Public Relations - Edited

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Running head; PUBLIC RELATIONS 1

Public relations


Institutional affiliation



Public relations

The technological firm president has an idea about advertising the company more to protect its

name against being tarnished by other competitors. Ideally, this work should be done by a

marketing officer in conjunction with the firm's advertising officer. The firm's president expects

that the public relations officer write articles about the company and ten services it offers

(Pieczka, 2019). This would help in revealing the goals that she has for the company and all the

other tasks that they do for different firms.

In this case, the president is misusing the skills that a public relations officer is equipped with.

A public relations officer should be responsible for managing the reputation of the company.

This should be done in a unique manner by launching proper campaigns and strategies that

would make the company’s reputation well-built among its customers (Johnston & Sheehan,

2020). One way of doing this is by monitoring the clients' ideas and comments and adequately

working on them. A public relations officer is supposed to have all the reviews by customers

about the company. This should be both positive and negative (Viererbl & Koch, 2019). Through

this, the public officer is able to get ideas on what to inform the management to improve on.

Additionally, a public officer is responsible for creating a good rapport with people in the media.

This includes arranging for promotional films to be produced for the organization to be well

known. In this case, the technology firm president wanted their public relations officer to be a

marketer at the same time work on the duties of a public relations officer (Doorley & Garcia,

2020). The roles that were to be delegated were many and required more time and additional


According to the president, a number of jobs have to be done by the public relations officer.

They include the writing of newsletter, advertising of the company online, making sure the

companies reputation is not destroyed, and ensuring that a number of customers are maintained

by the same company (Pieczka, 2019). Ideally, the company’s president is trying to ensure that

the officer multitasks on several occasions because the actual duties are not much and are

minimally required by the technological company (Johnston & Sheehan, 2020). Additionally,

since the organization is small, its president is trying to make it more famous among other well-

developed organizations competing it (Francoeur, 2020). This should not be the case as public

relations officers have duties to delegate in firms.

In other companies, a public relations officer is responsible for giving speeches about how the

company is faring on. In this case, the president has taken this role to herself. Also, all the

interviews that are called upon on social media and televisions should be attended by this officer

(Doorley & Garcia, 2020). Compared to the president roles of writing articles about the

company, the public relations officer is responsible for writing newsletters used in magazines

and other websites to make help in branding the company's name.

Furthermore, the president expects the officer to control the way other competitors are tarnishing

the company's reputation (Francoeur, 2020). This role compares to that of developing the right

working conditions in the actual field. In this case, the president only has an interest in building

their name and brand of the company but not creating the right working environment (Johnston

& Sheehan, 2020). The president also expects the public relations officer to market their

products, which is contrary to the actual skill to represent the company in exhibitions to present

their products. Through exhibitions, products become well known, and hence the company gains

more market for products.


Qualifications to become a public relations officer involve several skills. Most of the skills are

related to communications, but the two jobs are not similar (Doorley & Garcia, 2020). One

advantage that one would have in qualifying for a career in public relations but is not necessary

would be a bachelor’s degree in business and media (Francoeur, 2020). This is different from

communication where one has to have A levels in the English language or any other language

(Johnston & Sheehan, 2020). Public relations involve skills such as teamwork, patience, and

problem-solving. One would only work efficiently in that field if their relationship with other

workers is good. Ideally, this would enhance proper solving of problems with other competitors

as well as to delegate duty (Doorley & Garcia, 2020). Compared to other communication jobs

such as journalism, both must have good communication skills, accompanied by candid reviews

of the companies.

Contrarily, journalist articles require more creativity than it is in public relations. In many cases,

public relations officers deal with the realities in the fields, such as the company's actual position

and the products that it provides (Viererbl & Koch, 2019). On the other hand, writing of articles

requires a lot of creativity to lure many people with the content in it (Johnston & Sheehan, 2020).

On the other hand, marketing is equally different as it needs one to have attention to detail skills.

This would also be accompanied by some creativity skills that would make customers listen, take

time about a product, and in the end, purchase it (Doorley & Garcia, 2020). Generally, all

communications jobs are related and require unique skills apart from academic papers. The skills

aid them in the fields as they go about their duties.

The idea to have the company’s president employ another person to write the articles and

newsletter is wrong (Doorley & Garcia, 2020). This is because the hired expert may not be well

conveyed with the company business and understands different strategies noted in the

newsletters (Pieczka, 2019). Additionally, the writer may not get to understand other trends in

the market to note down as compared to a public relations officer who is well equipped with both

writing and business skills (Viererbl & Koch, 2019). This type of communication, whereby

information is written from different sources, is known as incomplete communication (Johnston

& Sheehan, 2020). Important messages may not be conveyed as it is supposed to be. The

connection between the business and the newsletters being published is missing. Therefore the

president has to consider the writer being able to have business ideas as well.

The president should change tactics by first accepting to have a qualified public relations officer

in the company. Ideally, an interview should be done, and the qualifications for the job

reinstated. Through this, the company is highly optimistic about receiving a good officer who

will cater to their duties. Additionally, the president should not handle matters lightly (Doorley &

Garcia, 2020). The connection between the newsletters and articles with the business should be

well expressed. Therefore, this calls for one person to handle both the duties, which means that a

public relations officer would be needed (Pieczka, 2019). Furthermore, to have many customers

for the company, the president needs to have different marketing strategies (Johnston & Sheehan,

2020). Additionally, other people may be employed to advertise products for the company. In

this case, the president is minimizing the costs of investing in the company. Ideally, the

implementation of these recommendations would help the company make more steps and

achieve its goals.



Johnston, J., & Sheehan, M. (Eds.). (2020). Public relations: Theory and practice. Routledge.

Doorley, J., & Garcia, H. F. (2020). Reputation management: The key to successful public

relations and corporate communication. Routledge.

Pieczka, M. (2019). Looking back and going forward: The concept of the public in public

relations theory. Public Relations Inquiry, 8(3), 225-244.

Francoeur, C. (2020). A Foucauldian foray into how power operates when journalists and public

relations officers meet. New Directions in Journalism Education, 28.

Viererbl, B., & Koch, T. (2019). Once a journalist, not always a journalist? Causes and

consequences of job changes from journalism to public relations. Journalism.

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