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Course syllabus Kristianstad University, Sweden Software Engineering - 7,5 credits Course code: DA2IOA Level Fist Cycle Subject group: (O11) ‘Area code: Computer Science (OAD) Educational area: Technology 100% Main field of study: Computer Science Proportion of placement - Swedish ttle: Software Engineering Decision: Approved by the board 2016-01-16, Valid trom 2015-01-16 Reference number: U2016-242-123 Level of study GIF Fist cycle, has less than 60 credits in fist-cycle course/s as entry requirements, Entry requirements General entry reaurements ond Object Oriented Programming 7,6 ECTS, and Database Technique or the equivalent Aim To give the student knowledge about how complex software systems are developed, and fo practice this knowledge on a development project. Content The course will go through fundamental concepts within software development, like: Theory for project driven software develooment Project planning, project design and project follow-up = Requirements handling, analyss, design techniques and testing = Agile Development by using XP and SCRUM, = Architecture design = Version handling and revision control Presentation technique = Opposition technique Project based on scientific research Intended learning outcomes Knowledge and Understanding Having completed the course, a student should be able to + todemonstrate the general knowledge on software development (1) + to demonstrate software development knowledge in project, within given timeframes (2) * to explain scientific background for software engineering by using adequate words and concepls (3) ‘Skils and Abitties Having completed the course, a student should be able to + to demonstrate and discuss the software engineering theory with different groups (4) + to work in a group and independent (6) + to use theoretical knowledge in software development (6) + to present the results in concretely and correctly way (7) Judgment and approach Having completed the course, a student should be able to to evaluate, on a profound level, ethical formulation of a question in main area of the education (8) to evaluate the Importance of the project work and working in a teamwork (9) to demonstrate, in a scientific way. deeper knowledge in some part of software engineering (10) to discuss, in scientific and critical way, about the phenomenon, formulation of a question and difforent situations that ext (11) Implementation The education is done through lectures, seminars, labs and active attending on project meetings. The course is organized according to CDIO (Concelve- Design: Implement- Operate) guidelines. Learning goals in this course conceming CDIO syllabus are: 1. Disciplinary knowledge ond reasoning: 1, 2.6 2. Personal and professional sks and attributes: 3, 4,8, 10. 11 3. Interpersonal skils: teamwork and communication: 4, §, 7.9 4, Concelving, designing, Implementing and operating systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context: 2,8, 7 Examination - tests and forms Examination of the course is done through three exam: Patt 1: (0.5 hp) Software Development. Labs Expected Leamings Outcomes 1, 2, 5-7 and 10 are examined through individual hearings. Grades Fail and Poss are applied. Part 2: (4,5 hp) Software Development. Project. Expected Leamings Outcomes 1-11 are examined in group through project meetings and mutual presentation of the final project, Grades are given per group; U for approved, oF 3, 4,5. Patt 3: (2.5 hp) Software Development. Seminars. Expected Leamings Outcomes 1-3, 6, 8, 10. and 11 are examined through active attendance in seminars, Individual grades: U for fal, G for approved, Regarding part 2 and part 3, a student has rights to be examined by a maximum of two exam sessions. The limitations ore due to the requirements of additional resources to be implemented. For more information, 520 Rules for examination on / student. Course evaluation Course evaluation is conducted in accordance with the University official guidelines. Decision Approved by the board 2015-01-18. Valid from 2015-01-16 Re ns, 2019.02.04 Revideringen nedan géller dndrad text under rubriken Litteratur Revision valid from 2019-04-01. 2018-11-14 Revidering géller ndrad text under tubrikerna Almanna uppgitier och Litterattur Revision valid from 2019-0401, 2017-10-30 Andring kurstteratur Revision valid from 2017-10-30. 2015-11-02 Byte av kurstteratur Revision valid from 2016-11-02, 2015-03-02 Felsktivning | kursnamne, sifran 1 stryks sé att tteln blir Software Engineering Revision valid from 2016-03-02. Transitional rules Asludent admitted to this course is entitled to get an examination in accordance with this syllabus wilhin one (1) year of the last day of this sylabus validity, after which the examination willbe conducted according fo the ongoing syllabus, Literature The Iilerature Ist s subject to change up to 8 weeks before course start Course titerature is to some extent available for loan or download at the lorary. Talking books for students with reading impairment are searchable and downloadable in Legimus. + Sommervile, |. (2010), Software Engineering. 9 ection. Boston, Mass.: Addison-Wesley (792 p).

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