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Education Lesson 2

Ex 1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first WORD STORE 5A Types of School
letters are given. Ex 2 Find the words in the word chain and complete the sentences.
blackboard You don't need to use all the words.
1. This classroom object is something the teacher can write on: 

Information Technology
2. These subjects are often called IT and PE:   
Physical Education

science Physics
3. These two subjects, and Biology, are  : 

4. Sometimes we call these people school students: 

head teacher
5. This person is the most important person in the school: 
A Playgroups are for children between 3 and 4. Then children go to a   
6. You have one of these for every subject. It has information and exercises in nursery
coursebook or a   school. They are both for very young pupils before they go
it:  primary
to   school.
form teacher
7. This person looks after a class:    secondary
B In our town, we have a   school for 11–18 year-olds. It's
desk a   school, for boys and girls. My cousin, Mark, goes to
8. You sit at this and put your books on it: 
boy's girl's
a   school and his sister goes to a   school. I'm glad I
Maths sigle
9. People who are good with numbers like this subject:  don't go to a  -sex school. I like having girls in my class.

10. This is something a teacher can write on but it can also be used with a C I go to a   school because it is very expensive to go to
interactive w hiteboard private
computer to show information:    a   school.
D I don't want to go to   when I leave school. I am thinking about
going to a  . I want to be a car mechanic.

Ex 4 Complete the dialogue between Simon and his mum with one verb in each
WORD STORE 5B | At school gap.
Ex 3 Complete the text with the verbs from the box in the correct form. You
need to use some verbs twice.
be come do get leave miss start

A New School Year

My mum and dad often move and it's difficult to   school in a
M: Simon, this is a letter from your teacher.
new place every year. Sometimes I don't   very well but, this
S: Oh.
year, I want to have a good year.
M: She says you sometimes   lessons. Is this true?
This year, I want to: S: Well, once or twice, yes.
get be
 lots of friends,   on time for M: And you   never on time. Why not? You leave here at 8:15.
get come
lessons,   good marks for my homework,   to
Where do you go?
lessons with a smile on my face and all my books in my bag!
S: I meet my friends. Sometimes we walk slowly because we are talking. But,
This year, I don't want to: I   well at school. I always   good marks for my
miss do get
 any classes,   badly in tests,   bad homework.
come start
marks,   late for lessons,   my books.
M: I know, I know. Your teacher is happy with your work but you can't be late for

leave school. People who   school and get a job can't be late in the
Can I do it? When I   school next year, I want to go to
university. I can't do that with bad marks. morning.

S: I understand that. Don't worry. I can change. Anyway, I don't want a job yet. I

want to stay at school for two more years, have good grades and then go to

M: Good. You can tell Mrs Taylor that when we meet her. Jade: You too!
S: We???
Exercise 6 Choose the correct answers.
M: Yes, she wants to talk to us both tomorrow at 4 p.m. Don't be late!
1. Don't worry about your exams. Just _____ your best.
WORD STORE 5C | Exams do get be
Ex 5 Complete the dialogue with the verbs from the box in the correct
fail get into pass prepare retake revise ✓ take 2. In the UK, children go to _____ school when they are 11.
primary high secondary
In the library …
Jade: Hi, Ned. What are you doing?
'm revising
3. About twenty percent of the pupils _____ their exams every year.
Ned: Oh hello, Jade. Well, I  for my History exam. miss fail lose

Jade: I see. When   you 

 the exam? 4. My brother wants to _____ school when he is 16.
leave miss start
Ned: It's on Wednesday, and I need to study hard because I don't want
to   it. 5. Come on. Let's run to school. We don't want to _____ late.
Jade: Don't worry too much, Ned. You're a good student. I'm sure you do get be

can   your exam.

6. I never _____ lessons because the school always writes to tell your parents.
Ned: I hope so! I don't want to   it – once is enough! What skip leave from miss
about you?   you   for your exams yet?
Jade: Yes, I have. I started a few months ago. 7. Please be quiet. Paul is _____ for his exams.
taking passing revising
Ned: Why did you start so early?
Jade: Well, I want to   the School of Fine Arts to become a
8. Kelly is always _____ time for school but she is always late when we go out!
painter and the entrance exams are really hard – all the best art early on at

students want to go there!

9. I was very disappointed when I _____ two of my exams.
Ned: Good luck!
failed retook passed

10. There aren't any boys here. It's a _____- sex school.
girl's single mixed

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