
machineries, supervisions, work premises, among
Contractor or subcontractor – refers to any others, and
person or entity engaged in a legitimate iii. the contractor’s or subcontractor’s employees
contracting or subcontracting arrangement recruited and placed are performing activities

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

which are directly related to the main business a. Right or Prerogative?
operation of the principal;
- It is the right of an employer to hire its own employees.
- Labor laws do not, generally, authorize interference with the
employer’s judgment in the conduct of its business.
- The determination of the qualifications and fitness of
b) The contractor or subcontractor does not exercise
workers for hiring are exclusive prerogatives of
the right control over the performance of the work
or employee.
- The employer is free to determine, using his own discretion
and business judgment, all elements of employment, "from
hiring to firing," except in cases of unlawful discrimination, or
Examples of independent contracting
those which may be provided for by law. (NFL, et. al., v.,
- Dealership
NLRC, 202 SCRA 346 [1991]).
- Commission agent
- Messenger/janitorial service
- Independent operator
b. Legal Limitations/Prohibitions Prior to Hiring
i. Under the Labor Code
- Article 136 which prohibits an employer from
requiring as a condition of employment that a woman
employee shall not get married.
- Article 139 which prohibits an employer from
employing any person below 18 years old in an
undertaking which is hazardous, or deleterious in

- Article 248 which considers as unfair labor practice an

act of the employer to require as a condition of
employment that a person or employees shall not join
a labor organization. 

ii. Under Special Laws

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

- RA No. 7610 otherwise known as "Special Protection of remuneration, and the duration and
Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and arrangement of working time; and
Discrimination Act," as amended by Republic Act No. c) The employer shall formulate and
7658, expressly defines the conditions under which a implement, subject to the approval and
child below 15 years old may be employed. supervision of competent authorities, a
o Sec. 12 thereof states that children below 15 years continuing program for training and
of age shall not be employed except: skills acquisition of the child.
1) When a child works directly under the sole In the above exceptional cases where any such child
responsibility of his parents or legal guardian may be employed, the employer shall first secure,
and where only members of the employer’s before engaging such child, a work permit from the
family are employed: Provided, however, that Department of Labor and Employment which shall
his employment neither endangers his life, ensure observance of the above requirements.
safety, health and morals, nor impairs his
- Sec. 14 thereof that no person shall employ child
normal development: Provided further, That
models (below 18 years old) in all commercials or
the parent or legal guardian shall provide the
advertisements, promoting alcoholic beverages,
said minor child with the prescribed primary
intoxicating drinks, tobacco and its by-products, and
and/or secondary education; or
2) When a child’s employment or participation
in public entertainment or information through
- RA No. 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995:
cinema, theater, radio or television is essential:
Provided, the employment contract is - Sec. 3. -(a) In a work-related or employment
concluded by the child’s parents or legal environment, sexual harassment is committed when:
guardian, with the express agreement of the (1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in
child concerned, if possible, and the approval the hiring or in the employment, re-employment or
of the Department of Labor and Employment: continued employment of said individual, or in
and Provided, That the following requirements granting said individual favorable compensation,
in all instances are strictly complied with: terms of conditions, promotions, or privileges; or the
(a) The employer shall ensure the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting,
protection, health, safety, morals and segregating or classifying the employee which in any
normal development of the child; way would discriminate, deprive or diminish
(b) The employer shall institute employment opportunities or otherwise adversely
measures to prevent the child’s affect said employee.
exploitation or discrimination taking
into account the system and level of - RA No. 8504 Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
of 1998-

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- Sec. 35. Discrimination in the workplace. — corporation to the bank or unless otherwise provided
Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to under existing laws.
post-employment, including hiring, promotion or
assignment, based on the actual, perceived or - RA NO. 10354 "The Responsible Parenthood and
suspected HIV status of an individual is prohibited. Reproductive Health Act of 2012″.
Termination from work on the sole basis of actual, - Section 23. Prohibited Acts. –
perceived or suspected HIV status is deemed (c) Any employer who shall suggest, require,
unlawful. unduly influence or cause any applicant for
employment or an employee to submit
- RA No. 7277 – An Act Providing for The Rehabilitation, himself/herself to sterilization, use any modern
Self-Development and Self-Reliance Of Disabled Person methods of family planning, or not use such
And Their Integration Into The Mainstream Of Society methods as a condition for employment,
And For Other Purposes. continued employment, promotion or the
- SECTION 5. Equal Opportunity for Employment. - No provision of employment benefits. Further,
disabled persons shall be denied access to pregnancy or the number of children shall not
opportunities for suitable employment. A qualified be a ground for non-hiring or termination from
disabled employee shall be subject to the same terms employment;
and conditions of employment and the same
compensation, privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, - RA NO. 10911 AN ACT PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION
incentives or allowances as a qualified able-bodied AGAINST ANY INDIVIDUAL IN EMPLOYMENT ON
person. Five percent (5%) of all casual, emergency and ACCOUNT OF AGE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES
contractual positions in the Department of Social THEREFOR
Welfare and Development; Health; Education, Culture - Sec. 5. Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment
and Sports; and other government agencies, offices or on Account of Age. –
corporations engaged in social development shall be (a) It shall be unlawful for an employer to:
reserved for disabled persons. 1) Print or publish, or cause to be
printed or published, in any form of
- R.A. 8791 General Banking Law of 2000 media, including the internet, any
- SECTION 19. Prohibition on Public Officials. — Except notice of advertisement relating to
as otherwise provided in the Rural Banks Act, no employment suggesting preferences,
appointive or elective public official, whether full-time limitations, specifications, and
or part-time shall at the same time serve as officer of discrimination based on age;
any private bank, save in cases where such service is -
incident to financial assistance provided by the
government or a government-owned or controlled

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon

(2) Require the declaration of age or -
birth date during the application (h) To recruit, transport or adopt a child to
process; engage in armed activities in the Philippines or
(3) Decline any employment application abroad.
because of the individual's age;
- Sec. 6. Exceptions. – It shall not be unlawful for an
iii. Under other law
employer to set age limitations in employment if:
(a) Age is a bona fide occupational qualification - Civil Code, Art. 1703 - No contract which practically
reasonably necessary in the normal operation amounts to involuntary servitude, under guise
of a particular business or where the whatsoever, shall be valid.
differentiation is based on reasonable factors
- Revised Penal Code
other than age;
- Art. 272. Slavery. — The penalty of prision mayor
(b) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona
and a fine of not exceeding 10,000 pesos shall be
fide seniority system that is not intended to
imposed upon anyone who shall purchase, sell,
evade the purpose of this Act;
kidnap or detain a human being for the purpose of
enslaving him.
- RA No. 9208 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003
- Section 4. Acts of Trafficking in Persons. - It shall be If the crime be committed for the purpose of
unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to assigning the offended party to some immoral
commit any of the following acts: traffic, the penalty shall be imposed in its
(a) To recruit, transport, transfer; harbor, maximum period.
provide, or receive a person by any means,
- Art. 273. Exploitation of child labor. — The
including those done under the pretext of
penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
domestic or overseas employment or training
medium periods and a fine not exceeding 500
or apprenticeship, for the purpose of
pesos shall be imposed upon anyone who, under
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation,
the pretext of reimbursing himself of a debt
forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or
incurred by an ascendant, guardian or person
debt bondage;
entrusted with the custody of a minor, shall,
(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in
against the latter's will, retain him in his service.
prostitution or pornography; -
(g) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or abduct - Art. 274. Services rendered under compulsion in
a person, by means of threat or use of force, payment of debt. — The penalty of arresto mayor
fraud, deceit, violence, coercion, or in its maximum period to prision correccional in its
intimidation for the purpose of removal or sale minimum period shall be imposed upon any
of organs of said person; and person who, in order to require or enforce the

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payment of a debt, shall compel the debtor to
work for him, against his will, as household
servant or farm laborer.
- Art. 278. Exploitation of minors. — The penalty of
prision correccional in its minimum and medium
periods and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall
be imposed upon:
1. Any person who shall cause any boy or girl
under sixteen years of age to perform any
dangerous feat of balancing, physical strength,
or contortion.
2. Any person who, being an acrobat, gymnast,
rope-walker, diver, wild-animal tamer or circus
manager or engaged in a similar calling, shall
employ in exhibitions of these kinds children
under sixteen years of age who are not his
children or descendants.
3. Any person engaged in any of the callings
enumerated in the next paragraph preceding
who shall employ any descendant of his under
twelve years of age in such dangerous

Labor 1 Notes/Pia Sarcon


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