Crim Digests 2

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3 Defense of Relatives wounding of Amelia Iguico should be for

attempted homicide only. (Reason: For while
Balunueco v. People
intent to kill was proven, Amelia’s hack wound in
Ponente: Bellosillo, J. 2003 her left leg was not proven to be fatal or that it
Petitioner: Ricardo Balunueco could have produced her death had there been
Respondent: People of the Philippines no timely medical attention provided her, hence,
Victim: Senando Iguico and Amelia Iguico the stage of execution of the felony committed
would only be attempted.)
FACTS:  Petitioner imputed errors to the CA and invoked
 Around 6pm on May 2, 1982 Servando Iguico the justifying circumstance of defense of
(brother of the victim) was being chased by the relatives under Art. 11. (par. 2), of the RPC.
five-original accused, Ricardo, Reynaldo,  SC affirmed the decision of CA and RTC on the
Ramon, and Juanito, all surnamed Balunueco homicide ruling of Crim. Case No. 49576
and Armando Flores. Servando scampered into however modified Decision in Crim. Case No.
the safety of Senando and Amelia’s house. 49577 for Attempted Homicide to Slight Physical
 Senando Iguico (the victim) went out of the Injuries for the wounding of Amelia Iguico.
house unaware of what was happening. 
Armando turned his attention to him and gave
chase. Once he was cornered, Senando was ISSUE/S:
ganged up by the group.
Whether or not the ruling of CA for both criminal cases of
 To shield him from further violence, Amelia put
Ricardo is correct.
her arms around her husband but was not
enough to detract Ricardo from his murderous ARGUMENTS:
frenzy. Amelia was also hit on the leg.
Petitioner CA
 According to Maximo Reyes, NBI Senior
Petitioner In the case at bar,
Medico-legal officer, declared that on 3 May appealed to CA petitioner Ricardo utterly
1982 he conducted a post mortem examination with the following failed to adduce sufficient
on the body of the deceased Senando Iguico arguments: (a) in proof of the existence of a
and issued an Autopsy Report, which contained not taking into positively strong act of real
the following findings:7 (a) two (2) stab wounds consideration the aggression on the part of
and nine (9) gaping hack wounds; and, (b) fact that the deceased Senando.
petitioner, if With the exception of his
cause of death was hemorrhage, acute, profuse,
indeed he self-serving allegations,
secondary to multiple stab and hack wounds. participated, had there is nothing on record
 Of the five (5) original accused,3 only petitioner acted in defense that would justify his killing
Ricardo, accused Reynaldo, Juanito, all of relatives; (b) of Senando.
surnamed Balunueco, and Armando Flores were in giving due
indicted in two (2) Informations, the first for credence to the First, Ricardo’s theory that
homicide4 and the second for frustrated self-serving and when he reached the crime
baseless scene he found Senando
homicide.5 Again, of the four (4) indictees, only testimony of repeatedly hacking his
Ricardo and Reynaldo were brought to the Amelia Iguico, brother Reynaldo who
jurisdiction of the court a quo, while Juanito and the lone and thereafter retaliated by
Armando have remained at large. Accused biased witness smashing an axe on the
Reynaldo died on 17 November 1986. for the victim’s head is implausible
Accordingly, as against him, the criminal cases prosecution; in light of the seriousness
and, (c) in failing of the wounds sustained by
were dismissed. Thus, only the criminal cases
to consider the the deceased as compared
against petitioner Ricardo Balunueco are subject several serious to the minor injuries
of this appeal. physical injuries inflicted upon petitioner and
 RTC found Ricardo guilty of homicide in Crim. sustained by his two (2) brothers. The
Case number 49576 and frustrated homicide in petitioner and his fact that three (3) of the
Crim. Case 49577. It reasoned that the brother assailants suffered non-
testimony of Amelia Iguico was clear, positive, Reynaldo fatal injuries bolsters the
Balunueco. fact that Senando tried
straightforward, truthful and convincing.
vainly to ward off the
 CA sustained the conviction of accused Ricardo
assaults of his assailants.
however it ruled that his conviction for the
Second, Ricardo failed to
present himself to the
authorities. He may have
accompanied the injured WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision of the Court of
Reynaldo to the hospital Appeals in Crim. Case No. 49576 finding petitioner
after the encounter but still Ricardo Balunueco guilty of Homicide is AFFIRMED, and
he failed to present himself there being no mitigating nor aggravating circumstance,
to the authorities and report petitioner is sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of six
the matter to them. The (6) years, two (2) months and ten (10) days of prision
natural impulse of any mayor minimum, as minimum, to fourteen (14) years,
person who has killed eight (8) months and twenty (20) days of reclusion
someone in defense of his temporal medium, as maximum. Consistent with
person or relative is to prevailing jurisprudence, his civil liability to the heirs
bring himself to the of Senando Iguico is fixed at P50,000.00. The assailed
authorities and try to dispel Decision in Crim. Case No. 49577 for Attempted
any suspicion of guilt that Homicide, on the other hand, is MODIFIED. Petitioner
the authorities might have Ricardo Balunueco is found guilty only of Slight Physical
against him. This fact Injuries for the wounding of Amelia Iguico, and is
assumes a more special accordingly sentenced to suffer a straight prison term of
significance considering ten (10) days of arresto menor, and to pay the costs.
that his co-accused,
Juanito and Armando, have of Lucrecio Seguritan the amounts of P50,000.00 as
remained at large. moral damages and P135, 331.oo as loss of earning
capacity is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION that
Third, petitioner had a petitioner shall further ordered to pay P25,000 as
rather erratic recollection of temperate damages in lieu of actual damages, and
people and events. He P50,000.oo as civil indemnity.
vividly remembered how
Reynaldo was injured by
Senando but conveniently
failed to recall the events 7.4 Defense of Strangers.
leading to the fatal
wounding of the deceased.
At another point, he G.R. No. L-56358 October 26, 1990
testified that Reynaldo PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. LUIS B. TORING,
axed Senando but later DIOSDADO BERDON and CARMELO B. BERDIN, 
retracted his statement by FERNAN, C.J.:
declaring that it was in fact
Senando who hacked Preliminary:
Reynaldo.15  We observe
that the killing occurred
within or near the premises  The appellants herein seek the reversal of the
of the deceased. This October 28, 1980 decision of the Circuit Criminal
proves per adventure the Court in Cebu City in Criminal Case No. CCC-
falsity of petitioner’s claim XIV-2170, the dispositive portion of which reads:
that it was Senando, rather  the Court found the accused Luis B. Toring guilty
than he and his kin, who beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
had initiated the unlawful MURDER by direct participation as principal;
aggression. Diosdado Berdon as accomplice thereto; and
Carmelo Berdin as accessory after the fact.

LAW/S: Facts:
Art. 11, par. (2), of The Revised Penal Code.
 May 25, 1980, a benefit dance was held at sitio
The essential elements of this justifying circumstance Naga, Babag II, Lapu-lapu City for the last
are the following: (a) unlawful aggression; (b) reasonable canvassing of votes for the candidates for
necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it; princesses who would reign at the sitio fiesta. As
one of the candidates was the daughter of
and, (c) in case the provocation was given by the person
Samuel Augusto, he and the members of his
attacked, the one making the defense had no part
family attended the affair.
 Members of the kwaknit gang were outside the Berdon, Genio Berdin and Alex Augusta. Toring
dancing area which was ringed by benches. A and his group were standing outside the dancing
group which was noted for their bird-like way of area when, at around eleven o'clock in the
dancing and their propensity for drunkenness evening, Samuel, a known tough guy ("maldito"),
and provoking trouble. Its president, "alas" king, approached them and held Venir Ybanez by his
was Luis Toring. collar.
 10:45 p.m., Samuel's daughter was proclaimed  Then Samuel thrust the butt of his shotgun on
the winner in the contest. Beer and softdrinks the chin of Joel Escobia, proceeded to another
having been served the parents of the group who were also gangmates of Toring, and
candidates Samuel was tipsy when, after his again, with the barrel of his shotgun, hit Eli
daughter's proclamation, he stepped out of the Amion's chest several times. 
dancing area to answer the call of nature.  Reacting to what he saw, Toring got his kitchen
 At that moment, barangay tanod Felix Berdin knife which was tucked in his waist, approached
saw Luis Toring, Carmelo Berdin and Diosdado Samuel from the latter's right side and stabbed
Berdon proceed to a dark area while whispering him once as he did not intend to kill Samuel.
to each other.  Toring then ran towards the dark portion of the
 Diosdado Berdon handed a knife to Luis area and went home. There, he left the knife and
Toring, who then approached Samuel from proceeded to the hut by the fishpond of one
behind, held Samuel's left hand with his left Roman. 
hand, and with his right hand, stabbed with the
knife the right side of Samuel's abdomen.    May 26, 1980, 4:00 o'clock in the morning.
 Upon seeing Felix running towards them, Luis Toring was sleeping in the hut with his older
Toring pulled out the knife and, together with brother, Arsenio, when, at around Edgar
Carmelo Berdin and Diosdado Berdon, ran Augusto, the younger brother of Samuel, shot
towards the dark. them. Arsenio was hit on the left leg and he
 Felix tried to chase the three but he was not able stayed two months in the hospital for the
to catch them. He returned to where Samuel had treatment of his wound. 
slumped and helped others in taking Samuel to  At 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of May 26, 1980,
the hospital. Toring surrendered to two Philippine
 According to Maria Catalina Sorono, Diosdado Constabulary soldiers. He was brought to the
Berdon and Carmelo Berdin were poised to police of Lapu-lapu City on May 28, 1980. 
deliver fist blows on Samuel just before Luis  When the police asked him about the knife, he
Toring stabbed him. Diosdado gave the knife to used in stabbing Samuel, Toring told them to go
Luis Toring.  to Carmelo Berdin because he was the only
 When she saw the stabbing of Samuel, she person who knew where Toring hid it.  Asserting
shouted for help. Which the three assailants ran that he was the one who returned the knife to his
towards the direction of the fields. own house, Toring testified that Carmelo Berdin
 Samuel was bought Opon Emergency Hospital used to see him hide his weapons upstairs
where he died on arrival. According to the because Berdin was a frequent visitor of his. 
necropsy report, Samuel, who was thirty years  For his part, Carmelo, a 5 feet tall, asthmatic 17-
old, died due to massive hemorrhage secondary year-old whom the court described as
to the stab wound on the abdomen. "lilliputian," admitted that he witnessed the
o The death weapon, a kitchen knife made stabbing incident but he ran away with his group
of stainless steel and with a red-colored immediately after because he was afraid, he
handle, was recovered from the house might be shot by Samuel.
of Luis Toring.  He was with Toring when the latter hid the still
 According to Patrolman Pantaleon P. Amodia, bloodied knife under a trunk in Toring's house.
the police found out that Luis Toring had left the He was familiar with the hiding place of the knife
weapon with "Camilo" Berdin. When the police because Toring showed it to him and there were
confronted Berdin, the latter led them to the times when he would get the knife there upon
house of Toring which Berdin entered. When he Toring's request.
emerged from the house, Berdin handed the  Carmelo corroborated Toring's testimony that on
weapon to the police.  that fateful night, Toring carried the knife tucked
at the back of his waistline. 
 All three accused pleaded not guilty to the  In court, Toring testified that he never saw
offense charged. Diosdado at the dance.  However, in his sworn
statement dated May 28, 1980 and marked as
 Toring, alias "Lowe," testified that he was not the Exhibit D, Toring stated that he took the knife
president of the kwaknit gang. He went to the from Diosdado to stab Samuel.
benefit dance in the company of Venir Ybañez,  Confronted with said statement, Diosdado said
Joel Escobia, Ely Amion, Abel Pongase, Abe that when he asked Toring why he implicated
him, Toring allegedly replied that he "included" have individual or separate liabilities for the
Diosdado because of the case the barangay killing of Samuel: Toring, as a principal,
brigade had filed against Toring.  Diosdado Berdon as an accomplice by his act of
 According to Diosdado, he did not attend the giving Toring the knife, and Carmelo Berdin as
May 25 dance because of the trouble which an accessory for concealing the weapon. It
erupted during the dance the night before. He considered treachery as the qualifying
did not have anything to do with the stabbing of circumstance to the killing, found no proof as to
Samuel. He admitted, however, that a week after allegation of evident premeditation but
the incident, his family went to barrio Andaliw appreciated nighttime as an aggravating
Ronda, Cebu, for their yearly visit to his father- circumstance.
in-law. He stayed there for fifteen days and
would have stayed longer had not his mother
informed him of the subpoena addressed to ISSUE:
him.  Did the Appellant acted in defense of his first cousin
thereby exonerating him from criminal liability?
Lower Court Ruling. (Circuit Criminal Court) Guilty of
Murder. All three accused appealed.

On October 28, 1980, the lower court rendered a  Toring seeks his exoneration by contending that
decision discrediting Toring's claim that the killing of his assault on Samuel was justified because he
Samuel was justified because it was done in defense of acted in defense of his first cousin
a stranger pursuant to Article 11 (3) of the Revised Penal o The first and second requisites referred
Code. to are enumerated in paragraph (b) in
the same article on selfdefense as: (a)
1. The lower court found that Toring was the unlawful aggression, and (b) lack of
"aggressor acting in retaliation or revenge by sufficient provocation on the part of the
reason of a running feud or long-standing person defending himself.
grudge" between the kwaknit gang and the  Joel Escobia, whose chin was hit with the butt of
group of Samuel, who, being the son of the Samuel's shotgun, is the first cousin of Toring
barangay captain, was a "power to be reckoned their fathers being brothers, although no
with." It mentioned the fact that a year before the explanation appears on record why they have
incident in question, Toring was shot by Edgar different surnames. At any rate, this allegation
Augusto (Samuel's brother) and hence, in his on relationship was not rebutted by the
desire to avenge himself, Toring, "needed but a prosecution.
little excuse to do away with the object of his  The appreciation of the justifying circumstance
hatred.  of defense of a relative, however, hinges in this
2. The lower court could not believe that Samuel case on the presence of unlawful aggression on
brought along his shotgun to the dance because the part of the victim. Corollarily, the claim of
he was "not reputed to be a public official or Toring that Samuel was, at the time of the
functionary entitled to possess a firearm." assault, carrying a shotgun to intimidate Toring's
Otherwise, the police and the barangay tanod group must be proven.
would have arrested him. The court surmised  Understandably, no prosecution witness attested
that if Samuel really carried a shotgun, he that they saw Samuel with a firearm. The
certainly must have had a permit or license to prosecution even recalled to the witness stand
possess the same. Samuel's widow who asserted that her husband
3. It noted that while Toring testified that Samuel did not own any firearm.  
was aiming his shotgun at the chest of Ely  Going along with the prosecution's evidence, the
Amyon (Amion), prosecution witness Joel lower court arrived at the rather gratuitous
Escobia claimed that he was at the receiving conjecture that Samuel could not have had a
end of Samuel's thrusts with the butt of his shotgun with him because no one without a
shotgun. To the court, such discrepancy is fatal permit would carry a firearm without risking
to the defense because in appreciating the arrest by the police or the barangay tanod.
justifying circumstance of defense of a stranger,
the court must know "with definiteness the
identity of the stranger defended by the
4. The lower court, however, ruled out the WHEREFORE, the decision of the lower court is hereby
existence of conspiracy among the three affirmed insofar as it convicts Luis Toring as principal in
accused on the ground that there was no proof the murder of Samuel Augusto and Diosdado Berdon as
on what they were whispering about when Felix an accomplice thereto.
saw them. Accordingly, it held that the accused
Held: beneficence or the lawful desire to avenge
the immediate wrong inflicted on his cousin.
The lower court correctly considered the killing as Rather, he was motivated by revenge,
murder in view of the presence of the qualifying resentment or evil motive because of a
circumstance of treachery. The suddenness of the "running feud" between the Augusto and the
assault rendered Samuel helpless even to use his Toring brothers. As the defense itself claims,
shotgun. We also agree with the lower court that after the incident subject of the instant case
conspiracy and evident premeditation were not proven occurred, Toring's brother, Arsenio, was
beyond reasonable doubt. Moreover, nighttime cannot shot on the leg by Edgar Augusto. Indeed,
be considered as an aggravating circumstance. There is vendetta appears to have driven both camps
no proof that it was purposely sought to ensure the to commit unlawful acts against each other.
commission of the crime or prevent its Hence, under the circumstances, to justify
discovery.  However, Toring should be credited with the Toring's act of assaulting Samuel Augusto
privileged mitigating circumstance of incomplete would give free rein to lawlessness.
defense of relative and the generic mitigating
circumstance of voluntary surrender. 7.5 State of Necessity

While matters dealing with the credibility of witnesses G.R. No. 149275             September 27, 2004
and appreciation of evidence are primarily the lower VICKY C. TY, vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES
court's province, this Court has the power to determine
whether in the performance of its functions, the lower Facts:
court overlooked certain matters which may have a
substantial effect in the resolution of a case.    This case stemmed from the filing of seven
(7) Informations for violation of B.P. 22 against
1. Defense witness Joel Escobia was, besides Ty before the RTC of Manila.
Toring, the only witness whose sworn   accused did then and there willfully, unlawfully
statement was taken by the police on May and feloniously make or draw and issue to
26, 1980, the day after the fatal assault on Manila Doctors’ Hospital to apply on account or
for value to Editha L. Vecino ,payable to Manila
Doctors Hospital in the amount of ₱30,000.00,
In his sworn statement,  Escobia attested that as he was
about to dance with a girl, Samuel stopped him, pointed said accused well knowing that at the time of
his shotgun at him, took a bullet from his jacket pocket, issue she did not have sufficient funds in or
showed it to Escobia and asked him, "Do you like this, credit with the drawee bank for payment of such
Dong?" to which Escobia replied, "No, Noy I do not like check in full upon its presentment, which check
that." Samuel then placed the bullet in the shotgun and when presented for payment within ninety (90)
was thus pointing it at Escobia when Toring came from days from the date hereof, was subsequently
behind Samuel and stabbed the latter. Even on cross-
dishonored by the drawee bank for "Account
examination at the trial, Escobia did not depart from his
statement. In fact, he added that Samuel pointed the Closed" and despite receipt of notice of such
shotgun at his chin and told him to eat the bullet.  dishonor, said accused failed to pay said Manila
Doctors Hospital the amount of the check or to
2. There is no reason to doubt Joel Escobia's make arrangement for full payment of the same
assertion of Samuel's unlawful aggression within five (5) banking days after receiving said
inasmuch as his sworn statement and notice.
testimony in court had not been successfully  Ty’s mother, Chua Lo So Un, was confined in
discredited by the prosecution which also
failed to prove that Joel had reason to Manila Doctors – accused "Acknowledgment of
prevaricate to favor Toring. Responsibility for Payment" in the Contract of
Admission dated 30 October 1990. 6 As of 4 June
The presence of unlawful aggression on the part of the 1992, the Statement of Account7 shows the total
victim and the lack of proof of provocation on the part of liability of her mother.
Toring notwithstanding, full credence cannot be given, to  Ty’s sister, Judy Chua, was also confined at the
Toring's claim of defense of a relative. hospital. The total hospital bills of the two
patients amounted to ₱1,075,592.95.
3. Toring himself admitted in court as well as in
 Ty executed a promissory note wherein she
his sworn statement that in 1979, he was
shot with a .22 caliber revolver by Edgar assumed payment of the obligation in
Augusto, Samuel's brother. It cannot be installments. To assure payment of the
said, therefore, that in attacking Samuel, obligation, she drew several postdated checks
Toring was impelled by pure compassion or against Metrobank payable to the hospital. The
seven (7) checks, each covering the amount of account’s lack of funds. It held that B.P.
₱30,000.00, were all deposited on their due 22 makes the mere act of issuing a
dates. But they were all dishonored by the worthless check punishable as a special
drawee bank and returned unpaid to the hospital offense, it being a malum prohibitum.
due to insufficiency of funds, with the "Account What the law punishes is the issuance
Closed" advice. of a bouncing check and not the
 Soon thereafter, the complainant hospital sent purpose for which it was issued nor the
demand letters to Ty by registered mail. As the terms and conditions relating to its
demand letters were not heeded, complainant issuance.
filed the seven (7) Informations subject of the o the Court of Appeals is also not
instant case. convinced that there was no valuable
 Ty in her defense that she issued the checks consideration for the issuance of the
"under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of a checks as they were issued in payment
greater injury or in avoidance of a greater evil or of the hospital bills of Ty’s mother. 17
injury." she was forced to issue the checks to o In sentencing Ty to pay a fine instead of
obtain release for her mother whom the hospital a prison term, the appellate court
inhumanely and harshly treated and would not applied the case of Vaca v. Court of
discharge unless the hospital bills are paid.  Appeals ,wherein this Court declared
that in determining the penalty imposed
RTC ruling: for violation of B.P. 22, the philosophy
Trial court found that Ty issued the underlying the Indeterminate Sentence
checks subject of the case in payment of Law should be observed, i.e., redeeming
the hospital bills of her mother and valuable human material and preventing
rejected the theory of the defense. Thus, unnecessary deprivation of personal
on 21 April 1997, the trial court rendered liberty and economic usefulness, with
a Decision finding Ty guilty of seven (7) due regard to the protection of the social
counts of violation of B.P. 22 and order
sentencing her to a prison term. The
ISSUE: whether or not the defense of uncontrollable fear
dispositive part of the Decision reads:
is tenable to warrant her exemption from criminal liability

CONSEQUENTLY, the accused Vicky Held:

C. Ty, for her acts of issuing seven (7)
 The fear, if any, harbored by Ty was not real and
checks in payment of a valid obligation,
imminent. Ty claims that she was compelled to
which turned unfounded on their
issue the checks--a condition the hospital
respective dates of maturity, is found
allegedly demanded of her before her mother
guilty of seven (7) counts of violations of
could be discharged--for fear that her mother’s
Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, and is hereby
health might deteriorate further due to the
sentenced to suffer the penalty of
inhumane treatment of the hospital or worse, her
imprisonment of SIX MONTHS per
mother might commit suicide. This is speculative
count or a total of forty-two (42) months.
fear; it is not the uncontrollable fear
contemplated by law
CA ruling:  To begin with, there was no showing that the
mother’s illness was so life-threatening such that
affirmed the judgment of the trial court with her continued stay in the hospital suffering all its
modification. It set aside the penalty of alleged unethical treatment would induce a well-
imprisonment and instead sentenced Ty "to
grounded apprehension of her death. Secondly,
pay a fine of sixty thousand pesos
it is not the law’s intent to say that any fear
(₱60,000.00) equivalent to double the
exempts one from criminal liability much less
amount of the check, in each case.
petitioner’s flimsy fear that her mother might
o the Court of Appeals rejected Ty’s commit suicide. In other words, the fear she
defenses of involuntariness in the invokes was not impending or insuperable as to
issuance of the checks and the deprive her of all volition and to make her a
hospital’s knowledge of her checking mere instrument without will, moved exclusively
by the hospital’s threats or demands.Ty has also abdomen, stomach and, intestines and
failed to convince the Court that she was left retroperitoneum with slugs lodging the vertebral
with no choice but to commit a crime. She did column
not take advantage of the many opportunities  CAUSE OF DEATH: Cardiopulmonary arrest,
available to her to avoid committing one. By her Secondary to severe bleeding, Secondary to
very own words, she admitted that the collateral gunshot wound." as per Autopsy Report issued
or security the hospital required prior to the by Dr. Roel A. Escanillas, Medical Officer III, Dr.
discharge of her mother may be in the form of Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital, Kalibo,
postdated checks or jewelry.30 And if indeed
 The two version of the story of what
she was coerced to open an account with the
happened in the crime are as follows
bank and issue the checks, she had all the
 Defense alleges that Baxinela
opportunity to leave the scene to avoid
proceeded to the Superstar Disco Pub in
response to the information given by
Manuba that there was an armed
WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is DENIED and
drunken man accosting several people
the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated
inside the pub. Once they arrived, they
31 July 2001, finding petitioner Vicky C.
saw Lajo with a handgun visibly tucked
Ty GUILTY of violating Batas Pambansa Bilang 22
behind his waist. When Baxinela
introduced himself as a policeman and
Vicky C. Ty is ORDERED to pay a FINE equivalent
asked why he had a handgun, Lajo
to double the amount of each dishonored check
suddenly drew on him prompting
subject of the seven cases at bar with subsidiary
Baxinela to pull out his gun and fire
imprisonment in case of insolvency in accordance
upon Lajo, critically wounding him.
with Article 39 of the Revised Penal Code. She is
Thereafter, the defense claims that
also ordered to pay private complainant, Manila
Regimen ordered the security guards to
Doctors’ Hospital, the amount of Two Hundred Ten
bring Lajo to the hospital while they
Thousand Pesos (₱210,000.00) representing the
proceed to the police station to report
total amount of the dishonored checks. Costs
the incident.
against the petitioner.
 Prosecution contends that Baxinela
7.6 Fulfillment of duty was already in the pub drinking with
Regimen and Legarda for more than a
Baxinela vs. People couple of hours prior to the shooting
G.R. No. 149652, incident. After witnessing an altercation
March 24, 2006
between Lajo and another customer,
Baxinela decided to confront Lajo on
FACTS OF THE CASE why he had a gun with him. Baxinela
approached Lajo from behind and held
 Petitioner SPO2 Eduardo L. Baxinela assails his the latter on the left shoulder with one
conviction for the crime of homicide by the hand while holding on to his .45 caliber
Regional Trial Court of Kalibo, Aklan1 (RTC) in service firearm with the other. As Lajo
Criminal Case No. 4877, as affirmed with was turning around, to see who was
modification by the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- confronting him, Baxinela shot him.
G.R. CR No. 23348. Baxinela then got Lajo’s wallet and fled
 On February 19, 1997, an Information charging the scene with Regimen.
Baxinela with the crime of homicide.
 That on or about the 19th day of October , 1996,
early in the morning, at Poblacion, Municipality RTC RULING
of Kalibo, Province of Aklan, while armed with a
handgun, without justifiable cause and with  found the version of the prosecution, that
intent to kill, did then and there wilfully, Baxinela shot Lajo as the latter was turning
unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and around and without having drawn his gun, more
shoot one RUPERTO F. LAJO, thereby inflicting convincing, and rendered a decision convicting
upon the latter mortal wounds, Baxinela. The RTC, however, considered in
favor of Baxinela the mitigating circumstances of
 DIAGNOSIS: Gunshot wound left of arm with
voluntary surrender and provocation. The
fracture of the humerus, penetrating the (L)
dispositive portion of the decision is as follows:
thoracic cavity perforating the diaphragm,
o WHEREFORE, the court finds the Issues and Ruling
A. (topic of the case) THAT THE COURT OF
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
crime of Homicide, and considering the
mitigating circumstances of voluntary
surrender and provocation, and applying
the Indeterminate Sentence Law, he is
hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty
of imprisonment of 4 years of prision
correccional medium as minimum, to 8
years and 1 day of prision mayor
medium as maximum. The requisites for self-defense are: 1) unlawful
aggression on the part of the victim; 2) lack of
sufficient provocation on the part of the accused;
and 3) employment of reasonable means to
prevent and repel and aggression.22 By
C.A RULING invoking self-defense, Baxinela, in effect, admits
killing Lajo, thus shifting upon him the burden of
 modified Baxinela’s conviction by disallowing
the evidence on these elements.
the mitigating circumstance of sufficient
provocation. Accordingly, the dispositive portion
The first requisite is an indispensable
of the appellate court’s decision reads as
follows: requirement of self-defense. It is a condition sine
o IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, qua non, without which there can be no self-
the Decision appealed from finding the defense, whether complete or incomplete.23 On
Appellant guilty beyond reasonable this requisite alone, Baxinela’s defense fails.
doubt of the crime charged is Unlawful aggression contemplates an actual,
AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION, sudden and unexpected attack on the life and
that the Appellant is hereby meted an limb of a person or an imminent danger thereof,
indeterminate penalty of from EIGHT (8) and not merely a threatening or intimidating
YEARS and ONE (1) DAY OF Prision attitude. The attack must be real, or at least
Mayor, as Minimum, to TWELVE (12) imminent. Mere belief by a person of an
YEARS, TEN (10) MONTHS and impending attack would not be sufficient. As the
TWENTY ONE (21) DAYS of Reclusion evidence shows, there was no imminent threat
Temporal, as Maximum. that necessitated shooting Lajo at that moment.
 In SC, Early in his testimony, Baxinela Just before Baxinela shot Lajo, the former was
maintained that Lajo had already pulled his
safely behind the victim and holding his arm. It
handgun and was aiming at him when he fired.
was Lajo who was at a disadvantage. In fact, it
Subsequently, when the trial court propounded
was Baxinela who was the aggressor when he
clarificatory questions, Baxinela’s new assertion
was that the firearm was still at the back of Lajo. grabbed Lajo’s shoulder and started questioning
 The RTC and CA accepted the prosecution’s him. And when Lajo was shot, it appears that he
version. The SC found no reason to disturb such was just turning around to face Baxinela and,
findings. The SC even points out the difference quite possibly, reaching for his wallet. None of
of Baxinelas story and the difference on what is these acts could conceivably be deemed as
written in the police report: unlawful aggression on the part of Lajo.
o SPO2 Eduardo Baxinela accosted the
victim why he had in his possession a (topic of the case) The alternative defense of
firearm and when the victim SGT fulfillment of a duty. In order to avail of this
Ruperto Lajo PA was about to get his justifying circumstance it must be shown
wallet on his back pocket for his ID, that: 1) the accused acted in the
SPO2 Eduardo Baxinela anticipated that performance of a duty or in the lawful
the victim was drawing his firearm on his exercise of a right or office; and 2) the injury
waist prompting said policeman to shoot caused or the offense committed is the
the victim. necessary consequence of the due
 Baxinela claims the justifying circumstances of performance of duty or the lawful exercise of
self-defense and fulfillment of a duty or lawful
a right or office.While the first condition is
exercise of a right or office.
present, the second is clearly lacking. necessary consequence of the due performance of duty
Baxinela’s duty was to investigate the or the lawful exercise of a right or office.
reason why Lajo had a gun tucked behind
Baxinela Entitled to Incomplete Defense of
his waist in a public place. This was what
Fulfillment of a Duty
Baxinela was doing when he confronted Lajo
at the entrance, but perhaps through anxiety, The Court will, however, attribute to Baxinela the
edginess or the desire to take no chances, incomplete defense of fulfillment of a duty as a privileged
Baxinela exceeded his duty by firing upon mitigating circumstance. In Lacanilao v. Court of
Lajo who was not at all resisting. The Appeals, it was held that if the first condition is fulfilled
shooting of Lajo cannot be considered due but the second is wanting, Article 69 of the Revised
performance of a duty if at that time Lajo Penal Code is applicable so that the penalty lower than
one or two degrees than that prescribed by law shall be
posed no serious threat or harm to Baxinela
or to the civilians in the pub.
Emergency Recit
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT ERRED IN NOT Petitioner SPO2 Eduardo L. Baxinela was in a pub
CONSIDERING THE QUALIFIED MITIGATING drinking with two other policemen in as early as 11:00
CIRCUMSTANCES IN FAVOR OF THE p.m. of October 18, 1996. At around 12:00 a.m. to 12:30
ACCUSED. a.m. there was a minor altercation between the
deceased Sgt. Lajo and another customer at the pub but
The Court will, however, attribute to Baxinela the eventually the two were able to patch things up. While on
incomplete defense of fulfillment of a duty as a privileged his way out, Lajo was followed by Braxinela with a gun
mitigating circumstance. In Lacanilao v. Court of already drawn out. From behind, Baxinela held Lajo’s left
Appeals, it was held that if the first condition is fulfilled arm and asked why he was carrying a gun. Thereafter
but the second is wanting, Article 69 of the Revised an explosion coming from Baxinela’s gun was heard.
Penal Code is applicable so that the penalty lower than Lajo, still standing, took two steps and then fell down.
one or two degrees than that prescribed by law shall be The Issue is whether or not fulfilment of duty may validly
imposed.28 Accordingly, the Court grants in favor of be invoked by the petitioner? No. In order to avail of this
Baxinela a privileged mitigating circumstance and lower justifying circumstance it must be shown that: 1) the
his penalty by one degree. His entitlement to the accused acted in the performance of a duty or in the
ordinary mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender lawful exercise of a right or office; and 2) the injury
is also recognized, thereby further reducing his penalty caused or the offense committed is the necessary
to its minimum. consequence of the due performance of duty or the
lawful exercise of a right or office. While the first
Principles condition is present, the second is clearly lacking.
Requisites of self-defense Baxinela’s duty was to investigate the reason why Lajo
had a gun tucked behind his waist in a public place. This
The requisites for self-defense are: 1) unlawful was what Baxinela was doing when he confronted Lajo
aggression on the part of the victim; 2) lack of sufficient at the entrance, but perhaps through anxiety, edginess
provocation on the part of the accused; and 3) or the desire to take no chances, Baxinela exceeded his
employment of reasonable means to prevent and repel duty by firing upon Lajo who was not at all resisting. The
and aggression. By invoking self-defense, Baxinela, in shooting of Lajo cannot be considered due performance
effect, admits killing Lajo, thus shifting upon him the of a duty if at that time Lajo posed no serious threat or
burden of the evidence on these elements. harm to Baxinela or to the civilians in the pub.
The first requisite is an indispensable requirement of Pomoy vs People
self-defense. It is a condition sine qua non, without which G.R. 150647, September 29, 2004
there can be no self-defense, whether complete or J. Panganiban
incomplete. On this requisite alone, Baxinela’s defense FACTS
 Tomas Balboa, a master teacher of Concepcion
Defense of Fulfillment of a Duty College of Science and Fisheries in Concepcion
Iloilo was arrested by some policemen on
In order to avail of this justifying circumstance it must be January 4, 1990 at 7:30 am because of his
shown that: 1) the accused acted in the performance of a connection to a robbery (December 1989). He
duty or in the lawful exercise of a right or office; and 2) was taken to the Headquarters of the 321st
the injury caused or the offense committed is the Philippine Constabulary Company at Camp
Jaladoni, Sara, Iloilo and was detained in jail
along with Edgar Samudio, another suspect for victim was not able to grab hold of the gun
the robbery case. because of Pomoy, (2) The gun had been locked
 At 14:00, Pomoy, a police sergeant armed with a prior but Pomoy released the lock and
.45 caliber pistol tucked in a holster, went near deliberately fired the fatal shots, (3) The location
the door of Balboa’s jail and directed him to of Balboa’s wounds did not support the assertion
come out for a tactical investigation at the that there had been a grappling. CA said that an
investigation room which was located on the accident is not believable because Pomoy shot
mail building of the compound. The jail guard on the victim twice. Moreover, CA debunked the
duty, Nicostrado Espar, opened the jail door and plea for self-defense because Pomoy failed in
walked towards the investigation room. proving the attendance of unlawful aggression.
 When Pomoy and Balboa reached the main CA disagreed with RTC’s conclusion that there
building, 2 gunshots were heard, Pomoy was was aggravating circumstance of abuse of public
holding the .45 caliber pistol and Balboa was position.
lying in a pool of blood 2m away. The ARGUMENTS
Commanding Officer arrived, disarmed Pomoy Petitioner Respondent
and instructed that Balboa be brought to a CA erred in ruling that it It was a deliberate
hospital but Dr. Palma examined Balboa and was not an accidental shooting
said it was unnecessary to go to the hospital shooting
because Balboa was dead. CA erred in ruling that There was no unlawful
 Dr. Jaboneta, a medico-legal, estimated that self-defense cannot be aggression to invoke self-
when it was inflicted, the assailant must have invoked defense
pointed the gun’s nozzle to the right-side front of
 Erna Basa, a witness who was working at the ISSUE AND RULING
camp that day testified that she heard some 1. Whether or not there was accidental shooting
noise and exchange of words. When it seemed,
there was growing trouble, she opened the door YES, because (1) Pomoy had no control of the gun
and saw Pomoy and Balboa who were 3m away during the scuffle, the deceased tried to wrest the
from the door, grappling for the possession of weapon from him. It is difficult to imagine that Pomoy
the gun. She was not certain who pulled the gun. could coolly release the safety lock of the gun and Basa
 Eden Legaspi, another witness who was inside testified to this scenario
the investigation room, testified that she heard a
commotion outside bur remained seated. When (2) Reliance on People v Reyes is erroneous because
the commotion started, Basa opened the door, the gun there is a revolver while in the case at bar,
she saw 2 persons grappling and 2 shots rang Pomoy’s gun is a semi-automatic pistol which is prone to
out. She did not leave the place but she stood accidental firing,
up and saw that after the shots, one of the two
(3) There was grappling because the testimony
men fell down.
coincides with the findings of the medico legal,
 Pomoy testified that he was one of the
investigators and he got Balboa from the (4) The elements of accident (a) accused was
stockade for the interrogation. When Pomoy was performing a lawful act with due care, (b) resultant injury
holding the knob of the investigation room and was caused by an accident, (c) there was no intent on
about to open it, Balboa who was 2m away the part of the accused are all present. The
approached him, grabbed his gun, but he was consequences of circumstances were beyond the
able to take the handle with his left hand. Pomoy petitioner’s control.
used his right hand to also hold the handle of the
gun. Pomoy then used his left hand to parry It was in the lawful performance of his duty as a law
Balboa’s movements. Balboa was holding his enforcer that petitioner tried to defend his possession of
right hand and the 2 grappled. the weapon when the victim suddenly tried to remove it
 Pomoy shared that when the gun was out of the from his holster. As an enforcer of the law, petitioner was
holster, it fired (but it was locked in safety). duty-bound to prevent the snatching of his service
During the grapple, Pomoy used his left hand to weapon by anyone, especially by a detained person in
prevent Balboa and Balboa used his right hand his custody. Such weapon was likely to be used to
to take possession. The gun fired which facilitate escape and to kill or maim persons in the
separated both of them and Balboa fell. Sgt. vicinity, including petitioner himself.
Alag shouted to stop and Capt. Rolando Maclag
(5) The petitioner’s conduct and behavior were
got his gun and said that an investigation will be
remorseful and does not indicate that he was guilty
 RTC found Roweno Pomoy guilty of the crime of 2. Whether or not petitioner acted in self-defense
homicide because of factual findings.
 CA affirmed the decision with modification on the YES, because he shot Balboa to protect his life and limb
penalty based on the factual findings that (1) from real and immediate danger. Although it is an
accident, self-defense contemplates a premeditated and abdomen, which means that the victim died
intent to kill in order to defend himself from imminent because of loss of blood resulting in shock due
danger. The fatal shots did not occurr out of conscious to a gunshot wound in the abdomen. 
and premeditated effort.
DISPOSITION  The defense presented as its witnesses Protacio
Edep, Ramon Decosto, John Angcaco, and
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED and the Lydio Lota, whose testimonies are as follows:
assailed Decision REVERSED. Petitioner is
ACQUITTED. o In the early morning of September 25,
No costs. SO ORDERED. 1980, petitioner and his co-accused, led
by Edep, went to the house of Restituto
Bergante in Bato, Taytay, Palawan to
ANGCACO v. PEOPLE serve a warrant for the latter's arrest.
G.R. No. 146664 – February 28, 2002 When they reached the house, Edep
MENDOZA, J.: and his men took positions as they had
been warned that Restituto Bergante
might resist arrest. Decosto and
FACTS: Angcaco were each armed with
armalites, Lota had a carbine, Felizarte
 At around 4 o'clock in the morning of September a revolver, and Edep a carbine and a
25, 1980, Noe Bergante and his brother Noel revolver. Decosto was on the left side of
Bergante and his cousin Freddie Ganancial were Edep, around seven to 10 meters from
awakened by the sound of gunfire while they the latter. Angcaco, on the other hand,
were asleep in their house. was on right side of Edep, around four to
 Petitioner John Angcaco and his co-accused seven meters from the latter. Edep
were serving a warrant of arrest issued on called Restituto Bergante to come out of
the house as he (Edep) had a warrant
Restituto Bergante, who was wanted in
for his arrest. Restituto's wife replied that
connection with a robbery case. her husband was not in the house,
 Noel informed the policemen that his father was having gone to Puerto Princesa. A
not in the house, having gone to Puerto commotion then took place inside the
Princesa. house and, shortly after, petitioner saw a
 One of them ordered the men in the house to man coming down the house. They fired
come out. Noel accordingly went to the gate and warning shots to stop the man, but
later called Noe to also come out of the house. petitioner saw another person with a
 Noe and his cousin, Freddie Ganancial, did as bolo near Edep. He shouted, "Sarge,
bidden. Once they were outside the house, Noe this is the man who tried to hack you!,"
and shot the unidentified man, who fell
and Freddie were flanked by petitioner Angcaco
to the ground face up. At the time of the
on the right side and accused Ramon Decosto incident, Decosto was on the left side of
on the left side. Edep, while petitioner, Felizarte, and
 Decosto pointed an armalite at the two and Lota were on the right side of Edep.
warned them not to run. Noe and Freddie joined They later learned that the person killed
Noel Bergante. Protacio Edep approached was Freddie Ganancial.
Freddie saying, "You are tough," and pushed
him. Then, shots rang out from the armalite and  On January 31, 1996, the RTC finds Angcaco
short firearm of Decosto and Edep, as a result of guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of
which Freddie Ganancial turned around and murder on the grounds that the defense was
dropped to the ground face down. unable to disclose the requisites for a
 Although Dr. Romeo D. Valino conducted the justifying circumstance in fulfilment of a duty
postmortem examination on the body of Freddie and also acquitting his co-accused for
Ganancial, it fell to Dr. Alberto H. Lim, Assistant insufficiency of evidence.
Provincial Health Officer in Palawan, to identify  Angcaco filed an appeal to the CA.
the medico-legal report of Dr. Valino and to Subsequently, CA affirmed the decision of RTC.
explain its contents in view of Dr. Valino's death
pending the trial of the case. ISSUE:
 Dr. Lim stated that Freddie Ganancial, alias
WON Justifying Circumstances on Fulfilment of duty is
Edgar Gallego, 25 years of age, died as a result applicable in this case.
of shock secondary to internal and external
hemorrhage due to gunshot wounds on the body DISPOSITION:
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals, Memorandum dated 8 January 1986 reiterating
dated November 29, 2000, is AFFIRMED with in black and white such verbal instruction. In
the MODIFICATION that petitioner is found guilty of the obedience to President Marcos’ verbal
crime of homicide and is sentenced to suffer the penalty instruction and memorandum, Tabuena, with the
of eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor, as help of Gerardo G. Dabao and Adolfo Peralta,
minimum, to fourteen (14) years, eight (8) months, and caused the release of P55 Million of MIAA funds
one (1) day of reclusion temporal, as maximum, and to by means of three (3) withdrawals.
pay the heirs of the victim, Freddie  On 10 January 1986, the first withdrawal was
Ganancial, P50,000.00 as civil indemnity made for P25 Million, following a letter of even
and P50,000.00 as moral damages. date signed by Tabuena and Dabao requesting
the PNB extension office at the MIAA the
HELD: depository branch of MIAA funds, to issue a
manager’s check for said amount payable to
No. In this case, the mission of petitioner and his Tabuena. The check was encashed, however, at
colleagues was to effect the arrest of Restituto Bergante. the PNB Villamor Branch. Dabao and the
The standard procedure in making an arrest was, first, to cashier of the PNB Villamor branch counted the
identify themselves as police officers and to show the money after which, Tabuena took delivery
warrant to the arrestee and to inform him of the charge thereof. The P25 Million in cash was delivered
against him, and, second, to take the arrestee under on the same day to the office of Mrs. Gimenez.
custody. But, it was not shown here that the killing of Mrs. Gimenez did not issue any receipt for the
money received.
Ganancial was in furtherance of such duty. No evidence
 Similar circumstances surrounded the second
was presented by the deBergante prove that Ganancial
withdrawal/encashment and delivery of another
attempted to prevent petitioner and his fellow officers P25 Million, made on 16 January 1986. The third
from arresting Restituto Bergante. There was in fact no and last withdrawal was made on 31 January
clear evidence as to how Freddie Ganancial was shot. 1986 for P5 Million. Peralta (Acting Manager)
Indeed, as already stated, any attempt by the victim to was Tabuena’s co-signatory to the letter-
arrest the wanted person was pointless as Restituto request for a manager’s check for this amount.
Bergante was not in his house. As regards the second Peralta accompanied Tabuena to the PNB
requisite, there can be no question that the killing of Villamor branch as Tabuena requested him to do
Freddie Ganancial was not a necessary consequence of the counting of the P5 Million. After the counting,
the arrest to be made on Restituto Bergante. the money was loaded in the trunk of Tabuena’s
car. Peralta did not go with Tabuena to deliver
PRINCIPLE: For this justifying circumstance in the money to Mrs. Gimenez’ office.
fulfilment of a duty to be appreciated, the following  It was only upon delivery of the P5 Million that
mustbe established: (1) that the offender acted in the Mrs. Gimenez issued a receipt for all the
lawful exercise of a right or aduty; and (b) that the amounts she received from Tabuena. The
injury or offense committed be the necessary receipt was dated January 30,1986.
consequence of the due performance of such right  Tabuena and Peralta were charged for
or office. malversation of funds, while Dabao remained at
large. On 12 October 1990, they were found
guilty beyond reasonable doubt because
Sandiganbayan rejected their defense of good
7.7 Obedience of an Order. faith in relation to obedience to an order of
superior. Sandiganbayan questioned the
CASE: TABUENA v. SANDIGANBAYAN lawfulness of the memorandum and the
G.R. No. 103507 February 17, 1997 conversion of the money since they delivered it
Ponente: Francisco, J. directly to the secretary and not to PNCC.
FACTS:  Tabuena and Peralta filed separate petitions for
review, appealing the Sandiganbayan decision
 Then President Marcos instructed Luis Tabuena, dated 12 October 19990 and the Resolution of
in his capacity as the general manager of Manila 20 December 1991.
International Airport Authority (MIAA) over the
phone to pay directly to the president’s office
and in cash what the MIAA owes the Philippine
National Construction Corporation (PNCC),
pursuant to the 7 January 1985 memorandum of Issue:
then Minister Trade and Industry Roberto Whether or not petitioners are guilty of the crime of
Ongpin. malversation.
 Tabuena agreed. About a week later, Tabuena
received from Mrs. Fe Roa-Gimenez, then Held:
private secretary of Marcos, a Presidential
Luis Tabuena and Adolfo Peralta are acquitted of the 12, 1990 and the Resolution dated December 20, 1991
crime of malversation. are REVERSED and SET ASIDE.

Tabuena had no other choice but to make the YAPYUCO RULING

withdrawals, for that was what the MARCOS
The undisputed presence of all the accused at the situs of the
Memorandum required him to do. He could not be
incident is a legitimate law enforcement operation. No objection
faulted if he had to obey and strictly comply with the
is strong enough to defeat the claim that all of them – who
presidential directive, and to argue otherwise is
were either police and barangay officers or CHDF members
something easier said than done. Marcos was
tasked with the maintenance of peace and order – were bound
undeniably Tabuena's superior — the former being then to, as they did, respond to information of a suspected rebel
the President of the Republic who unquestionably infiltration in the locality. Theirs, therefore, is the specific duty
exercised control over government agencies such as the to identify the occupants of their suspect vehicle and search for
MIAA and PNCC. In other words, Marcos had a say in firearms inside it to validate the information they had received;
matters involving inter-government agency affairs and they may even effect a bloodless arrest should they find cause
transactions, such as for instance, directing payment of to believe that their suspects had just committed, were
liability of one entity to another and the manner in which committing or were bound to commit a crime. While, it may
it should be carried out. And as a recipient of such kind certainly be argued that rebellion is a continuing offense, it is
of a directive coming from the highest official of the land interesting that nothing in the evidence suggests that the
no less, good faith should be read on Tabuena's accused were acting under an official order to open fire at or
compliance, without hesitation nor any question, with the kill the suspects under any and all circumstances. Even more
MARCOS Memorandum. Tabuena therefore is entitled to telling is the absence of reference to the victims having
the justifying circumstance of "Any person who acts in launched such aggression as would threaten the safety of any
obedience to an order issued by a superior for some one of the accused, or having exhibited such defiance of
lawful purpose." The subordinate-superior relationship authority that would have instigated the accused, particularly
between Tabuena and Marcos is clear. And so too, is the those armed, to embark on a violent attack with their firearms
lawfulness of the order contained in the MARCOS in self-defense. In fact, no material evidence was presented at
Memorandum, as it has for its purpose partial payment the trial to show that the accused were placed in real mortal
of the liability of one government agency (MIAA) to danger in the presence of the victims, except maybe their bare
another (PNCC). suspicion that the suspects were armed and were probably
prepared to conduct hostilities.
Even assuming that the real and sole purpose behind The right to kill an offender is not absolute, and may be used
the MARCOS Memorandum was to siphon-out public only as a last resort, and under circumstances indicating that
money for the personal benefit of those then in power, the offender cannot otherwise be taken without bloodshed. The
still, no criminal liability can be imputed to Tabuena. law does not clothe police officers with authority to arbitrarily
There is no showing that Tabuena had anything to do judge the necessity to kill. It may be true that police officers
whatsoever with the execution of the MARCOS sometimes find themselves in a dilemma when pressured by a
Memorandum. Nor is there proof that he profited from situation where an immediate and decisive, but legal, action is
the felonious scheme. In short, no conspiracy was needed. However, it must be stressed that the judgment and
established between Tabuena and the real embezzler/s discretion of police officers in the performance of their duties
of the P5 Million. This is not a sheer case of blind and must be exercised neither capriciously nor oppressively, but
misguided obedience, but obedience in good faith of a within reasonable limits. In the absence of a clear and legal
duly executed order. Indeed, compliance to a patently provision to the contrary, they must act in conformity with the
lawful order is rectitude far better than contumacious dictates of a sound discretion, and within the spirit and purpose
disobedience. In the case at bench, the order emanated of the law. We cannot countenance trigger-happy law
from the Office of the President and bears the signature enforcement officers who indiscriminately employ force and
of the President himself, the highest official of the land. It violence upon the persons they are apprehending. They must
carries with it the presumption that it was regularly always bear in mind that although they are dealing with
issued. And on its face, the memorandum is patently criminal elements against whom society must be protected,
lawful for no law makes the payment of an obligation these criminals are also human beings with human rights.
illegal. This fact, coupled with the urgent tenor for its
execution constrains one to act swiftly without Lawlessness is to be dealt with according to the law. Only
question. Obedientia est legis essentia.(Obedience is the absolute necessity justifies the use of force, and it is incumbent
essence of the Law) on herein petitioners to prove such necessity. We find,
however, that petitioners failed in that respect. Although the
employment of powerful firearms does not necessarily connote
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: unnecessary force, petitioners in this case do not seem to have
been confronted with the rational necessity to open fire at the
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, herein moving jeepney occupied by the victims. No explanation is
petitioners Luis A. Tabuena and Adolfo M. Peralta are offered why they, in that instant, were inclined for a violent
hereby ACQUITTED of the crime of malversation as attack at their suspects except perhaps their over-anxiety or
defined and penalized under Article 217 of the Revised impatience or simply their careless disposition to take no
chances. Clearly, they exceeded the fulfillment of police duties
Penal Code. The Sandiganbayan Decision of October
the moment they actualized such resolve, thereby inflicting
Licup with a mortal bullet wound, causing injury to Villanueva
and exposing the rest of the passengers of the jeepney to
grave danger to life and limb – all of which could not have been
the necessary consequence of the fulfillment of their duties.

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