Ancient China Muiltiple

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Ancient China

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1) What are the famous families who ruled Ancient China called?
  Kings and Queens




2) About how long did the Chinese Empire last?

  100 years
  212 years

  750 years

  1000 years

  2000 years

3) What were the two main forms of government during the history of Ancient
  Democracy and Dictatorship
  The Feudal System and Civil Service employees

  Socialism and Communism

  Theocracy and Republic

  Communism and Democracy

4) Who was Ancient China`s main enemy that lived to the north?
  The Mongols
  The Persians

  The Japanese

  The Romans

  The Greeks

5) What is the name of the famous book on battle strategy written by Sun
  Red Badge of Courage
  Fighting for Dummies

  The Art of War

  Battles Lost and Won

  War and Peace

6) What are two major rivers that flow through China?

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  The Euphrates and the Tigris

  The Shanghai and the Shenzhen

  The Ganges and the Beijing

  The Yangtze and the Yellow

  The Nile and the Amazon

7) What were the three major religions of Ancient China?

  Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism
  Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam

  Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism

  Buddhism, Islam, and Taoism

  Confucianism, Christianity, and Hinduism

8) What were the three perfections of art?

  Drawing, music, and dance
  Painting, poetry, and calligraphy

  Sculpture, painting, and writing

  Architecture, story telling, and dance

  Painting, writing, and dance

9) True or False: Farmers were considered the lowest class of society and
were looked down upon by the people of Ancient China?


10) What was the last dynasty to rule Ancient China?






Qin Dynasty

1) What is Emperor Qin most known for?

  Defeating the Mongols and ousting Kublai Khan from China
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  Uniting China under one rule

  Building the Forbidden City

  Establishing trade on the Silk Road

  Inventing the Printing Press

2) What was Emperor Qin's name prior to becoming Emperor?






3) Which of the following best describes the political situation in China around
the time Emperor Qin was born?
  China was united under the Ming Dynasty
  China was split into north and south

  China was divided up into 7 major states

  All of the above

  None of the above

4) What major construction project did Emperor Qin begin during his reign?
  The pyramids
  The Great Buddha

  The Forbidden City

  The Grand Canal

  The Great Wall of China

5) In what way did Emperor Qin help reform the economy of Ancient China?
  He established uniform currency and measurements
  He established a centralized bank

  He established a welfare system to help the poor

  He limited government interference in the economy

  He only gave government positions to the rich

6) True or False: Emperor Qin insisted that each area of China maintain their
own unique form of writing.

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7) In what way was Emperor Qin a tyrant?

  He ordered most existing books to be burned
  He outlawed most forms of religion

  He required people to be loyal only to the government

  All of the above

  None of the above

8) What is the name given to the famous tomb of Emperor Qin?

  The Forbidden City
  The Great Pyramid of Qin

  The Terracotta Army

  The Grand Tomb of China

  The First Tomb

9) What did Emperor Qin's second son do in order to become emperor?

  Assassinated his father while he was asleep
  Stabbed his brother to death

  Poisoned his mother in order to prevent her from having more children

  Faked his own death

  Forged a letter ordering his brother to commit suicide

10) True or False: The Qin Empire ruled over China for over 1000 years after
the death of Emperor Qin.


Han Dynasty
1) When did the Han Dynasty rule Ancient China?
  2000 BC to 1500 BC
  510 BC to 245 BC

  206 BC to 220 AD

  251 AD to 430 AD

  650 AD to 790 AD

2) Who was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty?
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  Kublai Khan

  Xiang Yu

  Zheng Heng

  Mao Tse Tung

3) What was the organization that was founded under the Han Dynasty which
ran the Chinese government for over 2000 years?
  Feudal system
  Civil service


  Communal Representation

  Hierarchical Republic

4) What famous trade route was established during the Han Dynasty?
  The Indian Spice Route
  The East-West Trail

  The Middle Passage

  The Lapis Lazuli Route

  The Silk Road

5) What important invention allowed the Han government to stay organized

and keep detailed records?



  The quill pen


6) This group of people became rich during the Han Dynasty, however they
were not respected and were forced to wear white clothes and pay high




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7) True or False: The period of the Han Dynasty was a time of war and
poverty for most of Ancient China.


8) What major religion first arrived in China during the Han Dynasty?





9) The Hans established many social rankings of respect. Which of the

following occupations were considered fairly high ranking jobs?



of the above
  None of the above

10) What dynasty came before the Han Dynasty?






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