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create table people(roll_no integer,name varchar(50),address varchar(50),age integer);

insert into people(roll_no,name,address,age) values(101,'Balaji','Salem',34);

insert into people(roll_no,name,address,age) values(102,'Rithik','Salem',3);
insert into people(roll_no,name,address,age) values(103,'Vanitha','Thanjavur',25);
insert into people(roll_no,name,address,age) values(104,'Madhu','Chennai',64);
insert into people(roll_no,name,address,age) values(105,'parimala','trichy',52);
select name from people where age=3;
select name from people where age<>3;
select * from people where age between 3 and 35;
select name from people where address like 's%';
select * from people where address in ('salem','trichy');

select * from people where age >1 and address='salem';

select name from people where age >50 or address='salem';
select age from people where NOT address='salem';
select * from people where address='salem' and not (age>25);

select * from people order by address;

select * from people order by address desc;

select * from people order by address ASC,age ASC;

insert into people(roll_no,name) values(106,'rock');
select * from people;
select * from people where address is null;

select * from people where age is not null;

update people set name='prasath',age=35 where roll_no=101;
update people set name='prasath' where address='salem';
update people set name='prasath';(without where condition, its false)
delete from people where name='balaji';
delete from people;(without where condition, it deletes all the rows/records)
select * from people limit 3;
select * from people where address='salem' limit 1;
select min(age) from people;
select max(age) from people;
select count(age) from people;
select avg(age) from people;
select sum(age) from people;

select * from people where name like '%a';

select * from people where name like ‘R%’;
select * from people where name like '%th%';
select * from people where name like '_a%';
select * from people where name like 'm_%';
select * from people where name like 'm__%';
select * from people where name like 'p%a';
select * from people where name not like 'b%';

select * from people where name like 'van%';

select * from people where name like '%la%';
select * from people where name like '_alaji';
select * from people where name like 'R_th_k';
select * from people where name like '[a-p]%';

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