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Psalm 23:1-4

“1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie
down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my soul; He
guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. 4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod
and Thy staff, they comfort me”

In this passage that God is using the analogy of sheep and their nature to describe us.
Sheep have a natural tendency to wander off and get lost. As believers, we tend to do the
same thing. We are spiritually blind and lost in our sin. We must listen to Him as He will
guide us to the right path, He sacrificed a lot and searches for us when we’re lost and He
is there who laid down his life for us. Since my Lord is my shepherd, I should not be
worried because I have Him. He will never leave me as long as my faith in Him is
always there. He will never leave me when I am experiencing ups and downs. No matter
how big my sins is, He always ready to forgive and give me another chance to make it
right. When I am in my darkest moment of my life, He will bring back my strength by
believing Him that this is just a challenge. We don’t be afraid of Death for God is with
us, and He will protect and comfort us through it all.

David is identified in the superscription as the author of the psalm. David was a shepherd
in his youth. David had himself been a keeper of sheep, and understood both the needs of
the sheep and the many cares of a shepherd. He compares himself to a creature weak, and
foolish, and he takes God to be his Provider, Preserver and Director. The author want us
to understand the passage in a way that David the author meant that since he had the
Lord as his shepherd, he had no other want; he was lacking nothing. He trust his Lord
more than anything else. Lord is the shepherd to the extent that the Lord is always ready
to fulfill our needs with the power of His Love for us. According to my research about
David the author of the psalm, he may appear at first glance that David would have
written this psalm as a boy while tending his flock. No doubt David did write psalms as
he spent lonely hours with his flocks in the field, but it is difficult to imagine that a psalm
of such depth could have been written. And for the second thought, It is like David
telling us that a good shepherd is all a sheep needs since a good shepherd, by his very
nature will always supply all of the sheep’s needs. In a similar way, a good Father will
provide for every need of His child (us).

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