Indian Constitution - Parts, Fundamental Rights and Schedules

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Indian Constitution – Parts, Fundamental Rights and Schedules

Indian Constitution – Parts, Fundamental Rights and Schedules are common in the general
awareness section of Government exams like SSC CGL, SSC CPO, RRB ALP, RRB Group D, UPSC
and more.

Parts of Indian Constitution

Part Articles Topics

Part I Art. 1 to 4 The Union and its territory
Part II Art. 5 to 11 Citizenship
Part III Art. 12 to 35 Fundamental Rights
Part IV Art. 36 to 51 Directive Principles
Art. 51A Fundamental Duties
The Union
Chapter I – The Executive (Art.52 to 78)
Chapter II – Parliament (Art.79 to 122)
Part V Art. 52 to 151
Chapter III – Legislative Powers of President (Art.123)
Chapter IV – The Union Judiciary (Art. 124 to 147)
Chapter V – Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (Art.148 to 151)
The States Chapter I – General (Art.152) Chapter II – The Executive
(Art.153 to 167)
Chapter III – The State Legislature (Art.168 to 212)
Part VI Art. 152 to 237
Chapter IV – Legislative Powers of Governor (Art.213)
Chapter V – The High Courts (Art.214 to 232)
Chapter VI – Subordinate Courts (Art.233 to 237)
Part States in the B part of the First Schedule
VII Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956
Art. 239 to 242 The Union Territories
Art. 243 to
Part IX The Panchayats
Part Art. 243P to
The Municipalities
Part Art. 243H to
Co-operative Societies
Art. 244 to
Part X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Relations between the Union and the States
Chapter I – Legislative Relations (Art.245 to 255)
Part XI Art. 245 to 263
Chapter II – Administrative Relations
(Art.256 to 263)
Part Art. 264 to Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits
XII 300A Chapter I – Finance (Art.264 to 291)
Chapter II – Borrowing (Art.292 to 293)
Chapter III – Property, Contracts, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations and
Suits (Art.294 to 300)
Chapter IV – Right to Property (Art.300-A)
Art. 301 to 307 Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India
Art. 308 to 323 Services under the Union and the States
Part Art. 323A to
Part Art. 324 to
XV 329A
Art. 330 to 342 Special provisions relation to certain classes
Official Language Chapter I – Language of the Union (Art.343 to 344)
Chapter II – Regional Languages (Art.345 to 347)
Art. 343 to 351 Chapter III-Language of the Supreme Court, High Courts, and so on
(Art.348 to 349)
Chapter IV-Special Directives (Art.350 to 351)
Art. 352 to 360 Emergency Provisions
Art. 361 to 367 Miscellaneous
Art. 368 Amendment of the Constitution
Art. 369 to 392 Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions
Art. 393 to 395 Short title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and Repeals

Indian Constitution – Fundamental Rights

Part III of the Indian Constitution covers the Fundamental rights of the people of India guaranteed
by the constitution.

Part III has been called as the Magna Carta of India Constitution, Cornerstone of the Constitution
by various scholars.

Part III coupled with part IV (Directive principles of the state policy) has been termed as the
conscience of the constitution.

Let us have a look at the various fundamental rights in Indian Constitution for SSC CPO syllabus.

Fundamental rights are classified into 7 types.

1. Right to Equality (Article 14-18)

Article 14 (Equality before law) – no person will be denied equality or equal protection
before the law. This concept has been taken from the USA constitution. Exceptions to
equality before the law are, the president of India, state governors, public servants, Judges,
foreign diplomats, etc who enjoy special privileges, immunities and
Article 15 (Prohibition of discrimination) – The State shall not discriminate only on the
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. State can make special provisions for
Women, Children, Socially and Educationally backward group if
Article 17 (Equality of opportunity in public employment) – No person shall be discriminated
against or denied any office or employment under the state on grounds of only religion,
race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth or residence. Exceptions are State can provide
reservation of seats in employment for any backward classes, or appointment of any
religious post under the state for candidates from particular
Article 18 (Abolition of Titles) – State cannot confer any title on any individual (citizen or
foreigner), except military or The Bharat Ratna and Padma awards are not titles as per this

2. Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)

Article 19 (Protection of certain rights) – Citizens shall have the following rights with
reasonable restrictions –
To freedom of speech and expression.
To assemble peacefully and without arms. To form associations or unions.
To move freely throughout the territory of India.
To practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
Article 20 (Protection in respect of conviction for offences) – It grants protection
against excessive and arbitrary punishment to an accused person (citizen or
foreigner). It has 3 provisions – No ex-post facto law, No double jeopardy and No self-
Article 21 (Protection of life and personal liberty) – No person (citizen or foreigner) shall be
deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by
Article 21A (Right to Education) – This was added by 86th amendment. As per this article,
the State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six o
fourteen in such a manner as the State may
Article 22 (Protection against arrest and detention) - This talks about the rights of the
people when they are detained by the

3. Rights against Exploitation (Article 23-24)

Article 23 (Prohibition of Human Trafficking and Forced labour) – It prohibits Traffic in

Human beings, begar (forced labour) and any other similar forms of forced
Article 24 (Prohibition of Child labour) – It prohibits the employment of Children under the
age of 14 in any factory, mine or other hazardous activity like construction work or railway.
But it does not prohibit their employment in any harmless or innocent

4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28)

Article 25 (Freedom of Conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion)
- It says that all persons are equally entitled to freedom Conscience and the right to freely
profess, practice and propagate
Article 26 (Freedom to manage religious affairs) – It protects the collective freedom of
religion by giving specific rights to all religious organisations and denominations as defined
by the
Article 27 (Freedom from taxation for promotion of a religion) – It lays down that no person
shall be compelled to pay any taxes for the promotion or maintenance of any particular
religion or religious
Article 28 (Freedom from attending religious instruction) – No religious instruction shall be
provided in any educational institution wholly maintained out of state

5. Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29 – 30)

Article 29 (Protection of Interests of Minorities) – It provides that any section of the citizens
residing in any part of India having a distinct language, script or culture of its own, shall
have the right to conserve the
Article 30 (Rights of Minorities to establish and administer Educational Institutes) – It
allows minority groups to establish and administer their religious institution without state
intervention or

6. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

Article 32 (Right or Constitutional Remedies) – Right to move the Supreme court for the
enforcement of fundamental rights including the writs of (i) habeas corpus, (ii) mandamus, (iii)
prohibition, (iv)certiorari and (v) quo warrento. Dr Ambedkar had called article 32 as the most
important article of the constitution.

Indian Constitution -: Schedules 

Schedules Parts Lists

Part I List of the Indian States.
Schedule I
Part II List of the Union Territories.
Part A Provisions as to the President and the Governors of States.
Part B Repealed
Provisions as to the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of
the People and the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council
Schedule Part C of States and the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative
II Assembly and the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the
Legislative Council of a State.
Provisions as to the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High
Part D
Part E Provisions as to the Comptroller and Auditor- General of India.
Schedule Forms of Oaths or Affirmations of various Constitutional and other
III posts and offices
Schedule Allocation of seats in the Council of States i.e Rajya Sabha for all the
IV States and Union Territories of India
Schedule Provisions as to the Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas
V and Scheduled Tribes.
Schedule   Provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of
VI Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.
List I Union List
List II State List
List III Concurrent List
List of 22 Languages −
1. Assamese 2. Bengali 3. Gujarati
4. Hindi 5. Kannada 6. Kashmiri
7. Malayalam 8. Marathi 9. Oriya
10. Punjabi 11. Sanskrit 12. Tamil

Schedule 13. Telugu 14. Urdu 15. Sindhi

VIII 16. Konkani 17. Manipuri 18. Nepali
19. Santhali 20. Bodo 21. Maithili
22. Dogri    
Initially, there were only 14 languages, but after 21st Amendment
(1967) Sindhi was added; after 71st Amendment (1992), Konkani,
Manipuri, and Nepali added; and after 92nd Amendment (2003),
Santhali, Bodo, Maithili, and Dogri added.
Added by
Schedule 1st Contains acts & orders related to land tenure, land tax, railways,
IX Amendment industries (Right of property, not a fundamental right).
in 1951
Added by
Schedule 52nd Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection – Anti
X Amendment Defection Law
in 1985
Added by
Schedule 73rd
Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats.
XI Amendment
in 1992
Added by
Schedule 74th
Powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities, etc.
XII Amendment
in 1992

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