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Allure by Farah Status Report

Prepared by: Submitted To:

Sadia Rasheed Shaikh Zeshan Liaqat

Project Objective: Date prepared:

Lead Generation 26/08/2020

Area Current Condition
Caption Red
Blurry Logo Red
Content Red
Graphics of videos Red
Graphics of pictures Red

OVERALL STATUS: Allure by Farah are behind the race according to fashion and their
presence on social media.

OVERVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS: Project current status is lower and we have to add
extraordinary stuff about each product and services. They have only Facebook business
account and respective page. It takes about less than two weeks to improve it’s shape. Budget
is according to work.

 Instagram account
 A responsive website(not necessary)
 Some high definition pictures of makeup
 Latest fashion of hair Cuts and according to personality
 Short clips of preparing a bridal from start to end in just 30 seconds
 Lips pic,
 Eye shadow,
 Remove Dark circles
 Extensions with Respective brand used
 Totally Change the look of ordinary girl
We have to delete some contents, some blurry photos and video clips.

SCHEDULE: Work schedule is according to the free time of Madam Farrah and work time of our
team members.

COST: In case of dressing and makeup products, it totally depends on Madam Farrah. In case
of social media expense we have to arrange a dslr camera and a video editing person .


Firstly we have to target collection of picture .And it could be possible that we have to visit her
parlour because:
 In her parlour, there is a need of latest dressing with makeup, for that firstly we have to
talk her about her budget.
 Need a man with DSLR camera. I’m going to tell him/her how she/he have to capture
things of her parlour.
 A man for editing video clips. i want to guide him/her , after making any client video how
to shorten it

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