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I am an incoming 2nd Year LLB student at Brickfield Asia College KL Campus.

I am currently
doing my internship under the 30DSIP at Messrs Choo Dee Wei. I would say that I am a
friendly and approachable person with the passion and commitment to take our union

The reason why I would like to run for the Vice President position is that aspects of the
values and goals that KPUM is holding up. I especially appreciate that KPUM is taking the
initiative to develop the members to become more well-rounded and marketable when they
going into the workforce.

KPUM has been brilliant in so many ways and so many years but I believe it can be even
better. In light of the Covid19 pandemic, we need a fresh approach that offers new solutions
to old problems, and I’m confident that I can provide this.

I’ve had a great 1 term in KPUM as an executive in Corporate Relation Department.

Throughout the term, I have dealt with several lawfirms, education providers and student
agents in terms of the negotiation for the sponsorship packages for the Union. For example,
Shook Lin & Bok, UKEC. I get to see what qualities and requirement lawfirms or the other
entities are looking for in us law students and this is exactly the reason why I wish to be the
bridge between the external stakeholders and our members.

Throughout the sections in my manifesto I have offered some new, creative ideas Although I
have to apologies that this manifesto is a product of last mins work and I hope I would
further illustrates it in my speech and Q&A. First, as we all know, the Ms.Covid19 has hit us
hard and the economy climate has essentially caused a lot of firms are reducing their intake
of pulpillage, internships and even paralegals. I would like to increase the networking or
collaboration opportunities not only with traditional law firms but also expand it to In-House
like what Lauren had mentioned, EY, Pwc (consulting firms) and Shell, Petronas (Oil and Gas)
which are well-known in their enthusiasim in developing students. Public Sector, with my
experience in participating PD and organising MPPC, I also realised that the Public sector are
in need of young blood and I can see how KPUM can be in a part of this youth
empowerment drive. Lawatan Edisi in Feb was a huge success that we received quite a
number of application and we received positive feedback. This came to show that our
members is not just interested in lawfirms but also the opportunities to become civil
servants such as positions in AGC, MACC, Ministries or even Judicial clerkships in the court
or shadowing MPs. I believe that with my experience and existing connections, I would be
able to lead the Union expand its influence and provide more opportunities to our members
beyond the traditional law firms.

Another shortcoming that I identified in KPUM is the gap between UK-MY division. I would
like to address this problem is to foster more interactive workflow and symmetry between
the activities and events of the Exco and the DivBoard. I aim to organise more events that
park under the MY chapter while concurrently big events such as Law Career Convention
will be held in the UK. In 2011, KPUM actually collaborated w UMLawsoc for a LCC that was
held in UM. I see the possibility for us to do it again, maybe a smaller scale provide to our
members who reside in Malaysia so that it would’t create a conflict of interest. Also, given
that many of our events now would be held online, I do think that this is the best time for us
to close the gap between the UK-MY division because there would be no longer physical
contrains and a lot of tasks would be distributed fairly and we could assist each other in
terms of that. I would also like to create a ‘support group’ specially caters to those students
who are doing the transfer programme. I realised that by exchanging opinion such as the
ones who are currently in the UK division could share their experience, life hacks or tips for
studies to those who are going to the UK. This could also acts as another mechanism for
KPUM to retain talents as many transfer programme students who became Exe in MY
DivBoard could have proceed to contest to be Ex Committee when they transfer to the UK.

Further elaborate on the point of retaining talents, I would increase the groundwork w our
student Representative. I would say this is an important part as we can see Dang Iriani was
one of our MY SR and now she’s contesting for Deputy Director. This is a good way for us to
scout for future Executive. I would first restructure the SR programme including review the
duration and the job scope. This is because many of our SR had pointed put that the SR
programme duration was too short and more than often it was hard for them to learn the
about the gist of what is the job scope of each department. I would propose we lengthen
the duration of the SR tenure and we could modify the programme for our SR to become
more of like a shadow council where they will be involved in the daily communication
between the directors or Exco and really learn from the day-to-day basis operation how is it
like. Furthermore, I would also have more frequent meetings with our SR to check on their
personal well-being as well as making sure that the Union would hear the cohesive voice
from the students.

In terms of skills and enhancement or collaboration with other Law Society or Student
Union, we can see that currently the Union is doing pretty well as we are part of the UKEC
affiliates, we also corroborated w UMLawsoc for many of our webinar but I envision to
initiate communication more Malaysia Universities inclusive of both Public and Private Uni.
We could initiate KPUM Law Games where it is a sports competition where law students
could join as well as moot competition where we invites law students around the nation to
join and compete. We could also enhance our relationships with the KLBAR Young Lawyers
committes where very often they will organise skills enhancement workshops, talks or even
moot competitions that definitely would benefit our members.

To celebrate racial

That sums up my brief introduction, I solemnly promise that I will campaign and lobby
relentlessly on your behalf to try and improve your experience and your welfare in the
KPUM. If I may quote Winston Churchill, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and
sweat.” If you would like to see changes and KPUM in a greater height, I humbly request for
your vote.

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