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White Thinking Hat: Facts and Information

How many questions can you make using these words?

Ask questions using each of the words below. Don’t forget the question mark!

Who? What?
What does a
Gruffalo eat?

How many
question s do
you know the
answer to?

Where? When?

Why? Which?
How many characters
are there?


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White Thinking Hat: Facts and Information

What does each animal like to eat?

Find out what each animal likes to eat.

A gruffalo likes to eat ________ .

A mouse likes to eat ________ .

A fox likes to eat ________ .

An owl likes to eat ________ .

A snake likes to eat ________ .

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White Thinking Hat: Facts and Information

What does a gruffalo look like?

Look at how a gruffalo is described in the book. How would
you draw one if you didn’t look in the book?

Useful words

Terrible claws
Terrible teeth
Terrible jaws
Knobbly knees
Turned out toes
Poisonous wart
Orange eyes
Black tongue
Purple prickles

Write these
words next to
your drawing.

Describe your gruffalo—How many useful words can you use?

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Red hat: Lets focus on feelings and emotions

How do they feel now?

Draw each animal before and after seeing the gruffalo

Before seeing the gruffalo After seeing the gruffalo

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Red hat: Lets focus on feelings and emotions

How does the mouse feel now?

Write how the mouse feels as it meets each animal two times.

1. When he 2. When he
Mouse meets lots
first met the first met the
of animals on his
fox. owl.

How does he feel

in each part of the
3. He first story? 4. He first
met the met the
snake. gruffalo.

5. He meets 6. He meets
the snake the owl again.

Where in
7. He meets the story do
the fox again. you think I 8. He threatens
am the to eat the
happiest? gruffalo.

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Red hat: Lets focus on feelings and emotions

What was the mouse’s hunch?

Draw the mouse telling the gruffalo that he is the scariest
animal in the wood.

Explain what was mouse’s hunch (inside feeling) and how did
he feel when he was telling the gruffalo his idea?

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Yellow hat: Positive ideas and good things about the story.

Help mouse and gruffalo write happy postcards home.

Mouse has finished his walk and is pleased he wasn’t eaten by anyone.
Draw and write a postcard about his day he would send his mum.

The gruffalo has had a good day. He wasn’t eaten by the forest’s
scariest animal! Write his holiday postcard home to his mum.

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Yellow hat: Positive ideas and good things about the story.

Which character is your favourite character?

Draw your favourite character from The Gruffalo.

Write three things you

like about this

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Yellow hat: Positive ideas and good things about the story.

Design a poster to promote this book.

Imagine the writer and the publishers have asked you to make a poster
about this book. What are all the good things about it?

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Black hat: What negative problems and issues can you find in this story?

What are the risks with Mouse’s plan to be known as

the scariest animal in the forest?
Draw mouse in the box below. Then explain the problems with his idea.

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Black hat: What negative problems and issues can you find in this story?

What Problems can you see on the mouse’s walk?

Draw and write down each problem you find.

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Black hat: What are the negative points and problems in this story?

Which animal has the most problems?

Write about his problems.

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Green hat: What are the creative possibilities in this story?

Design A Gruffalo Trap.

The mouse wants to build a gruffalo trap. What would he need
to do to make a really good one?

Draw and label your design for a gruffalo trap.

Write how your gruffalo trap would work.

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Green hat: What are the creative possibilities in this story?

Gruffalo has a big family—what do they look like?.

Draw Gruffalo’s Family Photo Album

Who else is in his family? Write their names under the pictures.

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Green hat: What are the creative possibilities in this story?

Mouse sits down for a nice cup of tea.

What sort of cup do you think mouse would drink from? Decorate
the cup for mouse.

Tell me three things

mouse would like
about his new cup.

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Black hat: What are the creative possibilities in this story?

Mind Map For “The Gruffalo”

Draw a The Gruffalo mind map below.

My Book Review My Feelings My Creative ideas

Positive Points Negative Points Facts and information

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