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DHBB – Anh 11
NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018


Part 1: You will hear a woman called Helena Drysdaie being interviewed about her
research For a book on minority languages. For questions 1-5 choose the answer (A,
B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the
numbered spaces provided.
(Source: CAE Student’s Book)
1D 2A 3B 4C 5B
Part 2: You will hear an interview with Cindy Talbot on the radio programme, Young
hero or heroine of the week. For questions 6-10, decide whether these statements are
TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided.
(Source: Proficiency Coursebook)
6F 7T 8T 9T 10F
Part 3: For questions 11-15, You will hear two students discussing a talk by a
palaeontologist (a fossil expert) and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN
FIVE WORDS in each gap. Write
11. (to) catch up on some work/ did some reading for seminars.
12. a chance discovery/ He found an amazing fossil.
13. searching fossils in the rocks
14. patience leads to rewards/ They found something if patient.
15. persuade Mr Brand for another hunt.
Part 4: You will hear a journalist called Simon talking about the psychology of hobbies.
Listen and complete the sentences 16-20 using words you hear. Write NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. his personality 2. happier in company 3. in (the) public eye 4. minds off (the)
5. in his element 6. fascinated by 7. leaders and presidents 8. kidnapped an actress
9. (very) addictive personalities 10. (really) weird compulsion


Part 1: For questions 1- 10, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each of the
following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
5. C. touch and go
6. C. in
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. A
Part 2. The passage below contains 5 errors in spelling, grammar, word form. For
questions 1-5, underline the errors and write the corrections in the corresponding
numbered boxes.

Lin Mistakes Correction Line Mistakes Correction

1. 1 it there 4. 12 would will
2. 6 communication communication 5. 14 reduce reducing
3. 9 increasing increasingly

Part 3: Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.

1. up

4. at
5. out
Part 4. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right.
1. Admittedly
2. politician’s
3. alphabetical
4. emphatically
5. capability
6. enriched
7. colourful
8. interference
9. enthusiasts
10. opposed


Part 1: For questions 1 to 10, read the text below. Decide which answer (A, B, C or
D) best fits each gap.
Your answers: (0) B
1B 2D 3C 4C 5A 6B 7B 8C 9C 10A
Part 2: For questions 1 to 10, read the following passages, then decide which word
best fits each gap. Write your answers in the numbered boxes provided.
(0) which
1. might / may
2. rather
3. out / down
4. name
5. admitted / confessed
6. being
7. nothing
8. takes / needs / requires
9. This / That / Worse
10. made

Part 3: Read the passage, then choose the answer that fits best. Write you answers in
the numbered space provided.

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B

Part 4: The reading passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Choose the correct heading for
each paragraph from the list below.

1. ix 2. iii 3. vi 4. v 5. I 6. vii 7. Yes 8. Not given 9. No 10. Not

11. Yes 12. Yes 13. No
Part 5: For question 1-10, which are based on the reading passage. Answer these
questions below.
1E 2K 3I 4C 5L 6D 7B 8H 9F 10G
(Source: Advanced IELTS)
Part 1: 15 pts. The mark given to part 1 is based on the following criteria:
Introduction 3pts 1. Write good summary with enough content and clear,
logical information.
Detailed Description 2. Present the key points and main ideas in the right form
10 pts of a paragraph. Make sure that no important points have
been omitted or distorted.

Language 3. Use your own words or paraphrases with a variety use of

2 pts synonyms, different sentence structures and word class. Ss
can change the order of ideas where necessary.

Part 2: 15 pts. The mark given to part 1 is based on the following criteria:
1. Content: (5 pt) All the relevant information has been included. Students
provide a clear and accurate overal sentence. Make general
remarks and effective comparisons.

2. Organisation: (5 pt) The analysis of the figure must be written logically.

Information given must be interpreted in a coheren and
cohesion manner.
3. Use of language Appropriate linking words and phrases as well as a good
(5pt) level of grammar have been used. Also, the vocabulary is
accurately used.

Part 3: 30 points. The mark given to parts 3 is based on the following criteria:

1. Content: (10 pt) - Providing all main ideas and details as

- Communicating intentions sufficiently and
2. Language: (5pt) - Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and
structures appropriate to the level of English language
gifted upper-secondary school students
- Good use and control of grammatical structures
- Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes
- Legible handwriting
3. Organization and - Ideas are well organized and presented with
Presentation: (10 pt) coherence, cohesion, and clarity
- The essay is well-structured

4. Punctual and - good handwriting, correct punctuation and spelling

mechanism (5 pt)


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