When It Comes To The Key Factor in Choosing A Job, It's Compensation All The Way

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It’s all in the wallet


designations and positions, barely

When it comes to ``You can’t just reward people with
trophies. You have to reward them in 19 per cent said that they would lay
the key factor in the wallet too.’’ much store by it.
- Jack Welch Even in the rankings, where
choosing a job, it’s respondents were asked to rank the

compensation all ndoubtedly, when you’re important factors in choosing their
young, footloose and job, compensation emerges as the
the way. fancy free, with nary a single most important reason, with
worry and no money in the pocket 19 per cent ranking it right on top.
to boot, you would jump for the job Followed way behind by job con-
that would offer the best pay pack- tent and being a well-established
et. Well, perception is borne out by company; both of which are tied at
reality – compensation is stated as the the second spot.
key reason for choosing a job – by close Next on the scale are factors such
to 50 per cent of the executives spo- as an informal work atmosphere,
ken to. Reputations be damned – flexible work timings, opportunity
just 13 per cent said they would go for self development and a multi-
by a company’s reputation. national company.
However, this attitude would Says HR consultant A.L. Ravi-
change as executives begin their kanth, “Apart from compensation
arduous corporate journey. Nor are packages, young executives today
young executives swayed by also seek a multinational work

Reasons for selecting current job

in per cent





Good salary/ Interested in Good post/ Bigger Learning Needed Good
perks/ this job designation/ company/ would this job atmosphere/
compensation position reputed.MNC be more culture

12 Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000

Critical choice factors for selecting any job (1)

Per cent giving rank as 1


environment, not necessarily an
MNC, but a company with a high
level of informality. There’s also a 5

significant attitudinal change in

that today people look at working
across boundaries and possess
Compensation package

Opportunity to travel abroad

Opportunity to interact with the

Job that leaves enough time

for personal interests
Job content

Being a well established


work atmosphere

Flexible work timings



Opportunity for
developing technical skills

best brains in the field

Having an informal

Opportunity for

Being a multinational
greater mobility than before.”
The point that HR consultants
emphasise is borne out in the
respondents’ answers wherein they
rank an informal work atmosphere
pretty high, behind compensation,
of course. The young are looking
for a different organisational However, companies are
culture and a more open organisa- revisiting the compensation issue
tion than the ones in which their afresh. Competitive compensation,
parents, perhaps, would have including long-term wealth cre-
worked in. This culture, say consul- ation, is essential towards attracting Indian corporates
tants, is being offered by the new and retaining the young profession-
start-up companies, especially al, say HR managers. Comments
are re-examining
those springing up in the IT field. K. Nanda Kumar, Sr. Manager, the compensation
However, HR managers look on Personnel, EID Parry, ``Irrespective
these fat compensation demands by of location or sex, compensation
issue and are
the young workforce warily. Says seems to be a major factor, especial- coming up with
Bimal Rath, HR Alliance Director ly when they are at the start of their
(India), BT (Worldwide) Ltd: ``It’s careers. Also, mostly people who
more attractive
what I call the ‘credit card culture’. come from the middle class would packages.
Most young executives, who are consider salary as an important
getting into careers today, want factor.”
everything today while they will The last three years have seen
deliver to the company later. It’s corporates move towards differen-
like buying on a credit card and tiation in compensation of individ-
keep paying later in parts, if you uals, with differentials of up to 50
will. And without putting in per cent in the same salary grades.
enough into their careers, without “In a way it is healthy as young
actually contributing to the compa- people are clear. Loyalty is to them-
ny, what they are expecting back in selves and their careers rather than
return is a huge amount of money. organisations and the attitude is: ‘I
Which, if you look at it from a busi- am selling my talent to the highest
ness point of view, why should a bidder’. Companies have to man-
company pay you till you have age that and learn to take in talent
proved yourself?” and groom them. Loyalty has to be

Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000 13

bought by offering them a resolute
Chennai culture. Because salary loses mean-
80 50
(%) ing without job satisfaction. This (%)

70 comes out of the work culture, the

work itself and prospects of growth 40
apart from the compensation pack-
50 age,” says Rumjhum Chatterjee,
Managing Director, Feedback
40 Reach Consultancy Services.
In this system, all employees are 20
graded on a curve, rated on factors
20 of performance, potential, market
value, criticality and attitude. The
combined score of the above will
indicate the compensation slab and 0


Job content

well established

Training in

Being an MNC

Training in self

technical skills

travel abroad

with best brains

Training in

Opportunity to

to interact


stock grant the employee will be

positioned at. So, it becomes all the
more relevant for companies to
attract the right talent and then
retain them in such a competitive
environment. As Ravikanth says, Most young executives tend to be
the other significant change taking movers with little or no company
In the future,
place in the job market is that loyalty. “Employability and not
executive salaries are increasingly being employment is the operative
linked to performance. He says that approach. Here, both sides take into
compensation the ‘base’ salary concept will soon account the prospects of the other,”
will be linked cut a wide swathe across all indus- says Ganesh Shermon, CEO, HRM
tries. The base salary apart, every- Consulting Group Ltd. This has
to only one thing above that will be linked to happened as there is a growing
parameter performance and performance number of ambitious movers that
alone. does not always stop to consider
– performance.
Critical choice factors for selecting any job (2)
% who mentioning it as rank 1 or 2 or 3





Opportunity to travel abroad

Opportunity to interact with the

Being a market leader in its field

Compensation package

Opportunity for training

Being a well established

Having an informal work

Flexible work timings

Being a multinational

developing technical skills

best brains in the field

Job involving interactions with

different kinds of people
Job that leaves enough time

Better designation compared



Job content


to current one
Job offering a lot of

Having a well defined

Opportunity for

for personal interests

for self developement

14 Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000

The second lot is a growing tribe.
Mumbai Delhi
70 These young executives are not 40
(%) very particular about the kind of (%)

60 companies they join. There is the 35

obvious lure of earning a little bit
50 30
more, which is very relevant. “But
my perception is that these are the 25
kind of people who choose smaller
30 companies because they are clear
that they will not stick around for 15
20 long. And these are the kind of peo-
ple who tend to shift jobs quicker 10
than people who are careful about 5
the profile of the company,” he
feels. 0

Opportunity to
travel abroad

Flexible work timings

Training in

Informal work


Informal work

Flexible work

Well established

Training in
Putting a value
How much value do young exec-
utives attach to their job, is a ques-
tion that often arises in the minds of
heavyweight names. The right managers, especially HR managers.
package is the cutting edge. “I This section will go some way Monetary
would divide the population into towards addressing that issue.
two kinds of people – those who It examines how much weightage compensation is
want to make a career and those are or importance the respondents
the ones who look for brands or attach to each aspect of their job,
the single largest
right profile of companies to work using a specialised trade-off model- determinant of
for. The other set is not into making ling technique called conjoint
a career, they join with the idea that analysis.
job value in
if it works, fine, if not, they’d opt Quite expectedly, monetary com- the mind of the
out,” says Rath. pensation emerges as the single
young executive.
Critical choice factors across segments
(% mentioning it as Rank 1 or 2 or 3




Compensation package

Having an informal
work atmosphere

Opportunity to
travel abroad

Flexible work

Opportunity to interact
with the best brains in the field

Well established

Job content

Training in
technical skills

Training in
self developement

Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000 15

Conjoint Analysis
M arket researchers use Conjoint Analysis to reveal
the decision rules that consumers adopt while
purchasing products. In other words, it is a method of
conjoint exercise must reflect current and potential
expectations from the product offerings.
In the study on young executives, conjoint analysis
deriving the utility values that consumers attach to was used in the context of job selection by the young
varying levels of a product’s attributes. Consumers executives, in order to arrive at the importance of vari-
rank or rate the different product options (each of ous attributes in selecting any particular job. The vari-
which is a set of attribute levels) in terms of prefer- ous attributes that were considered and the corre-
ences. These are then decomposed to infer the utility or sponding utilities or importance the young executives
importance the customer assigns to each attribute attach to them are given in the table.
level. In effect, conjoint analysis generates utilities for While looking at the findings of this component it is
various attributes and different levels of the attributes important to keep in mind the fact that while all key
taking into account the trade-offs the customer makes attributes have been considered, it is not a complete set
in a typical purchase decision. and there may be a few aspects outside this set that
The attributes considered during the design of the may also affect job choice. ■

most important aspect in deciding

on a job and receives an importance
Aspects affecting job value
score of 26.13 out of 100. Importance score (out of 100)
Close on its heels, and rather sur-
prisingly, was the type of organisa-
The atmosphere tion – seen as much more important
at work does not than anything else. It receives an 20
importance score of 22.95 out of
command much 100. 15
importance Non-monetary perks come next,
with an importance score of 10
when it comes to 17.46 out of 100.
valuing a job. These three aspects account for 5
65 per cent of the weightage
allocated to all the aspects 0
Type of
Extent of
pressure in job

Working hours
Training in technical
skills &personality
Work atmosphere

considered critical in job choice.

Other factors such as extent of
pressure in the job, working hours
and work atmosphere come next.
In fact, work atmosphere,
promises about training (in techni- importance of various ‘levels’
cal as well as personality develop- within each aspect.
ment) and stipulated working For example, work atmosphere,
hours, put together, account for less as seen earlier, accounted for an
importance than what one single importance of around 6 points. At
aspect – monetary compensation- the next level, the importance of
commands in terms of importance. various levels within this aspect,
Having ascertained the impor- that is, a structured and formal
tance of each aspect, the next task atmosphere vs a structured but
was to decide the extent of friendly atmosphere vs an informal

16 Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000

Conjoint Analysis
Aspect Import- Levels Importance Importance
ance for that in the
level overall
(utility) scheme
within that of things
Monetary 26.13 Upto 15k 17 4.36
compensation 15 – 30k 33 8.71
31 K+ 50 13.07
Type of 22.91 FMCG – –
organisation Manufacturing 6 1.28
Telecom 8 1.75
Consultancy 8 1.94
Advtg/MR 13 3.03
Financial Services 15 3.48
IT 16 3.76
Automobile 17 3.81
Service sector 17 3.84
Non-monetary perks 17.46 None 57 9.88
Very basic – –
Higher order 43 7.58
Extent of pressure 11.50 Low – –
in job Medium 63 7.21
High 37 4.29
Working hours 8.76 14 hrs – –
10 hrs 33 2.92
8 hrs 67 5.84
Training 7.49 Yes 100 7.94
No – –
Work atmosphere 5.75 Structured &
formal – –
Structured but
friendly 78 4.46
Informal 22 1.29

atmosphere was ascertained. These medium work pressure, 8 hour day

importance scores are called and a salary less than Rs.15,000
utilities. The findings of this exer- (again with very basic non-mone-
cise are in the table above. tary perks) works out to 28.66.
What this process enables us Please note that while the salary
to do is to compute the ‘value’ for the IT executive is lower, oppor-
associated to each job by the tunity for training, lower work
executives today. pressure and fewer working hours
For example, the value associated takes the ‘value’ of the job higher
with a job in the advertising indus- than that of the advertising
try with high work pressure and a executive who earns more. ■
14 hour working day, with no scope
for training but an informal work
atmosphere and a compensation
between Rs.15,000 and Rs.30,000
and very basic non-monetary perks
is 17.32.
Similarly, that of an IT profession-
al in a structured and formal work
atmosphere with training and

Urban Pulse ✦ Business Line ✦ February 2000 17

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