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Tugas membuat esai mengenai fenomena dalam konteks interaksi atmosfer-laut i will show you all a picture i took on feb. 29 at 7.30 am.
You have to observe this picture carefully.
This picture shows condition in the north part of manado bay. The hill behind is area of molas
& tumpa montain.
There is white cloud cover the land and water vapor just in the surface of the sea.
You have to explain this phenomenon in the context of sea-atmosphere interaction.
Please explain in three paragraphs about this phenomenon, and post it in this grup, by writing
completely all the paragraps. Do not separate each paragraph. I will make evaluation on your
Ok..i am stanby in this grup, till all have sent your writing.
13/04/2020 09.15 Now in 20 minutes

13/04/2020 09.17 - Reinald Tindige (19051103049)

Solar energy, which is the main driving force of this cycle, heats subsystems on earth so
that there is a strong enough interaction to produce or form a coupling system (interaction
and direction), where the process that occurs is the transfer of energy and mass in the energy
balance process in this case radiation energy including heat energy and momentum in surface
friction. The sea is considered to play a very important role in climate change. One important
parameter that plays a role in the sea is the sea surface temperature (SPL), because sea
surface temperature (SPL) determines the real heat flux (sensible) and heat hidden (latent)
through the sea surface.
Coupling interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean causes very important
phenomena such as El Nino, La Nina, positive ni Dipole Mode (+), negative Dipole Mode (-),
Maden-Julian Oscillation, Walker Circulation, Hadley Cell Cycle, and others.

13/04/2020 09.32 - Alfa Kakauhe (19051103035)

The main source of driving the clutch system is the addition by the sun. Ocean areas that
cause climate change in this region are hot enough for air to evaporate to form cycles. From
this we can see that the influence of the sea is very important for the weather, especially for
the formation of precipitation. Precipitation is almost impossible without evaporation from
the oceans. The interaction between the sea and the atmosphere is very related. We can see
from the hydrological cycle which is the air circulation on this planet. Solar energy, which is
the main driving force of this cycle, warms the ocean so that the ocean air evaporates. Ninety
percent of evaporation occurs at sea, the remaining ten percent is then evaporation that occurs
in other waters and from evapotranspiration. From the evaporation of air vapor into the
atmosphere then cooled and formed clouds in the atmosphere. From the mature clouds,
precipitation will emerge and then fall to the ground. Water that flows on the surface will
return to the sea through rivers or sink in and be stored on land. We can see all of these cycles
here. Precipitation is almost impossible to occur without evaporation from the oceans due to
sunlight (90% of evaporation is received from the oceans). Sea conditions that can affect the
weather, one of which is sea surface temperature. The effect of sea surface temperature can
be seen from one of the sea phenomena that can affect the atmosphere of the tropics, namely
El Nino and La Nina.

13/04/2020 09.33 - Adinda natasya dunggio (19051103017)

The sea plays an important role in the cycle system on planet Earth. The interaction
between the ocean and the atmosphere is controlled by the transmission of solar thermal
energy which heats the atmosphere and land oceans. One important parameter that plays a
role in the sea is the sea surface temperature (SPL), because sea surface temperature (SPL)
determines the real heat flux (sensible) and heat hidden (latent) through the sea surface.
The energy transfer process that occurs is an advection process that has a stronger impact
than convection because stratification in the ocean is more stable than the diatmosphere and
also the atmosphere in the atmosphere is more bouyant (has a high buoyancy) than at sea.
From this strong interaction between the ocean-atmosphere, the phenomenon of
atmospheric-ocean coupling is divided based on the distribution of territorial waters. For
example, the Binasi Quasi Oscillation and Madden Julian Oscillation, then the Walker
circulation and the Hadley cell are also ENSO events that indicate EL nino Lanina and also
the positive-negative mode Dipole events.

13/04/2020 09.34 - Citra Lestari Simarmata(19051103021)

menurut saya penjelasan gambar diatas adalah mengenai interaksi Atmosfer - laut
Interaksi laut dan atmosfir membentuk proses kopling yang terjadi di pergantian energi
dan masa di permukaan laut. Terjadinya perpindahan energi dan masa dalam proses neraca
energi dalam hal energi radiasi termasuk energi panas dan momentum dalam hal friksi
Ketika lautan mendingin, maka laut akan merespon dengan menghasilkan gerak konveksi
vertikal yang akan mensuplai panas ke permukaan .
Hal ini terjadi karena persamaan kontinuitas masa membutuhkan air dingin mengendap
kekedalaman dari permukaan tergantikan oleh masa air di bawahnya yang notabene lebih
Air hangat tersebut akan menyembul ke permukaan. Proses perubahan suhu dilautan
terjadi jauh lebih lambat daripada diatmosfir .
Pergantian energi, dalam hal neraca masa terjadi dalam hal penguapan dan hujan,
perpindahan mineral dan gas .Gas gas yang ada di permukaan mengabsorbsi energi radiasi
Karena gas gas tersebut menyerap energi matahari pada panjang gelombang khusus.
Hasilnya adalah peningkatan dari suhu atmosfir dan mengakibatkan juga peningkatan suhu
laut dimana salah satu gas penting yaitu CO2 juga banyak terdapat diatmosfir yang kemudian
dapat diendapkan didalam lautan . Kepentingan pengendapan CO2 sangat membantu
mengurangi pengaruh pemanasan global . Dalam hal kopling atau interaksi laut atmosfir,
perlu ditekankan hubungan antara lautan dan atmosfir dalam hal sebagai pensuplai uap air
yang tersimpan dalam awan yg berpengaruh besar bagi atmosfir Penguapan terjadi akibat
tidak jenuhnya atmosfir oleh uap dan akibat cukup hangatnya suhu muka laut. Sebaliknya
atmosfir mensuplai energi dan masa dalam bentuk curah hujan dan endapan yang juga
melibatkan transfer energi .
Sebagai akibat maka lautan terus panas meskipun equinok atau titik nadir matahari telah
menjauhi garis khatulistiwa. Dari angin kearus laut Sewaktu angin bertiup dimuka laut,
energi ditransofrmasi kan dari angin ke permukaan laut .Beberapa dari energi tersebut
menjadi gelombang gravitasi permukaan yang mengikuti pergerakan arus permukaan akibat
pergerakan angin . Hal yang terkahir ini yang menyebabkan terjadinya arus laut

13/04/2020 09.34 - Easter C. H. Situmorang (19051103001)

The water cycle or hydrological cycle is the circulation of water that never stops from the
atmosphere to the earth and returns to the atmosphere through condensation, precipitation,
evaporation and transpiration. Warming sea water by sunlight is the key to the hydrological
cycle process that can run continuously.
Evaporation / transpiration - Water in the sea evaporates into space (atmosphere) and
becomes white clouds. Sea water evaporates into gas vapor because of the sun's heat.
The picture was taken at 7:30 a.m. Events in the northern part of the bay of Manado show
the evaporation process of evaporation of sea water because the sun's rays form white clouds
which are part of the hydrological cycle.

13/04/2020 09.35 - Wista A Situmorang (19051103053)

I think, this is a phenomenon that often occurs on earth, namely the phenomenon of
evaporation. where the waters in the northern part of the Gulf of Manado evaporate due to the
heat of the sun. the water vapor rises into the atmosphere and then forms the beautiful clouds
in the picture. then the cloud will turn back into water and return to the Gulf of Manado

13/04/2020 09.36 - Jhenelly Sasauw (19051103023)

What I noticed from the picture above is the water cycle or also known as the
hydrological cycle, which means that the circulation of water from the atmosphere to the
earth and then back to the atmosphere. In this cycle, there are many stages that must be
passed such as condensation, precipitation then evaporation and transpiration.
In the picture above is the process of Evaporation (evaporation) / transpiration.
Evaporation is the process of changing liquid molecules into gas molecules, then water is
turned into steam. Evaporation that occurs causes the effect of rising water that has turned
into upward gas or into the atmosphere. water in the sea, then will evaporate into space
(atmosphere) and then will become clouds. Sunlight is the main support in the evaporation
stage so that the more light, the greater the water molecules that are lifted.In a saturated state
of water vapor (clouds) it will become water spots which will then fall (precipitationO in the
form of rain, snow, ice.
In meteorology, precipitation (also known as a class in hydrometeors, which is an
atmospheric phenomenon) is any product of condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere.
It occurs when the atmosphere becomes saturated and water then condenses and comes out of
the solution.

13/04/2020 09.41 - Jenever Rori (19051103037)

The phenomena in the picture view, i think, The relationship between the sea and the
atmosphere is very important. We can see from the hydrological cycle which is the air
circulation on this planet. Solar energy, which is the main driving force of this cycle, warms
the ocean so that the ocean air evaporates. Ninety percent of evaporation occurs at sea, the
remaining ten percent is then evaporation that occurs in other waters and from
From the evaporation of air vapor into the atmosphere then cooled and formed clouds in
the atmosphere. From the mature clouds, precipitation will emerge and then fall to the
ground. Water that flows on the surface will return to the sea through rivers or sink in and be
stored on land.
90% of evaporation comes from the ocean, and the ocean can affect one of the sea surface
temperatures. One of the sea phenomena that can affect the atmosphere in the tropics is El
Nino and La Nina

13/04/2020 09.42 - Surya Tambing (19051103055)

The interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere contributes to a large amount of
energy needed by the circulation system. This interaction forms a coupling system
(interaction and direction) where the process that occurs is the transfer of energy and mass in
the energy balance process in this case the radiation energy including heat energy and
momentum in terms of surface friction. Sea-atmosphere interactions can be seen from the
hydrological cycle on planet Earth. Solar energy that heats the ocean so that evaporation
occurs on the surface of the oceans. Supply of water vapor in the atmosphere which is the
source of cloud formation when the water vapor condenses in the atmosphere this is the main
heat transfer mechanism that occurs between the ocean and the atmosphere.

13/04/2020 09.45 - Anatasya P. Kairupan (19051103033)

The interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere is particularly relevant. We can see
from the hydrologic cycle that is the earth's water circulation. Solar energy, which is the main
force of this cycle, heats the oceans, causing seawater to evaporate. Ninety percent of
evaporation takes place in the sea, and only the remaining ten percent of it is evaporation in
other waters and from evapotranspiration. From this evaporation water vapor to the
atmosphere is then cooled and forms clouds in the atmosphere. From the ripe clouds there
will be precipitation and then fall to the ground. Surface waters return to the sea either by
river or seep in and stored on land.
From this cycle we can see that the effect of the ocean on weather events is particularly
great in the formation of precipitation. Precipitation is almost impossible without evaporation
from the oceans asa result of sunlight (90% of evaporation from the oceans). Ocean
conditions that can affect weather for one thing are ocean face temperatures. The effects of
ocean temperature can be discerned from one of the ocean phenomena that can affect the
atmosphere especially in the tropics, el nino and la Nina

13/04/2020 09.45 - Rosemarie T. Roring (19051103013)

The interaction between the atmosphere and the sea in the picture is the hydrological
cycle, which is a water cycle with changes in various forms and returns to the original form.
What happens in the picture is evaporation, where water evaporates due to heat or air
temperature and water availability and forms clouds.
Meanwhile, when viewed from the wind, when the wind blows on the sea surface, energy
is transmitted from the wind to the surface of the sea. Some of this energy becomes surface
gravity waves that follow the movement of surface currents due to wind movement. This last
thing that causes ocean currents.

13/04/2020 09.46 - Livyanne I. Rorintulus (19051103045)

The phenonena in the picture, i think is water cycle, or called hydrologic cycle, cycle that
involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of the many
processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration,
condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Although the total amount of water within the cycle
remains essentially constant, its distribution among the various processes is continually
Evaporation, one of the major processes in the cycle, is the transfer of water from the
surface of the Earth to the atmosphere. By evaporation, water in the liquid state is transferred
to the gaseous, or vapour, state. This transfer occurs when some molecules in a water
mass have attained sufficient kinetic energy to eject themselves from the water surface. The
main factors affecting evaporation are temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation.
The direct measurement of evaporation, though desirable, is difficult and possible only at
point locations. The principal source of water vapour is the oceans, but evaporation also
occurs in soils, snow, and ice. Evaporation from snow and ice, the direct conversion from
solid to vapour, is known as sublimation. Transpiration is the evaporation of water through
minute pores, or stomata, in the leaves of plants. For practical purposes, transpiration and the
evaporation from all water, soils, snow, ice, vegetation, and other surfaces are lumped
together and called evapotranspiration, or total evaporation.

13/04/2020 09.46 - Masita Masloman (19051103027)

Evaporation / transpiration - Water in the sea evaporates into space (atmosphere) and
becomes white clouds. Sea water evaporates into gas vapor because of the sun's heat.
Evaporation is the process of turning liquid molecules into gas molecules, then water is
converted into steam. Evaporation that occurs causes the effect of rising water that has
turned into an upward gas or into the atmosphere. water in the sea, then will evaporate into
space (atmosphere) and then will become clouds.

13/04/2020 09.49 - Hidayat Sarif (19051103041)

Solar energy, which is the main driving force of this cycle, warms the ocean so that the
sea water evaporates. Ninety percent of evaporation occurs at sea, the remaining ten percent
is evaporation that occurs in other waters and from evapotranspiration. From the evaporation
of water vapor into the atmosphere and then cooled and formed clouds in the atmosphere.
From the mature clouds, precipitation will emerge and then fall to the ground. Water that
flows on the surface will return to the sea either through rivers or sink in and be stored on
The interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere contributes to a large amount of
energy needed by the circulation system. This interaction forms a coupling system
(interaction and direction) where the process that occurs is the transfer of energy and mass in
the energy balance process in this case the radiation energy including heat energy and
momentum in terms of surface friction.

13/04/2020 09.50 - Adi firmansyah (19051103015)

In this picture I find the phenomenon of changing air to gas or called evaporation,
evaporation is the opposite of condensation.
Evaporation is the process of changing air into water vapor or gas. Evaporation transports
air from the earth's surface to the atmosphere. Evaporation is the same as recovery
For water molecules to change from liquid to gas, they must first absorb heat energy. Air
molecules do this by colliding with each other. Evaporation is also called because it removes
heat from the surrounding air. Evaporation in the atmosphere is an important step in the air
cycle. Water on the surface of the earth will evaporate into the atmosphere when energy is
absorbed by the air.
Water molecules in the free flowing water phase and not in a certain fixed position. When
energy is added to the air by heat from the sun, the bonds between water molecules get
kinetic energy. They then come out of the surface of the liquid and become gas or air vapor
then ascend into the atmosphere.
Evaporation on the surface of the earth is continuous and the rate of evaporation depends
on air temperature, wind speed and turbidity.

13/04/2020 09.53 - Gabriel Suripatty (19051103007)

The phenomenon that can be explained in the figure is, the process of cloud formation by
evaporation, know that Evaporation is a process of change in shape that occurs in liquid
objects into a gas.
The natural phenomena above, can be seen from the fact that the liquid will gradually
disappear when exposed to sunlight and turn into a gas with a very high volume.
This change occurs because the water undergoes heating, which results in the water
changing shape. The largest evaporation process is more common at sea than on land. This is
of course due to the unlimited supply of sea water.
Relative heat capacity of water to change it into a gas is 1.00 cal/g°C. Another thing that
we can see from that picture is surface tension and surface wave.

13/04/2020 09.58 – Alfandy Yosafat Ellu (19051103047)

Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle. The sun (solar energy) drives
evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, moisture in the soil, and other sources of water. In
hydrology, evaporation and transpiration (which involves evaporation within plant stomata)
are collectively termed evapotranspiration. Evaporation of water occurs when the surface of
the liquid is exposed, allowing molecules to escape and form water vapor; this vapor can then
rise up and form clouds. With sufficient energy, the liquid will turn into vapor.

13/04/2020 10.03 - Nurfadillah Kadang (19051103029)

What I noticed from the picture above is that the interaction between the atmosphere and
the sea is a hydrological cycle that includes a water cycle with changes in various forms and
will return to its original form. meanwhile when viewed from the wind, when the wind blows
on the surface of the sea, energy is transmitted from the wind to the surface. Part of this
energy becomes surface waves that follow the movement of the wind.

13/04/2020 10.11 - Destin suka' (19051103005)

From the picture above it can be seen that it is a process of sea water evaporation.
Evaporation or evaporation is the process of changing molecules in a liquid state (for
example sea air) spontaneously into gas (for example steam air). This process is the opposite
of condensation. How to compress a liquid that is gradually compressing a significant volume
of gas. Evaporation is an essential part of the water cycle. Water vapor in the air will become
clouds. Due to the influence of temperature, water particles that can merge (condense) into air
and rain drops. The above phenomenon if in the context of the interaction of the marine
atmosphere is that when the ocean cools, the sea will respond by producing vertical covection
that will supply heat to the surface. This happens because the equation of continuity of time
requires cold water to settle to a depth from the surface replaced by a period of water
underneath which is actually warmer. The warm water will pop up to the surface.

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