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Contents 2








PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) 46





At  MEF  International  School  –  Izmir,  we  aim  to  create  young  people  who  are  motivated,  skilled,  confident, 
independent learners; young people who recognise the need to be lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.  
We  have  high  expectations  of  all  students  and value continuity in their learning. At an individual level students are 
encouraged to achieve their highest academic standards. 
MEF  International  School  –  Izmir  is  the  only  accredited  school  in  Turkey  to  offer  all  levels  of  the  Cambridge 
International Programme and is thus a Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) Centre.   
The  secondary  school  is  organised  into  two  main  sections:  Lower  Secondary  and  Upper  Secondary.  In  addition, 
support  services  are  available  to  assist  student  learning  in  a  range  of  roles:  Learning  Support,  English  Support, 
Counselling and Career Planning. 

Lower Secondary:  Year 7  Age 11-12   
Year 8  Age 12-13   
    Checkpoint Examinations 
Year 9  Age 13-14 
Upper Secondary:  Year 10  Age 14-15   
    IGCSE Examinations 
Year 11  Age 15-16   
    AS Level Examinations 
Year 12  Age 16-17   
    A Level Examinations 
Year 13  Age 17-18 


The  Lower  Secondary  academic  programme  at  MEFIS-Izmir  has  its  roots  in  the  Cambridge  Lower  Secondary 
Programme but it has been further developed to celebrate the international context in which the school resides. 
Students  enter  the Secondary School from the age of 11 and in Years 7 to 9, follow a course of study which provides 
a  broad  and  balanced  range  of  learning  experiences.  The  curriculum  includes  the  following  core subjects: English, 
Mathematics,  Science;  as  well  as  Art  &  Design,  Computer  Science,  Humanities,  Performance  Arts,  Physical 
Education and Modern Languages (French, Spanish, Turkish and English as a Second Language) 
In  the  second  trimester  of  Year  9  students  start  to  make  decisions  concerning  the  courses  they  will  pursue  from 
Year  10.  In  order  to  help  students  make  informed  decisions,  a  “Course  Options  Presentation”  is  shown to students 
and  parents  early  in  the  second  trimester.  In  any  academic  year,  students  registering  after this date select course 
options with the assistance of the Registrar and the Coordinator.  



English Support 
All  English  Language  Learners  at  MEFIS-Izmir  are  provided  with  English  Support.  Intermediate  level  learners  will 
follow  a  2nd  Language  English  course  in  place  of  1​st  Language  English  (4  hours  per  week)  Beginners  will  receive 
English  Support  in  place  of  1​st  Language  English  and  in  place  of  foreign  Language  courses  (a  total  of  7  hours  per 

Learning Support 
Students  at  MEFIS-Izmir  with specific learning difficulties that are not related to English Language can receive some 
learning support. Learning support can be provided through withdrawal or in-class support.  

A  full  time  counsellor  is  available  to  support  students  with  emotional  needs  and  academic  guidance.  Academic 
counselling  includes  career  planning,  university  applications,  choosing  appropriate  option  choices,  planning  and 


In Years 7 to 9 students are assessed regularly throughout the year in homework, classwork, end of unit assessments 
and  examinations.  Homework  and  classwork  may  include:  extended  written  assignments,  making  presentations  to 
the class, long term projects or practice exercises to reinforce knowledge and skills. 
In  the  3​rd  week  of  May  all  students  sit  a  final  internal  examination  in  all  their  subjects.  In  English,  Maths  and 
Science  students  sit  Cambridge  Progression  tests  (graded  internally);  parents  are  informed of the results through a 
Progression  tests  Summary  Report.  For  the  other  subjects,  they  are  given  a  final  assessment  designed  by  their 
subject teachers in order to assess what they have studied throughout the year​.  

In  April,  Year  9  students  sit  the  Cambridge  Checkpoint  Examinations  for  English,  Mathematics  and  Science,  that 
provide  detailed  feedback  on  the  students’  strengths  and  weaknesses  before  they  progress  to  post-age  14 

Homework  is  an  important  aspect  of  the  curriculum  and  students  are  expected  to  complete  their tasks by the due 
date  and  to  the  best  of  their  ability.  A  homework  timetable  operates  for  all  students  in  Years  7-9  to  help  them 
organize  their  time  more  easily.  Lower  Secondary  students  can  expect  to  complete  45  to  90 minutes of homework 
in any given evening. 

Students  in  each  year  group  are  assigned  a  homeroom  teacher.  They  meet  with  their  homeroom  teachers  every 
morning  for  registration  and  every  afternoon  to  receive  important  communications.  Homeroom  teachers  are  the 
first  point  of  contact  for  students  experiencing  difficulties  with  their  organizational  skills  and  they  also  monitor 
their academic planner, used for recording homework and for communications between teachers and parents. 
After registration, students have 5 lessons of 60 minutes each day and three breaks, one in the morning, one at 
lunch time and one in the afternoon​. 

8:40-8:45   Registration 

8:45 - 9:45    Lesson 1 

9:45 - 10:00    Morning Break 

10:00 – 11:00  Lesson 2 

11:00 – 11:05  Classroom Changeover 

11:05 – 12:05  Lesson 3 

12:05 - 12:55  Lunch 

12:55 - 13:55  Lesson 4 

13:55 - 14:10  Afternoon Break 

14:10 - 15:10  Lesson 5 

15:10 - 15:15    Homeroom 

The hours of study for each subject are the following: 

Subject  Hours per week 

English and Maths  4 

Science, humanities and 

Additional Languages 
Performing Arts  2 
Visual Arts, ICT, and P.E  1.5 
PSHE  0.5 

Students are offered clubs and recreational activities once a week during school time. After school clubs are also 
available. Clubs offered vary according to staffing availability and students’ requests. 

Students in Lower Secondary are provided with opportunities to contribute to the school and the wider community 
through community service activities. Community service options include: working with younger students as part of 
the reading partnership, assisting with leadership, preparation and organisation of school events, participating in 
special events with other schools in our region, assisting with fundraising for our sister school or emergency relief 
efforts as directed be the school. 

Students  in  Years  7,  8  and  9  are  offered  the  possibility  of  taking  part  in  day  or  overnight  educational  excursions 
that have a link to the curriculum studied or are part of their Community Service programme. 



This curriculum follows the requirements of Cambridge international secondary 1 curriculum. 
‘T​ his  curriculum  encourages  learners  who  are  confident,  creative  and  intellectually  engaged,  capable of applying 
their skills to respond to a range of information, media and texts with enjoyment and understanding. Learners will 
develop  a  first  language  competency  in  English  based  on a curriculum designed to be successful in any culture and 
to promote cross-cultural understanding.​ ’   
-​Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum Framework 
Core textbooks:  
Year 7: Checkpoint English Book 1 – ​Sue Hackman & Alan Howe – Hodder Murray 
Year 8:  Checkpoint English Book 2 – ​Sue Hackman & Alan Howe – Hodder Murray 
Year 9:  Checkpoint English Book 3 – ​Sue Hackman & Alan Howe – Hodder Murray 
These  books  will  be  provided,  along  with  handouts  from  other  textbooks  and  online  sources.  A  variety  of  texts 
(novels, short stories, poems, other forms) will be handed out over the duration of the course. 
Curriculum content: 
The  teaching  of  English  in  this  year  group  should  develop  students’  abilities  to  use  language  effectively:  to 
communicate  in  speech  and  in  writing  and  to  respond  with  understanding  and  insight  to  a  wide  range  of  texts: 
poetry, drama, prose (fiction and non-fiction).  
Recommended genres and text:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Fiction and • Suspense and horror stories • Political novels/stories with ● Short stories with similar
Poetry • Sci-fi and fantasy novels social issues themes for comparison
• Contemporary folk and • Myths and legends from ● Contemporary stories
fairy-tales around the world including dialogue with dialect
• Short stories (including those set • Humour ● Novels written through letters
in different times and places), • Short stories or diary accounts,
older literature (including • Significant poems and drama ● Texts from different cultures
drama) from other cultures and traditions
• Narrative and non-narrative • Poems since 1900 ● Older drama from other
poems cultures
• Significant poems from before ● Different poetic forms from
1900. around the world.

Non-fiction • Contemporary biography • Contemporary biography ● Travel writing

• Autobiography • Autobiography ● Advertising copy
• Letters and diaries • Letters and diaries ● Reference books and
• Journalistic writing/writing with • Journalistic writing encyclopedias – both concise
bias • Magazines and newspapers and longer texts
• News websites. • Reports and leaflets. ● Reports and leaflets.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Phonics, ● Spell correctly most words used. ● Spell most words correctly, ● Spell correctly throughout a
spelling and ● Increase knowledge of word including some complex substantial text including
vocabulary families, roots, derivations, polysyllabic words and ambitious or complex
morphology and regular spelling unfamiliar words. polysyllabic words.
patterns. ● Learn the spelling of difficult and ● Continue to be aware of spelling
● Use a dictionary and thesaurus commonly mis-spelt words and errors and correct them.
effectively to further develop develop strategies for correcting ● Continue to extend range of
vocabulary. spelling. language and use it
● Learn a range of vocabulary ● Learn an increasingly wide appropriately.
appropriate to their needs, and range of vocabulary appropriate ● Show some appreciation of how
use words precisely in speech and to their needs. the writer’s language choices
writing to clarify and extend ● Explain, using accurate contribute to the overall effect on
meaning and to interest their terminology, how language is the reader, e.g. demonstrating
audience. used to create effect, e.g. the effectiveness of imagery in
● Learn to use the terms: ‘image’, personification, figurative contrasting texts or arguing that
‘simile’, ‘metaphor’, language, imagery, patterns and the use of highly emotive
‘onomatopoeia’, ‘setting’ and structure in the use of language, language in an advertisement
‘genre’ use of dialect or informal is/is not counterproductive in its
language. effect on an audience.
● Create considered and ● Shape and affect the reader’s
appropriate effects by drawing response through conscious
independently on the range and choices and in planned ways by
variety of their own vocabulary, selecting ambitiously from a
and extending their vocabulary wide and varied vocabulary for a
by noting down powerful words range of tasks, purposes and
in books read. readers.


punctuation • Comment on the use of formal and • Comment on the use of a wide • Develop precise, perceptive
informal language and discuss the range of punctuation to convey analysis of how language is used,
writer’s motivation for making the shades of meaning. e.g. explaining how euphemisms
choice. conceal bias in a political
• Show awareness of the reasons for statement or showing how
using longer and shorter sentences. language use reflects a character’s
• Begin to comment on the control of changing emotional state.
pace and meaning through choice
of sentences and variety of
sentence openings


• Use a wide range of punctuation to • Use accurate punctuation • Use a range of features to shape
make meaning clear, including including commas in various and craft sentences that have
generally accurate use of commas situations, including parenthetical individual merit and contribute to
in complex sentences and to commas, colons, semi-colons, overall development of the text,
present dialogue. dashes and brackets. e.g. embedded phrases and clauses
• Use correct grammar, including • Begin to use formal and informal that support succinct explanation;
articles, word order and tenses in a language for specific purposes. secure control of complex verb
range of genres and text types. • Demonstrate controlled use of a forms; use antithesis, repetition or
• Clarify relationships between ideas variety of simple and complex balance in sentence structure.
with an increasingly accurate and sentences to achieve purpose and • Demonstrate control of wide
growing use of connectives. contribute to overall effect. variety of sentence types used for
• Provide clarity and emphasis in • Confidently use a range of intended purpose and desired
writing, using a variety of sentence sentence features to clarify or effect.
lengths, structures and subjects. emphasise meaning, e.g. fronted
• Use a range of increasingly
complex sentence structures to

communicate meaning and to give adverbials, complex nouns or
fluency to their writing. prepositional phrases.
• Build up detail and convey shades
of meaning through sentence
structure, e.g. controlling order of
clauses, expanding verb phrases.

Reading: • Demonstrate understanding of • Recognise implied meaning, e.g. • Analyse and respond to the range
Fiction and features of narrative and expression of opinion, inference of of ideas and differing viewpoints,
Poetry non-narrative texts by explaining character, meaning contained in purposes and themes in a variety
and developing these features in an image, ironic effect. of related texts.
their own discussion and writing. • Identify relevant points, • Analyse in depth and detail
• Use inference and deduction to synthesising and summarising writers’ use of literary, rhetorical
recognise implicit and inferred ideas from different parts of the and grammatical features and
meanings. text. their effects on different readers.
• Identify and understand the main • Explore the range, variety and • Discuss their own and others’
ideas, viewpoints, themes and overall effect of literary, reading, take account of others’
purposes in a text. rhetorical and grammatical views of what they have read,
• Support comments by quotation features used by poets and writers express informed opinions and
from more than one location in the of literary and non-literary texts. make recommendations.
text. Include study of informal or • Develop interpretations of texts,
• Identify and describe the effect of formal style as well as the choice supporting points with detailed
writers’ and poets’ use of literary, of words to create character. textual evidence.
rhetorical and grammatical • Comment on how the writer’s use • Analyse the structures of different
features, including imagery and of language contributes to the poetical forms. Demonstrate
figurative language. overall effect on the reader, using understanding of impact of
• Comment on a writer’s use of appropriate terminology. vocabulary and meaning through
language, demonstrating an • Broaden their experience of the selection of appropriate
understanding of the implication of reading a wide range of texts and quotations.
their use of vocabulary. express their preferences and • Analyse how texts are shaped by
• Give an informed personal opinions. audiences’ preferences and
response to a text and provide • Trace the development of a opinions.
some textual reference in support. writer’s or poet’s ideas, viewpoint • Develop an understanding of how
• Understand how readers make and themes through a text and ideas, experiences and values are
choices about the texts they like relate these to other texts read. portrayed in texts from different
reading, e.g. by author or genre • Compare poems from different cultures and traditions.
and know a range of ways in which cultures and times, commenting • Understand how words are used
to respond to texts. on different poets’ use of language for different purposes, e.g. to
• Compare poems, showing and imagery to develop similar create atmosphere, to persuade
awareness of poets’ use of themes and elicit responses from the reader.
language and its intended impact the reader.
on the reader. • Explore how different audiences
• Understand the different ways choose and respond to texts.
texts can reflect the social, cultural • Explore why certain texts are
and historical contexts in which important within a culture and
they were written. show awareness that the context
in which the text is written and
read affects its meaning.

• Extract the main points and • Use a range of reading strategies • Select from a range of strategies
relevant information from a text or to find relevant information and and use the most appropriate
ICT source, using a range of main points in texts, ways to locate, retrieve and
Reading: strategies such as skimming and distinguishing between fact and compare information and ideas
scanning. opinion where appropriate. from a variety of texts.
• Make relevant notes when • Make notes using a range of
researching different sources, different note-making formats and

• Make relevant notes to select, comparing and contrasting approaches (including
collate and summarise ideas from information. mind-mapping and tabulating)
texts. • Explain how specific choices and when researching a variety of
• Explore the range of different ways combinations of form, layout and media.
writers use layout, form and presentation create particular • Analyse how meaning, including
presentation in a variety of texts. effects. attitude, can be conveyed in
• Explore the variety and range of • Demonstrate understanding of the different ways according to
ways in which the content of texts effects created by features of structural and organisational
can be organised, structured and diaries, magazines and newspaper choices.
combined. reports. • Demonstrate understanding of the
• Demonstrate understanding of the features of a wider range of
main features, including the non-fiction and media texts, e.g.
structure, of each genre and text travel writing, advertising
type studied. material.
• Recognise ways in which writers
use different registers and other
methods to communicate with
their audience.
• Understand the differences
between formal and informal
• Use a repertoire of reading
strategies to analyse and explore
different layers of meaning within
texts, including bias.
• Analyse how meaning is conveyed
differently according to the form,
layout and presentation selected
by the writer for specific purposes.

• Develop different ways of • Identify the most appropriate • Link a selection of ideas and
generating, organising and approach to planning their planning choices explicitly to a
shaping ideas, using a range of writing in order to explore, clear sense of task, purpose and
planning formats or methods. connect and shape ideas. audience.
• Understand the conventions of • Apply skills in editing and • Use the editing, proofreading and
standard English and how to use proofreading to a range of reviewing process, and revise as
them consistently in writing. different texts and contexts. necessary, to evaluate the
• Write to express a personal • Develop ideas to suit a specific effectiveness and likely impact on
viewpoint. audience, purpose and task. the reader.
• Shape the overall organisation, • Draw on their knowledge of a • Select the most appropriate text
sequence and presentation of a variety of sentence lengths and a format, layout and presentation to
text to convey ideas clearly and wide variety of sentence create impact and engage the
effectively structures, including complex reader.
Writing: Fiction • Mirror the purpose of the writing sentences, and apply it to their • Shape and craft language within
and poetry by appropriate use of paragraphs own writing to make their ideas paragraphs, and structure ideas
and selection of linking words and and intentions clear and create a between them, to achieve
phrases. range of effects. particular effects with purpose
• Use vocabulary precisely and • Use a range of cohesive devices and audience in mind.
imaginatively to clarify and extend with audience and purpose in • Establish and sustain character,
meaning and create specific effects. mind. point of view and voice in their
• Vary sentence length and structure • Experiment with different ways of fiction writing.
in order to provide appropriate presenting texts, bearing in mind • Begin to develop a range of
detail and clarify relationships the audience and purpose. registers and a personal voice.
between setting, characters, • Draw on knowledge of how and • Add detail, tension and climax to
themes, plot, etc. why writers use varying degrees their narratives by shaping the
• Begin to develop character and of formality and informality to reader’s response through
voice in fiction writing. make appropriate choices of style conscious choices from a wide and
and register in their own writing. ambitious vocabulary.

• Explore some of the key linguistic • Understand the significance and • Understand ways to deploy range
and literary techniques used by importance of standard English of formal and informal styles to
writers, and begin to use them for and the ways in which writers use enhance and emphasise meaning
intended effect. non-standard forms in specific and create a wide range of effects.
• Understand and use degrees of contexts for particular effects. • Understand ways in which writers
formality in a range of texts • Create and control effects by modify and adapt phrase and
according to context, purpose and drawing on the range and variety sentence structures and
audience. of own vocabulary. conventions to create effects, and
how to make such adaptations
when appropriate in their own
• Deploy a range of punctuation
and grammatical choices to
enhance and emphasise meaning,
aid cohesion and create a wide
range of effects.

• Use features and conventions of a • Develop a consistent viewpoint in • Establish and sustain a clear and
wide variety of text types in order non-fiction writing by selecting logical viewpoint through the
to write to inform, explain, from techniques and devices used analysis and selection of
describe, argue, persuade and by known writers, and drawing on convincing evidence, opinions and
comment. a range of evidence, opinions, appropriate information.
• Practise note-taking using information and purposes. • Write to analyse, review and
different styles for different • Write in a range of forms for a comment.
purposes. variety of purposes, including:

– autobiography (to entertain, inform,

review or comment)
Writing: – diary entries (to inform, explain,
Non-fiction review, comment or explore)
– leaflets or newspaper reports (to
– letters (to persuade, entertain,
narrate or comment)
– magazine articles (to describe,
review or comment)
– reports (to review, inform, advise, or
– reviews (to inform, entertain or
– summaries

• Speak for a variety of • Give short presentations and • Use speaking and listening as a
purposes, such as to answer questions, maintaining method of preparing for written
explain, describe, narrate, effective organisation of talk. assignments, exploring a wide
explore, analyse, imagine, • Adapt speech, non-verbal gesture range of subject matter with
discuss, argue and and movement to meet an precision and effect.
persuade. increasing range of demands. • Make increasingly significant
• Deliberately shape talk for clarity • Explore complex ideas and contributions both as solo
and effect and to engage listener. feelings, both succinctly and at speakers and as members of
Speaking and • Use a range of vocabulary length. groups.
listening appropriate to context, and use • Take part in a simple debate • Use speaking and listening to
language to clarify meaning and following formal rules (proposer, build up increasing personal
to interest and convince their seconder, etc.). confidence, managing and
audience. • Engage with more demanding manipulating the content of their
• Practise speaking fluently and msponses to other students’ talk, presentation.
clearly at an appropriate pace showing awareness of the • Question and respond to others,
and volume. speaker’s aims and extended shaping the direction and content
meanings. of their talk with well-judged

• Develop the ability to listen • Conduct a discussion, drawing • Work in groups for a variety of
courteously to others and be together ideas and promoting purposes, such as taking decisions
sensitive to turn taking. effective sharing of ideas. and planning and organisation.
• Begin to make significant • Work in groups to formulate • Explore complex ideas and issues
contributions to group aterial through perceptive reideas in drama, establishing roles and
discussions, engaging with and plans of action. applying dramatic approaches
complex material, making • Develop skills in solo, paired and with confidence.
perceptive responses and group assignments, including • Evaluate meaning and impact of a
showing awareness of a speaker’s role-play and drama. range of features in own and
aims. • Help to plan and participate in a others’ discourse, including
• Work in solo, paired and group brief dramatic scene, broadcast media.
assignments, including role-play. demonstrating empathy and
• Through role-play, show insight understanding of a range of
into texts and issues through characters through flexible choice
choice of speech, gesture and of speech, gesture and movement.
movement. • Discuss the features of media
• Explain features of own and productions such as news
others’ language, showing broadcasts, interviews and
sensitivity to the impact of discussions, analysing meaning
varying language for different and impact of variations in spoken
purposes and situations. language.


‘This course is based on the CIE English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework, which provides a 
comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives for learners of English as a Second Language. They are based 
on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which is used widely 
both within and beyond Europe to map learners’ progression in English. The curriculum frameworks are divided into 
five strands: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking. In line with the CEFR, learning outcomes in 
each strand for each successive stage are defined in terms of what learners should be able to do in English.​’ 
Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum Framework

Core textbooks:  
Year 7 / Beginner: English Plus - starter/ 1​ – Oxford University Press 
Year 8 / Pre-Intermediate: English Plus - 2​– Oxford University Press 
Year 9 / Intermediate:   English Plus - 3 ​– Oxford University Press 
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 

Beginner Level Pre-Intermediate Level Intermediate Level

7S1 Use formal and informal registers 8S1 Use formal and informal registers 9S1 Use formal and informal language
in their talk on a limited range of in their talk on a growing registers in their talk on a
general and curricular topics. range of general and curricular range of general and curricular topics.
7S2 Ask questions to clarify meaning 9S2 Speak with a good degree of
on a wide range of general and 8S2 Check the main point or detail of fluency and accuracy in social
curricular topics. what someone else has said. interaction with peers and other
speakers of English.
7S3 Give an opinion, at discourse level, 8S3 Explain and justify their own
on a range of general and point of view on a range of general 9S3 Explain and justify their own and
curricular topics. and curricular topics. others’ point of view on a range
of general and curricular topics.
7S4 Respond, with some flexibility, at 8S4 Explain advantages and
both sentence and text level, disadvantages of ideas, plans and 9S4 Analyse and evaluate the views of
to unexpected comments on a range of arrangements on a limited range of others in a growing range of
general and curricular topics. general and curricular topics. contexts.

7S5 Link comments, with some 8S5 Modify their talk in order to 9S5 Modify language mistakes in their
flexibility, to what others say at compensate for gaps in vocabulary talk which cause misunderstanding.
sentence and discourse level in pair, or grammatical knowledge.
group and whole class exchanges. 9S6 Interact with peers to make
8S6 Interact with peers to negotiate, hypotheses about a growing range
7S6 Interact with peers to negotiate agree and organise priorities and of general and curricular topics.
classroom tasks. plans for completing classroom tasks.
9S7 Use a range of appropriate
7S7 Use appropriate subject-specific 8S7 Use a growing range of subject-specific vocabulary and
vocabulary and syntax to talk appropriate subject-specific syntax to talk about curricular topics.
about a limited range of curricular vocabulary and syntax to talk about
topics. curricular topics.
7Re1 Understand the main points in 8Re1 Understand the main points in 9Re1 Understand the main points in
texts on a limited range of texts on a growing range of extended texts on a range of
unfamiliar general and curricular unfamiliar general and curricular unfamiliar general and curricular
topics, including some extended topics, including some extended texts. topics.
8Re2 Understand specific information 9Re2 Understand specific information
7Re2 Understand specific information in texts on a growing range of in extended texts on a range of
in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular unfamiliar general and curricular
topics, including some extended texts. topics.

unfamiliar general and curricular
topics, including some extended texts. 8Re3 Understand the detail of an 9Re3 Understand the detail of an
argument on a growing range of argument in extended texts on a
7Re3 Understand the detail of an unfamiliar general and curricular range of unfamiliar general and
argument on a limited range of topics, including some extended curricular topics.
unfamiliar general and curricular texts.
topics, including some extended 9Re4 Understand implied meaning in
texts. 8Re4 Understand implied meaning on extended texts on a range of
a growing range of general unfamiliar general and curricular
7Re4 Understand implied meaning on and curricular topics, including some topics.
a limited range of unfamiliar general extended texts.
and curricular topics, including some 9Re5 Recognise the attitude or opinion
extended texts. 8Re5 Recognise the attitude or of the writer in extended
opinion of the writer on a growing texts on a range of unfamiliar general
7Re5 Recognise the attitude or range of unfamiliar general and and curricular topics.
opinion of the writer on a limited curricular topics, including some
range of unfamiliar general and extended texts. 9Re6 Deduce meaning from context on
curricular topics, including some a range of unfamiliar general
extended texts. 8Re6 Deduce meaning from context and curricular topics, including some
on a growing range of unfamiliar extended texts.
7Re6 Deduce meaning from context on general and curricular topics,
a limited range of unfamiliar general including some extended texts. 9Re7 Begin to recognise the devices a
and curricular topics, including some writer uses to express
extended texts. 8Re7 Recognise typical features at intentions in extended texts on a
word, sentence and text level in a growing range of unfamiliar general
7Re7 Recognise typical features at growing range of written genres. and curricular topics.
word, sentence and text level in a
limited range of written genres. 8Re8 Read a growing range of 9Re8 Read a range of extended fiction
extended fiction and non-fiction texts and non-fiction texts on
7Re8 Read a limited range of extended on familiar and unfamiliar general familiar and unfamiliar general and
fiction and non-fiction texts on and curricular topics with curricular topics, with confidence
familiar and some unfamiliar general confidence and enjoyment. and enjoyment.
and curricular topics with confidence
and enjoyment. 8Re9 Use a growing range of familiar 9Re9 Use a range of familiar and
and unfamiliar paper and digital unfamiliar paper and digital
7Re9 Use familiar and some reference resources to check meaning reference resources to check meaning
unfamiliar paper and digital reference and extend understanding. and extend understanding.
resources to check meaning and
extend understanding. 8Re10 Recognise inconsistencies in 9Re10 Recognise inconsistencies in
argument in short and some argument in extended texts on a
7Re10 Begin to recognise extended texts on a limited range of growing range of general and
inconsistencies in argument in short general and curricular subject curricular subjects.
texts on a limited range of general and
curricular subjects.
7W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft 8W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft 9W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft
written work at text level, with some written work at text level, with written work at text level, with
support, on a range of general and limited support, on a range of general minimal teacher support, on a range of
curricular topics. and curricular topics. general and curricular topics.

7W2 Compose, edit and proofread 8W2 Compose, edit and proofread 9W2 Compose, edit and proofread
written work at text level, with written work at text level, with written work at text level, with
some support, on a range of general limited support, on a range of general minimal teacher support, on a range of
and curricular topics. and curricular topics. general and curricular topics.

7W3 Write, with some support, with 8W3 Write, with limited support, with 9W3 Write, with minimal support, with
moderate grammatical accuracy moderate grammatical moderate grammatical
on a limited range of general and accuracy on a growing range of accuracy on a range of general and
curricular topics. general and curricular topics. curricular topics.

7W4 Develop coherent arguments, 8W4 Develop coherent arguments, 9W4 Develop coherent arguments,
supported when necessary by supported when necessary by supported when necessary by
reasons, examples and evidence, for a reasons, examples and evidence, for a reasons, examples and evidence, for a
limited range of written growing range of written range of written genres on
genres on general and curricular genres on general and curricular general and curricular topics.
topics. topics.
9W5 Use, with limited support, style
and register appropriate to a

7W5 Use, with some support, style and 8W5 Use, with limited support, style growing range of written genres on
register appropriate to a and register appropriate to a general and curricular topics.
limited range of written genres on limited range of written genres on
general and curricular topics. general and curricular topics. 9W6
Use appropriate layout for a range of
7W6 Use appropriate layout for a 8W6 Use appropriate layout for a written genres on a wide
range of written genres on a range of written genres on a range range of general and curricular topics.
growing range of general and of general and curricular topics.
curricular topics. 9W7 Spell a wide range of
8W7 Spell a range of high-frequency high-frequency vocabulary accurately
7W7 Spell a growing range of vocabulary accurately on a range of on a
high-frequency vocabulary accurately general and curricular topics. wide range of general and curricular
on a range of general and curricular topics.
topics. 8W8 Punctuate, with accuracy, a
range of written work on a range of 9W8 Punctuate, with accuracy, a range
7W8 Punctuate, with accuracy, a general and curricular topics. of written work on a wide
growing range of written work on a range of general and curricular topics
range of general and curricular topics.

Use of
English 7Uw1 Use a growing range of abstract 8Uw1 Use a range of abstract nouns 9Uw1 Use a range of abstract nouns,
nouns and compound nouns; use a and compound nouns; use a growing compound nouns, complex
limited range of gerunds as subjects range of gerunds as objects and noun phrases and gerunds as subjects
and objects; subjects; use a growing range of and objects on a wide range
use a limited range of complex noun complex noun phrases; on a range of of general and curricular topics.
phrases; on a variety of general and general and curricular topics.
curricular topics. 9Uw2 Use a wide range of quantifiers
8Uw2 Use a wide range of quantifiers for countable and uncountable
7Uw2 Use a range of quantifiers for for countable and uncountable nouns nouns and a range of structures
countable and uncountable and a growing range of noun qualifying uncountable nouns on a
nouns including several, plenty, a structures; wide range of general and curricular
large/small number/amount on a use qualifying uncountable nouns topics.
range of general and curricular topics. ..a piece of.. a bar of ..etc.
on a range of general and curricular 9Uw3 Use a range of compound
7Uw3 Use a growing range of topics. adjectives, adjectives as participles
compound adjectives and adjectives and comparative structures indicating
as participles and a limited range of 8Uw3 Use a range of compound degree and a growing range of
comparative structures to indicate adjectives and adjectives as intensifying adjectives on a wide range
degree including not as…as, much participles and a growing range of of general and curricular
…than on a range of general and comparative structures to indicate topics.
curricular topics. degree on a range of general and
curricular topics. 9Ug1 Use a wide range of determiners
7Ug1 Use a range of determiners and pre-determiner
including all, half, both [of] in 8Ug1 Use a wide range of structures on a wide range of general
pre-determiner function on a range of determiners and pre-determiner and curricular topics.
general and curricular topics. structures on a range of general and
curricular topics. 9Ug2 Use a wide range of types of
7Ug2 Use a range of questions using a question on a wide range of
range of different tense and 8Ug2 Use a range of questions general and curricular topics.
modal forms on a range of general including questions involving
and curricular topics. prepositions at what time, in which 9Ug3 Use a wide range of pronouns
direction, from whose on a range [relative, demonstrative,
7Ug3 Use a range of pronouns of general and curricular topics. indefinite, quantitative];
including indefinite pronouns use a range of reflexive pronoun
anybody, anyone, anything and 8Ug3 Use a range of pronouns structures; on a wide range of general
quantitative pronouns everyone, [relative, demonstrative, indefinite, and curricular topics.
everything, none, more, less, a few on a quantitative
range of general and use a growing range of reflexive 9Ug4 Use a range of simple perfect
curricular topics. pronoun structures; on a range of active and passive forms with a
general and curricular topics. range of time adverbials …
7Ug4 Use a growing range of simple so far, lately, all my life; use a growing
perfect forms to express 8Ug4 Use a range of simple perfect range of perfect continuous forms; on a
[recent, indefinite and unfinished] past forms, including some passive wide range of general and curricular
on a range of general and forms, with a growing range of time topics.
curricular topics. adverbials on a range of general
and curricular topics. 9Ug5 Use a range of future active and
7Ug5 Use a growing range of future passive forms and a growing
forms, including present

continuous and present simple with 8Ug5 Use a range of future forms, range of future continuous forms on a
future meaning, on a range of including some passive forms, on wide range of general and
general and curricular topics. a range of general and curricular curricular topics;
7Ug6 Use a range of active and passive 9Ug6 use a range of active and passive
simple present and past 8Ug6 Use a wide range of active and simple present and past
forms; use a limited range of passive simple present and forms, causative forms and past perfect
causative forms have/get done; past forms: use a growing range of simple forms; use a growing range of
use a growing range of past perfect causative forms; use a range of past past perfect continuous forms in
simple forms in narrative perfect simple forms in narrative and narrative and reported speech; on a
and reported speech; on a range of reported speech; wide range of general and curricular
general and curricular topics. on a range of general and curricular topics.
7Ug7 Use a growing range of present 9Ug7 Use a range of present continuous
continuous forms and past 8Ug7 Use a range of present forms and past continuous [active and
continuous, including some passive continuous forms and past passive] on a range of general and
forms, on a range of general and continuous, including a growing curricular topics.
curricular topics. range of passive forms, on a range of
general and curricular topics. 9Ug8 Use a range of reported
7Ug8 Use a growing range of reported statements and question forms on a
speech forms for statements, questions 8Ug8 Use a range of reported speech wide range of general and curricular
and commands: say, ask, tell, including forms for statements,
reported requests, on a range of questions and commands, including
general and curricular topics. indirect and embedded
questions with know, wonder on a
7Uw4 Use a limited range of range of general and curricular
comparative degree adverb structures topics.
not as quickly as/far less quickly with
regular and irregular adverbs; 8Ug9 Use a growing range of
use a limited range of sentence comparative degree adverb topics.
adverbs including too, either, structures with regular and irregular
also; use a growing range of adverbs; use a growing range of 9Uw4 Use a range of comparative
pre-verbal, post-verbal and end sentence adverbs including as well, degree adverb structures with
position adverbs; on a range of though; regular and irregular adverbs;
general and curricular topics. use a range of pre-verbal, post-verbal use a range of sentence adverbs,
and end-position adverbs; including especially, particularly;
7Uf1 Use a range of modal forms for a on a range of general and curricular use a range of pre-verbal, post-verbal
range of functions: obligation, topics. and end-position
necessity, possibility, permission, adverbs; on a wide range of general
requests, suggestions, prohibition and curricular topics.
on a range of general and curricular
topics. 9Uf1 Use a growing range of past
modal forms, including
7Uw5 Use a range of prepositions must have, can’t have, might have,
preceding nouns and adjectives in to express speculation and deduction
prepositional phrases; use about the past on a wide range of
prepositions as, like to indicate general and curricular topics.
manner; use a growing range of
dependent prepositions following 9Uw5 Use a range of prepositional
adjectives; on a range of general and phrases preceding nouns and
curricular topics. adjectives; use a range of dependent
prepositions following nouns and
7Ug9 Use infinitive forms after a adjectives and a growing range of
limited range of verbs and prepositions following verbs;
adjectives; use gerund forms after a on a wide range of general and
limited range of verbs and curricular topics.
prepositions; use a limited range of
prepositional verbs and begin to use 9Ug9 Use infinitive forms after a range
common phrasal verbs; on a range of of verbs and adjectives;
general and curricular topics. use gerund forms after a range of
verbs and prepositions; use a growing
7Ug10 Use a growing range of range of prepositional and phrasal
conjunctions including verbs; on a wide range of general and
since, as to explain reasons and the curricular topics.
structures so ... that, such a/... that in
giving explanations on a range of 9Ug10 Use a range of conjunctions on a
general and curricular topics. wide range of general and
curricular topics

7Ug11 Use if/unless/if only in second
conditional clauses and wish 9Ug11 Use if/if only in third
[that] clauses [present reference]; conditional structures; use a range of
use a range of relative clauses relative clauses, including which
including why clauses; on a range of [whole previous clause reference]; on a
general and curricular topics. wide range of general and curricular
7L1 Understand, with little or no 8L1 Understand the main points in 9L1 Understand the main points in
support, the main points in unsupported extended talk on a unsupported extended talk on a
extended talk on a wide range of wide range of general and curricular wide range of general and curricular
general and curricular topics. topics. topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics.
7L2 Understand, with little or no 8L2 Understand most specific
support, most specific information information in unsupported extended 9L2 Understand specific information in
in extended talk on a wide range of talk on a wide range of general and unsupported extended talk on
general and curricular topics. curricular topics. a wide range of general and curricular
topics, including talk on a
7L3 Understand, with little or no 8L3 Understand most of the detail of limited range of unfamiliar topics.
support, most of the detail of an an argument in unsupported
argument in extended talk on a wide extended talk on a wide range of 9L3 Understand the detail of an
range of general and curricular general and curricular topics. argument in unsupported extended
topics. talk on a wide range of general and
8L4 Understand most of the implied curricular topics, including talk on
7L4 Understand, with little or no meaning in unsupported a limited range of unfamiliar topics.
support, most of the implied extended talk on a wide range of
meaning in extended talk on a wide general and curricular topics. 9L4 Understand implied meaning in
range of general and curricular unsupported extended talk on a
topics. 8L5 Recognise the opinion of the wide range of general and curricular
speaker(s) in unsupported topics, including talk on a limited
7L5 Recognise, with little or no extended talk on a wide range of range of unfamiliar topics.
support, the opinion of the speaker(s) general and curricular topics.
in extended talk on a wide range of 9L5 Recognise the attitude or opinion
general and curricular topics. 8L6 Deduce meaning from context in of the speaker(s) in
unsupported extended talk on unsupported extended talk on a wide
7L6 Deduce, with little or no support, a wide range of general and range of general and curricular
meaning from context in curricular topics. topics, including talk on a limited range
extended talk on a wide range of of unfamiliar topics.
general and curricular topics. 8L7 Recognise typical features at
word, sentence and text level of a 9L6 Deduce meaning from context in
7L7 Begin to recognise typical growing range of spoken genres. unsupported extended talk on
features at word, sentence and text a wide range of general and curricular
level in a limited range of spoken 8L8 Begin to recognise topics, including talk on a
genres. inconsistencies in argument in limited range of unfamiliar topics.
extended talk on a growing range of
7L8 Understand extended narratives general and curricular subjects. 9L7 Recognise typical features at word,
on a range of general and sentence and text level of a
curricular topics. range of spoken genres.

9L8 Recognise inconsistencies in

argument in extended talk on a
range of general and curricular

Possible Me and Others Here and Now Take It to the Limit

Topics People and Places Follow Your Dreams Different Lives
Free Time Far and Wide Weird and Wonderful
Past and Present The Things People Do Dreams and Reality

This curriculum follows the requirements of the Cambridge International Secondary 1 Curriculum
‘This curriculum focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that learners can apply their
mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject. The Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics
curriculum framework continues the journey from the Cambridge Primary Mathematics framework and provides a solid
foundation upon which the later stages of education can be b ​ uilt.’ ​Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum Framework
Core textbooks:  
Year 7: Checkpoint Maths 11-14 Book 1​ – Hodder Murray  
Year 8: Checkpoint Maths 11-14 Book 2​ – Hodder Murray  
Year 9:  Checkpoint Maths 11-14 Book 3​ – Hodder Murray 
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
powers and 7Ni1 Recognise negative numbers 8Ni1 Add, subtract, multiply and 9Ni1 Add, subtract, multiply and
roots as positions on a number line, and divide integers. divide directed numbers.
order, add and subtract positive
and negative integers in context. 8Ni2 Identify and use multiples, 9Ni2 Estimate square roots and
factors, common factors, highest cube roots.
7Ni2 Recognise multiples, factors, common factors, lowest common
common factors, primes (all less multiples and primes; write a 9Ni3 Use positive, negative and
than 100), making use of simple number in terms of its prime zero indices and the index laws
tests of divisibility; find the lowest factors, e.g. 500 = 22​ ​ × 53​ .​ for multiplication and division of
common multiple in simple cases; positive integer powers.
use the ‘sieve’ for generating 8Ni3 Calculate squares, positive
primes developed by and negative square roots, cubes
Eratosthenes. and cube roots; use the notation
√49 and 3​ ​√64 and index
7Ni3 Recognise squares of whole notation for positive integer
numbers to at least 20 × 20 and powers.
the corresponding square roots;
use the notation 72​ ​ and √49 .
Place value,
ordering and 7Np1 Interpret decimal notation 8Np1 Read and write positive 9Np1 Recognise the equivalence
rounding and place value; multiply and integer powers of 10; multiply of 0.1, ​ ;​ multiply and
and 10–1
divide whole numbers and and divide integers and decimals
divide whole numbers and
decimals by 10, 100 or 1000. by 0.1, 0.01.
decimals by 10 to the power of
any positive or negative integer.
7Np2 Order decimals including 8Np2 Order decimals, including
measurements, changing these to measurements, making use of the
9Np2 Round numbers to a given
the same units. =, ≠, > and < signs.
number of decimal places or
significant figures; use to give
7Np3 Round whole numbers to 8Np3 Round whole numbers to a
solutions to problems with an
the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 and positive integer power of 10, e.g.
appropriate degree of accuracy.
decimals, including easurements, 10, 100, 1000 or decimals to the
to the nearest whole number or nearest whole number or one or
9Np3 Use the order of operations,
one decimal place. two decimal places.
including brackets and powers.

decimals, 7Nf1 Recognise the equivalence of 8Nf1 Find equivalent fractions, 9Nf1 Consolidate writing a
percentage, simple fractions, decimals and decimals and percentages by fraction in its simplest form by
ratio and percentages. converting between them. cancelling common factors.
7Nf2 Simplify fractions by 8Nf2 Convert a fraction to a 9Nf2 Add, subtract, multiply and
cancelling common factors and decimal using division; know that divide fractions, interpreting
identify equivalent fractions; a recurring decimal is a fraction. division as a multiplicative
change an improper fraction to a inverse, and cancelling common
mixed number, and vice versa; 8Nf3 Order fractions by writing factors before multiplying or
convert terminating decimals to with common denominators or dividing.
fractions, e.g. 0.23 = 23/100 dividing and converting to
decimals. 9Nf3 Solve problems involving
7Nf3 Compare two fractions by percentage changes, choosing the
using diagrams, or by using a 8Nf4 Add and subtract fractions correct numbers to take as 100%
calculator to convert the fractions and mixed numbers; calculate or as a whole, including simple
to decimals, e.g. 3/5 and 13/20 fractions of quantities (fraction problems involving personal or
answers); multiply and divide an household finance, e.g. simple
7Nf4 Add and subtract two simple integer by a fraction. interest, discount, profit, loss and
fractions, e.g. 1/8+9/8, tax.
11/12-5/6. find 8Nf5 Calculate and solve
fractions of quantities (whole problems involving percentages 9Nf4 Recognise when fractions or
number answers); multiply a of quantities and percentage percentages are needed to
fraction by an integer. increases or decreases; express compare different quantities.
one given number as a fraction or
7Nf5 Understand percentage as percentage of another. 9Nf5 Compare two ratios;
the number of parts in every 100; interpret and use ratio in a range
use fractions and percentages to 8Nf6 Use equivalent fractions, of contexts.
describe parts of shapes, decimals and percentages to
quantities and measures. compare different quantities. 9Nf6 Recognise when two
quantities are directly
7Nf6 Calculate simple 8Nf7 Simplify ratios, including proportional; solve problems
percentages of quantities (whole those expressed in different units; involving proportionality, e.g.
number answers) and express a divide a quantity into more than converting between different
smaller quantity as a fraction or two parts in a given ratio. currencies
percentage of a larger one.
8Nf8 Use the unitary method to
7Nf7 Use percentages to solve simple problems involving
represent and compare different ratio and direct proportion.

7Nf8 Use ratio notation, simplify

ratios and divide a quantity into
two parts in a given ratio.

7Nf9 Recognise the relationship

between ratio and proportion.

7Nf10 Use direct proportion in

context; solve simple problems
involving ratio and direct

Mental strategies Mental strategies Mental strategies
7Nc1 Consolidate the rapid recall 8Nc1 Use known facts to derive 9Nc1 Extend mental methods of
of number facts, including new facts, e.g. given 20 × 38 = calculation, working with
positive integer complements to 760, work out 21 × 38. decimals, fractions, percentages
100, multiplication facts to 10 × and factors, using jottings where
10 and associated division facts. 8Nc2 Recall squares to 20 × 20, appropriate.
cubes to 5 × 5 × 5, and
7Nc2 Use known facts and place corresponding roots. 9Nc2 Solve word problems
value to multiply and divide mentally.
twodigit numbers by a 8Nc3 Recall simple equivalent
single-digit number, e.g. 45 × 6, fractions, decimals and 9Nc3 Consolidate use of the rules
96 ÷ 6. percentages. of arithmetic and inverse
operations to simplify

7Nc3 Know and apply tests of 8Nc4 Use known facts and place
divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 value to multiply and divide Multiplication and Division
and 100. simple fractions. 9Nc4 Multiply by decimals,
understanding where to position
7Nc4 Use known facts and place 8Nc5 Use known facts and place the decimal point by considering
value to multiply simple decimals value to multiply and divide equivalent calculations; divide by
by one-digit numbers, e.g. 0.8 × 6. simple decimals, e.g. 0.07 × 9, 2.4 decimals by transforming to
÷ 3. division by an integer.
7Nc5 Calculate simple fractions
and percentages of quantities, e.g. 8Nc6 Use known facts and place 9Nc5 Recognise the effects of

one quarter of 64, 20% of 50​ kg. value to calculate simple multiplying and dividing by
fractions and percentages of numbers between 0 and 1.
7Nc6 Use the laws of arithmetic quantities.
and inverse operations to simplify
calculations with whole numbers 8Nc7 Recall relationships
and decimals. between units of measurement.

7Nc7 Use the order of operations, 8Nc8 Solve simple word problems
including brackets, to work out including direct proportion
simple calculations. problems.

Addition and Subtraction 8Nc9 Use the laws of arithmetic

7Nc8 Add and subtract integers and inverse operations to simplify
and decimals, including numbers calculations with integers and
with different numbers of decimal fractions.
8Nc10 Use the order of
Multiplication and Division operations, including brackets,
7Nc9 Multiply and divide with more complex calculations.
decimals with one and/or two
places by single-digit numbers, 8Nc11 Consolidate adding and
e.g. 13.7 × 8, 4.35 ÷ 5. subtracting integers and
decimals, including numbers
7Nc10 Know that in any division with differing numbers of
where the dividend is not a decimal places.
multiple of the divisor there will
be a remainder, e.g. 8Nc12 Divide integers and
157 ÷ 25 = 6 remainder 7. decimals by a single-digit
The remainder can be number, continuing the division
expressed as a fraction of to a specified number of decimal
the divisor, e.g. 157 ÷ 25 = 6 places, e.g. 68 ÷ 7.
8Nc13 Multiply and divide
7Nc11 Know when to round integers and decimals by decimals
up or down after division such as 0.6 or 0.06, understanding
when the context requires a where to place the decimal point
whole-number answer. by considering equivalent
calculations, e.g. 4.37 × 0.3 =
(4.37 × 3) ÷ 10,
92.4 ÷ 0.06 = (92.4 × 100) ÷ 6

Algebra Expressions,
equations Ae1 Use letters to represent Ae1 Know that letters play
and unknown numbers or variables; different roles in equations, 9Ae1 Know the origins of the
formulae know the meanings of the words formulae and functions; know the word algebra and its links to the
term, expression and equation. meanings of formula and work of the Arab mathematician
function. Al’Khwarizmi.
7Ae2 Know that algebraic
operations follow the same 8Ae2 Know that algebraic 9Ae2 Use index notation for
order as arithmetic operations. operations, including brackets,
positive integer powers; apply the
follow the same order as
index laws for multiplication and
7Ae3 Construct simple algebraic arithmetic operations; use index
division to simple algebraic
expressions by using letters to notation for small positive integer
represent numbers. powers. expressions.
7Ae4 Simplify linear
expressions, e.g. collect like 8Ae3 Construct linear 9Ae3 Construct algebraic
terms; multiply a constant over expressions. expressions.
a bracket.

8Ae4 Simplify or transform linear 9Ae4 Simplify or transform
7Ae5 Derive and use simple expressions with integer algebraic expressions by taking
formulae, e.g. to change hours coefficients; collect like terms; out single-term common factors.
to minutes. multiply a single term over a
bracket. 9Ae5 Add and subtract simple
7Ae6 Substitute positive algebraic fractions.
integers into simple linear 8Ae5 Derive and use simple
expressions/ formulae. formulae, e.g. to convert degrees 9Ae6 Derive formulae and, in
Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahrenheit simple cases, change the subject;
7Ae7 Construct and solve simple (°F). use formulae from mathematics
linear equations with integer and other subjects
coefficients (unknown on one 8Ae6 Substitute positive and
side only), e.g. 2x = 8, 3x + 5 = negative integers into formulae,
14, 9 – 2x = 7. linear expressions and 9Ae7 Substitute positive and
expressions involving small negative numbers into
powers, e.g. 3x​2​ + 4 or 2x3​ ,​ expressions and formulae.
including examples that lead to
an equation to solve.
9Ae8 Construct and solve linear
8Ae7 Construct and solve linear equations with integer
equations with integer coefficients (with and without
coefficients (unknown on either brackets, negative signs anywhere
or both sides, without or with in the equation, positive or
brackets). negative solution); solve a
number problem by constructing
and solving a linear equation.

9Ae9 Solve a simple pair of

simultaneous linear equations by
eliminating one variable.

9Ae10 Expand the product of two

linear expressions of the form x ±
n and simplify the corresponding
quadratic expression.

9Ae11 Understand and use

inequality signs (<, >, Y, [);
construct and solve linear
inequalities in one variable;
represent the solution set on a
number line.

functions 7As1 Generate terms of an integer 8As1 Generate terms of a linear 9As1 Generate terms of a
and graphs sequence and find a term given its sequence using term-to-term and sequence using term-to-term and
position in the sequence; find position-to-term rules; find position to-term rules.
simple term-to-term rules. term-to-term and
position-to-term rules of 9As2 Derive an expression to
7As2 Generate sequences from sequences, including spatial describe the nth term of an
spatial patterns and describe the patterns. arithmetic sequence.
general term in simple cases.
8As2 Use a linear expression to 9As3 Find the inverse of a linear
7As3 Represent simple functions describe the nth term of a simple function.
using words, symbols and arithmetic sequence, justifying its
mappings. form by referring to the activity 9As4 Construct tables of values
or practical context from which it and plot the graphs of linear
7As4 Generate coordinate pairs was generated. functions, where y is given
that satisfy a linear equation, implicitly in terms of x,
where y is given explicitly in 8As3 Express simple functions rearranging the equation into the
terms of x; plot the corresponding algebraically and represent them form y = mx + c; know the
graphs; recognise straight-line in mappings. significance of m and find the
graphs parallel to the x- or y-axis. gradient of a straight line graph.
8As4 Construct tables of values
and use all four quadrants to plot

the graphs of linear functions, 9As5 Find the approximate
where y is given explicitly in solutions of a simple pair of
terms of x; recognise that simultaneous linear equations by
equations of the form y = mx + c finding the point of intersection of
correspond to straight-line their graphs.
9As6 Use systematic trial and
improvement methods to find
approximate solutions of
equations such as x​ 2​ + 2x = 20 (1,
2 and 7).

9As7 Construct functions arising

from real-life problems; draw and
interpret their graphs.

9As8 Use algebraic methods to

solve problems involving direct
proportion, relating solutions to
graphs of the equations.

Geometry Shapes and

geometric 7Gs1 Identify, describe, visualise 8Gs1 Know that if two 2D shapes 9Gs1 Calculate the interior or
reasoning and draw 2D shapes in different are congruent, corresponding exterior angle of any regular
orientations. sides and angles are equal. polygon;
prove and use the formula for the
7Gs2 Use the notation and 8Gs2 Classify quadrilaterals sum of the interior angles of any
labelling conventions for points, according to their properties, polygon; prove that the sum of
lines, including the exterior angles of any polygon
angles and shapes. diagonal properties. is
7Gs3 Name and identify side, 8Gs3 Know that the longest side
angle and symmetry properties of of a right-angled triangle is called 9Gs2 Solve problems using
special quadrilaterals and the hypotenuse. properties of angles, of parallel
triangles, and regular polygons and
with 5, 6 and 8Gs4 Identify alternate angles intersecting lines, and of
8 sides. and corresponding angles. triangles, other polygons and
7Gs4 Estimate the size of acute, 8Gs5 Understand a proof that: justifying inferences and
obtuse and reflex angles to the – the angle sum of a triangle is explaining reasoning with
nearest 10°. 180° and that of a quadrilateral diagrams and
is text.
7Gs5 Start to recognise the 360°
angular connections between – the exterior angle of a triangle 9Gs3 Draw 3D shapes on
parallel is equal to the sum of the two isometric paper.
lines, perpendicular lines and interior opposite angles
transversals. 9Gs4 Analyse 3D shapes through
8Gs6 Solve geometrical problems plans and elevations.
7Gs6 Calculate the sum of angles using properties of angles, of
at a point, on a straight line and parallel and intersecting lines, 9Gs5 Identify reflection symmetry
in and of triangles and special in 3D shapes.
a triangle, and prove that quadrilaterals, explaining
vertically opposite angles are reasoning with diagrams and 9Gs6 Use a straight edge and
equal; derive text. compasses to:
and use the property that the – construct the perpendicular
angle sum of a quadrilateral is 8Gs7 Draw simple nets of solids, from a point to a line and the
360°. e.g. cuboid, regular tetrahedron, perpendicular from a point on a
square-based pyramid, triangular line
7Gs7 Solve simple geometrical prism. – inscribe squares, equilateral
problems by using side and angle triangles, and regular hexagons
properties to identify equal 8Gs8 Identify all the symmetries and
lengths or calculate unknown of 2D shapes. octagons by constructing equal
angles, and divisions of a circle
explain reasoning. 8Gs9 Use a straight edge and
compasses to construct: 9Gs7 Know and use Pythagoras’
7Gs8 Recognise and describe – the midpoint and perpendicular theorem to solve two-dimensional
common solids and some of their bisector of a line segment

properties, e.g. the number of – the bisector of an angle problems involving right-angled
faces, edges and vertices. triangles.
• 8Gs10 Use a ruler and
7Gs9 Recognise line and rotation compasses to construct:
symmetry in 2D shapes and – circles and arcs
patterns; draw lines of symmetry – a triangle, given three sides
and complete patterns with two (SSS)
lines of symmetry; identify the – a triangle, given a right angle,
order of rotation symmetry. hypotenuse and one side (RHS)

7Gs10 Use a ruler, set square and

protractor to:
– measure and draw straight
lines to the nearest millimetre
– measure and draw acute,
obtuse and reflex angles to the
– draw parallel and
perpendicular lines
– construct a triangle given two
sides and the included angle
or two angles and the included
side (ASA)
– construct squares and
– construct regular polygons,
given a side and the internal

Position and Movement

7Gp1 Read and plot coordinates 8Gp1 Find the midpoint of the line 9Gp1 Tessellate triangles and
of points determined by segment AB, given the quadrilaterals and relate to angle
geometric coordinates of points A and B. sums and half-turn rotations;
information in all four quadrants. know which regular polygons
8Gp2 Transform 2D shapes by tessellate, and explain why others
7Gp2 Transform 2D points and rotation, reflection and will not.
shapes by: translation,
– reflection in a given line and simple combinations of these 9Gp2 Use the coordinate grid to
– rotation about a given point transformations. solve problems involving
– translation translations, rotations, reflections
Know that shapes remain 8Gp3 Understand and use the and enlargements.
congruent after these language and notation associated
transformations with 9Gp3 Transform 2D shapes by
enlargement; enlarge 2D shapes, combinations of rotations,
given a centre of enlargement reflections and translations;
and describe the transformation that
a positive integer scale factor. maps an object onto its image.

8Gp4 Interpret and make simple 9Gp4 Enlarge 2D shapes, given a

scale drawings. centre and positive integer scale
factor; identify the scale factor of
an enlargement as the ratio of the
lengths of any two corresponding
line segments.

9Gp5 Recognise that translations,

rotations and reflections preserve
length and angle, and map
objects on to congruent images,
and that
enlargements preserve angle but
not length.

9Gp6 Know what is needed to give

a precise description of a

reflection, rotation, translation or

9Gp7 Use bearings (angles

measured clockwise from the
north) to solve problems
involving distance and direction.

9Gp8 Make and use scale

drawings and interpret maps.

9Gp9 Find by reasoning the locus

of a point that moves at a given
distance from a fixed point, or at
a given distance from a fixed
straight line.

Length, mass and capacity 7Ml1 Choose suitable units of 8Ml1 Choose suitable units of 9Ml1 Solve problems involving
measurement to estimate, measurement to estimate, measurements in a variety of
measure, calculate and solve measure, calculate and solve contexts.
problems in everyday contexts. problems in a range of contexts,
including units of mass, length,
7Ml2 Know abbreviations for and area, volume or capacity.
relationships between metric
units; convert between: 8Ml2 Know that distances in the
– kilometres (km), metres (m), USA, the UK and some other
centimetres (cm), millimetres countries are measured in miles,
(mm) and that one kilometre is
– tonnes (t), kilograms (kg) and about 8
grams (g) 5 of a mile.
– litres (l) and millilitres (ml)

7Ml3 Read the scales on a range

of analogue and digital
measuring instruments.
Measure:​ Time and rates of
change 7Mt1 Draw and interpret graphs 8Mt1 Draw and interpret graphs 9Mt1 Solve problems involving
in real life contexts involving in real life contexts involving average speed.
more than one stage, e.g. travel more than one component, e.g.
graphs. travel graphs with more than 9Mt2 Use compound measures to
one person. make comparisons in real-life
7Mt2 Know the relationships contexts, e.g. travel graphs and
between units of time; value for money.
understand and use the 12-hour
and 24-hour clock

Area, perimeter and volume 7Ma1 Know the abbreviations for 8Ma1 Know the definition of a 9Ma1 Convert between metric
and relationships between circle and the names of its units of area, e.g. mm2​ ​ and cm2​ ,​
square metres (m2), square parts; know and use formulae for cm​2​ and m2​ ​ and volume, e.g. mm3​
centimetres (cm2), square the circumference and area and cm​3,​ cm3​ ​ and m3​ ;​
millimetres (mm2). of a circle. know and use the relationship 1
cm​3​ = 1 ml.
7Ma2 Derive and use formulae for 8Ma2 Derive and use formulae for
the area and perimeter of a the area of a triangle, 9Ma2 Know that land area is
rectangle; calculate the perimeter parallelogram and trapezium; measured in hectares (ha), and
and area of compound calculate areas of compound 2D that 1 hectare = 10 000 m2;
shapes made from rectangles. shapes, and lengths, surface areas convert between hectares and
and volumes of cuboids. square metres.
7Ma3 Derive and use the formula
for the volume of a cuboid; 8Ma3 Use simple nets of solids to 9Ma3 Solve problems involving
calculate volumes of cuboids. work out their surface the circumference and area of
areas. circles, including by using the π
7Ma4 Calculate the surface area key of a calculator.
of cubes and cuboids from
their nets. 9Ma4 Calculate lengths, surface
areas and volumes in rightangled

prisms and cylinders.

Data Planning and

Handling collecting 7Dc1 Decide which data would be 8Dc1 Identify and collect data to 9Dc1 Suggest a question to
data relevant to an enquiry and collect answer a question; select the explore using statistical methods;
and organise the data. method of collection, sample size identify the sets of data needed,
and degree of accuracy needed how to collect them, sample sizes
7Dc2 Design and use a data for and degree of accuracy.
collection sheet or questionnaire measurements.
for a simple survey. 9Dc2 Identify primary or
8Dc2 Know the difference secondary sources of suitable
7Dc3 Construct and use frequency between discrete and continuous data.
tables to gather discrete data, data.
grouped where appropriate in 9Dc3 Design, trial and refine data
equal class intervals. 8Dc3 Construct and use: collection sheets.
– frequency tables with given
equal class intervals to gather 9Dc4 Collect and tabulate
continuous data discrete and continuous data,
– two-way tables to record choosing
discrete data suitable equal class intervals
where appropriate

and 7Dp1 Find the mode (or modal 8Dp1 Calculate statistics for sets 9Dp1 Calculate statistics and
presenting class for grouped data), median of discrete and continuous data; select those most appropriate to
data and recognise when to use the range, the
range. mean, median and mode and, for problem.
grouped data, the modal class.
7Dp2 Calculate the mean, 9Dp2 Select, draw, and interpret
including from a simple frequency 8Dp2 Draw, and interpret: diagrams and graphs, including:
table. – frequency diagrams for discrete – frequency diagrams for discrete
and continuous data and continuous data
7Dp3 Draw and interpret: – pie charts – line graphs for time series
– bar-line graphs and bar charts – simple line graphs for time – scatter graphs to develop
– frequency diagrams for grouped series understanding of correlation
discrete data – stem-and-leaf diagrams – back to back stem-and-leaf
– simple pie charts diagrams
– pictogram

and 7Di1 Draw conclusions based on 8Di1 Interpret tables, graphs and 9Di1 Interpret tables, graphs and
discussing the shape of graphs and simple diagrams for discrete and diagrams and make inferences to
results statistics. continuous data, and draw support or cast doubt on initial
conclusions, relating statistics conjectures; have a basic
7Di2 Compare two simple and understanding of correlation.
distributions using the range and findings to the original question.
the mode, median or mean. 9Di2 Compare two or more
8Di2 Compare two distributions, distributions; make inferences,
using the range and one or more using the
of the mode, median and mean. shape of the distributions and
appropriate statistics.
8Di3 Compare proportions in two
pie charts that represent different 9Di3 Relate results and
totals. conclusions to the original

7Db1 Use the language of 8Db1 Know that if the probability 9Db1 Know that the sum of
probability to describe and of an event occurring is p, then probabilities of all mutually
interpret the exclusive
results involving likelihood and probability of it not occurring is 1 outcomes is 1 and use this when
chance. – p. solving probability problems.

7Db2 Understand and use the 8Db2 Find probabilities based on 9Db2 Find and record all
probability scale from 0 to 1. equally likely outcomes in outcomes for two successive
practical events in a
7Db3 Find probabilities based on contexts. sample space diagram.
equally likely outcomes in simple

contexts. 8Db3 Find and list systematically 9Db3 Understand relative
all possible mutually exclusive frequency as an estimate of
7Db4 Identify all the possible outcomes for single events and for probability
mutually exclusive outcomes of a two successive events. and use this to compare outcomes
single event. of experiments in a range of
8Db4 Compare estimated contexts.
7Db5 Use experimental data to experimental probabilities with
estimate probabilities. theoretical
probabilities, recognising that:
7Db6 Compare experimental and – when experiments are repeated
theoretical probabilities in simple different outcomes may result
contexts. – increasing the number of times
an experiment is repeated
generally leads to better
estimates of probability

Problem Using
Solving techniques 7Pt1 Use the laws of arithmetic 8Pt1 Calculate accurately, 9Pt1 Calculate accurately,
and skills in and inverse operations to simplify choosing operations and mental choosing operations and mental
solving calculations with whole numbers or written or written
mathematicp and decimals. methods appropriate to the methods appropriate to the
roblems numbers and context. numbers and context.
7Pt2 Manipulate numbers,
algebraic expressions and 8Pt2 Use the order of operations, 9Pt2 Manipulate numbers,
equations, and including brackets, with more algebraic expressions and
apply routine algorithms. complex calculations. equations, and
apply routine algorithms.
7Pt3 Understand everyday 8Pt3 Manipulate numbers,
systems of measurement and use algebraic expressions and 9Pt3 Understand everyday
them equations, and systems of measurement and use
to estimate, measure and apply routine algorithms. them
calculate. to estimate, measure and
8Pt4 Understand everyday calculate.
7Pt4 Recognise and use spatial measurement systems, using them
relationships in two and three to estimate, measure and 9Pt4 Recognise and use spatial
dimensions. calculate. relationships in two dimensions
7Pt5 Draw accurate 8Pt5 Recognise and use spatial three dimensions.
mathematical diagrams, graphs relationships in two and three
and dimensions. 9Pt5 Draw accurate
constructions. mathematical diagrams, graphs
8Pt6 Draw accurate and
7Pt6 Check results of calculations mathematical diagrams, graphs constructions.
by using inverse operations. and
constructions. 9Pt6 Decide how to check results,
7Pt7 Estimate, approximate and by:
check their working. 8Pt7 Estimate, approximate and – using rounding to estimate
check working. numbers to one significant figure
7Pt8 Solve word problems and
involving whole numbers, 8Pt8 Solve word problems calculating mentally then
percentages, involving calculations with whole comparing with the estimate
decimals, money or measures: numbers, fractions, percentages, – considering whether an answer
choose operations and mental or decimals, money or measures, is reasonable in the context of the
written methods appropriate to including multi-step problems. problem
the numbers and context, – using inverse operations
problems with more than one 9Pt7 Estimate, approximate and
step. check their working. Solve a
of word problems involving single
or multi-step calculations

strategies in 7Ps1 Identify and represent 8Ps1 Identify the mathematical 9Ps1 Identify, organise, represent
solving information or unknown numbers features of a context or problem; and interpret information
problems in try out and compare accurately in written, tabular,
problems, making correct use of mathematical representations graphical and diagrammatic
numbers, symbols, words, using accurate forms.

diagrams, tables and graphs. notation.
9Ps2 Explore the effect of varying
7Ps2 Recognise mathematical 8Ps2 Conjecture and generalise, values in order to generalise.
properties, patterns and identifying exceptional cases or
relationships, counter-examples. 9Ps3 Find a counter-example to
generalising in simple cases. show that a conjecture is not true.
8Ps3 Use logical argument to
7Ps3 Work logically and draw interpret the mathematics in a 9Ps4 Present concise, reasoned
simple conclusions. context or to establish the truth of arguments to justify solutions or
a statement. generalisations using symbols,
7Ps4 Relate results or findings to diagrams or graphs and related
the original context and check 8Ps4 Give accurate solutions explanations.
that they are reasonable. appropriate to the context or
problem. 9Ps5 Recognise the impact of
7Ps5 Record and explain methods, constraints or assumptions.
results and conclusions. 8Ps5 Record and compare
reasoning, solutions and 9Ps6 Recognise connections with
7Ps6 Discuss and communicate conclusions. similar situations and outcomes.
findings effectively, orally and
inwriting. 8Ps6 Refine approaches and 9Ps7 Consider and evaluate the
findings on the basis of efficiency of alternative strategies
discussions and approaches and refine
with others. solutions in the light of these.


This curriculum follows the requirements of the Cambridge International secondary 1 Curriculum.
The Cambridge Secondary 1 Science curriculum framework continues the journey from the Cambridge Primary Science
​ ambridge Secondary 1 
framework and provides a solid foundation upon which the later stages of education can be built.’ C
Curriculum Framework

Core textbooks:  
Year 7: Checkpoint Biology/Chemistry/Physics–​Hodder Education   
Year 8: Checkpoint Biology/Chemistry/Physics–​Hodder Education 
Year 9:  Checkpoint Biology/Chemistry/Physics–​Hodder Education  
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Scientific Enquiry
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

7Ep1 Be able to talk about the 8Ep1 Discuss the importance of 9Ep1 Discuss and explain the
importance of questions, evidence developing empirical questions importance of questions, evidence and
and explanations. which can be investigated, collecting explanations, using historical and
evidence, developing contemporary examples.
7Ep2 Make predictions and review explanations and using creative
them against evidence. thinking. 9Ep2 Test explanations by using them
Ideas and to make predictions and then
8Ep2 Test predictions with reference evaluate these against evidence.
to evidence gained.
Ep3 Discuss the way that scientists
work today and how they
worked in the past, including
reference to experimentation,
and creative thought.

7Ep3 Suggest ideas that may be 8Ep3 Select ideas and turn them into 9Ep4 Select ideas and produce plans
tested. a form that can be tested. for testing based on previous
knowledge, understanding and
7Ep4 Outline plans to carry out 8Ep4 Plan investigations to test research.
investigations, considering the ideas.
variables to control, change or 9Ep5 Suggest and use preliminary
observe. 8Ep5 Identify important variables; work to decide how to carry out an
choose which variables to change, investigation.
7Ep5 Make predictions referring to control and measure.
previous scientific knowledge and 9Ep6 Decide whether to use evidence
Plan understanding. 8Ep6 Make predictions using from first hand experience or
investigative scientific knowledge and secondary sources.
work 7Ep6 Identify appropriate evidence understanding.
to collect and suitable methods of 9Ep7 Decide which measurements
collection. and observations are necessary and
what equipment to use.
7Ep7 Choose appropriate apparatus
and use it correctly. 9Ep8 Decide which apparatus to use
and assess any hazards in the
laboratory, field or workplace.

9Ep9 Use appropriate sampling

techniques where required.

7Eo1 Make careful observations 8Eo1 Take appropriately accurate 9Eo1 Make sufficient observations
including measurements. measurements. and measurements to reduce
error and make results more reliable.
7Eo2 Present results in the form of 8Eo2 Use a range of equipment
tables, bar charts and line graphs. correctly. 9Eo2 Use a range of materials and
Obtain and
equipment and control risks.
7Eo3 Use information from secondary 8Eo3 Discuss and control risks to
sources. themselves and others. 9Eo3 Make observations and
8Eo4 Present results as appropriate
in tables and graphs. 9Eo4 Choose the best way to present

7Ec1 Make conclusions from collected 8Ec1 Make simple calculations. 9Ec1 Describe patterns (correlations)
data, including those presented in a seen in results.
graph, chart or spreadsheet. 8Ec2 Identify trends and patterns in
results (correlations). 9Ec2 Interpret results using scientific
7Ec2 Recognise results and knowledge and understanding.
observations that do not fit into a 8Ec3 Compare results with
pattern, including those presented in predictions. 9Ec3 Look critically at sources of
a graph, chart or spreadsheet. secondary data.
8Ec4 Identify anomalous results and
7Ec3 Consider explanations for suggest improvements to 9Ec4 Draw conclusions.
predictions using scientific investigations.
knowledge and understanding and 9Ec5 Evaluate the methods used and
evidence and
communicate these. 8Ec5 Interpret data from secondary refine for further investigations.
7Ec4 Present conclusions using 9Ec6 Compare results and methods
different methods. 8Ec6 Discuss explanations for results used by others.
using scientific knowledge and
understanding. Communicate these 9Ec7 Present conclusions and
clearly to others. evaluation of working methods in
different ways.
8Ec7 Present conclusions to others in
appropriate ways. 9Ec8 Explain results using scientific
knowledge and understanding.
Communicate this clearly to others.


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Cells and Organisms Plants Plants

7Bc1 Identify the seven characteristics of 8Bp1 Explore how plants need carbon 9Bp1 Define and describe photosynthesis,
living things and relate these to a wide range dioxide, water and light for and use the word
of organisms in the local and wider photosynthesis in order to make biomass equation.
environment. and oxygen.
9Bp2 Understand the importance of water
7Bc2 Know about the role of micro-organisms 8Bp2 Describe the absorption and and mineral salts to plant
in the breakdown of organic matter, food transport of water and mineral growth.
production and disease, including the work of salts in flowering plants.
Louis Pasteur. 9Bp3 Understand sexual reproduction in
Humans as organisms flowering plants, including
7Bc3 Identify the structures present in plant pollination, fertilisation, seed formation
and animal cells as seen 8Bh1 Identify the constituents of a balanced and dispersal.
with a simple light microscope and/or a diet and the functions of
computer microscope. various nutrients. Secondary sources can be
used. Living things and their environment
7Bc4 Compare the structure of plant and
animal cells. 8Bh2 Understand the effects of nutritional 9Be1 Explain the ways in which living
deficiencies. things are adapted to their
7Bc5 Relate the structure of some common 8Bh3 Recognise the organs of the habitats. Secondary sources can be used.
cells to their functions. alimentary canal and know their
Secondary sources can be used. functions. Secondary sources can be used. 9Be2 Research the work of scientists
studying the natural world.
7Bc6 Understand that cells can be grouped 8Bh4 Understand the function of enzymes as Secondary sources can be used.
together to form tissues, biological catalysts in
organs and organisms. breaking down food to simple chemicals. 9Be3 Explain and model food chains, food
webs and energy flow.
8Bh5 Recognise and model the basic
Living things and their environment components of the circulatory 9Be4 Explain the role of decomposers.
system and know their functions.
7Be1 Describe how organisms are adapted to 9Be5 Describe factors affecting the size of
their habitat, drawing 8Bh6 Understand the relationship between populations.
on locally occurring examples. Secondary diet and fitness.
sources can be used. 9Be6 Describe and investigate some effects
8Bh7 Discuss how conception, growth, of human influences on
7Be2 Draw and model simple food chains. development, behaviour and the environment.
health can be affected by diet, drugs and
7Be3 Discuss positive and negative influence disease.
of humans on the Variation and classification
environment, e.g. the effect on food chains, 8Bh8 Recognise the basic components of the
pollution and ozone respiratory system and know their 9Bv1 Use and construct
depletion. functions. keys to identify plants and animals.

7Be4 Discuss a range of energy sources and 8Bh9 Define and describe aerobic 9Bv2 Understand that organisms inherit
distinguish between respiration, and use the word characteristics from their parents through
renewable and non-renewable resources. equation. genetic material that is carried in cell
Secondary sources can be nuclei.
used. 8Bh10 Explain gaseous exchange.
9Bv3 Describe how selective breeding can
8Bh11 Describe the effects of smoking. lead to new varieties.
Variation and classification Secondary sources can be
used. 9Bv4 Discuss the work of Darwin in
7Bv1 Understand what is meant by a species. developing the scientific theory
8Bh12 Discuss the physical and emotional of natural selection.
7Bv2 Investigate variation within a species. changes that take place
Secondary sources can during adolescence. 8Bh13
be used. Describe the human reproductive system,
including the
7Bv3 Classify animals and plants into major menstrual cycle and fertilization.
groups, using some
locally occurring examples.


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

States of matter States of matter Material properties

7Cs1 Show in outline how the particle theory 8Cs1 Show how the particle theory of matter 9Cp1 Describe the structure of an atom and
of matter can be used to explain the properties can be used to explain the properties of learn about the methods
of solids, liquids and gases, including changes solids, liquids and gases, including changes and discoveries of Rutherford.
of state. of state, gas pressure and diffusion.
9Cp2 Compare the structures of the first
Material properties ​ aterial properties
M twenty elements of the
Periodic Table.
7Cp1 Distinguish between metals and 8Cp1 Describe and explain the differences
non-metals. between metals and 9Cp3 Describe trends in groups and
non-metals. periods.
7Cp2 Describe everyday materials and their
physical properties. 8Cp2 Give chemical symbols for the first 9Cp4 Talk about the contribution of
twenty elements of the scientists. Secondary sources
Material changes Periodic Table. can be used.

7Cc1 Use a pH scale. 8Cp3 Understand that elements are made of Material changes
7Cc2 Understand neutralisation and some of 9Cc1 Explore and explain the idea of
its applications. 8Cp4 Explain the idea of compounds. endothermic processes, e.g.
melting of ice, and exothermic reactions,
7Cc3 Use indicators to distinguish acid and 8Cp5 Name some common compounds e.g. burning, oxidation.
alkaline solutions. including oxides, hydroxides, chlorides,
sulfates and carbonates. 9Cc2 Describe the reactivity of metals with
The Earth oxygen, water and dilute
8Cp6 Distinguish between elements, acids.
7Ce1 Observe and classify different types of compounds and mixtures.
rocks and soils. 9Cc3 Explore and understand the reactivity
Material changes series.
7Ce2 Research simple models of the internal
structure of the Earth. 8Cc1 Use a word equation to describe a 9Cc4 Give examples of displacement
common reaction. reactions.
7Ce3 Examine fossils and research the fossil Secondary sources can be used.
record. 9Cc5 Explain how to prepare some common
8Cc2 Describe chemical reactions which are salts by the reactions of
7Ce4 Discuss the fossil record as a guide to not useful, e.g. rusting metals and metal carbonates and be able to
estimating the age of the Earth. write word equations for
these reactions.
7Ce5 Learn about most recent estimates of the
age of the Earth. 9Cc6 Give an explanation of the effects of
concentration, particle
size, temperature and catalysts on the rate
of a reaction.



Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Forces and motion Forces and motion Forces and motion

7Pf1 Describe the effects of forces on motion, 8Pf1 Calculate average speeds, including 9Pf1 Explain that pressure is caused by the
including friction and air resistance. through the use of timing gates. action of a force on an area.

7Pf2 Describe the effect of gravity on objects. 8Pf2 Interpret simple distance/time graphs. 9Pf2 Determine densities of solids, liquids
Secondary sources and gases.
can be used. Sound
9Pf3 Explain pressures in gases and liquids
Energy 8Ps1 Explain the properties of sound in (qualitative only).
terms of movement of air particles.
7Pe1 Understand that energy cannot be 9Pf4 Know that forces can cause objects to
created or destroyed and that energy is 8Ps2 Recognise the link between loudness turn on a pivot and
always conserved. and amplitude, pitch and frequency, using understand the principle of moments.
an oscilloscope.
7Pe2 Recognise different energy types and Electricity
energy transfers. Light
9Pm1 Describe electrostatics and the
The Earth and beyond 8Pl1 Use light travelling in a straight line to concept of charge, including digital sensors.
explain the formation of shadows and other
7Pb1 Describe how the movement of the Earth phenomena. 9Pm2 Interpret and draw simple parallel
causes the apparent daily and annual circuits.
movement of the sun and the stars. 8Pl2 Describe how non-luminous objects are
seen. 9Pm3 Model and explain how common
7Pb2 Describe the relative position and types of components, including cells
movement of the planets and the sun in the 8Pl3 Describe reflection at a plane surface (batteries), affect current.
solar system. and use the law of reflection.
9Pm4 Explain how current divides in
7Pb3 Discuss the impact of the ideas and 8Pl4 Investigate refraction at the boundary parallel circuits.
discoveries of Copernicus, Galileo and more between air and glass or air and water.
recent scientists. 9Pm5 Measure current using ammeters
8Pl5 Explain the dispersion of white light. and voltage using voltmeters, including
7Pb4 Understand that the sun and other stars digital meters.
are sources of light and that planets and other 8Pl6 Explain colour addition and
bodies are seen by reflected light. subtraction, and the absorption and Energy
reflection of coloured light.
9Pe1 Use knowledge of energy sources
Magnetism including fossil fuels and renewable energy
resources to consider the world’s energy
8Pm1 Describe the properties of magnets. needs, including research from secondary
8Pm2 Recognise and reproduce the
magnetic field pattern of a bar 9Pe2 Identify and explain the thermal
magnet. (heat) energy transfer processes of
conduction, convection and radiation.
8Pm3 Construct and use an electromagnet.
9Pe3 Explain cooling by evaporation.


Students may continue with a language previously studied or opt for a language they will have the opportunity to 
continue studying. Language classes at any year level may consist of students at a range on linguistic levels. 

Beginner Level Pre-Intermediate Level Intermediate Level

i ● Understand appropriate forms ● Recognize some idiomatic ● Understand an appropriately paced
s of address in courtesy expressions conversation from various sources on a
t expressions ● Comprehend basic information variety of concrete or familiar topics
● Respond to simple oral about everyday life ● Understand formal and informal
i directions and commands in the ● Recognize the difference between presentations by native speakers, on a
n classroom familiar and polite forms of variety of concrete or familiar topics
g ● Identify familiar people and address including cultural issues
objects based on an oral ● Identify main ideas and topics in a ● Recognize some different types of
description short audio selection discourse and main ideas and draw
● Recognize that other languages ● Comprehend main ideas in conclusions
and/or dialects may be spoken language spoken by native ● Understand selected authentic oral
by large groups of people within speakers on familiar/simple topics materials on topics of personal interest
the foreign culture ● Comprehend/respond to com ● Comprehend main ideas of unfamiliar
● mands, directions and instructions oral language with limited visual
in a variety of situations support
● Follow directions, instructions, and
commands in unfamiliar or novel
● Comprehend main ideas and some
supporting details of unfamiliar oral
language with little or no visual support

p ● Participate in brief guided ● Ask questions regarding daily ● Ask and respond to factual and
e conversations related to needs, activities interpretive questions
interests, likes and dislikes ● Participate in guided ● Express and support opinions
i ● Use the appropriate forms of conversations on a variety of ● Express judgments
n address in courtesy expressions everyday topics ● Paraphrase or restate what has been
g ● Make introductions ● Give directions and commands said
● Describe state of being and ● Interact in a variety of guided ● Describe problems and possible
people in simple phrases situations to meet everyday needs solutions
● Express agreement and ● Convey personal information or ● Give oral reports on a variety of topics
disagreement state of being ● Describe state of being and feelings,
● Present short plays and skits ● Express preferences pertaining to elaborating on the causes
everyday life ● Restate directions, instructions and
● Provide and exchange detailed commands in unfamiliar or novel
information about familiar topics situations
● Respond to main ideas in language ● Justify personal preferences
spoken by native speakers on ● Present oral reports and speeches on a
familiar/simple topics variety of topics
● Read aloud with a more accurate ● Give commands, directions, and
pronunciation and intonation instructions involving more complex
● Relate a simple story about a situations
personal experience or event
● Give commands, directions and
instructions in a variety of

e ● Read and interpret isolated ● Identify ideas and topics from ● Demonstrate comprehension of ideas in
a words and phrases in simple texts a variety of authentic material including
situational context ● Comprehend messages and literary and non-literary texts, some of
n ● Comprehend and respond to announcements on topics of which may be simplified
g brief written directions and interest ● Identify some aspects of style
information ● Comprehend simple personal ● Understand selected written materials
● Read short narrative texts on written communication such as on topics of personal interest
simple topics notes, invitations and letters ● Comprehend main ideas of unfamiliar
● Identify objects and people ● Recognize idiomatic expressions written language with limited visual
based on familiar written support
descriptions ● Comprehend formal written
● Read selected magazines,
● Recognize the differences in the communication, e.g., business, official
newspapers and electronic media
writing systems documents, etc.
for information about the culture
● Demonstrate comprehension of
particular literary selections
● Comprehend main ideas and some
supporting details of unfamiliar written
language with little or no visual support

r ● Write familiar words and ● Write postcards, e-mail messages, ● Express and support opinions
i phrases personal notes, and letters using ● Express judgments
t ● Write a simple, informational culturally appropriate format and ● Paraphrase or restate what has been
n letter, e-mail style said
g ● Write short paragraphs on ● Convey personal information or ● Describe problems and possible
familiar topics, short state of being solutions
descriptions and ● Express preferences pertaining to ● Respond to formal written
everyday life communication, e.g., business, official
● Identify main ideas and topics in a documents, etc.
variety authentic materials ● Write short well-organized
● Write paraphrases, summaries compositions on given topics
and brief compositions ● Write personal letters using culturally
appropriate format and style
● Give commands, directions, and
instructions involving complex
● Communicate effectively for a variety of
purposes through the appropriate use
of grammatical structures, cohesive
devices, vocabulary and spelling


Core textbooks:  
Year 7/ Beginner: Metro 1 ​- ​Heinemann  
Year 8/ Pre-Intermediate: Metro 2 ​- ​Heinemann 
Year 9/ Intermediate:  Metro 3 ​– ​Heinemann 
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7 / Beginner Year 8 / Pre Intermediate Year 9 / Intermediate


Identify and demonstrate study and Introduce people Review pre-intermediate level vocabulary
assessment methods for the 4 aspects of Talk about a day in the past and grammar
language learning: reading, writing,
speaking and listening MA VIE L’HEXAGONE!
Talk about daily routine and about going Talk about France and French towns
BIENVENUE out, clubs and cinema Describe their towns and what activities
Greet people, talk about how they are, say they can do there
and ask their name, talk about age and FAMILLE ET COPAINS
colours Talk about family and friends; talk about J’ARRIVE
the parts of the body and ailments Ta​ lk about their family, what their family
TOI ET MOI members do and their home
Talk about pets, family, nationalities À TABLE ! Talk about how they get on with people
Talk about their personality and physical Say what they eat for breakfast and
descriptions lunch; shop for food, order food and PROGRAMME DE LA VISITE
drinks Talk about plans for the weekend (future
AU COLLÈGE Describe a day in the past proche)
Talk about school subjects, school objects, Talk about what happened in the perfect
timetables and tell the time UNE SEMAINE À PARIS! and imperfect tense
Talk about holiday places and activities;
MES LOISIRS arrange a visit LA FORME!
Talk about sports and their free time Inquire about and relate past events Talk about what they do to keep fit and
healthy eating
Talk about where they live, describe Make suggestions and choose what to do; LA MODE!
rooms in a house, talk about what they do talk about what they did Talk about what they are wearing
at home Choose a hostel and make a booking Talk about fashion and music


Talk about what they are going to do in Understand the news and the weather
the holidays forecast
Talk about a soap opera

Core textbooks: 
Year 7-8 Beginner: Realidades A (Units from 0 to 2A)​–Pearson Prentice Hall 
Year 7-8 Pre-intermediate:​ ​Realidades A (Units from 3A to 4B)​- Pearson Prentice Hall 
Year 9-10 Beginner: Realidades A (Units from 0 to 2A)​–Pearson Prentice Hall 

Year 9-10 Pre-intermediate:​ ​¡Mola! (Units from 1 to 2)​- Philip Allan 

Year 10- Intermediate: ¡Mola! – ​Pearson Prentice Hall 
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7- 8-9-10 Beginner Year 7-8 Pre-intermediate Year 9 / Intermediate
Módulo 1: Así soy yo
● Unit 0: ● Unit 3A: ● Revise the present tense of the key verbs:
○ En la escuela: ​Greetings, ○ Foods and drinks, “llamarse”, “tener”, “vivir”, “ser”
farewells, introducing present tense of -er ● Question words
oneself, respond to and -ir verbs, “me
classroom directions, gustan” and “me ● Adjectives: gender and number
numbers (0-100), tell the encantan”, adverbs ● Express your own opinion
time, identify parts of the to express frequency. ● Connectives: y, que, también, además,
body. ● Unit 3B: pero, o, porque, si, cuando,…, sin
○ En la clase: ​Talk about ○ The food pyramid,
embargo, siempre
things in the classroom, activities for a
ask questions about new healthy life, the time ● Prepositions
words and phrases, use and the moment of ● How long
the Spanish alphabet to the day, the plural of ● Reflexive verbs
spell words. the adjectives, the ● Adverbs to talk about frequency
○ El tiempo: D​ escribe the verb “ser”, ask and
weather conditions, give advices, express ● Verbs “ser”, “estar”, “hay”
identify the seasons. agreement and ● The imperfect tense: regular and
● Unit 1A: disagreement (“creo irregular verbs (“ser”, “ir”, “ver”)
○ Activities people like and que sí/no”) Módulo 2: Gente joven
don´t like to do, infinitives, ● Unit 4A: ● The present tense of regular verbs
negatives, expressing ○ Places to visit on a
● The present tense stem-changing or radical
agreement or city, places to visit
disagreement. during holidays, the changing verbs
● Unit 1B: verb “ir”, asking ● Verbs “gustar” and similar: “chiflar”, “encantar”,
○ Personal treats, physical questions (question “inspirar”, “entusiasmar”
description, colours, words), “ir a” + ● The present tense of irregular verbs: “dar”,
adjectives, definite and place, ask and give
“decir”, “hacer”, “poner”, “salir”, “ver”, “estar”,
indefinite articles, word information about
order (placement of holidays and free “ir”, “ser”, “tener”, “venir”
adjectives) time ● The preterite tense of regular and irregular
● Unit 2A: ● Unit 4B: verbs: “ir”, “ser”, “hacer”
○ School subjects and how ○ Emotions, activities ● Time expressions: hoy, esta mañana
they are (adjectives), out of the school,
ordinal numbers (0-10), verb “jugar”, “ir a”+ /tarde/noche, por la mañana/tarde/noche,
school activities, subject infinitive, extend, ayer, anoche, anteayer, hace una semana, la
pronouns, present tense of accept and decline semana pasada
-ar verbs, verb “tener”. invitations. ● Adjectives to describe people: personal treats,
● Unit 2B: physical description
○ Classroom objects,
prepositions (location), ● Adverbs: muy, un poco, más, bastante, poco,
verb “estar”, “estar” vs. menos
“hay”, the plural of nouns ● Comparative
and articles, verb ● Superlative
● Using “tener” to describe people
● Linking words: pero, porque, como, lo mejor

Core textbooks:  
Year 7-8-9 Beginner: link Turkish Ders ve Çalışma Kitabı A1 
Year 7-8-9 Intermediate: Link Turkish Ders ve Çalışma Kitabı A2 
Year 7-8-9 Upper Intermediate İzmir Yabancılar İçin Türkçe B1  
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7-8-9 / Beginner Year 7-8-9 Intermediate Year 7-8-9 Advanced
Greetings, alphabet, numbers, vowel harmonies Re​ view pre-intermediate level
Past continuous​ tense, conjunctions, sentences vocabulary and grammar
Learn formal informal greetings, Express basic stress
information about oneself – including name, age, HER IŞIN BAŞI SAĞLIK
Identify the sounds of the letter Talk about past events Write composition about
Learn to compare past and present contagious diseases
NE? NEREDE? NERESİ? Discuss childhood toys and games Learn sıfat-fill, zarf-fiil, isim fiil
School objects, school community, question Describe people, places and situations in the past
​ emonstrative pronouns, consonant
harmonies NELER OLACAK? Learn about technology and media
Future tense, adverbs , weather, Future in the past terms in Turkish
Describe their own and other schools’ schedules, Link geographical diversity to
express opinions about classes and the nature of Learn the celebration vocabulary Discuss family tourism
school community; celebrations, customs and tradition​s Learn “used to” in Turkish
Describe the weather conditions Describe
KİM? NASIL? NERELİ? people, technology and situations in the future GIZEMLI ANADOLU
Personal pronouns, feelings, copulative Talk about different instruments
sentences NE YAPAYIM? and music
Describe feelings and ailments ​ ealth problems,
Imperative and optative forms,h Learn active and passive sentences
Learn to describe people giving Advice in Turkish
Asking and talking about feelings Review rivayet birleşik zaman in
Learn illnesses vocabulary Turkish
GÜNLÜK YAŞAM Talk about health problems and give advise
Verbs,​ ​present continuous tense, adverb of time, Describe the symptom of illness BIR BAŞARI ÖYKÜSÜ
case suffixes Learn travel phrases in Turkish;
Learn daily routine activities, NE? NEREDE? make a reservation for a holiday
Describe and talk about their daily routine Prepositions, directions, possessive constructions Learn traffic rules and signs; learn
names of vehicles
PLANLAR PROGRAMLAR Give directions for getting to places,
Telling time, Infinities, auxiliary verbs Describe their own house and neighbourhood EDEBİYAT
Learn telling time Talk about neighbours and their habits Describe what makes a family;
Talk about plans and programs Discuss family celebrations, customs
Learn to make reservation for their holiday NE OLMUŞ? and traditions
Past tense (-miş), past perfect tense, verbal Demonstrate proper restaurant
AİLENDE KİMLER VAR? adverbs etiquette, ordering food, expressing
Family members, possession, possessive needs
construction Understand indefinite past tense contexts
Learn the names of family members and their Use definite and indefinite past tense structures YAZIŞMA
jobs correctly Learn media vocabulary; Read and
Describe and discuss family celebrations, Tell the story using with indefinite past tense discuss news
customs and traditions Talk about other people Create news and advertising


Past tense, adverb of past tense, direct speech, Present tense, able to/can /could, conjunctions Describe the environment that they
revision for exam are part of
Understand indefinite past tense contexts Write information about their
Talk about past, learn to use shopping phrases, Talk about habits country’s climate
Talk about clothes, shopping and prices Discuss leisure activities
Extend, accept and decline invitations


The humanities program will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the world and the people who
live in it. Students will understand the physical and human factors that saw the rise and fall of different civilisations in the
past and the factors that effect the Earth and its inhabitants today. The lower secondary humanities courses provide
preparation for History, Geography and Economics in upper secondary.
Core textbooks:  
Year 7: History Alive: The Ancient World & Geography 1 
Year 8: History Alive: The Medieval World and Beyond & Geography 2  
Year 9: History Alive: World Connections & Geography 3 
The above books will be provided, along with handouts from other textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7- 9: Key Stage 3 Skills
Skills - History ● Know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient
civilisations; the expansion and dissolution of empires; characteristic features of past non-European
societies; achievements and follies of mankind
● Gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘empire’, ‘civilisation’,
‘parliament’ and ‘peasantry’
● Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity,
difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame
historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and
● Understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used rigorously to make
historical claims, and discern how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have
been constructed History
● Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the
connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic,
military, political, religious and social history; and between short- and long-term timescales.

Geographical Geographical Enquiry

skills ● Ask geographical questions, thinking critically, constructively and creatively
● Collect,​ record and display information
● Identify bias, opinion and abuse of evidence​ in sources when investigating issues
● Analyse and evaluate evidence, presenting findings to draw and justify conclusions
● Find creative ways of using and applying geographical skills and understanding to create new
interpretations of place and space
● Plan geographical enquiries, suggesting appropriate sequences of investigation
● Solve problems and make decisions to develop analytical skills and creative thinking about geographical
Field work and out-of class learning:
● Select and use ​fieldwork tools​ and techniques appropriately, safely and efficiently.

Graphicacy and visual Literacy

​ aps at a range of scales​, ​photographs,​ satellite images and other g
● Use atlases, globes, m ​ eographical data

● Construct maps and plans at a variety of scales, using graphical techniques to present evident
Geographical Communication:
● Communicate knowledge and understanding using geographical vocabulary and conventions in both
speech and writing.
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Content ● Early humans, continents ● Byzantines and ● Age of Discovery and food
and foundations urbanization systems
● Mesopotamia, continents ● Medieval Europe and ● Renaissance and
and foundations weather (+religion) architecture
● Egypt, resources and ● Islam (+religion ; ● Enlightenment and
region +population) revolution
● Greece and tectonics ● Turks (+population) ● Industrial revolution and
● Rome and cities ● China, Japan and the polluton
coastal environment ● Imperialism and
● Contemporary Global


This is an introductory course on Information and Communication Technologies. Topics include ICT terminologies, the internet, 
ICT based applications, and coding. 
Core textbooks:  
Year 7: ICT 7​ – Stephen Doyle 
Year 8: ICT 8​ – Stephen Doyle 
Year 9: ICT 9​ – Stephen Doyle 
The  above  books  will  be  provided,  along  with  handouts  from  other  textbooks  and  online  sources  including 
Cambridge International Examinations ICT Starters.
Year 7- 9: Key Stage 3 Skills
S ● Develop and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding in ICT;
k ● Develop further as autonomous users of ICT;
i ● Develop their ICT skills in order to enhance their work in a variety of subject areas;
l ● Analyze, design, implement, test and evaluate ICT;
l ● Consider the impact of ICT on methods of working in the outside world and on social, economic, ethical and moral issues;
s ● Gain awareness of the ways in which ICT is used in practical and work-related situations.
● Describe algorithms to solve problems
● Complete simple programming tasks
● Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

● ● organise presentation material ● Use the Internet as a research ● Use the Internet as a research
● manage presentation notes tool tool
● present data ● Create research documents ● Create research documents
● enter and format text ● Create multimedia presentations ● Create multimedia presentations
● insert and format images ● Produce quality desk top ● Select document types based on
● alter page layouts and margins documents their task
● enter and format data ● Create multiple spreadsheets ● Create multiple spreadsheets
● use and understand basic with formulae and functions with formulae and functions and
functions and formulae ● Work with databases appropriate graphs
● create graphs ● Understand basic coding. ● Enter data, format data
● set up tables ● Use and understand statements
● understand and define fields and instructions for coding.
and field types
● conduct proper research on the
● create research documents
● understand basic coding and
coding related topics

​ o core textbooks are used for this course. Students will be provided w
Core textbooks:​ N ​ ith ​handouts from other 
textbooks and online sources.  
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Notation, Learn basic music theory Learn basic music theory Learn basic music theory
and Analysis Hear, sing and play in 4/4, 2/4, 2/2, Hear, sing, and play in 4/4, 2/4, 2/2, Hear, sing, and play in 4/4, 2/4, 2/2,
6/8, 3/4. 6/8 and ¾ 6/8 and ¾

Read, clap-perform ostinatos and Read, clap-performastinatos and notate Read, clap-performastinatos and notate
notate with sixteenth, eighth, quarter, with sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half with sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half
half notes and quarter rest values notes and quater rest values. notes and quater rest values.

Engage in active music listening of a Engage in active music listening of a Engage in active music listening of a
variety of music composers and styles variety of music composers and styles variety of music composers and styles

Play drum patterns and unpitched Describe texture and musical additions Compare-contrast-describe two
percussion ostinatos to express sections to songs and identify song from its ensemble performances.
of songs. rhythm and/or its melody Compare-contrast describe song
arrangements and expression of song
Describe reptition in a song
Describe texture and musical additions
to songs and identify song from its
rhythm and/or its melody

Melody, Sing and or play an instrument for the Sing and or play an instrument for the Sing and or play an instrument for the
Harmony Winter and Spring concerts Winter and Spring concerts Winter and Spring concerts
Tonality- Listen to and perform Folk Music, Listen to and perform Folk Music, Listen to and perform Folk Music,
Basics Dances & World Music Dances & World Music Dances & World Music

Perform Unison and Echo Singing- Perform Unison and Echo Singing- Perform Unison and Echo Singing-
Rounds and canons Rounds and canons Rounds and canons

Read pitch letter names in treble staff. Identify harmonic parts and I-V chords, Identify harmonic parts and I-V chords,
countermelody, major-minor qualities. countermelody, major-minor qualities.
Compare-contrast-recognize melodic
countour, learn ledger lines and label Engage in active listening of a variety Engage in active listening of a variety
pitch letter names from low to high. of music composers of music composers

Identify harmonic parts and I-V chords, Investigate how performance space can Investigate how performance space can
countermelody, major-minor qualities. be used for different effects be used for different effects

Learn C and G major scales letter

names and chords.

Investigate how performance space can

be used for different effects
Composers Understand how composed music Understand how composed music Understand how composed music
and communicates text and emotions communicates text and emotions communicates text and emotions
Identify music by genre and musical Identify music by genre and musical Identify music by genre and musical
styles styles styles

Be aware of music styles from the Be aware of music styles from the Be aware of music styles from the
Classical, 20th century, Baroque and Classical, 20th century, Baroque and Classical, 20th century, Baroqu and
Romantic eras as well as the styles of Romantic eras as well as the styles of Romantic eras as well as the styles of
blues, pop, folk, spoken, opera, jazz, film blues, pop, folk, spoken, opera, jazz, film blues, pop, folk, spoken, opera, jazz, film
scores and bands scores and bands scores and bands

Learn about and experience song from Learn about and experience song from Learn about and experience song from
diverse countries diverse countries diverse countries

Examine how themes and issues can be Examine how themes and issues can be Examine how themes and issues can be
conveyed to an audience in abstract conveyed to an audience in abstract conveyed to an audience in abstract
and representational ways using and representational ways using and representational ways using
movement and sound movement and sound movement and sound

Basic Hear-perform songs from a range of Hear-perform songs from a range of

Structure cultures cultures
-design in Demonstrate form and section Demonstrate form and section
Improvised recognition by making up movements recognition by making up movements
Performanc and plans which emphasize changes at and plans which emphasize changes at
e the appropriate moment the appropriate moment
Practice performance skills (breathing, Practice performance skills (breathing,
posture, harmonizing) posture, harmonizing)
Assess and refine rehearsals Assess and refine rehearsals
World Music Learn music history from the Western Learn music history from the Western Learn music history from the Western
World from the Dark Ages Through World from the Dark Ages Through World from the Dark Ages Through
20th Century Music 20th Century Music 20th Century Music

Distinguish music from the Renaissance Distinguish music from the Renaissance Distinguish music from the Renaissance
to the Baroque, Classical and Romantic to the Baroque, Classical and Romantic to the Baroque, Classical and Romantic
periods periods periods

Explore the music of Africa and the Explore the music of Africa and the Explore the music of Africa and the
Middle East and Chinese Music Middle East and Chinese Music Middle East and Chinese Music
Story Investigate ways to express themselves Investigate ways to express themselves Investigate ways to express themselves
exercises, through mime, movement and drama through mime, movement and drama through mime, movement and drama
movement Engage in drama situations Engage in drama situations Engage in drama situations

Be aware of Be aware of Be aware of

plot-character-improvisational plot-character-improvisational plot-character-improvisational
techniques techniques techniques

Identify the elements of production Identify the elements of production Identify the elements of production

Produce selected rehearsal notes Produce selected rehearsal notes Produce selected rehearsal notes

Rewrite a comedy as a tragedy and vice Rewrite a comedy as a tragedy and vice Rewrite a comedy as a tragedy and vice
versa versa versa

Explore different voices, music or other Explore different voices, music or other Explore different voices, music or other
sounds that could be used in character sounds that could be used in character sounds that could be used in character
development development development

Try out different incidental music for Try out different incidental music for Try out different incidental music for
various dramatic scenes various dramatic scenes various dramatic scenes

Take into account health and safety Take into account health and safety Take into account health and safety
practices for musical and dramatical practices for musical and dramatical practices for musical and dramatical
productions productions productions

Predict audience responses and allow Predict audience responses and allow Predict audience responses and allow
for adaptation (such as allowing pauses for adaptation (such as allowing pauses for adaptation (such as allowing pauses
for audience laughter during comic for audience laughter during comic for audience laughter during comic
pieces) pieces) pieces)

Find out how changing elements (such Find out how changing elements (such Find out how changing elements (such
as lighting, costume design) influence as lighting, costume design) influence as lighting, costume design) influence
the interpretation of a performance the interpretation of a performance the interpretation of a performance
Present one or more possible story
Present one or more possible story Present one or more possible story boards or compositions when
boards or compositions when boards or compositions when developing original material
developing original material developing original material

​ o core textbooks are used for this course. Students will be provided with handouts from other 
Core textbooks:​ N
textbooks and online sources. 
Year 7- 9
Skills ● Use a range of techniques to record their observations in sketchbooks, journals and other media as a
basis for exploring their ideas
● Use a range of techniques and media, including painting
● Increase their proficiency in the handling of different materials
● Analyse and evaluate their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen the visual impact or
applications of their work
● Understand the history of art, craft, design and architecture, including periods, styles and major
movements from ancient times up to the present day.
Explore and Create ● Develop ideas and intentions by working from first-hand observation, experience, inspiration,
imagination and other sources
● Investigate how to express and realise ideas using formal elements and the qualities of a range of
● Make purposeful images and artefacts, selecting from a range of materials, techniques and processes
Draw to express perception and invention, to communicate feelings, experiences and ideas, and for
● Explore and develop ideas using sketchbooks, journals and other appropriate strategies.
Understand and ● Use research and investigative skills appropriate to art, craft and design
Evaluate ● Appreciate how codes and conventions are used to convey ideas and meanings in and between
different cultures and contexts
● Reflect on and evaluate their own and others’ work, adapting and refining their own images and
artefacts at all stages of the creative process
● Analyse, select and question critically, making reasoned choices when developing personal worK
● Develop ideas and intentions when creating images and artefacts
● Organise and present their own material and information in appropriate forms
Content Unit 1: Perspective and Space
● Positive and Negative Space Drawings
● Notan; balance collage
● Perspective Drawing combined with collage
● Colour theory

Unit 2: Op and Pop Art

● Study characteristics of Op and Pop Art
● Op Art illustrations
● Pop Art food collage
● Roy Lichtenstein-inspired drawing

Unit 3: Proportion and Modeling

● Learn Body Proportions
● Produce a proportional figure sculpture based on original photographs

Unit 4: Pattern Around the Globe

● Islamic Art
● Mandalas

Unit 5: Portraits
● Face Proportions
● Realistic Face Study
● Showing Emotions
● Abstract faces

Unit 6: Book Art

● Book Binding
● Cohesive series of images; thematic art


Students in year 7 - 9 will develop skills in physical education through the six content areas below. The 
learning outcomes for this curriculum are taken from the United Kingdom national curriculum.   
​ o core textbooks are used for this course. Students will be provided with handouts from other 
Core textbooks:​ N
textbooks and online sources 

Developing skills in Pupils should be able to refine and adapt skills into t​ echniques;​ develop the range of skills they
physical activity use and develop the precision, control and fluency of their skills

Making and applying Pupils should be able to select and use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas effectively in
decisions different creative, competitive and challenge-type contexts.

Refine and adapt ideas and plans in response to changing circumstances; plan and implement
what needs practicing to be more effective in performance; recognize hazards and make
decisions about how to control any risks to themselves and others.
Developing physical Pupils should be able to develop their ​physical strength, stamina, speed and flexibility​ to cope
and mental capacity ​ ental determination​ to succeed.
with the demands of different activities; develop their m

Evaluating and Pupils should be able to a​ nalyze performances, identifying strengths and weaknesses,​ make
improving decisions about what to do to improve their performance and the performance of others. Act on
these decisions in future performances and be clear about what they want to achieve in their
own work and what they have actually achieved.
Make informed Pupils should be able to identify the types of activity they are best suited to; Identify the t​ ypes of
choices about ​healthy, role​ they would like to take on and make choices about their involvement in healthy physical
active lifestyles activity.


● Throwing events (Shot Putt, Discus and Javelin)

● Jumping Events (Long jump, Triple Jump and High Jump)
● Short distance running and sprinting techniques
Unit One: Athletics ● Long distance running and pacing
● The rules and regulations of Track and Field events
● The positive benefits of health and exercise
● Recording, Evaluating and reflecting on performance and results

● Passing
● Receiving
● Game play (half court and full court)
● Rules of the game
Unit Two: Basketball
● Attacking and Defensive play
● Tactical play
● links to the benefits of health and exercise

● Different shots (tap, forehand, overhead clear, smash)

Unit Three: ● Service and rotational play (singles and doubles)
Badminton ● Game play and rallying skills
● Rules of the game (singles and doubles)

● Attacking and defensive play
● Tactical play
● links to the benefits of health and exercise

● What it means to be healthy (physical, mental and social well being) and the benefits
● How to sustain a healthy lifestyle
● Different types of training (Weight, Circuit, CV fitness)
Unit Four: Health and
● CV Fitness testing and comparison of worldwide results (WHO)
● Measurement and recording of other fitness tests and self evaluations
● ILP’s and training plan execution and reflection

● Different types of rescues (water and land)

● Using lifesaving equipment
Unit Five: Lifesaving ● Basic first aid
● RLSS award work programme
● Distance swimming

● 4 main stroke development (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly)

● Water Entries and Exits
Unit Six: Swimming ● Turns
● Finishes
● Recording of times and self reflection and evaluations

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

Students  in  Years  7-9  attend  a  series  of  PSHE sessions, during which they will learn about their Personal Wellbeing. 

Personal  Wellbeing  helps  young  people  embrace  change,  feel  positive  about  who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, 
responsible  and  fulfilled  lives.  Through  active  learning  opportunities  pupils  recognise  and  manage  risk,  take 
increasing  responsibility  for  themselves,  their  choices  and  behaviours  and  make  positive  contributions  to  their 
families, schools and communities. 

As  pupils  learn  to  recognise,  develop  and  communicate  their  qualities,  skills  and  attitudes,  they  build  knowledge, 
confidence  and  self-esteem  and  make  the  most  of  their  abilities.  As  they  explore  similarities  and  differences 
between  people  and  discuss  social  and  moral  dilemmas,  they  learn  to  deal  with  challenges  and  accommodate 
diversity  in  all  its  forms.  The  world  is  full  of  complex  and  sometimes  conflicting  values.  Personal  wellbeing  helps 
pupils  explore  this  complexity  and  reflect  on  and  clarify  their  own  values  and  attitudes.  They  identify  and 
articulate  feelings  and  emotions,  learn  to  manage  new  or  difficult  situations  positively  and  form  and  maintain 
effective  relationships  with  a  wide  range  of  people.  Personal  wellbeing  makes  a  major  contribution  to  the 
promotion  of  ​personal  development​.  ​Examples  of  diverse  values  encountered  in  society  and  the  clarification  of  personal 

Year 7- 9: Key Stage 3 Skills

Skills ● To live safe and healthy lives
● Grow and develop, not just as individuals’ but also as members of families and society in general.
● To become fulfilled’ productive and responsible
● To form and maintain good relationships
● To make a positive difference to their own lives and the lives of others
● Clarify their own values and attitudes to gain knowledge and understanding of those of other people
● Build personal identities and self esteem
● Reflect on what is being taught
● Communicate constructively at all times

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Communities Hopes and fears Hopes and fears Hopes and fears
● Understand that others have ● Understand that others have ● Understand that others have
similar feelings about the similar feelings about the similar feelings about the
beginning of the year beginning of the year beginning of the year
● Students feel encouraged ● Students feel encouraged ● Students feel encouraged
● Students get to know each ● Students get to know each ● Students get to know each
other other other
School relationships School relationships School relationships
● Students will show ● Students will show ● Students will show
appreciation to each other appreciation to each other appreciation to each other
verbally and in writing verbally and in writing verbally and in writing
● Recognise the qualities of ● Recognise the qualities of ● Recognise the qualities of
popularity vs friendship popularity vs friendship popularity vs friendship
Reflective communication Reflective communication Reflective communication
● Students will be able to ● Students will be able to ● Students will be able to
reflect feelings in others ‘ reflect feelings in others ‘ reflect feelings in others ‘
summarise and ask open summarise and ask open summarise and ask open
questions. questions. questions.
Community Service Community Service Community Service
● Students participate in ● Students participate in ● Students participate in
community service activities community service activities community service activities
Emotional Feelings Feelings Feelings
wellbeing ● Students will increase and ● Students will increase and ● Students will increase and
become aware of ‘feeling’ become aware of ‘feeling’ become aware of ‘feeling’
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
Mindfulness Mindfulness Mindfulness
● Students experience finding ● Students experience finding ● Students experience finding
their breath and being still their breath and being still their breath and being still
in the moment in the moment in the moment
Community Service
● Students participate in
community service activities
Health and Making healthy choices Making healthy choices
Making healthy choices
Safety ● To understand the need for ● To understand the need for
● To understand the need for
regular exercise regular exercise
regular exercise
● To understand the need for a ● To understand the need for a
● To understand the need for a
balanced diet and possible balanced diet and possible
balanced diet and possible
effects of poor nutrition effects of poor nutrition
effects of poor nutrition
● Understand the ● Understand the
● Understand the
consequences of alcohol and consequences of alcohol and
consequences of alcohol and
drug consumption drug consumption
drug consumption
● Know the legal minimum ● Know the legal minimum
● Know the legal minimum
age for alcohol consumption age for alcohol consumption
age for alcohol consumption
is 18 in Turkey is 18 in Turkey
is 18 in Turkey
● Know possible consequences ● Know possible consequences
● Know possible consequences
of underage drug and of underage drug and
of underage drug and
alcohol use in Turkey (inc alcohol use in Turkey (inc
alcohol use in Turkey (inc
expulsion from school, expulsion from school,
expulsion from school,
deportation, criminal deportation, criminal
deportation, criminal
conviction, jail time) conviction, jail time)
conviction, jail time)
Puberty Sex and relationships
Sex and relationships
● Know the names of the ● Review the names of the
● Review the names of the
reproductive organs reproductive organs
reproductive organs

● Understand the process of ● Understand the process of
● Understand the process of
puberty including emotional puberty including emotional
puberty including emotional
and physical changes and and physical changes and
and physical changes and
sexuality sexuality
● Manage personal hygiene ● Setting limits on intimacy
● Setting limits on intimacy
Safety Safety
● Know how to keep themself ● Know how to keep themself
● Know how to keep themself
safe safe and what to do if they
● Understand the guidelines feel they are in danger
● Understand the guidelines
for e- safety ● Understand the guidelines
for e- safety
for e- safety
Self - Goals and personal development Goals and personal development Goals and personal development
management ● Students will articulate ● Students will articulate ● Students will articulate
their goals for the year and their goals for the year and their goals for the year and
how they hope to achieve how they hope to achieve how they hope to achieve
them. Goals include them. Goals include them. Goals include
academic performance academic performance academic performance
and personal and personal and personal
development. development. development.
Personal organisation Personal organisation Personal organisation
● Students reflect on and be ● Students reflect on and be ● Students reflect on and be
able to write out the ways able to write out the ways able to write out the ways
in which they organise in which they organise in which they organise
themselves to complete themselves to complete themselves to complete
work effectively work effectively work effectively
Learning styles Learning styles Learning styles
● Students will recognise ● Students will recognise ● Students will recognise
that people learn in that people learn in that people learn in
different ways different ways different ways
● Students will understand ● Students will understand ● Students will understand
how they best learn. how they best learn. how they best learn



Year Level

Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1
Definition R1 R2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9
0 1 2 3

English is the school's Language

English x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
of instruction

English Support is taught to all

students whose English needs
English support to follow class content.
Support It is taught either in class or x x x x x x x x x x x x x
(ES) through withdrawal from
English or Additional Language

AL is a language other than the

students' mother tongue. MEF x x x x x x x x x x x
offers Turkish, Spanish and
French. AL English is offered as
a CIE Examination course. In
Additional year 2 students take Spanish and
ta Optional Optional
Language French in rotation. In Year 3
tio IGCSE AS / A
(AL) students choose one of the three 4 x 30 min 3 x 60 min
n 3 x 60 5 x 60
options. In year 7 the student
may change to another language min min
but is encouraged to continue
with the language previously

First Language classes study the x x x x

native language. It can either be
Language Optional Optional
a regular class or an
independent study course.

Host Host Country Studies is a class x x x x x

Country that teaches about Turkey, its
Studies culture, history and some basic 1 x 30 min
(HCS) language.

Ongoing Externally
Progress School Based Final
Year Trimester Formative Moderated
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Trimester Exam 
1  Semester 1 Report  
Progress Report 

2  Homework    
11 to 13  Progress Report 
and Unit 
Assessments  CIE
3     End of Year report 
A Level
Trimester Exam 
1  Semester 1 Report 
Progress Report 
10  2    
and Unit  Progress Report 
Final Exam  
End of Year report 

1   Progress Report  Semester 1 Report  

2   Progress Report    

Progression tests in 

Classwork,  Math, English and 
Homework  Science 

and Unit 
Final Exam or project in 
3  Assessments    
History, Geography, Art,  CIE Secondary
ICT, Performing Arts, P.E  1 Checkpoint
and Languages  examinations
End of Year report 

1  Progress Report  Semester 1 Report 

2  Progress Report    

Progression tests in 

Classwork,  Math, English and 
Homework  Science 
7 to 8  
and Unit 
Final Exam or project in 
3  Assessments    
History, Geography, Art, 
ICT, Performing Arts, P.E 
and Languages 

End of Year report 

Ongoing  Externally 
Progress  School Based Final 
Year  Trimester  Formative  Moderated 
Assessment  Assessment 
Assessment  Assessment 

1  Trimester Report     

2  Classwork,  Portfolio Day     


and Unit 
Progression tests in Math, 
English and Science 
CIE Primary 
End of Year report 

1  Trimester Report     

2  Classwork,  Portfolio Day     

3 to 5 
and Unit 
Progression tests in Math, 
English and Science 

End of Year report 

1  Trimester Report     

2  Homework  Portfolio Day     
1 to 2 
and Unit 
3    End of Year report   

1  Trimester Report     
on  2  Portfolio Day     
and Unit 


3    End of Year report   


Reception 1 to Year 6  


Lower Primary 
Reception 1  International Primary Curriculum 

Reception 2  International Primary Curriculum 

Year 1  Cambridge International Primary Program and International Primary Curriculum 

Year 2  Cambridge International Primary Program and International Primary Curriculum 

Upper Primary 
Year 3  Cambridge International Primary Program and International Primary Curriculum  

Year 4  Cambridge International Primary Program and International Primary Curriculum 

Year 5  Cambridge International Primary Program and International Primary Curriculum 

Cambridge International Primary Program , International Primary Curriculum and Primary 

Year 6 

Year 7 to 13  
Lower Secondary 
Year 7  Cambridge International Secondary 1  

Year 8  Cambridge International Secondary 1  

Year 9  Cambridge International Secondary 1 and Checkpoint 


Upper Secondary 
Year 10  Cambridge International Secondary 2 and IGCSE 

Year 11  Cambridge International Secondary 2 and IGCSE 

Year 12  Cambridge Advanced AS and A levels 

Year 13  Cambridge Advanced AS and A levels 



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