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B/X Essentials: Core Rules


This is the plain text version of B/X Essentials: Core Rules,

Rules, provided as an aid to others who wish to
create their own house rules docuents or retro!clones "please read the #pen $ae %icense, at the end
of this docuent, carefull&'(.

Beautifull& illustrated
illustrated and presented )*+ and print editions are availale at
ht tp :/
http :// www
/ ww w.rp
ow .c
uct /0/
t /0/ B
 B!X !E

Cop&ri-ht $avin oran 01. B/X Essentials is

Essentials is a tradear2 of $avin oran.

Than2s to 3listair Caunt, 4tuart 3. Roe, Eric ieudan, 5ichael 6ulius, 4ophia Brandt, and Chad Ro for
ost excellent rules pedantr& and proofreadin-.

This product is released under the ters of the #pen $ae %icense 7ersi
on 1.0a, Cop&ri-ht 000,
8i9ards of the Coast, nc. Based on the #$C text of Labyrinth Lord  &
 & *an )roctor and Lamentations of
the Flame Princess &
Princess & 6aes Ra--i. 5an& than2s to oth.

5& love for Basic/Expert!st&le fantas& adventurin- was rei-nited with the pulication of Labyrinth Lord  
and the rise of the old!school renaissance;/;whatever!&ou!li2e!to!call!it.
renaissance;/;whatever!&ou!li2e!to!call!it. #ver the &ears, <ve run all sorts of 
capai-ns with the Basic/Expert rules=ever&thin- fro classic dun-eon hac2s, to d&in- Earth science
fantas&,, to %ovecraft!inspired, 7ictorian a-e horror. #f course, all these capai-ns have added their own
twists to the rules: alternate classes, new spells, onsters, e>uipent, treasures, and so on.
onetheless, the core rules of the -ae reained constant. 3nd  thin2 that<s the real treasure of the
Basic/Expert rules: their tieless ele-ance, concision, and ver& wide " wouldn<t -o >uite so far as to sa&
universal( applicailit&.

Throu-h all these &ears of pla&

pla&,, thou-h, what <ve alwa&s issed is a cleanl& presented, eas&!to!

reference rendition of the core rules of the -ae separated fro the associated ?accoutreents@=the
classes, spells, onsters, a-ic ites, etc. either the ori-inal Basic/Expert oo2s nor the various
odern clones exactl& satisf& this re>uireent.

That<s what this oo2 is aout.

8e are ver& fortunate that the ori-inal Basic/Expert rules are now availale to purchase a-ain "aleit in
)*+ for onl&( and, while the& are inspirin- in their revit& and the ele-ance of their la&out, the& are uilt
around the assued presence of the traditional set of classes, thus not exactl& what  was loo2in- for.
+urtherore, one has to contend with the nature of the presentation: the Basic rules are separated fro
the Expert rules. o coined edition was ever created.

 3ll of the various

various retro!clones and
and Basic/Expert!inspired
Basic/Expert!inspired -aes whi which
ch exist toda&
toda&,, on the other hand,
present a coined rule set, ut
 ut var& -reatl& in readailit& and usefulness as a reference durin- pla&
p la&..

4oe provide a ver& clean presentation of the rules, with a focus on usailit&
usailit&,, ut deviate in too an&
wa&s fro the traditional rule set to a2e the useful.

Eventuall&, not findin- & hol& -rail Basic/Expert reference an&where,  was inspired to create this oo2.
4o, what &ou will find in these pa-es is a rules reference for the coined Basic/Expert -ae, split into
seven sections:
1. Ability scores. #ne
scores. #ne pa-e descriin-
d escriin- the ailit& scores and their odifiersA another pa-e

. Sequencethe related
of play. 3
 3 reference
reference for the asic se>uence of events in an encounter, a dun-eon
turn, and a wilderness da&, on a sin-le pa-e.
p a-e.
. Adventuring rules. The
rules. The procedures for various non!coat -ae rules, collated into short
sections, arran-ed alphaeticall&
. Basic combat procedure.
procedure. 3  3 two!pa-e
two!pa-e reference for the asics of coat, includin- the
se>uence of pla& in a coat round and details on oveent, attac2in-, initiative, and spell
castin- in attle.
D. Other combat issues. Two
issues. Two further pa-es of rules for other coat!related situations,
ordered alphaeticall&.
. Standard combat charts. The
charts. The attac2 and savin- throw charts for onsters, noral huans,
and the standard character classes, presented on a two!pa-e spread.
. Magic.
Magic. Rules
 Rules relatin- to spells and spell castin-, spell oo2s, a-ical research, and a-ic

 3side fro the

the inclusion of co
at charts for the
the standard classes "w
hich are re>uired for
for onsters, as
well(, no reference is ade to an& specific character classes. %i2ewise, aside fro the "optional(
encurance rules, no specific e>uipent lists are assued. This inforation a& e found in the
copanion volue=B/X
volue=B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipmen
Equipment t =or
=or in an& nuer of other oo2s
inspired & this rule set.

t is & hope that this oo2 will pla& soe sall part in the furtherance of this tieless and eloved -ae
and prove useful as a reference for those alread& failiar with its chars.

$avin oran, 4uer 01, Berlin.

 3ilit& 4cores
4tandard 3dustents
Ability Standard Adjustment

 !

!D !

!F !1

G!1 one

1!1D H1

1!1 H

1F H

Charisa "CI3( easures a character<s force of personalit&,
personalit&, persuasiveness, personal a-netis,
ph&sical attractiveness, and ailit& to lead. This ailit& is iportant for how )Cs or onsters will respond
to a character in an encounter. Charisa also deterines the nuer of retainers a character a& have
and their orale.
● Reaction adjustment  applies
 applies when hirin- Retainers and when interactin- with onsters "see
Encounters (.
● Max # of retainers and
retainers and retainer morale deterine
morale deterine the nuer of Retainers
Retainers a
 a character a&
have in his or her pa& at an& one tie and their lo&alt& to the character.

CHA eaction Adjustment Ma! " of etainers etainer Morale

 ! 1 

!D !1  D

!F !1  

G!1 one  

1!1D H1 D F

1!1 H1  G

1F H  10

Constitution "C#( represents a character<s health and staina. 3 Constituti
on onus increases a
character<s hit points, a2in- this ailit& iportant for all classes.
● Standard adjustment   applies
applies when rollin- a character<s hit points "i.e. at 1st level and ever&
tie a level is -ained thereafter(. 3 character alwa&s -ains at least 1 hit point per Iit *ie,
re-ardless of C# odifier.

*exterit& "*EX( easures hand!e&e coordination, a-ilit&, reflexes, and alance. This ailit& is iportant
for coat!oriented classes, as it affects 3rour Class, and for characters who focus on issile coat.
● Standard adjustment  is  is applied to attac2 rolls "ut not daa-e rolls( ade with a ran-ed
weapon and odifies the character<s 3rour Class "a onus lowers 3C 3C,, a penalt& raises it(.
● Initiative adjustment  odifies
 odifies the character<s initiative roll, if the optional
o ptional rule for individual
initiative is ein- used "see Basic Comat !rocedure(.

#$% &nitiative Adjustment

 !

!D !1

!F !1

G!1 one

1!1D H1

1!1 H1

1F H

ntelli-ence "T( deterines how well a character learns, reeers, and reasons.
● "anuae ailit$  denotes
 denotes the character<s ailit& to spea2, read, and write in his or her native
ton-ue and other lan-ua-es.
● Bonus lanuaes deterines
lanuaes deterines the nuer of additional lan-ua-es the character can choose
durin- character creation.

&'( )anguage Ability Bonus )anguages

 Jnale to read or write, ro2en 0


!D Jnale to read or write 0

!F Can write siple words 0

G!1 Can read and write native 0


1!1D Can read and write native 1


1!1 Can read and write native 


1F Can read and write native 


4tren-th "4TR( rates a character<s rawn, uscle, and ph&sical power. This ailit& is especiall& iportant
for characters who focus on elee coat.

● Standard adjustment  is is applied to attac2 and daa-e rolls with elee weapons and to
attepts to force open a stuc2 door "see %oors

8isdo "84( encopasses a character<s willpower
willpower,, coon sense, perception, and intuition. 8hile
ntelli-ence represents one<s ailit& to anal&se inforation, 8isdo represents ein- in tune with and
aware of one<s surroundin-s.
● Standard adjustment  is  is applied to savin- throws versus a-ical effects. This norall& does
not include saves a-ainst reath attac2s, ut a& appl& to an& other savin- throw cate-or&.

)rie Re>uisite
Each character class has one or ore prie re>uisites, that is, an ailit& score or scores that are of
especial iportance to characters of that class. 3 character<s score in his or her class< prie re>uisite"s(
affects how >uic2l& the character is ale to -ain experience points.
●  X! &djustmen
&djustment  t  is
 is applied to all experience points awarded to the character,
character, unless otherwise
noted in the description of the class.

Score %* Adjustment
!D !0K

!F !10K

G!1 one

1!1D HDK

1!1F H10K

4e>uence of )la&

#ne *un-eon Turn

1. ThThee ref
ee ch
2s fo
forr 'anderin Monsters,
Monsters, if applicale.
. The part
& decides what
what actio
actionn to ta2e "e.-. ovin-,
ovin-, sear
chin-,, liste
nin-, enterin-
enterin- roos(.
. The refere
e descri
es what
what ha
. f no encou
nter occurs,
occurs, the turn
turn is over,
over, continue
continue to step D. f onst
onsters ers are encounter
encountered,ed, fir
follow the encounter se>uence, elow.
D. The turn endends.
s. The ref
eree should
should update ti
tiee records
records,, with spec
specialial atte
ntion to li-ht
li-ht sources,
spell durations, and the part&<s need to rest.

#ne 8ilderness *a&

1. The pl
a&ers decide
decide on their
their cour
se of tr
avel fo
forr the da&

. The rrefere
e det
es whether
whether the ppart&
art& -ets llost
ost ""see
see "osin %irection(
%irection( and, if the part& is
travellin- at sea, deterines the weather conditions "see 'ater (ravel (. (.
. ThThee ref
ee ch
2s fo
forr 'anderin Monsters,
Monsters, if applicale.
. The refreferee
eree des
s the terrain
terrain pass
ed throu-h
throu-h and an& sitsites
es of inter
est that tthe
he part&
coes across, as2in- pla&ers for their actions, as re>uired.
D. f no encoun
ters occu
occurr, the da& is over,
over, continu
e to step . f onster
onsters s are encountered,
encountered, fi first
follow the encounter se>uence, elow.

. The da& ends. T The

he refere
e should updat
e tie recor
ds, with
with special at
on to rations,
rations, spell
durations, and the part&<s need to rest.

1. The ref
eree rol
ls for surprise
surprise,, if applicale
applicale,, and deter deterines
ines how
how far awa& the
the onst
ers are.
. 3n& ssides
ides that a are
re not
not sur
ed roll
roll initiat
ive ""see
see Basic Comat !rocedure(
!rocedure( to deterine
who acts first.
. The referee
referee deterines the onsters< reaction to the part&. part&. The
The pla&ers decide how the& will
a. f ot
oth si
des wi
wish to tal
2, the ne-one-ottiat
atiion a& e rol
ed.. T
he refer
a& a2e reaction rolls, as applicale.
. f the pl
idee to
to flflee,
ee, tth
he ref
ee deter
nes wwhe
herr th
the on

c. f coat rea2s out, follow the steps listed in Basic Comat !rocedure.

4ee Encounters
Encounters for
 for a full description on all eleents of runnin- an encounter, includin- encounter
distance, surprise, and onster reactions.

 3dventurin- Rules

 3ilit& Chec2s "#ptional Rule(

4oeties, the referee i-ht re>uire a test a-ainst an ailit& score, instead of a savin- throw
throw,, to
deterine if a character succeeds in a tas2 or escapes a dan-er. +or exaple, *EX i-ht e used to
 up over a pit or 4TR i
-ht e used to push an oect.

The pla&er rolls 1d0 and, if the result is less than or e>ual to the ailit&
ailit&,, the chec2 succeeds. f the roll is
-reater than the ailit&, the chec2 fails.

Bonuses or penalties to the roll a& e applied, with a odifier of ! ein- a relativel& eas& ailit& chec2
and H ein- ver& difficult. #f course, an& odifier etween these extrees can e applied.
 3n unodified roll
roll of 1 should e treated as a success and a 0 treated as a failure.

 3ir Travel
8hen travellin- & air,
air, the total nuer of iles a character can travel in a da& is twice the distance he or

she could travel overland "see Movement (.


This rate i-ht e reduced if there are adverse conditions such as ver& hi-h ountains, stors, or thic2
fo-. There are an& a-ical ites that -rant characters the ailit& to fl&, as well as spells and win-ed

n -eneral, a win-ed east a& carr& riders or other urdens ased on its Iit *ice:

 I*
I* creatures
creatures a&
a& carr&
carr& a
adultaout half the si9e of an adult huan.
● 1 I* creatures a& carr& a lar-e anial li2e a horse or four adult huans.
●  I* creatures a& carr& a ver& a lar-e anial, or four horses, or ei-ht adult huans.

8hen the part& encounters onsters and one side decides to flee, the other a& wish to pursue the.
$enerall&,, this is possile in two situations:
● Coat has not coenced.
● #ne side rea2s awa& fro coat.

"4ee Encounters
Encounters for
 for details.(

f one side is surprised, the other side a& e ale to flee without the possiilit& of ein- chased=the
surprised side a& not even e aware that the encounter occurred. n the wilderness, where -reater
distances are involved, this is alwa&s possile.

$roup 5oveent Rate

t is coon for onsters to chase the whole part&, as a -roup. n this case, it is iportant to note that a
side<s oveent rate is usuall& deterined & the speed of the slowest eer.

Chases in the *un-eon

#ne side can alwa&s successfull& flee if its oveent rate "see Movement ( is hi-her than the other
side<s and if coat has not coenced. 3 pursuit is possile if the pursuin- side<s oveent rate is
-reater than or e>ual to the fleein- side<s.

Tie in a chase is easured in rounds "see (ime

(, with each side assued to e runnin- at full speed
"see Movement ((.. 5ost onsters will not continue a chase if the characters ana-e to -et out of the
onster<s ran-e of vision.

f the onsters eno& treasure, there is a !in! proailit& that the& will stop pursuit to collect an&
treasure the characters drop. Iun-r& or less intelli-ent onsters a& do the sae if the characters drop
food. Burnin- oil or other ostacles a& also slow or stop a pursuit.

Chases in the 8ilderness

8ith the open spaces and "-enerall&( -ood visiilit& in the wilderness, a chase is assued to pla& out
over an extended period=tie is not trac2ed round & round. The proailit& that one -roup can escape
fro another is deterined & the relative si9e of the two sides. The ore eers in the pursuin- side
there are relative to the fleein- side, the -reater chances the fleein- side has of escapin-. This is ecause
lar-er -roups cannot ove as fast or as >uietl&.

The asic chance of escape is deterined & consultin- the tale opposite. The referee a& odif& the
proailities ased on the conditions and environent. +or exaple, if one side has tie to flee within a
densel& wooded area, the referee a& -ive a onus of DK to escape. f one side<s oveent rate is
doule that of the other
o ther,, the chance to escape a& e odified & DK in its favour
favour.. There is alwa&s at
least a DK chance of escape, except when surprise is involved.

The followin- procedure is followed, da& & da&, da&, until the chase is over:
1. Roll fo
forr escape "s "see
ee tale,
tale, elow(.
elow(. f the roll
roll succeeds,
succeeds, the fl fleein-
eein- par
t& has escapedA
escapedA the
chase is over.
. f the rol
rolll fails
fails,, the fleein-
fleein- part& ust
ust choose
choose either to to e cau-ht "endin-
"endin- th
the e chase( or to flee
in a rando direction,
d irection, deterined & the referee "no appin- is possile(.
. f the c
hase continue
continues, s, copare
copare the
the speeds of of the fl
eein- an
and d pursuin-
pursuin- sisides:
a. f the fl
eeiin- si
de is a
att lle
ast as
as ffa
ast as the
the p
suiin- side
side,, iitt h
as ano
chance to escapeA return to step 1.
. f the pur
n- si
de is ffas
er, tthe
herre iis
s a D0K
D0K chan
ce of the
he c
n- up. f
the roll succeeds, the fleein- side has een cau-htA the chase is over. f the roll fails, the
fleein- part& has another chance to escapeA return to step 1.

Chance of 
$scape by
'umber of 

+leeing -/ 01/ 21/ 1/ 3/ 4/

group si,e

1! !! !! !! 1 pursuer ! H pursuers


D!1 !! !! 1! !F GH pursuers !!

pursuers pursuers

1! !! 1! !1 1H !! !!

pursuers pursuers pursuers

DH 1!10 11!0 1H !! !! !!

pursuers pursuers pursuers

8aterorne Chases
8hen two waterorne sides "ships or swiin- onsters( encounter one another, one side a& choose

to flee.

+irst, the initial distance etween each side is deterined as noral for an encounter
encounter.. ext, the fleein-
part& rolls on the chart elow.
elow. 4uccess depends on luc2 and the difference
d ifference etween the two -roups<
oveent rates.

f the roll to escape succeeds, the pursuers cannot attept to catch up with the fleein- side until the next
da&=and then onl& if a rando encounter roll indicates an encounter.

f the roll to escape fails, the distance etween the two sides will decrease & the pursuer<s oveent
rate each round "or a iniu of 0< per round, if the pursuer has a slower oveent rate than the
fleein- side(.

+leeing Side5s Movement ate Chance of $scape

+aster than pursuer F0K

E>ual oveent rate or up to 0< per round D0K

slower than pursuer 

Jp to 0< per round slower than pursuer 0K

Jp to G0< per round slower than pursuer DK

Jp to 10< per round slower than pursuer DK

ore ttha
0<< per
per rrou
nd sl
er than
han p
er 10K

8hen characters are cliin- in a difficult or tense situation, the referee a& specif& a chance of failure
"as a percenta-e or an x!in! chance( or a& re>uire an ailit&
a ilit& chec2 versus *EX "if the optional &ilit$
optional &ilit$
C)ec*s rule
C)ec*s  rule is ein- used(.

ote that ver& steep or sheer surfaces are norall& ipossile to cli without specialised e>uipent.
4oe characters a& have class ailities
a ilities which allow the to attept to cli such surfaces unaided.

*istance and 5easureent

8hen characters are adventurin- in a dun-eon, all ran-es and oveent rates are easured in feet.
Iowever,, the wilderness is not craped li2e a dun-eon and characters can usuall& see further ahead and
need not e as war& of ostacles. +or this reason, ran-es and oveent rates are easured in &ards,
rather than feet, in the wilderness.

ote that areas "such as the area of a spell effect or a reath

 reath weapon( are alwa&s easured in feet, oth
in dun-eons and in the wilderness.

*un-eons often have an& doors, soe secret and others ovious. 5an& are loc2ed and an& are

%oc2ed *oors
%oc2s ust e pic2ed & a character proficient with loc2 pic2s or opened & a-ic.

4tuc2 *oors
There is a ase !in! chance of ein- ale to force open a stuc2 door. 4tren-th adustents appl&
appl&,, ut
cannot ta2e the success ran-e aove D!in! or elow 1!in!.

 3 failed attept to force open a door eliinates an& pos

siilit& of surprise
surprise "see Encounter
s, p1
1( that the
part& a& have a-ainst an& onsters on the other side of the door.

ote that onsters resident to the dun-eon are often ale to pass throu-h stuc2 doors unhindered.

4ecret *oors
4ecret doors can onl& e spotted if characters are specificall& loo2in- for the.

4ee Searching

8ed-in- *oors
*oors opened & adventurers "& whatever eans( are li2el& to swin- shut after the& pass. To
To prevent
this, doors a& e held open usin- iron spi2es or other wed-es.

%i2ewise, pla&ers a& wish to wed-e doors shut, to hinder onsters< oveent.

%istenin- at *oors
)Cs have a 1!in! chance of detectin- sutle sounds e&ond a door. "4oe t&pes of adventurer a&
have an increased chance of success.(

The referee should alwa&s roll for the character listenin- so that the pla&er never 2nows if the roll failed or 
if there sipl& is no sound ehind the door.

This attept a& onl& e ade one tie at an& door & a character.
character. ote that soe creatures, such as
undead, do not an& a2e noise.

 3n encounter e-ins when the characters stule onto a onster,
onster, either ecause the referee
referee has
planned an encounter in the area the )Cs are explorin- or ecause a rando die roll indicates an
encounter "see 'anderin Monsters(.

Tie in Encounters
8hen an encounter e-ins, action is easured in rounds "see (ime
(ime(. (. Rolls for surprise "see elow( and
initiative "Basic
"Basic Comat !rocedure(
!rocedure( deterine which side acts first.

Chec2s for surprise are ade whenever an encounter is unexpected & at least one side. +or instance, if
the pla&er characters are a2in- a lot of noise, a onster a& not have a chance to e surprised, ut the
characters i-ht e, if the onster was waitin- >uietl&

Each side that is not alread& aware of the other<s presence rolls 1d. The referee rolls for onsters and
one pla&er rolls for the adventurin- part& as a whole. 3 result of 1 or  eans the side is surprised and
cannot act for one round. f oth sides are surprised, there is sipl& a oentar& confusion=neither side
has an& advanta-e. f one side is surprised ut the other is not, then the side that is not surprised -ains a
one round advanta-e.

ote that a>uatic onsters are usuall& not surprised & ships. 4pecial circustances "e.-. thic2 fo-( a&
alter this.

Encounter *istance
The situation in which the encounter occurs often deterines how far awa& the onster is. f there is
uncertaint& "for exaple, in the case of 'anderin Monsters(:
● &n a dungeon,
dungeon, the onster encountered is d L 10 feet awa&,
awa&, ovin- in the direction of the
● &n the 6ilderness,
6ilderness, the onster is d L 10 &ards awa&.
awa&. f either side is surprised, this is
reduced to 1d L 10 &ards.
● At sea,
sea, onsters are encountered at the sae distance as in the wilderness "see aove(.
4hips a& e si-hted and identified at 00 &ards on a clear da& or as little as 0 &ards in dense

5onster Reactions
7er& often, circustances a2e it ovious how a onster will react when encountered. Iowever,
soeties the referee a& wish to roll on the tale elow to deterine how a onster reacts to
encounterin- the part&. f one specific character attepts to interact with onsters, that character<s CI3
score is used to odif& the reaction roll.

0d7 esult

 or less Iostile, attac2s

!D Jnfriendl&, a& attac2

!F eutral, uncertain

G!11 ndifferent, uninterested

1 or ore +riendl&, helpful


The characters
Characters a&a& decide
choose the& are
whether the&outatched and flee
chase a fleein- an encounter
onster. or a will
The referee onster i-ht
decide flee. chase
if onsters

fleein- characters. 3 low roll on the Monster Reactions tale

Reactions tale a& e ta2en to indicate that the onster
will pursue. 4ee C)ases
C)ases for
 for coplete rules on handlin- pursuit.

Encounter *uration
 3n encounter is assued
assued to ta2e at lleast
east one full turn
turn to coplete, includin- tie tto
o rest, re-roup, clean
weapons, ind wounds, and so on, afterwards.

Encurance "#ptional Rule(

 Author’s note: The
The original Basi
c rules contain am
biguities relating
relating to the encumbrance system.  ha!e
attem"ted to resol!e these ambiguities in a sensible and consistent #ay$ but other inter"retations of the
original rules are "ossible.

t is iportant to 2eep trac2

trac2 of how uch pla&er characters are carr&in-,
carr&in-, ecause this affects how uc
treasure the& can haul fro a dun-eon. $roups who wish different characters to have different oveent
rates "see Movement (, (, ased on the aount of e>uipent or treasure the& are carr&in- a& use one of
the followin- rules. The sae rule should e applied to all characters.

 3s coins are the

the ost coon for
 of treasure found
found & adventurers, oth
oth encurance s&stes are

ased on wei-ht easured in coins. T

en coins are e>uivalent to one pound.

(reasure $ncumbrance in Coins

(reasure 8eight in Coins

Coin "an& t&pe( 1

$e 1

6eweller& "1 piece( 10

)otion 10

Rod 0

4croll 1

4taff 0

8and 10

#ption 1: Encur ance & 3rour T&pe
This rule a& e used & -roups who want a siple s&ste for deterinin- the oveent rates of
different characters.

 3 character<s oveent rrate

ate is deterined & two factors: the arour he or she
she is wearin- and whether
he or she is carr&in- a si-nificant aount of treasure or not "at the referee<s discretion(.

The axiu aount of treasure an& character can carr& is 1,00 coins or e>uivalent. +or this reason,
the wei-ht of treasure carried ust e trac2ed. The encurance of coon t&pes of treasure is shown
in the tale aove. The wei-ht of the character<s standard adventurin- -ear "includin- arour and
weapons( is not counted.

Movement ate

Armour 8ithout (reasure Carrying (reasure

Jnaroured 10< G0<

%eather arour G0< 0<

5etal arour 0< 0<


#ption : Encurance & 8ei-ht Carried

This rule a& e used & -roups who want to a2e sure characters carr& ore realistic aounts of
e>uipent and treasure.

 3 character<s encurance valuvalue

e is calculated ased
ased on addin- the wei
-hts of all si-nif
icant ites
carried, includin- treasure "see tale aove(, weapons, and arour "see tales elow(. The character<s
oveent rate is then ased on the total encurance value. 5iscellaneous adventurin- -ear
"ac2pac2, spi2es, sac2s, etc.( a& e counted as F0 coins of wei-ht.

The axiu an& character can carr& is 1,00 coins.

$ncumbrance Movement ate

Jp to 00 coins 10<

Jp to 00 coins G0<

Jp to F00 coins 0<

Jp to 1,00 coins 0<

E>uipent Encurance in Coins

"#nl& used with encurance option .(

Armour 8eight in Coins

%eather arour 00

Chain ail 00

)late ail D00


4hield 100

8eapon 8eight in Coins

Battle axe D0

Bow H 0 arrows 0

Clu D0

Crossow H 0 >uarrels D0

*a--er 10

Iand axe 0

%on- sword 0

5ace 0

)olear 1D0

4hort sword 0
4pear 0

Two!handed sword 1D0

8arhaer 0

Experience )oints
 3ll characters that
that a2e it throu-h
throu-h an adventure alive receive
receive experience points "X)(. X) is -ained fro
two sources: treasure recovered and onsters defeated.

Recovered Treasure
Characters -ain X) fro treasure at the rate of 1 X) per 1 -old piece "-p( value of the ite. The values of 
all ites are added to-ether and converted to -old piece units. #nl& treasure of a non!a-ical nature
-rants X) in this wa&.

*efeated 5onsters
 3ll onsters defeated & the partpart&
& "slain, outsarted,
outsarted, captured, scared awa&awa&,, etc.( -rant X) ased on
how powerful the& are. The X) value of a onster is deterined & its Iit *ice plus a onus for each
special ailit& it has "e.-. reath attac2s, spell!li2e ailities, etc.(. 4ee the chart elow. 3 onster defeated
under especiall& dan-erous circustances a& e treated as one Iit *ice cate-or& hi-her on the chart.

Monster H# Base %* Bonus %* 9 Ability


%ess than 1 D 1

1 10 

1H 1D 

 0 D

H D 10

 D 1D

H D0 D

 D D0

H 1D D

D 1D 1D

DH D 1D

 D D

H D0 00

 D0 00

F D0 DD0

G!10H G00 00

11!1H 1,100 F00

1!1H 1,D0 GD0

1!0H ,000 1,1D0

1HM ,D00 ,000

M +or onsters of I*  and hi-her, add a cuulative D0 X) for the Base and Bonus cate-ories.

*ivision of Experience
The X) awards for treasures recovered and onsters defeated are totalled and divided evenl& etween
all characters who survived the adventure. ote that total X) is divided evenl& etween all part& eers
"includin- Retainers
(, irrespective of how the pla&ers decide to divide the treasure.

*iscretionar& Bonuses and )enalties

The referee a& -rant X) onuses to pla&ers who did particularl& well. %i2ewise, pla&ers who did not do
their share of the wor2 in an adventure a& e penali9ed.

)rie Re>uisite 5odifiers

n addition, characters receive X) onuses or penalties ased on their score in their class prie
re>uisites, as descried in &ilit$
in &ilit$ Scores

 3ll onuses or penalties

penalties to experi
ence are applied to the
the -rand total X) a particular char
acter receives at
the end of an adventure.

5axiu X) in #ne 4ession

Characters should not e -iven enou-h experience to advance two or ore levels in one adventure. 3n&
additional points that would ta2e a character to a level two aove his or her current level are lost.

+allin- fro a hei-ht onto a hard surface inflicts 1d daa-e per 10< fallen.

+ora-in- and Iuntin-

8hen adventurin- in a dun-eon, there a& e ver& little availale to eat. Characters ust ta2e rations
with the to cover the extent of tie the& expect to e awa& fro town. Iowever
Iowever,, the& a& occasionall&
2ill an edile onster. 8hen in the wilderness, characters can hunt or fora-e for food.

+ora-in- for food is an activit& that can e accoplished without hinderin- travel speed & -atherin- fruit,
hers, nuts, or sall anials alon- the wa&
wa&.. +or each da& of travel while fora-in-, characters have a 1!in!
 chance of ac>uirin- sufficient food for 1d huan!si9ed ein-s.

Iuntin- ust e en-a-ed in as the sole activit& for a da&=no travellin- or restin- is possile. 8hen
huntin-, there is a 1!in! chance of encounterin- anials which a& e suitale for eatin- "if the& can e
cau-ht'(. This is in addition to the noral chance of rando encounters "see 'anderin Monsters(.

+or each full da& of
o f coplete rest, a character or onster recovers 1d hit points. f the rest is interrupted,
the character or onster will not heal that da&.

Iealin- a& also occur throu-h a-ic, such as potions or spells. This 2ind of healin- is instantaneous.
5a-ical healin- and natural healin- can e coined.

Iirelin-s are )Cs hired & a character to perfor certain services. Iirelin-s differ fro Retainers
Retainers in
 in that
the& do not accopan& characters on adventures. +or this reason, the& do not count toward a character<s
axiu nuer of retainers, since the& are not the sae 2ind of hired help.

The ost coon t&pes of hirelin- are:

● Mercenaries:
Mercenaries: Iired
 Iired soldiers who will -uard, patrol, and otherwise serve in wilderness
settin-s, ut onl& as part of a lar-er force, not an adventurin- part&.
● Specialists:
Specialists: Iired
 Iired individuals who have a particular trade or who have special 2nowled-e.
These individuals are usuall& hired for a specific tas2.

%i2e hirin- retainers, ercenaries and specialists can e located & fre>uentin- pus or throu-h postin-
notices of help wanted. 3lso, in the case of professional specialists, these individuals a& have shops or
a reputation that the characters can follow
follow.. There a& also e -uilds of certain professions which can act
as a contact point for locatin- specialists.

4oe of the ost coon 2inds of hirelin-s that can e found are descried in the copanion oo2let,
B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipmen
Equipment  t .

%i-ht, 7ision, and 7isiilit&

n the *un-eon
Characters will usuall& want to rin- a source of li-ht with the on under-round expeditions. T
&pical li-ht
sources enale noral vision within a 0< radius.

The adventurin- e>uipent lists in the copanion oo2let, B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment ,
provide full inforation.

n the 8ilderness
Characters can usuall& see for three iles around the, in open terrain. This ran-e a& soeties e
reduced "e.-. in over-rown terrain such as a forest( or increased "e.-. loo2in- out fro the top of a

 3t 4ea
#n a clear da&, land can e spotted at a distance of  iles. This a& e reduced ased on li-ht and
weather conditions.

%i-ht and 4urprise

Characters or onsters that carr& a li-ht in a dar2 environent are usuall& unale to surprise opponents
"see Encounters
(, ecause the li-ht -ives the awa&.

 3ll non!huan onsters
onsters and an& dei!huan
dei!huan races have iinfravision.
nfravision. Charact
ers who have infr
can see the heat ener-& that radiates off of livin- thin-s. $enerall&,
$enerall&, livin- thin-s will e visile as ri-ht
tones, while cool ites are -re& and ver& cold oects are lac2. t is not possile to read in the dar2 with
infravision, ecause fine detail cannot e perceived.

nfravision wor2s within a liited ran-e "0< for onsters( and onl& functions in dar2ness. 7isile li-ht
"noral or a-ical( and lar-e heat sources will disrupt it.

%osin- *irection

 3t 4ea
$ettin- lost at sea is a serious ris2. 8hen in si-ht of land, the chance of -ettin- lost is !in!. #nce out of
si-ht of land, the chance of -ettin- lost is 100K, unless a navi-ator is aoard=the chance of -ettin- lost
is then !in! per da&
d a&..

n the 8ilderness
Characters can confidentl& follow trails, roads, and other well!2nown landar2s without fear of ecoin-
lost. Iowever,
Iowever, when travellin- throu-h untrac2ed wilderness, it is eas& to lose direction. 3t the start of
each da& of travel, the referee will roll to deterine if the -roup loses direction. The proailit& depends
on the terrain ein- traversed:
● Clear
Clear,, -rasslands:
- rasslands: 1!in!.
● Barren lands, hills, ountains, woods: !in!.
● *esert, un-le, swap: !in!.

Effects of Bein- %ost

f the roll indicates that the part& is lost, the referee will decide which direction the& are actuall& travellin-
in. #ne option is to pic2 a direction onl& sli-htl& off course. +or exaple, if the -roup intended to -o south,
the& are actuall& headed southwest or west.

t a& ta2e soe tie for a lost part& to realise that it is ovin- in the wron- direction.

4ee also: &ir
also: &ir (ravel 
(ravel , Climin , S+immin , 'ater (ravel .
Each character has a ase oveent rate. The default is 10<, ut this a& e odified & a character<s
class or & the aount of -ear carried "if the optional Encumrance
Encumrance rules
 rules are used(.

f the -roup wants to sta& to-ether,

to-ether, the& a& onl& ove as >uic2l& as the slowest character.

*un-eon Exploration
 3 character can ove his or her oveent rate
rate in feet in on
e turn "see (ime
(ime(( when explorin- un2nown
areas of a dun-eon. This "ver& slow'(
slow'( rate of oveent ta2ta2es
es account for the fact that )Cs are explorin-,
watchin- their footin-, appin-, and ta2in- care to e >uiet and to avoid ostacles.

8hen ovin- throu-h dun-eon areas the& are failiar with, the referee a& allow characters to ove at
a faster rate. +or exaple, the referee a& allow characters to ove at three ties their ase oveent
rate, when ovin- throu-h failiar areas. Thus, a character whose ase oveent rate is 10< could
ove 0< in a turn.

5oveent in Encounters
*urin- encounters, a character can ove up to one third of his or her oveent rate per round in feet "in
the dun-eon( or &ards "in the wilderness(. +or exaple, a character whose ase oveent rate is 10<
could ove 0< per round durin- a dun-eon encounter. Characters a& ove at this rate for at ost 0
rounds "one turn(.

*urin- encounters, a character a& choose to run at up to his or her full oveent rate per round in feet
"in the dun-eon( or &ards "in the wilderness(. Characters a& onl& ove at this rate for 0 rounds efore
ecoin- exhausted: sufferin- a ! penalt& to attac2s, daa-e, and 3rour Class "3C is increased & (.
The penalties for exhaustion last until characters have rested for three full turns.

Clearl&,, it is not possile to aintain a ap while runnin-.


#verland Travel
8hen travellin- in the wilderness, the distance a character can travel in a noral da&<s arch is
deterined & dividin- his or her ase oveent rate & five. This is the nuer of iles travelled in a
da&.. +or exaple, a character whose ase oveent rate is 10< could travel up to  iles in a da&.

4oe t&pes of terrain odif& the speed at which characters can travel:
● Bro2en lands, desert, forest, hills:
h ills: K slower.
● 6un-le, ountains, swap: D0K slower.
● 5aintained roads: D0K faster

+orced 5arch
f the& need to travel further in one da&, characters a& en-a-e in a forced arch. 3 forced arch is a
da& of hard, tirin-, overland travel, ut increases travel speed & D0K. +or exaple, a character who can
norall& travel  iles in a da& can travel  iles on a forced arch. 3ft
er a forced arch, the
characters ust rest for a full da&


n the *un-eon
Characters can explore, fi-ht, or otherwise reain active for five turns efore needin- to rest for one turn.

n the 8ilderness
*urin- wilderness travel, characters ust rest one da& per six da&s of travel.

 3fter a +orced 5arch

 3fter a forced
forced arch, characters ust rest for a full da&

 3fter Runnin-
Characters who have een runnin- for ore than 0 rounds ust rest for three full turns to recover.

)enalt& for ot Restin-

f characters press on without restin-, the& suffer a penalt& of !1 to hit and daa-e rolls until the& have
rested for the re>uired len-th of tie. 3f
ter runnin-, this penalt& is increased to ! and additionall& applied
to 3rour Class "3C is raised & (.

Retainers are )Cs that are hired & characters for extra hands durin- an adventure. Each character is
liited to a finite nuer of retainers, which is indicated & the character<s Charisa score "see &ilit$
"see &ilit$
Scores (. Retainers are not indless slaves and, althou-h the& will usuall& share the part&<s ris2s, the&
will not willin-l& act as attle fodder. f aused in an& wa&,
wa&, retainers will t&picall& warn others of this and
the )Cs will soon find it difficult to hire other retainers.

 3 )C who wants to hire a retai
ner ust first locate possile candi
dates. The )
)CC i-ht si
pl& wal2 up to
stran-ers in taverns, i-ht contact adventurers< -uilds, or i-ht advertise & puttin- up fliers or & other

Retainers are recruited throu-h ne-otiation, with the referee pla&in- the roles of the )Cs a character
attepts to hire. The )C should explain what the o entails and the rates of pa&: for exaple, a
percenta-e of an& treasure recovered or o r a flat rate of pa&.
pa&. The hirin- )C ust also t&picall& pa& for the
retainer<s dail& up2eep "food and lod-in-s( and for an& new adventurin- -ear, weapons, or ounts the
retainer will re>uire for the adventure.

 3fter an offer
offer is ade, tthe
he referee rolls d on the tale elow
elow to decide the p
otential retainer<s reaction.
The roll is odified & the hirin- character<s CI3 and the referee a& appl& a onus or penalt&,
dependin- on the attractiveness of the deal "H1 or H for -enerous offers, !1 or ! for poor offers(.

0d7 esult

 or less #ffer refused M

!D #ffer refused

!F Roll a-ain

G!11 #ffer accepted

1 or ore #ffer accepted MM


M The potential retainer reacts so ne-ativel& to the offer that he or she spreads ne-ative ruours aout
the )C, which results in a !1 penalt& on an& further hirin- reaction rolls while recruitin- in the sae town
or area.
MM The offer is accepted in ver& -ood spirits and the retainer<s orale is increased & one.

Class and %evel

Retainers can e of an& class "includin- noral huans of level 0(, ut ust e of e>ual or lower level to
the )C who has hired the.

Retainers have a orale ratin-, deterined & the hirin- character<s CI3 "see 3ilit&
3ilit& 4cores, p(. This
ratin- a& e adusted at the referee<s discretion: it a& e increased if the )C has een particularl&
-ood to the retainer "e.-. repeatedl& -iven additional treasure( or reduced if the )C has een cruel or
contrar& to his or her word.

To a2e a oral chec2, the referee rolls d and, if the result is lower than or e>ual to the retainer<s
orale ratin-, accountin- for an& adustents, the roll has succeeded.

5orale rolls are ade in two circustances:

● Each tie the retainer is exposed to a particularl& perilous situation. f the roll fails, the
retainer will li2el& flee.
●  3t the end of an an adventure. f the
the roll fails,
fails, the )C will
will not wor2 for the )C a-ai

 3lthou-h retainers
retainers are ?pla&ed@ & tthe
he referee, the& ac>
uire experience in the
the sae wa& )C)Css do, can
advance in level, and are
a re affected & all of the sae class rules. Because retainers follow instructions
when on an adventure, thus not directl& en-a-in- in prole solvin-, the& suffer a penalt& of !D0K to X) X)..

4avin- Throws
 3ll characters and
and onsters can a2e savin- throws to avoid the full effects of spells
spells or certain attac2s.
Characters and onsters have a ratin- for each savin- throw cate-or& "death ra& or poisonA a-ic
wandsA paral&sis or turn to stoneA dra-on reathA rods, staves, or spells(. 4avin- throw tales for the
standard classes "also used & onsters( are -iven in Standard Comat C)arts.C)arts.

The appropriate savin- throw to a2e and the effects of a success or failure will e indicated in the
description of the spell, onster attac2, or adventure scenario.

Rollin- a 4avin- Throw

8hen affected & a spell or attac2 for which re>uires a savin- throw, the pla&er or referee ust roll
1d0. 3 result
result that is -reater than or e>ual to the value listed for the savin- throw is a success. 3 result of
less than the listed value is a failure.

4uccessful 4aves
 3 successful savin- thr
ow a-ainst an effect
effect that causes d
aa-e eans that the
the daa-e is halved. 3
successful savin- throw a-ainst an effect that does not cause daa-e eans the effect has een entirel&
avoided or ne-ated.

4aves vs )oison
 3 failed save a-ainst poison is usuall& fatal. f a poisonous
poisonous attac2 also iinflicts
nflicts daa-e, tthe
he daa-e is not
affected & the success or failure of the savin- throw.

te 4avin- Throws

f a character is 2illed &
 & a destructive spell or special attac2 "e.-. a li-htnin- olt spell or
o r dra-on<s
reath(, his or her e>uipent is assued to e destro&ed. 5a-ic ites a& e allowed a savin- throw,
usin- the character<s savin- throw values. tes which -rant a onus in coat "e.-. a-ical weapons
and arour( a& also appl& this onus to the savin- throw.

*un-eons often include hidden features and echaniss such as secret doors and traps. 3dventurers
can spot these & searchin-. The pla&er ust declare the particular oect or 10< L 10< area to e
searched. 4earchin- ta2es one turn.

f a character is searchin- in the ri-ht location, there is a ase 1!in! chance of findin- a secret door or
trap. "4oe t&pes of adventurer a& haveh ave an increased chance.( The referee should alwa&s roll for the
character searchin-, so that the pla&er never 2nows if the roll failed or if there sipl& are no hidden
features in the area searched.

Each character can onl& a2e one attept to search an& -iven oect or 10< L 10< area.

f characters
attac2 -o oveent
rolls and for a full da& or ore
rate, without
re>uire ore food or water,
fre>uent rests,the referee
or even a&toe-in
e-in to appl&
deduct penalties
hit points, to
in extree

Characters ove at half their noral oveent rate when swiin-.

t is assued that ever& character 2nows how to swi, unless there is soe ovious reason wh& a
character could not have learned.


Characters that are encuered or in treacherous water conditions have a proailit& of drownin-, at the
referee<s discretion. Ieavil& encuered characters=wearin- plate ail arour and/or carr&in- a lar-e

aount of treasure=will li2el& have aove G0K chance of drownin-. Characters carr&in- less treasure or
wearin- li-hter arour a& have as little as 10K chance of drownin-.

 3side fro noral
noral tie increents
increents "inutes, hours,
hours, da&s, and so on(,
on(, the followin-
followin- special units are used
in the -ae. n all atters of tie and oveent, the referee is the final authorit& on what a& e
accoplished in a -iven period of tie.

8hen in the dun-eon, characters ta2e actions in tie increents called turns. #ne turn is e>ual to 10
inutes. Character actions that ta2e one turn include loo2in- for secret doors or traps in a 10< L 10< area
"see Searc)in ( or ovin- up to the part&<s full oveent rate "see Movement (. (.

Rounds are ten seconds of -ae tie each, so there are 0 rounds in a turn. Ti
e is onl& easured in
rounds durin- encounters, especiall& in coat "see Encounters
Encounters and
 and Basic Comat !rocedure(.


Each trap is tri--ered & a specific action "e.-. openin- a door or wal2in- over a particular area(. Ever&
tie a character a2es an action that could tri--er a trap, there is a !in! chance of the trap ein-
sprun-. 4oe traps a& e ore or less li2el& to tri--er
tri--er,, if the referee wishes.

4earchin- for Traps

 3dventurers a& choose
choose to search oects
oects or areas for traps.
traps. 4ee Searc)in .

8anderin- 5onsters
Besides the onsters specificall& placed in certain re-ions of a dun-eon or wilderness, the part& a&
randol& encounter onsters on the ove etween areas. These are 2nown as ?wanderin- onsters@.
The chance of a rando encounter occurrin- depends on the t&pe of area a rea ein- explored "e.-. dun-eon
re-ion or level, t&pe of wilderness terrain(. Each t&pe of area should have
h ave its own tale of wanderin-
onsters, which the referee rolls on when an encounter ta2es place.

n the *un-eon
The t&pical chance of encounterin- a wanderin- onster is 1!in!, rolled ever& two turns. The chance of
wanderin- onsters a& e hi-her or lower in certain parts of the dun-eon and the actions of the part&
can also affect this. +or exaple, a2in- a lot of noise or li-ht should increase the chance, while restin-
>uietl& in an out!of!the!wa& location should decrease the chance.

n the 8ilderness
t is usual to chec2 for rando encounters once per da&, thou-h the referee a& a2e ore chec2s: up
to three or four per da&. The chance of encounters depends on the terrain ein- explored:
● Cit&, clear, -rasslands, settled lands: 1!in!.
●  3erial, arren,
arren, desert, forest, hills, ocean, river: !in!.
● 6un-le, ountains, swap: !in!.

 3>uatic encounters a& occur either on the open water or on land, if th

e part& doc2s at soe
soe point durin-
the da&.

8ater Travel
The distance travelled in a da& is deterined & the t&pe of vessel ein- used and & the prevailin- wind
and water conditions.

8hen travellin- upon rivers

rivers,, the current a& increase "ovin-
"ovin- downstrea( or decrease "ovin-
upstrea( the distance travelled & 1dH iles per da&.

At sea,
sea, there are an& possile conditions that i-ht ipact a vessel<s oveent rate. The referee

should chec2 conditions at the start of each da& & rollin- d:
●  3 result of  eans that the da& is ccopletel&
opletel& devoid of wind and a ship that is incapale of
rowin- cannot ove all da&.
●  3 result of 1 indi
cates a -ale "see elow(.

*urin- a -ale, an& vessel with sails can attept to ove with the wind to avoid daa-e. The vessel
travels at three ties its noral speed in a randol& deterined direction. "The referee a& roll 1d, with
1 indicatin- the intended direction of travel,  indicatin- 0N to the ri-ht,  indicatin- 10N to the ri-ht, and
so on.(

f the ship encounters land durin- this travel, there is a DK chance of it wrec2in- a-ainst the shore.

7ariale 8ind Conditions

Cond itions "#ptional Rule(
$roups who prefer a sli-htl& ore detailed s&ste of sea travel a& use the followin- chart, which adds
additional detail to the dail& d roll to deterine wind conditions.

0d7 8ind $ffect

 o wind 5oveent is onl& possile & oar. #arsen fati-ued: oveent

reduced & one third.

 +aint ree9e 5oveent rate reduced to one third noral.

 $entle ree9e 5oveent rate reduced to half noral.

D 5oderate ree9e 5oveent rate reduced to two thirds noral.


!F +resh ree9e oral oveent rate.

G 4tron- ree9e 5oveent rate increased & one third.

10 Ii-h wind 5oveent rate increased & half.

11 ear -ale 5oveent rate douled. 10K chance of ta2in- on water "speed
reduced & one third until repaired at a doc2(.

1 $ale 5oveent rate tripled. 4ee ,ales

,ales,, aove.

Basic Coat )rocedure

4e>uence of Events
The se>uence of actions in each round is ro2en down as follows:
1. Chara
s who wish to ca cast
st a spell or perfor
perfor a full
full retr
eat fro elee
elee ust
ust declar
e it.
. nit
ve: 1d is rolled
rolled & each opposin-
opposin- side.
. The wiwinner
nner of iinit
e acts
acts fi
a. The referee a& chec2 Morale
Morale for
 for onsters.
. 5oveents are ade.
c. 5iss
5issiile att
ac2s are
are ad
e, acco
accou unti
ntin- fo
forr *
EX oodi
ierrs, cov
er, rran
-e,, and
a-ic adustents.
d. 4pells are cast and apapplicale savin- th throws arare ade.
e. 5el
5elee coco
at an
d ot
herr act
ns occu
occurrA att
ac2s are
are adade,
e, acc
ountiin- for
4TR odifiers and a-ic adustents.
. #the
#therr sid
es act throu-h
throu-h ststep
ep , in order
order of init
D. 8hen all sisides
des of a confl
ict have
have acted, the
the round is over.
over. f the co
at has not coe
coe to an
end, the se>uence e-ins a-ain at step 1.

 3t the start of each round, each side
side rolls 1d to det
erine initiative.
initiative. The side
side with the hi-hes
hi-hestt result on
1d acts first for that round. #ther sides in a conflict will react in order fro hi-hest to lowest roll.

Tied nitiative
f initiative is a tie, each side in the tie acts at the sae tie. 3ll actions are copleted, unaffected &
opposed actions. +or exaple, two opponents in elee a& oth inflict enou-h daa-e to 2ill the other.
 3s the initiative
initiative is tied, oth attac2s occur siultaneousl&
siultaneousl&,, resultin- in oth
oth characters ein- 2

Two!Ianded 8eapons
Characters wieldin- two!handed elee weapons "and soe issile weapons=as indicated in the
e>uipent description( alwa&s act last in the round, as if the& had lost initiative.

ndividual nitiative "#ptional Rule(

nstead of an initiative roll per side, a roll a& e ade for each individual )C or onster involved in a
attle, odified & *EX. The referee a& deterine an initiative onus or penalt& for onsters which are
ver& fast or slow, instead of appl&in- a *EX odifier.

5oveent in Coat

8ith 3nother 3ction

 3 character can ove up to one third of h his
is or her noral oveent rate ever&
ever& round and can also at attac2
"if an ene& is within that distance( or perfor another action "except spell castin-( durin- a round.

8ithout 3nother 3ction

 3 character who perfor
s no other actio
n in a round a& run,
run, ovin- up to hi
s or her full oveent rate.

Retreatin- +ro 5elee

8hen in elee with a foe, free oveent is not so siple. Brea2in- awa& fro elee is possile in two
wa&s, as follows.

 3 fighting retreat allows
retreat allows a character to ove ac2wards at up to half his or her encounter oveent rate
"i.e. one sixth of his or her ase oveent rate(. Iowever
Iowever,, there ust e a clear path for this oveent.

 3 full retreat occurs
retreat occurs when a character oves ac2wards at a rate faster than half of his or o r her encounter
oveent rate. The character a2in- the oveent forfeits attac2in- this round and the opponent -ains
a H onus to all attac2s a-ainst the character this round. n addition, if the retreatin- character is carr&in-
a shield, it does not appl& to the character<s 3rour
3rour Class durin- the retreat.

 3ctions in #ne Round

Characters can -enerall& ove and perfor one action in a round. The ost coon actions are
attac2in-, castin- a spell, or usin- an ite that is easil& to hand, ut an& other actions are possile and
ust e adudicated & the referee. The referee has the final sa& on what can or cannot e done in one
round. ote that, when castin- a spell, the character a& not ove as well.

 3 character a& attac2 if there is an ene& within stri2in-
stri2in- ran-e. )la&er
)la&er characters can norall&
norall& onl&
attac2 once per round, ut soe onsters have ultiple attac2s.

Ran-e +or 5elee vs 5issile 3ttac2s

5elee attac2s are possile when opponents are D< or less fro each other
other.. 5issile attac2s are possile

when opponents are ore than D< fro one another.


 3ttac2 Rolls
The pla&er or referee rolls 1d0, odified & 4TR for elee attac2s or *EX for issile attac2s. The result
is copared to the appropriate
a ppropriate attac2 tale "see 4tandard Coat Charts, p(. 3 result that is e>ual to
or aove the attac2 value correspondin- to the attac2er<s level or Iit *ice and the opponent<s 3rour
Class results in a hit.

atural 1s and 0s

●  3n attac2 roll of 0 alwa&s hits,
hits, unless the tar-et
tar-et cannot e hared & the attac2 "e.-.
"e.-. a
noral weapon used a-ainst a foe which can onl& e hared & a-ic(.
●  3n attac2 roll of 1 is alwa&s a iss.

*aa-e Rolls
Jpon a successful attac2, daa-e is inflicted, ta2in- into account an& onuses or penalties. )la&er
character attac2s inflict 1d daa-eA onster attac2s deal the daa-e indicated in the onster<s

 3n attac2 which

which hits alwa&s deal
s at least one poi
nt of daa-e, even when
when daa-e odifiers
odifiers reduce the
nuer rolled to 0 or less.

 3 character or onster reduced to 0 hit points or less is 2illed.

7ariale 8eapon *aa-e "#ptional Rule(

4oe -roups a& prefer different weapons to inflict different aounts of daa-e. n this case, rather
than rollin- a flat 1d for all )C attac2s, the die t&pe indicated for the weapon in the e>uipent lists
should e rolled.

5issile 8eapon Ran-es

 3ll issile
issile weapons have ran-es, which ust e ta2en
ta2en into account when
when tr&in- to stri2e
stri2e an opponent at a
● f an opponent is within the distance listed for short range,
range, the attac2er -ets a H1 to hit.
● There are no onuses or penalties for stri2in- an opponent at medium range.
● There is a penalt& of !1 to stri2e an opponent at long range.
● f an opponent is further awa& than the lon- ran-e listed, the issile weapon cannot hit that

Castin- a 4pell

1. The cascaster
ter ust
ust e ale
ale to spea2 a and
nd to ov
ovee his or her h
ands, iin
n order to
to rin- a a-ic
effect into ein-. 3s a result, a spell caster cannot cast spells if -a--ed, ound, or in an area of

a-ical silence.

. 4pel
4pelll caster
s a& ta2e no oth
er acti
ons "inc
- ove
ent'( du
rin- the
the sae round
round the&
intend to cast a spell.
. Jnle
ss otherwise
otherwise noted
noted in a spell<s
spell<s desc
ion, a spell
spell caster 
ust have the
the intend
ed tar-et
"a specific onster, character,
character, or area of effect( within visual ran-e.

*isruptin- 4pells
f a spell caster loses initiative and is successfull& attac2ed or fails a savin- throw efore his or her turn,
the spell ein- cast is disrupted and fails. The spell is reoved fro the caster<s eor& as if it had een

#ther Coat ssues

 3ttac2in- fro Behind

 3ttac2s ade on a character fro ehind
ehind i-nore the inf
luence of the attac2
ed character<s shield, if an&.

Boardin- 7essels
8hen the occupants of a vessel wish to oard another vessel, there is a !in! chance of ein- ale to
successfull& anoeuvre the vessel into a oardin- position and clap onto the other vessel with
-rapplin- hoo2s. f the occupants of oth vessels wish to oard one another, their utual intent a2es the
action succeed with no chance of failure. #nce crew!eers coe into contact with one another,
coat ensues followin- the standard coat rules. Characters who are in the act of oardin- another
vessel suffer a penalt& of O to attac2 rolls and 3rour Class for one round.

Cover is an iportant factor that can influence issile attac2s. 3n attac2er cannot hit an opponent that is
entirel& ehind a arrier. f the tar-et is onl& partl& ehind
 ehind cover, the referee a& appl& attac2 penalties of
etween !1 and !. +or exaple, if a character were atteptin- to stri2e an opponent throu-h a sall
window,, the referee i-ht call for a penalt& of !. f the opponent were onl& partl& covered, such as &
sall furniture, the penalt& i-ht onl& e !1.

Ielpless #pponents
Ielpless opponents, such as those sleepin-, ound,
 ound, a-icall& fro9en, etc., are autoaticall& hit & an&
elee attac2s in coat. #nl& a roll for daa-e is re>uired.

5a-ical 5onsters
4oe onsters a& onl& e daa-ed & a-ical or silver weapons. The referee a&, optionall&,
optionall&, allow
such onsters to also e hared & attac2s fro:

 3nother such
 3 onster withonster.
D I*er.
or -reater.

5orale "#ptional Rule(

)la&ers a& alwa&s decide whether the& will fi-ht, surrender, or run awa& in an encounter. The referee
decides whether onsters or )Cs surrender or run awa&

5onsters have a listin- for orale, rated fro  to 1, which represents how li2el& the& are to fi-ht or flee
when in an encounter
encounter.. 3 score of  eans the onster never fi-hts "unless asolutel& cornered( and a
score of 1 eans the onster will fi-ht until 2illed, with no orale chec2 necessar& in either case.

5orale Chec2s
The referee rolls d and, if the roll is hi-her than the orale of the onster, the chec2 is a failure and the
onster will either surrender or attept a full retreat or
o r a fi-htin- retreat. f the result is e>ual to or lower
than the orale score, a onster will continue to fi-ht.

8hen to Chec2 5orale

The referee usuall& a2es a orale
orale chec2 for onsters under two conditions:
1. 8hen ononee side ooff the e
er fir
st loses
loses a eer
eer due to deat
. 8hen hal
halff the onsters
onsters are
are either 2 2ill
ed or otherwis
e incap

f a onster a2es two successful orale chec2s in an encounter

encounter,, it will fi-ht until 2illed.

 3dustents to 5orale
The referee a& decide to appl& onuses or penalties to orale, with a ran-e of O to H, dependin- on
the circustances. +or exaple, if one side of an encounter is losin- or winnin-, the& i-ht receive a
penalt& or onus to orale of O1 or H1, respectivel&

 3dustents are never applied to 

onsters with a 
orale of  or 1.

Retainer 5orale
Retainers si-ned up to wor2 as
a s adventurers, so are not fri-htened off at the first si-n of dan-er.
d an-er. The&
The& onl&
chec2 orale in coat when confronted with extraordinar& dan-er.
dan-er. 4ee Retainers
Retainers for
 for details.

5ultiple 3ttac2ers
The referee should use discretion in deterinin- how an& attac2ers can stri2e at one opponent. Jsuall&
onl& two characters a& fi-ht side!&!side in a 10< wide hallwa&,
hallwa&, unless all of the attac2ers are sall.

on!%ethal Coat
 3n& characters that
that wish to sudue an
an opponent ust announce tthat
hat the& are attac2in-
attac2in- without intent
intent to
2ill. 3ll
3ll hand weapons with a lade a& e eplo&ed to deal lunt lows with the flat of the lade.

 3 andor
character daa-e are
onster calculated
that reaches norall&, notin-
0 hit points how
due to uch daa-e
sudual daa-e is
is non!lethal, ?sudual@ daa-e.
2noc2ed unconscious.

5onsters a& onl& e sudued in this wa& at the referee<s discretion.

Jnared 3ttac2s
Jnared coat is the sae as elee coat, ut all daa-e is 1 to  H 4TR odifiers.

Jnstale 4urfaces
Characters on an unstale surface, such as a ship in rou-h seas or ridin- a fl&in- anial such as a
-riffon, are affected as follows:
● 4pells cannot e cast ecause the intricate hand -estures are not possile in that sha2&
● 5issile attac2s suffer a penalt& of O to hit.
● 5a-ic ites do not re>uire the sae concentration and -estures, and can e used as noral.
no ral.

ote that a-ical eans of fli-ht "e.-. a a-ic roo, carpet, or the fl& spell( -enerall& provide a sooth
ride and do not count as unstale.

Characters fi-htin- in or eneath water should have a penalt& applied to their attac2 rolls. *aa-e fro
successful hits should also e reduced. 5ost issile weapons do not wor2 underwater

4tandard Coat Charts

 3dventurer 3ttac2 Chart

Class At
and ta
)evel c:

+ighter  Cleric Magic; ;2 ;0 ;-  - 0 2 = 1 7 3 > 4

#6arf  (hief  <ser 

1! 1! 1!D 0 0 0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 1


! D!F !10 0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F


!G G!1 11!1D 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F   D

10!1 1!1 1!0 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F   D  

1!1D 1!0 1!D 1 1 11 10 G F   D    

5onster 3ttac2 Chart


Monster Hit #ice ;2 ;0 ;-  - 0 2 = 1 7 3 > 4

Jp to 1 0 0 0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10

1H to  0 0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G

H to  0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F

H to  1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F 

H to D 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11 10 G F  

DH to  1 1
1 1D
1D 1
1 1
1 1
1 11
11 10 G F   D

H to  1 1
D 1
1 1
1 1
1 11
11 1
100 G F   D 

H to G 1D 1 1 1 11 10
10 G F   D  

GH to 11 1 1 1 11 10
10 G F   D   

11H to 1 1 1 11 1
0 G F   D    

1H to 1D 1 11 10 G F   D     

1DH to 1 11 10 G F   D      

1H to 1G 10 G F   D       

1GH to 1 G F   D        

1H or ore F   D         

oral Iuan 3ttac2 Chart

;2 ;0 ;-  - 0 2 = 1 7 3 > 4

0 0 0 0 1G 1F 1 1 1D 1 1 1 11

Cleric 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1! 11 1 1 1 1D

D!F G 10 1 1 1

G!1   G 11 G

1!1  D  F 

*warf and Ialflin- 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1! F G 10 1 1

!   F 10 10
!G  D   F

10!1     

Elf 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1! 1 1 1 1D 1D

! 10 11 11 1 1

!G F G G 10 10

10   F F F

+i-hter 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1! 1 1 1 1D 1

! 10 11 1 1 1

!G F G 10 10 1

10!1   F F 10

1!1D  D  D F

5a-ic!Jser 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1!D 1 1 1 1 1D

!10 11
11 1 11 1 1

11!1D F G F 11 F

Thief 4avin- Throw Chart

)evel #eath ay or Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Bre
h ods
ods?? Stav
*oison (urn to Stone or Spells

1! 1 1 1 1 1D

D!F 1 1 11 1 1

G!1 10 11 G 1 10

1!1 F G  10 F

oral Iuan 4avin- Throw Chart

#eath ay or *oison Magic 8ands *aralysis or #rag
on Br
th ods
ods?? Stav

(urn to Stone or Spells


1 1D 1 1 1F


4oe character classes have the ailit&
a ilit& to eori9e and cast a-ical spells. There are two t&pes of
a-ic: divine magic,
magic, which a deit& or hi-her power -rants, and arcane magic,
magic, which is learned &
esoteric stud&.

5eori9in- 4pells
 3 spell consists of a pattern of a
-ical ener-& stored in
in a character<s ind. 3 spell caster is al
e to
eori9e a certain nuer of spells of different spell levels, dependin- on his or her experience level. 3
character can eori9e the sae spell ore than once if he or she is capale of o f eori9in- ore than
one spell of the -iven level.

 3rcane spell casters

casters eori9e spell
s fro spell oo
2s and are thus liited
liited to choosin- ffro
ro the spells in
their spell oo2, which ust e to hand.

*ivine spell casters do not stud& fro oo2s, ut instead receive the 2nowled-e of how to cast spells
throu-h pra&er to their -ods. 8hen pra&in- for spells, divine spell casters have access to all spells in their 
class< spell list that the& are of hi-h enou-h level to cast.

Rest and Tie Re>uireents

 3ll spell casters
casters can eori9e
eori9e new spells after an uninterrupted ni
-ht<s sleep. tt ta2es one hour to
eori9e all spells the character is capale of learnin-.

Castin- 4pells
 3 eori9ed spell 
a& e cast & preci
sel& replicatin- the
the re>uired set of hand -estures and &sti
spo2en words. 8hen a spell is cast, 2nowled-e of the spell is erased fro the ind of the caster.

4pell Castin- Constraints

 3ll spell casters
casters need to e ale to ove their hand
s and spea2 in order tto
o a2e the -estures
-estures and spea2
the a-ical phrases that rin- a-ic effects into ein-. 3s a result, a spell caster cannot cast spells if
-a--ed, ound, or in an area of a-ical silence.

8hen castin- spells in coat, it is possile for spell castin- to e disrupted. 4ee Basic Comat

Reversile 4pells
4oe spells are reversileA this is indicated in each spell<s description.

+or arcane spell casters, the noral or reversed for of a spell ust e selected when the spell is
eori9ed. 3n
3n arcane spell caster a& eori9e oth fors of a spell, if he or she is ale to eori9e
ore than one spell of the -iven level.

 3 divine spell cast

er can use either for
 of a spell w
ithout havin- to pra&
pra& for the dif
ferent versions
separatel&A the character a& decide which version "noral or reversed( to use when the spell is cast.
Iowever,, a divine spell caster a& draw dissatisfaction fro his or her deit& when castin- spells "or their
reversed versions( whose effects -o a-ainst the deit&<s
de it&<s ali-nent.

Cuulative 4pell Effects

5ultiple spells cannot e used to increase the sae ailit& "e.-. onuses to attac2 rolls, 3rour Class,
daa-e rolls, savin- throws, etc.(. 4pells that affect different  ailities
 ailities can e coined. n addition, spells
can e coined with the effects of a-ical ites.

4pell Boo2s
 3rcane spell casters
casters record the spell
s that the& 2now in a spell oo2 "or
"or set of spell oo2s(. 3 character<s
spell oo2 contains exactl& the nuer of spells that the character is capale of eori9in-. +or
exaple, a character who is ale to eori9e two 1st level spells and one nd level spell would have
exactl& that nuer of spells in his or her spell oo2.

%ost 4pell Boo2s

4oeties a spell oo2 will either e lost or destro&ed. 3n arcane spell caster can rewrite the spells
throu-h research and eor& at a cost of 1 wee2 of -ae - ae tie and 1,000 -p for each spell level. +or
instance, if two first level spells and one nd level spell are replaced, it will ta2e  wee2s and ,000 -p.
This activit& re>uires coplete concentration and a character doin- this wor2 a& not en-a-e in an&
other activit& for the tie re>uired.

Captured 4pell Boo2s

Each arcane spell caster<s spell oo2s are written in such a wa& that onl& the owner is ale to read the
spells without the use of read magic .

Be-innin- 4pells
 3rcane spell casters
casters e-in pla& wi
th one 1st level s
pell in their spell
spell oo2. T
he referee a& choose tthis
spell or a& allow the pla&er to select one.

 3ddin- 4pells

8hen an arcane spell caster -ains a level, he or she a& consult a wi9ard<s -uild or entor to learn new
spells. n this wa&,
wa&, the character can add spells to his or her spell oo2s, so that the oo2s contain the

sae nuer of spells the characters is ale to cast. This process ta2es aout a wee2 of -ae tie.
"The spells a character learns in this wa& are deterined & the referee, who a& decide to let the pla&er
to choose.(

t is also possile to add spells to a spell oo2 & eans of Maical Researc).

5a-ic tes
5ost a-ic ites are not laelled, so characters ust discover their exact properties throu-h trial and
error.. )owerful wi9ards a& e ale to identif& a-ic ites, ut it can ta2e an& wee2s to do
error d o so.
 3lcheists are also ale to iden
tif& soe ites,
ites, such as potions.

n order to use a a-ic ite, a character ust follow the procedures indicated in the ite<s description.
The ite ust e worn or held in the usual anner. 4oe a-ic ites "e.-. an enchanted suit of arour(
are alwa&s active, ut others ust e consciousl& activated=this re>uires a round of concentration,
durin- which the character a& do nothin- else. 4oe ites have special activation conditions, such as
coand words.

4oe a-ic ites have liited uses, called ?char-es@. Each char-e can e spent to rin- aout one
instance of the ite<s a-ical effect. 3 character cannot 2now how an& char-es an ite has and, when
the char-es are all spent,
sp ent, the ite ecoes a noral, non!a-ical oect=it cannot e rechar-ed.

Cursed tes
Cursed ites, once possessed & a character, can onl& e disposed of if the curse is dispelled & a-ic.
The owner of a cursed ite will not elieve the ite is cursed and will resist efforts to -et
- et rid of the ite
until the curse is dispelled.

5a-ic 8eapons
5a-ic weapons follow the sae class restrictions as noral weapons. 3 a-ic weapon has a ?H@ value,
indicatin- the de-ree of its enchantent. This value is applied to attac2 and daa-e rolls usin- the

Cursed 8eapons
Cursed weapons have the opposite effect, incurrin- penalties to attac2 and daa-e e>ual to the ?H@ value
specified. The possessor of a cursed weapon will prefer to use this weapon in coat aove an& other

5a-ic 3rour 
5a-ic arour follows the sae class restrictions as noral arour
arour.. 3 suit of a-ical arour has a ?H@
value indicatin- its de-ree of enchantent. The wearer<s 3C is iproved "i.e. reduced( & the ?H@ value.

5a-ic arour is also li-hter and less cuersoe than noral. 8hen usin- the optional rule for
encurance & wei-ht carried "see Encumrance
(, enchanted leather arour wei-hs D coins,

chainail 1D0 coins, and plate ail 00 coins.

Cursed 3rour 
Cursed arour appears to e arour H1, ut actuall& has an 3rour Class ratin- of G. t has the sae
wei-ht as noral, non!a-ical arour of the sae t&pe.

5ost potions are found as a sin-le dose that iues the potion<s effects on one individual. )otions usuall&
ear no lael and var& in their appearance, aroa, etc. Even two potions of the sae t&pe will differ
differ.. 3
potion a& e identified & saplin- a sall aount.

Jnless a potion<s description specifies otherwise, potions ta2e effect in the sae round as their
consuption and last for 1dH turns.

5ixin- )otions
f a potion is consued while the character is still under the effects of another potion, the effects of oth
potions are nullified and the character ecoes sic2, unale to do an&thin- for three turns.

4crolls are pieces of parchent, iued with potent a-ical writin-s. 4ipl& pronouncin- the words
releases their power.

4oe scrolls can e deciphered and read & an&

a n& class, while others have restrictions. 4crolls that contain

arcane spells can onl& e read & an arcane spell caster eplo&in- the spell read a-ic. 4crolls with
divine spells can e read without special decipherin-, ut are usale onl& & divine spell casters.

#nce a scroll is used, the a-ical writin- disappears. "n the case o
off scrolls containin- ultiple spells,
onl& the spell cast disappears.(

5a-ical rin-s are usale & an& character class. The& ust e worn on a fin-er or thu. t is onl&
possile to wear two a-ical rin-s: one on each hand. f ore than two are worn, none of the will

Cursed Rin-s
Cursed rin-s are alwa&s active. Their effects are not nullified, no atter how an& other rin-s are worn.

Rods, 4taves, and 8ands

Rods are -enerall& usale & characters of an& class. 8ands are onl& usale & arcane spell casters.
4taves are onl& usale & spell casters=either divine or arcane, dependin- on the ite.

These a-ic ites -enerall& have a liited nuer of ?char-es@ which are spent to tri--er the ite<s
a-ical effect. 8hen found, a rod has 1d10 char-es, a wand has d10 char-es, and a staff has d10


5a-ical Research

Creatin- ew 4pells

4pell castin- characters of an& level are
a re ale to research and create new spells. The pla&er ust
descrie in detail the 2ind of spell he or she wants to create and the effects it has. The referee will then
decide if the spell can e created and, if so, what the spell level will e. The character ust e capale of
castin- spells of the spell level the potential new spell will e, otherwise the pla&er ust wait until the
character attains a hi-h enou-h level to research and cast the spell. f the character can create the spell,
it will ta2e two wee2s of -ae tie and 1,000 -p per spell level.

5a-ic te Creation

 3 spell castin- charact
er of Gth level or hi-her a& attept
attept to create 
a-ical ites. *
ivine spell casters
a& onl& create ites usale & their class, while arcane spell casters a& create an& ite except those
that a& onl& e used & divine spell casters. The pla&er should infor the referee of the ite that he or
she wishes to construct and the referee will decide whether this is possile and, if so, what 2inds of
aterials are re>uired. 5aterials will often include rare coponents such as expensive and hard to otain
-es or in-redients fro rare anials and onsters. #ften, the character will have to -o on adventures
 ust to ac>uire these aterials.

5an& a-ic ites duplicate the effects of a spell, -enerall& costin- one wee2 of -ae tie and D00 -p
per level of the iic2ed spell. f the ite created can replicate the spell effect ultiple ties "for
exaple a wand with char-es(, the cost in tie and one& is ultiplied & the nuer of uses.

4oe a-ic ites do not iic spell effects precisel& and for these the referee will have to use
discretion. The ore powerful the ite, the ore difficult it should e to construct. 3s a -eneral rule, ites
should cost fro 10,000 to 100,000 -p and fro 1 onth to 1 &ear of -ae tie to coplete. 4oe
exaples are: a da--er H1 " onths, 10,000 -p(, chainail arour H1 " onths, 10,000 -p(, a
displacer cloa2 "100,000 -p, 1 &ear(.

#ther 5a-ical Research

#ther 2inds of a-ic effects=for which a a-ic ite or spell is not appropriate=a& e researched.
Creatin- a-ic traps, a-ical constructs, a-ical portals, or other effects will need to e -iven a -p cost
and tie cost at the referee<s discretion.

Chance of +ailure
o attept to create a a-ic ite, spell, or other effect is -uaranteed to succeed. There is a iniu
proailit& of 1DK that an& such endeavour fails. This chance a& e raised dependin- on the
circustances. The referee rolls for failure after the character has spent the one& and tie on the
proect=these are lost re-ardless of the result.

#pen $ae %icense

*E4$3T# #+ )R#*JCT *ETTP
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#)E $35E %CE4E 7ersion 1.0a
The followin- text is the propert& of 8i9ards of the Coast, nc. and is Cop&ri-ht 000 8i9ards of the Coast, nc "Q8i9ardsQ(. 3ll
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1D C#)PR$IT #TCE
#pen $ae %icense v 1.0 S 000, 8i9ards of the Coast, nc.
4&ste Reference *ocuent S 000, 8i9ards o f the Coast, nc.A 3uthors 6onathon Tweet, 5onte Coo2, 42ip 8illias, ased on
ori-inal aterial & E. $ar& $&-ax and *ave 3rneson.
4&ste Reference *ocuent S 000!00, 8i9ards of the Coast, nc.A 3uthors 6onathan Tweet, 5onte Coo2, 42ip 8illias, Rich
Ba2er, 3nd& Collins, *avid oonan, Rich Redan, Bruce R. Cordell, 6ohn *. Rateliff, Thoas Reid, 6aes 8&att, ased on ori-inal
aterial & E. $ar& $&-ax and *ave 3rneson.
5odern 4&ste Reference *ocuent S 00!00, 8i9ards of the Coast, nc.A 3uthors Bill 4lavicse2, 6eff $ru, Rich Redan,
Charles R&an, Eric Ca-le, *avid oonan, 4tan', Christopher
Christopher )er2ins, Rodne& Tho
pson, and 6* 8i2er, ased on aterial &
6onathan Tweet, 5onte Coo2, 42ip 8illias, Richard Ba2er, )eter 3d2ison, Bruce R. Cordell, 6ohn T&nes, 3nd& Collins, and 6*
Castles  Crusades: )la&ers Iandoo2, S 00, Troll %ord $aesA 3uthors *avis Chenault and 5ac $olden.
Castles  Crusades: 5onsters )roduct 4upport, S 00D, Troll %ord $aes.
Basic +antas& Role!)la&in- $ae S 00O00F Chris $onneran.
ew 4pells: 3 Basic +antas& 4uppleent S 00 Chris $onneran,#la Ber-, 3n-elo Bertolli, 6eff Uuerner, Everett Bradshaw Bradshaw,,
Eiliano 5archetti, Ethan 5oore, 6i Bo, and 4cott 3raha
#4RCV S 00, 4tuart 5arshall, adaptin- aterial prepared & 5atthew 6. +inch, ased upon the 4&ste Reference *ocuent,
and inspired & the wor2s of E. $ar& $&-ax, *ave 3rneson, and an& others.
4words  8i9ardr& Core Rules, S 00F, 5atthew 6. +inch
Eldritch 8eirdness, Boo2 #ne, S 00F, 5atthew 6. +inch
*arwin<s 8orld S 00, R)$#ectsA 3uthors
3uthors *oinic Cove& and Chris *avis.
5utant +utureV S 00F, *aniel )roctor and R&an *enison. 3uthors *aniel )roctor and R&an *enison.
 3dvanced Edition
Edition Copanion, S 00GO010,
00GO010, *aniel )roctor.
)roctor. 3uthor *aniel )roctor.
%aentations of the +lae )rincess: 8eird +antas& Role!)la&in- *eluxe Edition, S 010, %ot+). %ot+). 3uthor 6aes Edward Ra--i 7
+irst %evel 5a-ic!Jser 4pells $rindhouse Edition 4pell Contest: Boo2spea2, S 011 *aniel 4ith
+irst %evel 5a-ic!Jser 4pells $rindhouse Edition 4pell Contest: Iowl of the 5oon, S 011 6oel Roas(
%aentations of the +lae )rincess: 8eird +antas& Role!)la&in- $rindhouse Edition, S 011, %ot+), 3uthor 6aes Edward Ra--i
%aentations of the +lae )rincess: 8eird +antas& Role!)la&in- )la&er Core Boo2: Rules  5a-ic S 01 %ot+), author 6aes
Edward Ra--i 7
Cave Cric2et fro the Toe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthors 4cott $reene and Clar2 )eterson, ased on
ori-inal aterial & $ar& $&-ax.
Cra, 5onstrous fro the Toe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthor 4cott $reene, ased on ori-inal aterial &
$ar& $&-ax.
+l&, $iant fro the Toe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthor 4cott $reene, ased on ori-inal aterial & $ar&
$ole, 8ood fro the Toe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthors 4cott $reene and )atric2 %awin-er.
Waadan fro the Toe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthor 4cott $reene, ased on ori-inal aterial & ic2
Rot $ru fro the T Toe
oe of Iorrors, S 00, ecroancer $aes, nc.A 3uthors 4cott $reene and Clar2 )eterson, ased on
ori-inal aterial & $ar& $&-ax
%a&rinth %ordV S 00!00G, *aniel )roctor. 3uthor *aniel )roctor.
B/X Essentials: Core Rules S 01 $avin oran. 3uthor
3uthor $avin oran.
E* #+ %CE4E

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