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Final Report and Documentation Research and Presentation


Final Report and Documentation Research and Presentation


Research and Presentation Research and Documentation
July 03, 2020

Fungi are usually multicellular eucaryotic organisms that are heterotrophs (cannot
make their own food) and have important roles in nutrient cycling in an ecosystem. In the
Five-Kingdom System of Classification, fungi are in a kingdom all by themselves—the
Kingdom Fungi. The organisms found in Kingdom fungi contain a cell wall and are
omnipresent. The study of fungi is called mycology, and a person who studies fungi is called
a mycologist.


The structure of fungi can be explained in the following points:

 Almost all the fungi have a filamentous structure except yeast the cells.

 They can be either single-celled or multicellular organism.

 Fungi consist of long thread-like structures known as hyphae. These hyphae together
form a mesh-like structure called mycelium.

 Fungi possess a cell wall which is made up of chitin and polysaccharides.

 The cell wall comprises of protoplast which is differentiated into other cell parts such as
cell membrane, cytoplasm, cell organelles and nuclei.

 The nucleus is dense, clear, with chromatin threads. The nucleus is surrounded by a
nuclear membrane.


Fungi are found almost everywhere on earth; some (the saprophytic fungi) living on
organic matter in water and soil, and others (the parasitic fungi) living on and within animals
and plants. Some are harmful, whereas others are beneficial. Fungi also live on many unlikely
materials, causing deterioration of leather and plastics and spoilage of jams, pickles, and
many other foods. Beneficial fungi are important in the production of cheeses, beer, wine, and
other foods, as well as certain drugs (e.g., the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine) and
antibiotics (e.g., penicillin).

Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that include yeasts, moulds, and
mushrooms. They produce a chemical called pheromone which leads to sexual or asexual
reproduction. Fungi have no embryonic stage as they develop from spores. As saprophytes,
their main source of food is dead and decaying organic matter. Fungi are the ―garbage
disposers‖ of nature—the ―vultures‖ of the microbial world. By secreting digestive enzymes
into dead plant and animal matter, they decompose this material into absorbable nutrients for
themselves and other living organisms; thus, they are the original ―recyclers.‖

Fungi are sometimes incorrectly referred to as plants. They are not plants. One way
that fungi differ from plants and algae is that they are not photosynthetic. They have no
chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments, hence cannot perform photosynthesis. During
mitosis, the nuclear envelope is not dissolved. The cell walls of algal and plant cells contain
cellulose (a polysaccharide), but fungal cell walls do not. Fungal cell walls do contain a
polysaccharide called chitin, which is not found in the cell walls of any other microorganisms.
Chitin is also found in the exoskeletons of arthropods. Fungi also store their food in the form
of starch.

Although many fungi are unicellular (e.g., yeasts), others grow as filaments called
hyphae (singular, hypha), which intertwine to form a mass called a mycelium (plural,
mycelia) or thallus; thus, they are quite different from bacteria, which are always unicellular.
Also remember that bacteria are prokaryotic, whereas fungi are eukaryotic. Some fungi have
septate hyphae (meaning that the cytoplasm within the hypha is divided into cells by cross-
walls or septa), whereas others have aseptate hyphae (the cytoplasm within the hypha is not
divided into cells; no septa). Aseptate hyphae contain multinucleated cytoplasm (described as
being coenocytic). Learning whether the gus possesses septate or aseptate hyphae is an
important ―clue‖ when attempting to identify a fungus that has been isolated from a clinical

Outline of characteristics:

1. Nutrition. Heterotrophic (lacking photosynthesis), feeding by absorption rather than

2. Vegetative state. On or in the substratum, typically as a non-motile mycelium of
hyphae showing internal protoplasmic streaming. Motile reproductive states may
3. Cell wall. Typically present, usually based onglucans and chitin, rarely on glucans
and cellulose (Oomycota).
4. Nuclear status. Eukaryotic, uni- or multi-nucleate, the thallus being homo- or hetero-
karyotic, haploid, dikaryotic or diploid, the latter usually of short duration (but
exceptions are known from several taxonomic groups).
5. Life cycle. Simple or, more usually, complex.
6. Reproduction. The following reproductive events may occur: sexual (i.e. nuclear
fusion and meiosis) and/or parasexual(i.e. involving nuclear fusion followed by
gradual de-diploidization) and/or asexual(i.e. purely mitotic nuclear division).
7. Propagules. These are typically microscopically small spores produced in high
numbers. Motile spores are confined to certain groups.
8. Sporocarps. Microscopic or macroscopic and showing characteristic shapes but only
limited tissue differentiation.
9. Habitat. Ubiquitous in terrestrial and fresh- water habitats, less so in the marine
10. Ecology. Important ecological roles as saprotrophs, mutualistic symbionts, parasites,
or hyperparasites.

Decomposer vs. Saprophyte

The term decomposer relates to what an organism ―does for a living,‖ so to speak—
decomposers break materials down. The term saprophyte (or saprobe) relates to how an
organism obtains nutrients; saprophytes absorb nutrients from dead and decaying organic
matter. Sometimes the terms decomposer and saprophyte are used to describe the same
organism. For example, all saprophytes are decomposers—they decompose organic materials,
such as corpses, dead plants, and feces. However, not all decomposers are Saprophytes. Some
decomposers decompose materials such as minerals, rocks, inorganic industrial wastes,
rubber, plastic, and textiles. Also note the difference between a saprophyte and a parasite. A
parasite obtains nutrients from living organisms, whereas a Saprophyte obtains nutrients from
dead ones.


One of the ways in which fungi reproduce is by spore production. The two general
types of fungal spores are sexual and asexual spores. Asexual fungal spores are known as

Note: Depending on the particular species, fungal cells can reproduce by

budding, hyphal extension, or the formation of spores.

Sexual spores are produced by the fusion of two gametes (thus, by the fusion of two
nuclei). Sexual spores have a variety of names (e.g., ascospores, basidiospores, zygospores),
depending on the exact manner in which they are formed. Fungi are classified taxonomically
in accordance with the type of sexual spore that they produce or the type of structure on
which the spores are produced.

Asexual Spores are formed in many different ways, but not by the fusion of gametes.
Asexual spores are also called conidia (singular, conidium). Some species of fungi produce
both asexual and sexual spores. Fungal spores are very resistant structures that are carried
great distances by wind. They are resistant to heat, cold, acids, bases, and other chemicals.
Many people are allergic to fungal spores.


The taxonomic classification of fungi changes periodically. One current classification

divides the Kingdom Fungi into five phyla. Classification of fungi into these phyla is based
primarily on their mode of sexual reproduction.

Note: “-mycota” is used to designate a phylum while “-mycetes” formally

denotes a class or is used informally to refer to all members of the phylum.

The two phyla known as ―lower fungi‖ are the Chytridiomycotina (or
Chytridiomycota) and the Zygomycotina (or Zygomycota). The two phyla known as ―higher
fungi‖ are the Ascomycotina (or Ascomycota) and the Basidiomycotina (or Basidiomycota).
The fifth phylum—Deuteromycotina (or Deuteromycota)—contains fungi having no mode of
sexual reproduction, or in which the mode of sexual reproduction is not known.


Chytridiomycetes is the only class in the Phylum Chytridiomycota. The chytrids are
the simplest and most primitive Eumycota, or true fungi. The evolutionary record shows that
the first recognizable chytrids appeared during the late pre-Cambrian period, more than
500 million years ago. Like all fungi, chytrids have chitin in their cell walls, but one group of
chytrids has both cellulose and chitin in the cell wall. Most chytrids are unicellular; a few
form multicellular organisms and hyphae, which have no septa between cells (coenocytic).
They produce gametes and diploid zoospores that swim with the help of a single flagellum.
Chytridiomycotina live in water (―water moulds‖) and soil.

The ecological habitat and cell structure of chytrids have much in common with
protists. Chytrids usually live in aquatic environments, although some species live on land.
Some species thrive as parasites on plants, insects, or amphibians (Figure 1), while others are
saprobes. The chytrid species Allomyces is well characterized as an experimental organism.
Its reproductive cycle includes both asexual and sexual phases. Allomyces produces diploid
or haploid flagellated zoospores in a sporangium.

Figure 1. The chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is seen in these light

micrographs as transparent spheres growing on (a) a freshwater arthropod and (b) algae. This
chytrid causes skin diseases in many species of amphibians, resulting in species decline and
extinction. (credit: modification of work by Johnson ML, Speare R., CDC)

The Zygomycetes are a relatively small group of fungi belonging to the

Phylum Zygomycota. They include the familiar bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer, which
rapidly propagates on the surfaces of breads, fruits, and vegetables. Most species are
saprobes, living off decaying organic material; a few are parasites, particularly of insects.
Zygomycetes play a considerable commercial role. The metabolic products of other species
of Rhizopus are intermediates in the synthesis of semi-synthetic steroid hormones.

Zygomycetes have a thallus of coenocytic hyphae in which the nuclei are haploid
when the organism is in the vegetative stage. The fungi usually reproduce asexually by
producing sporangiospores (Figure 2). The black tips of bread mold are the swollen sporangia
packed with black spores (Figure 3). When spores land on a suitable substrate, they germinate
and produce a new mycelium. Sexual reproduction starts when conditions become
unfavorable. Two opposing mating strains (type + and type –) must be in close proximity for
gametangia from the hyphae to be produced and fuse, leading to karyogamy. The developing
diploid zygospores have thick coats that protect them from desiccation and other hazards.
They may remain dormant until environmental conditions are favorable. When the zygospore
germinates, it undergoes meiosis and produces haploid spores, which will, in turn, grow into a
new organism. This form of sexual reproduction in fungi is called conjugation (although it
differs markedly from conjugation in bacteria and protists), giving rise to the name
―conjugated fungi.‖

Figure 2. Zygomycetes have asexual and asexual life cycles. In the sexual life cycle,
plus and minus mating types conjugate to form a zygosporangium.
Figure 3. Sporangia grow at the end of stalks, which appear as (a) white fuzz seen on
this bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer. The (b) tips of bread mold are the spore-containing
sporangia. (credit b: modification of work by ―polandeze‖/Flickr)


The majority of known fungi belong to the Phylum Ascomycota, which is

characterized by the formation of an ascus (plural, asci), a sac-like structure that contains
haploid ascospores. Many ascomycetes are of commercial importance. Some play a beneficial
role, such as the yeasts used in baking, brewing, and wine fermentation, plus truffles and
morels, which are held as gourmet delicacies. Aspergillus oryzae is used in the fermentation
of rice to produce sake. Other ascomycetes parasitize plants and animals, including humans.
For example, fungal pneumonia poses a significant threat to AIDS patients who have a
compromised immune system. Ascomycetes not only infest and destroy crops directly; they
also produce poisonous secondary metabolites that make crops unfit for consumption.
Filamentous ascomycetes produce hyphae divided by perforated septa, allowing streaming of
cytoplasm from one cell to the other. Conidia and asci, which are used respectively for
asexual and sexual reproductions, are usually separated from the vegetative hyphae by
blocked (non-perforated) septa. Ascomycotina include certain yeasts and some fungi that
cause plant diseases (e.g., Dutch Elm disease).

Asexual reproduction is frequent and involves the production of conidiophores that

release haploid conidiospores (Figure 4). Sexual reproduction starts with the development of
special hyphae from either one of two types of mating strains (Figure 4). The ―male‖ strain
produces an antheridium and the ―female‖ strain develops an ascogonium. At fertilization, the
antheridium and the ascogonium combine in plasmogamy without nuclear fusion. Special
ascogenous hyphae arise, in which pairs of nuclei migrate: one from the ―male‖ strain and one
from the ―female‖ strain. In each ascus, two or more haploid ascospores fuse their nuclei in
karyogamy. During sexual reproduction, thousands of asci fill a fruiting body called
the ascocarp. The diploid nucleus gives rise to haploid nuclei by meiosis. The ascospores are
then released, germinate, and form hyphae that are disseminated in the environment and start
new mycelia (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The lifecycle of an ascomycete is characterized by the production of asci

during the sexual phase. The haploid phase is the predominant phase of the life cycle.

Figure 5. The bright field light micrograph shows ascospores being released from asci
in the fungus Talaromyces flavus var. flavus. (credit: modification of work by Dr. Lucille
Georg, CDC; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)

The fungi in the Phylum Basidiomycota are easily recognizable under a light
microscope by their club-shaped fruiting bodies called basidia (singular, basidium), which are
the swollen terminal cell of a hypha. The basidia, which are the reproductive organs of these
fungi, are often contained within the familiar mushroom, commonly seen in fields after rain,
on the supermarket shelves, and growing on your lawn (Figure 6). These mushroom-
producing basidiomyces are sometimes referred to as ―gill fungi‖ because of the presence of
gill-like structures on the underside of the cap. The ―gills‖ are actually compacted hyphae on
which the basidia are borne. This group also includes shelf fungus, which cling to the bark of
trees like small shelves. In addition, the basidiomycota includes smuts and rusts, which are
important plant pathogens; toadstools, and shelf fungi stacked on tree trunks. Most edible
fungi belong to the Phylum Basidiomycota; however, some basidiomycetes produce deadly
toxins. For example, Cryptococcus neoformans causes severe respiratory illness.
Basidiomycotina include some yeasts, some fungi that cause plant diseases, and the large
―fleshy fungi‖ that live in the woods (e.g., mushrooms, toadstools, bracket fungi, puffballs).

Figure 6. The fruiting bodies of a basidiomycete form a ring in a meadow, commonly

called ―fairy ring.‖ The best-known fairy ring fungus has the scientific name Marasmius
oreades. The body of this fungus, its mycelium, is underground and grows outward in a circle.
As it grows, the mycelium depletes the soil of nitrogen, causing the mycelia to grow away
from the center and leading to the ―fairy ring‖ of fruiting bodies where there is adequate soil
The lifecycle of basidiomycetes includes alternation of generations (Figure 7). Spores
are generally produced through sexual reproduction, rather than asexual reproduction. The
club-shaped basidium carries spores called basidiospores. In the basidium, nuclei of two
different mating strains fuse (karyogamy), giving rise to a diploid zygote that then undergoes
meiosis. The haploid nuclei migrate into basidiospores, which germinate and generate
monokaryotic hyphae. The mycelium that results is called a primary mycelium. Mycelia of
different mating strains can combine and produce a secondary mycelium that contains haploid
nuclei of two different mating strains. This is the dikaryotic stage of the basidiomyces lifecyle
and and it is the dominant stage. Eventually, the secondary mycelium generates a basidiocarp,
which is a fruiting body that protrudes from the ground—this is what we think of as a
mushroom. The basidiocarp bears the developing basidia on the gills under its cap.

Figure 7. The lifecycle of a basidiomycete alternates generation with a prolonged

stage in which two nuclei (dikaryon) are present in the hyphae.

They are also called imperfect fungi as these fungi do not display a sexual phase.
Phylum Deuteromycota is a polyphyletic group where many species are more closely related
to organisms in other phyla than to each other; hence it cannot be called a true phylum and
must, instead, be given the name form phylum. Since they do not possess the sexual structures
that are used to classify other fungi, they are less well described in comparison to other
divisions. Most members live on land, with a few aquatic exceptions. They form visible
mycelia with a fuzzy appearance and are commonly known as mold. Molecular analysis
shows that the closest group to the deuteromycetes is the ascomycetes. In fact, some species,
such as Aspergillus, which were once classified as imperfect fungi, are now classified as
ascomycetes. Reproduction of Deuteromycota is strictly asexual and occurs mostly by
production of asexual conidiospores (Figure 8). Some hyphae may recombine and form
heterokaryotic hyphae. Genetic recombination is known to take place between the different

Figure 8. Aspergillus niger is an imperfect fungus commonly found as a food

contaminant. The spherical structure in this light micrograph is a conidiophore. (credit:
modification of work by Dr. Lucille Georg, CDC; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Imperfect fungi have a large impact on everyday human life. The food industry relies
on them for ripening some cheeses. The blue veins in Roquefort cheese and the white crust on
Camembert are the result of fungal growth. The antibiotic penicillin was originally discovered
on an overgrown Petri plate, on which a colony of Penicillium fungi killed the bacterial
growth surrounding it. Many imperfect fungi cause serious diseases, either directly as
parasites (which infect both plants and humans), or as producers of potent toxic compounds,
as seen in the aflatoxins released by fungi of the genus Aspergillus.


Single-celled fungi are known as yeasts. Around 1,500 species of fungi are
recognised as yeasts. Some fungi have the ability to shift between living as yeasts or in a
multicellular form with hyphae. Yeasts do not belong to one particular group of fungi but are
found in a range of distantly related fungal groups.

Yeasts are eukaryotic single-celled (unicellular) organisms that lack mycelia.

Individual yeast cells, sometimes referred to as blastospores or blastoconidia, can only be
observed using a microscope. They usually reproduce by budding, but occasionally do so by a
type of spore formation. Sometimes a string of elongated buds is formed; this string of
elongated buds is called a pseudohypha (pl., pseudohyphae). It resembles a hypha, but it is not
a hypha. Some yeasts produce thick-walled, sporelike structures called chlamydo-spores (or

Note: Yeasts are microscopic, single-celled organisms that usually reproduce

by budding.

Yeasts are found in soil and water and on the skins of many fruits and vegetables.
Wine, beer, and alcoholic beverages had been produced for centuries before Louis Pasteur
discovered that naturally occurring yeasts on the skin of grapes and other fruits and grains
were responsible for these fermentation processes. The common yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (―baker’s yeast‖) ferments sugar to alcohol under anaerobic conditions. Under
aerobic conditions, this yeast breaks down simple sugars to carbon dioxide and water; for this
reason, it has long been used to leaven light bread. Yeasts are also a good source of nutrients
for humans because they produce many vitamins and proteins. Some yeasts (e.g., Candida
albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) are human pathogens. C. albicans is the yeast most
frequently isolated from human clinical specimens, and is also the fungus most frequently
isolated from human clinical specimens.

Note: C. Albicans and C. neoformans are examples of yeasts that cause

human infections.

Molds belong to a group of fungi called zygomycetes. Around 1,000 different

zygomycetes species have currently been identified. Although this category of fungi is
frequently spelled ―molds,‖ mycologists prefer to use ―moulds.‖ Moulds are the fungi often
seen in water and soil and on food. They grow in the form of cytoplasmic filaments or hyphae
that make up the mycelium of the mould. Some of the hyphae (called aerial hyphae) extend
above the surface of whatever the mould is growing on, and some (called Vegetative hyphae)
are beneath the surface. Reproduction is by spore formation, either sexually or asexually, on
the aerial hyphae; for this reason, aerial hyphae are sometimes referred to as reproductive
hyphae. Various species of moulds are found in each of the classes of fungi except

Moulds have great commercial importance. For example, within the Ascomycotina
and the Basidiomycotina classes are found many antibiotic-producing moulds, such as
Penicillium and Cephalosporium. Penicillin, the first antibiotic to be discovered by a scientist,
was actually discovered by accident. Many additional antibiotics were later developed by
culturing soil samples in laboratories and isolating any moulds that inhibited growth of
bacteria. Today, to increase their spectrum of activity, antibiotics can be chemically altered in
pharmaceutical company laboratories, as has been done with the various semisynthetic
penicillins (e.g., ampicillin, amoxicillin, and carbenicillin). Some moulds are also used to
produce large quantities of enzymes (such as amylase, which converts starch to Glucose),
citric acid, and other organic acids that are used commercially. The flavor of cheeses such as
bleu cheese, Roquefort, camembert, and limburger are the result of moulds that grow in them.

Fleshy Fungi

The large fungi that are encountered in forests, such as mushrooms, toadstools,
puffballs, and bracket fungi, are collectively referred to as fleshy Fungi. Obviously, they are
not microorganisms. Mushrooms are a class of true fungi that consist of a network of
filaments or strands (the mycelium) that grow in the soil or in a rotting log, and a fruiting
body (the mushroom that rises above the ground) that forms and releases spores. Each spore,
much like the seed of a plant, germinates into a new organism. Many mushrooms are
delicious to eat, but others, including some that resemble edible fungi, are extremely toxic and
may cause permanent liver and brain damage or death if ingested.

As aforementioned Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually, but actually they
also have symbiotic associations with plants and bacteria. A lichen forms when a fungi and
photosynthetic organisms, such as a green algae or cyanobacteria, form a symbiotic
relationship. A symbiotic relationship is any relationship between different individuals from
different species. In the case of lichens, it is a relationship between a fungi and many single-
celled, photosynthetic organisms.

In lichens, photosynthetic cells are caught in a dense network of fungal hyphae. The
fungi provides the photosynthetic cells with a suitable habitat. The fungi receives the benefit
of excess sugars and nutrients produced by the green algae or cyanobacterium.


Fungi are one of the most important groups of organisms on the planet as it plays a
vital role in the biosphere and has great economic importance on account of their both
benefits and harmful effects.

1. Recycling – They play a major role in recycling the dead and decayed matter.

2. Food – Mushrooms species are edible which are cultured and are used as food by humans.

3. Medicines – There are many fungi which are used to produce antibiotics, which are used to
control diseases in humans and animals. Penicillin antibiotic is derived from a common fungi

4. Biocontrol Agents – Fungi are involved in exploiting insects, other small worms and help
in controlling pests. Spores of fungi are used as spray-on crops.

5. Food spoilage – Fungi play a major role in recycling organic material and are also
responsible for major spoilage and economic losses of stored food.

Additional information about FUNGI

Thallus Organisation

The plant body of true fungi is a thallus. It may be non-mycelial or mycelial. The
non-mycelial forms are unicellular. However, they may form a pseudomycelium by
budding. In mycelial forms, the plant body is made up of thread-like structures called
hyphae(sing. hypha).
Cell Organisation

The cell wall of fungi is mainly made up of chitin and cellulose. Chitin is a polymer
of N-acetyl glucosamine. On the other hand, cellulose is nothing but a polymer of d-
glucose. Besides, the cell wall may be made up of cellulose-glycogen, cellulose-chitin
or polygalactosamine-galactan.


The fungi are achlorophyllous organisms. Hence, they cannot prepare their food.
They live as heterotrophs i.e., as parasites and saprophytes. Some forms live
symbiotically with other green forms.

Parasites: They usually obtain their food from a living host. A parasite could be
facultative or obligate. The obligate parasites survive and settle on a living host
throughout their life. The facultative parasites are saprophytes that have turned

Saprophytes: These organisms procure their nutrition from dead and decaying organic
matter. The saprophytes are either obligate or facultative. An obligate saprophyte
remains saprophytic during its entire lifetime. While a facultative saprophyte is
nothing but a parasite that has secondarily become saprophytic.

Symbionts: Some fungi develop in symbiotic association with the green or blue-green
algae. These constitute the lichen. Here the algal component is photosynthetic. While
the fungal component plays the reproductive papart


The fungi either reproduces vegetatively, asexually or sexually:

Vegetative Reproduction

Fragmentation: Some forms belonging to Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina

multiply by breakage of the mycelium.

Budding: Some unicelled forms multiply by budding. A bud arises as a papilla on the
parent cell and then after its enlargement separates into a completely independent

Fission: A few unicelled forms like yeasts and slime moulds multiply by this process.

 Biology Dictionary.

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 BYJU’s The Learning App. <>

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Screenshot Picture from our GC

The pictures above are screenshot from our GC of our group wherein you can see our
conversation about on how we dealing in making the ppt presentation, research information,
making final report and documentation. You can also see in the picture above the researches
that each member made and we compile all of the researches information to have a good
Screenshot Picture of Princess and Hoone Lord converstion in research information
that they use in making power point presentation.
June 26, 2020 Friday we have a class in Biology section 1308 and ma’am told us and assigns
a group presentation. And after that the group mates and I decide to divide the work to be
done, first we divide our group in to two and each group has 3 members. The first group are
Lontok, Comia and Ramos who are assigned in researching information and they are the one
who are going to present. The second group are Banzuelo, Falceso, Caibigan who are
assigned in making the final reports and documentation. June 27-July 2 we work hard in
researching and find information about our topic and we compile all of information. We also
finalize our power point presentation and final report with documentation to be ready for the
submission. July 3, 2020 is the submission of the final report with documentation and the
presentation of our work is on July 6, 2020 – July 7, 2020.

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