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427792753(2020-08-28 12:56:08)

Unlink unrecognized Facebook account

Call accepted by operator Shiz. If the conversation intermits suddenly, please reconnect later. Thank
you!2020-08-28 12:56:10
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:56:20)
Hello and welcome to IGG Live Support. This is GM Shiz.
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:56:22)
Hi there
427792753(2020-08-28 12:56:33)
Can I get a manager pls
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:56:39)
May I ask if this is for the account 427792753 ?
427792753(2020-08-28 12:57:01)
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:57:09)
Let me just have a look at it
427792753(2020-08-28 12:57:15)
Can I get a manager pls
427792753(2020-08-28 12:57:58)
If you won't be able resolve my issue pls dont waste our time and get me manager
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:58:35)
I've seen the account and I may file a request to remove the guest log-in but first, I am in need of you to provide x3
Order ID from the receipt sent by Google first.

Here's what we'll need to be specific:

x1 Order ID from Google receipt for the 1st Purchase

x2 Order ID from Google receipt for the Old Purchases

These receipts that are requested should be the receipts you got when making a purchase in-game using
( 427792753 ). These IDs are needed for security and verification purposes.
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:58:59)
Oh, I can as long as you are able to provide the information that we require for this kind of request. We'll be
looking forward to it.
427792753(2020-08-28 12:59:07)
Can I get a god damn manager pls
427792753(2020-08-28 12:59:38)
Are you reading what I'm saying?
427792753(2020-08-28 12:59:52)
Shiz(2020-08-28 12:59:54)
Sure, I may however, kindly be advised that what I have asked you to provide is what he'll ask you as well. Would
that be okay? Please confirm before I have the supervisor handle this converastion.
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:00:21)
May I kindly ask if the previous message sent was received so that if not, I may have it sent back again?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:00:28)
You are wasting my time
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:00:52)
It seems that it wasn't received. Let me send it back again instead:

"Sure, I may however, kindly be advised that what I have asked you to provide is what he'll ask you as well.
Would that be okay? Please confirm before I have the supervisor handle this converastion."
427792753(2020-08-28 13:00:56)
Let me speak with a manager
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:01:09)
If you don't agree with what I have mentioned then you can provide the receipts to me here.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:01:43)
You expect me to find old receipts?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:01:55)
Are you crazy?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:02:27)
I can provide you my newest one from the other day
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:02:29)
I'm sorry to know that while yes, we are expecting our players to provide those if they really are in need to have
their request be granted.
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:02:49)
Sure, you can provide receipts from any for the past 6 months instead but we still need the receipt from the 1st
purchase made.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:03:20)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:03:44)
Why are you wasting my time
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:04:25)
I may but I need your approval if it is okay to you that what I have asked is what he'll ask you as well. Would that
be okay? If yes, just let me know and I'll invite the supervisor to chat with you.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:04:36)
We are the ones paying you so do your job and he a manager for me
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:05:04)
It seems that my message was not received again. Let me just have it sent back again instead:

"I may but I need your approval if it is okay to you that what I have asked is what he'll ask you as well. Would that
be okay? If yes, just let me know and I'll invite the supervisor to chat with you."
427792753(2020-08-28 13:05:04)
I already told you what I will provide
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:06:51)
May I kindly ask what the answer is? Are you okay with the said conditions so that I know if I should invite the
supervisor? If you don't agree to the said terms, you can provide the receipts with me here instead.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:07:09)
And how stupid can you be when my Gmail account is the main account linked to the game, you should be asking
me for my ID and important information instead you are asking me for something that I dont have anymore how
long do you think I've been playing this game????
427792753(2020-08-28 13:08:50)
I've been playing the game for a couple of years already and you are asking for my first purchase???
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:08:59)
Unfortunately, kindly be advised that this is our requirements for this case and I regret informing you that it is us
who will decide about what has to be provided by the player for security and verification purposes. These are the
requirements and should you wish to proceed with this, please provide the receipts needed

x1 Order ID from Google receipt for the 1st Purchase:

x2 Order ID from Google receipt for the Old Purchases or the past 6 Months:
427792753(2020-08-28 13:09:34)
Let me get a fucking manager
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:10:15)
I may invite a supervisor if you agree to the terms wherein what I am asking is what he will ask you as well.
Would that be okay (Yes/No) ?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:10:55)
I don't agree but I want to speak. With a manager
427792753(2020-08-28 13:11:23)
Are you stupid or what?? I want to speak with a manager!
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:11:42)
Alright, let me have this discussed with the supervisor first.
Shiz(2020-08-28 13:12:33)
Glad to inform you that the supervisor agreed and I will now be inviting him to chat with you. Once invited, I will
then be leaving so that he may be able to assist you properly.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:12:44)
Oh my fucking lord.... Are you speaking with a child!!!? I'm 37 years old
Call accepted by operator Jigs. If the conversation intermits suddenly, please reconnect later. Thank
you!2020-08-28 13:12:50
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:12:59)
Welcome to IGG Live Support. I am GM Jigs. Nice to meet you.
Shiz has left the conversation. Thank you for your support.2020-08-28 13:13:03
427792753(2020-08-28 13:13:10)
Omg my blood pressure
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:13:22)
I am now checking the details of the posted concern. Please allow 1-3 minutes.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:13:25)
Are you a manager?
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:13:47)
I am sorry, However; I am the available Supervisor for today.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:14:19)
I am here because I just check the option you guys have and for some fucking reason I saw a Facebook account
linked to it and I am not that person
427792753(2020-08-28 13:15:55)
Your security is so terrible that my account got some Facebook account that I don't even own and the person
earlier instead of verifying my identity he's asking for a god damn receipt
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:15:58)
While I am checking, I will be needing 1 Screenshot. Would it be okay?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:16:19)
What the fuck is goin on??
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:16:52)
May I know if you are able to log onto the game account?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:17:28)
I am because my Gmail is the only account I used with the game
427792753(2020-08-28 13:18:36)
You will see my info on my Gmail account and I can provide you my license driver or what ever is you want so
you can verify my info
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:18:46)
I do understand.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:18:54)
Please hold on while I check the details.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:18:58)
While I am checking, I will be needing 1 Screenshot. Would it be okay?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:19:12)
I can give u my phone number also and you can reach out to Google and verify with them
427792753(2020-08-28 13:19:47)
But how the fuck can someone link a Facebook account on my account without me knowing?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:20:03)
You guys are putting my info at risk
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:20:12)
I will be needing a screenshot of what you see after tapping Events > News > Come check your linked accounts! >
Join now.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:20:37)
Give me one moment
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:20:52)
Thank you very much.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:24:43)
Ok here
427792753(2020-08-28 13:25:10)

427792753(2020-08-28 13:25:19)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:25:54)

427792753(2020-08-28 13:26:00)
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:26:10)
I am now checking the uploaded Screenshots.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:27:18)
I've been playing this game knowing that you guys take security and privacy seriously but what the fuck is that
427792753(2020-08-28 13:28:19)
I invested so much in this game and you guys can't even keep my account secured
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:29:23)
I do understand. While I am checking. May I know if you are the only one who use this game account ?
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:29:34)
And your gmail was not shared to anyone? Am I correct?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:30:02)
If I know someone else was using this I would not be speaking with you right now
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:30:45)
May I know the gmail for the "Bryant Barte" ?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:30:53)
I even tried to search the name on Facebook and even sent a message but I did not get a replly
427792753(2020-08-28 13:31:05)
Yes it's
427792753(2020-08-28 13:31:42)
It's registered on my number and I can provide you with that also
427792753(2020-08-28 13:32:07)
So you can verify and confirm that I'm the owner
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:32:28)
I do understand.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:33:02)
I will be able to check for the best possible resolution for this. I will be needing some details. Would it be okay?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:33:12)
But what are guys doing? We are paying you to keep our account secured but what the fuck is this situation I'm in
right now
427792753(2020-08-28 13:33:24)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:33:59)
Wouldnt it be easier if you reach out to google
427792753(2020-08-28 13:34:36)
It will save us a lot of time and we won't waste each other's time
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:35:19)
Please correct me If I am wrong, you only wish to use gmail as login method? Am I correct?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:35:33)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:36:07)
Would you want other people access info your account?
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:36:27)
For this, we will be needing to check and investigate. Would it be okay?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:36:44)
What kind of question was that I already told you do not recognize that accoun
427792753(2020-08-28 13:37:29)
How long will this take
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:37:48)
For the resolution or update, kindly expect an email from us within 1 working day. I'll also make sure to urge this
to expedite the process and once the result is at hand you will be emailed as soon as possible.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:37:56)
May I know if we may use ?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:38:41)
And I just don't fucking understand why you guys allow this kind of thing. Basically you allow other people to go
into other people's account without permission
427792753(2020-08-28 13:38:51)
Yes you can use that
427792753(2020-08-28 13:39:14)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:39:26)
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:39:27)
I do understand, we will be needing to check how it was bound.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:39:36)
That's my phone number
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:39:49)
I will also need a screenshot of what you see on this
427792753(2020-08-28 13:40:21)
You guys are putting millions of people info at risk
427792753(2020-08-28 13:41:14)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:41:22)
Doin it now
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:41:54)
No worries.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:43:45)
427792753(2020-08-28 13:44:13)
That's the phone I'm using right now
427792753(2020-08-28 13:45:01)
You want me to take a ss of my account info?
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:45:06)
Thank you very much. And it is only the device showing on the link?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:45:11)
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:45:18)
Thank you very much.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:45:32)
That will be all the iformation we need for now.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:45:33)
Thank you very much.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:45:54)

Jigs(2020-08-28 13:46:12)
The request will be to remove this Facebook profile. Am I correct?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:46:39)
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:47:07)
Thank you.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:47:08)
Would there be anything else I can help you with?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:47:22)
And I want an explanation why it's there
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:47:52)
Yes, I will also have it added.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:48:11)
This is a breach if other users find out about this igg could be in so much shit trouble I'm telling you
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:48:22)
I do understand.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:49:33)
I know you. We are talking about our privacy here.. this is a violation
427792753(2020-08-28 13:51:43)
And if a good lawyer gets involved boy I'm telling you.. my info better not be all over the internet and I'm
definitely going to check all my accounts and if there is one single activity I did not authorize or recognize I'm
definitely going to go further in regards to this.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:52:08)
Yes, I do understand, I will have it noted.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:52:33)
May I know if that will be all the Information you wish to add?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:54:22)
That is all and I will be hearing from you again correct? And I would like to file a complaint on the first person
whom I chatted with earlier.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:55:03)
Yes, you may also ask for me on Live Support. I am GM Jigs.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:55:13)
May I know the details of the complaint please?
427792753(2020-08-28 13:57:36)
The person was very inattentive of what the customer was asking for and refused to read and understand what the
customer needed.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:57:37)
He was very unattentive and refused to read what the customer was asking and requesting for
427792753(2020-08-28 13:58:01)
Which got my blood pressure to go up.
Jigs(2020-08-28 13:58:49)
I do understand.
427792753(2020-08-28 13:59:44)
I repeatedly asked him to get me a manager/supervisor because I knew already that he won't be able to help me
with the issue but he was being ignorant and did not bother reading
Jigs(2020-08-28 14:00:05)
Please inform me once all the details are posted.
427792753(2020-08-28 14:02:35)
Thats all I want to complain about . We spend money on this game which you guys are getting paid with and the
least you guys can do is by doing a better job assisting us
427792753(2020-08-28 14:03:39)
I know everyone is having a rough time with covid and all but when you see these kind of things in your account it
gets really frustrating
Jigs(2020-08-28 14:04:19)
I will be making a report with your complaint.
427792753(2020-08-28 14:04:23)
Hopefully you guys resolve this right away
427792753(2020-08-28 14:05:17)
Thank you Jigs and I apologize if I was a little overboard but I hope you understand where I'm coming from
Jigs(2020-08-28 14:05:27)
You are welcome.
Jigs(2020-08-28 14:05:40)
We will do our best to resolve the issue out in a timely manner
427792753(2020-08-28 14:06:01)
I will get a confirmation for this correct?
Jigs(2020-08-28 14:06:53)
Yes, you will receive all the resolution via email
427792753(2020-08-28 14:07:04)
Ok thank you.
The system ends the session 2020-08-28 14:07:24
427792753, Thank you for your evaluation!2020-08-28 14:10:10

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