An Evaluation of Introducing Sex Education Through Monthly Seminar To The Senior High School Students

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An Evaluation of Introducing Sex Education Through Monthly

Seminar to the Senior High School Students

A Research Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Capitol University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion


Chapter I


This chapter includes the background information of the study, frameworks of the

study (conceptual and theoretical), statement of the problem, scope and limitation of the

study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and definition of terms


Adolescence is a highly dynamic period characterized by rapid development and

growth. Adolescents have the limited knowledge about reproduction and sexual health,

and to know little about natural processes of puberty, sexual health, reproduction or even

pregnancy. Sex education should be an integral art of the learning process beginning in

childhood and continuing into adult life. It should be for all young teens and considerably

adults, including those with physical learning or emotional difficulties. It encourages

exploration of values and in morale, consideration of personnel and sexual relationships

and development of communication. It should foster self-esteem, self-awareness and

sense of moral responsibility. They will know how sexuality works as well as they will be

aware of what crucial state they are in and in need of guidance and lecture to the things

they lack knowledge about. To be able to do that a perception of the students of an

evaluation of introducing sex education through monthly seminar so that students will be

aware in such things because they are young somewhat who can’t control what is inside


As they grow up, young people face important decisions about relationships,

sexuality, and sexual behavior. The decisions they make can impact their health and well-

being for the rest of their lives. Young people have the right to lead healthy lives, and

society has the responsibility to prepare youth by providing them with comprehensive
sexual health education that gives them the tools they need to make healthy decisions.

But it is not enough for programs to include discussions of abstinence and contraception

to help young people avoid unintended pregnancy or disease. Comprehensive sexual

health education must do more. It must provide young people with honest, age-

appropriate information and skills necessary to help them take personal responsibility for

their health and overall well-being “because when sex education is not provided at home

or in schools, media images are given the power to shape teens’ sexual understandings”

(Ferguson and Haugen 2010).

Teenage pregnancy is very rampant nowadays, and one of the causes of it is the

higher drive of adolescent sexuality which teenagers’ experiences. Adolescent sexuality

is a stage of human development in which adolescents experience and explore sexual

feelings. Interest in sexuality intensifies during the onset of puberty, and sexuality is

often a vital aspect of teenager’s lives. The sexuality of adolescents is not only seen as

immature, but as being qualitatively distinct from sexuality of adults. Exploration of the

motivational and functional components of the sexuality- sexual desire, sexual arousal,

and sexual function- is almost entirely heightened (J.D. Fortenberry, 2003).

Sex education does a high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of

topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about those topics and

gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and manage one’s own sexual

health. According to Advocates for Youth, Comprehensive Sex Education teaches about

abstinence as the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but also

teaches about condoms and contraception to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and

of infection with STDs, including HIV. It also teaches interpersonal communication skills

and helps young people explore their own values, goals, and options. Kulczycki conveys,
“Unsafe sex is the second-most-important risk factor for ill health after poor nutrition;

340 million new cases of curable STIs are estimated to have occurred globally in 1999

(WHO 2001 and 2002 as cited by Kulczycki 2007:341).” Those that practiced safe sex by

consistently using condoms, have a more positive attitude about safe sex behaviors and

expectations (Walcott, Chenneville, Tarquini 2011).

Theoretical Framework

According to Behaviour Theory - the model of information-motivation

behavioural skills (IMB), if the aim of sex education is to improve safe sexual behaviour

of individuals, the first aim must be to improve knowledge, and then foster motivation

(that includes attitudes, behavioural intentions and subjective norms - perceived social

support to perform these actions) and behavioural skills (Fisher & Fisher, 1992; Fisher &

Fisher, 1993).

Conceptual Framework

Maureen Lyon, Ph.D. (2005) reported that abstinence-only programs showed an

unintended consequence of unprotected sex at first intercourse and during later sexual

activity. She also indicated that abstinence-only programs increased “the risk of these

adolescents for pregnancy and sexually transmitted illnesses, 3 including HIV/AIDS”

(APA, 2005, n.p.).These sex education programs provide students with healthy

information, encourage abstinence, promote condom use for those who are sexually

active, encourage fewer sexual partners, educate about the importance of early
identification and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and teach sexual

communication skills (APA, 2005).


Conduct of Sex
Education Seminar
 Sex Health
Sex Education Survey Education
 SHS students Questionnaire Program

 Risk of Teenage
Pregnancy &
Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram Presentation Transmitted

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the students about having an Evaluation of Introducing

Sex Education through monthly seminar in Senior High School at Capitol University and

to know their own opinion and perspective about the certain issue and topic.

Specific question that the researcher aims the answer are the following:

Guided Questions:

1. Why sex education should be introduced to the senior high students?

2. What are the benefits of introducing sex education to Capitol University senior high


3. What are the effects of introducing sex education through monthly seminar?

4. What are the perceptions of the senior high school students about introducing sex

education through monthly seminar?

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are the following:

1. To know the opinions of senior high school students about sex education.

2. To seek information about the insights of the institution about sex education.

3. To know the insights of students in senior high school who are in favor of introducing sex

education through an evaluation.

4. To determine the necessity to have sex education through monthly seminar.

5. To raise awareness to the youth in regards to this study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on Capitol University Senior high student’s perspective of

introducing sex education through monthly seminar. It is interested to discover how many

of them are in favor of introducing the sex education and the benefit when it is approved.

The research was limited to the senior high school students in all strand because

this group of students will mostly be part of this subject. The k-12 program added to the

old education system of the Philippines, thus the researchers need their opinion towards

the evaluation of introducing sex education through monthly seminar.

Significance of the Study

The researchers’ findings of this study are expected to benefit the following:

To the Students. This study will provide a baseline information to the senior high

students about an Evaluation of Sex Education in Capitol University that would help

them to be aware about what is sex education and it would also help them to prevent such

STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and the rampant teenage pregnancy.

To the Faculty. This study will give information to the Capitol University

teachers who are handling sexuality education in schools to prepare them for their

students and for counselling and to reduce misinformation regarding sex education.

To the Administration. The result of this research study will be the foundation of

information upon which a program may be designed and implemented to help the

students of Capitol University to understand the sex education and to understand how sex

education can help them.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the significant terms used in this study are clearly

defined operationally or conceptually.

Sexuality is an integral part of who we are, what we believe, what we feel, and

how we respond to others.

Contraception is a deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation. Sex- the

sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are

involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and


STDs or Sexually Transmitted Disease is any of various diseases or infections

that can be transmitted by direct sexual contact including some (such as syphilis,

gonorrhea, chlamydia, and genital herpes) chiefly spread by sexual means and others

(such as hepatitis B and AIDS) often contracted by nonsexual means.

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is either of two retroviruses that infect

and destroy helper T cells of the immune system causing the marked reduction in their

numbers that is diagnostic of AIDS.

Teenage Pregnancy is defined as a teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19,

becoming pregnant. Pre-marital sex- a sexual activity practiced by people before they are


Adolescence is the period following the onset of puberty during which a young

person develops from a child into an adult.

Puberty is the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become

capable of reproduction.

Fertile Period is the days in a woman’s menstrual age in which chances of getting

pregnant is very high if couple had intercourse.

Conception is the action of conceiving a child.

Chapter II


In this chapter, the researchers will be presenting an order from the Department of

Education, articles; write-up’s and related readings about how this study is conveyed.

Moreover, this chapter presupposes about how sex education is being taught in high

school curriculum and how sex education is taught inside the classrooms. Furthermore,
this chapter will also inform what the contents of the sex education lessons are and how

the classes about Sex Education brought new learning to the students.

Researchers will also be presenting various write-ups, articles and studies related

to the research that will link previous assumptions about Sex Education and its present

picture in the Education sphere in the Philippines. Lastly, the researchers will present and

confirm given contents of the sex education course and what are the perceptions of the

High School Students about the class as stated in the collected articles, interviews and


Facts about Sex

Human beings are “social animals.” Their behavior, knowledge, and perception

are influenced by the societies where they are born and nurtured. This statement is also

true when speaking of sex and sexuality (Haeberle, 1981). According to Planned

Parenthood in 2013, sex can be defined in various ways. It can be defined as “the

physical and behavioral difference that distinguishes individual organisms according to

their functions in the reproductive process” (Encarta, 2009). The Merriam-Webster

dictionary defines it as “sexually motivated behavior.” On the other hand, sex can also be

referred to as the various sexual activities, including sexual intercourse or penetrative sex,

oral sex and mutual stimulation. Sex is not just physical sexual contact; it can also

involve emotions and feelings. When people talk about sex, they usually incorporate it to

penetrative sex, where a man inserts his erect penis into the vagina of a sexual partner

(Avert, 2012). Specifically, human sexuality as defined by Encarta (2009), The general

term referring to various sexually related aspects of human life, including physical and
psychological development, and behaviors, attitudes, and social customs associated with

the individual's sense of gender, relationships, sexual activity, mate selection, and

reproduction. Sexuality permeates many areas of human life and culture, thereby setting

humans apart from other members of the animal kingdom, in which the objective of

sexuality is more often confined to reproduction. This article discusses the sexual

anatomy, development, physiology, and behavior of human beings.

There are differences in human sexual characteristics whether the individual is a

male or a female. For example, in females, their primary sexual characteristics include

the external genitalia (vulva) and the internal organs that make it possible for a woman to

produce ova (eggs) and become pregnant. In males, on the other hand, the main organ for

copulation is the penis. The sperm cells are produced in the testes, and are stored and

nurtured in the epididymis (Haeberle, 1981).

As the individual matures, his/her sexual characteristics develop as well.

According to DeLamater and Friedrich (2002), “human beings are sexual beings

throughout their entire lives.” At certain points in life, sexuality may manifest itself in

different ways. Each life stage brings with it pressures for change and sexual

development milestones to be achieved if sexual health is to be attained or maintained.

The stages of sexual development are a human developmental process involving

biological and behavioral components.

Furthermore, the period in human lifespan during which the organs of sexual

reproduction mature is called puberty. This occurs in males between the ages of 13 and

16, and in females between the ages of 11 and 14 (Encarta, 2009). This period has
something to do with the sexual awakening that comes with biological maturation. This

means that high school students are already in the stage of “sexual awakening” and

biologically mature. This maturation is evidenced in females by the onset of

menstruation, in males by the production of semen, and in both by the enlargement of the

external genitalia. Rapid growth marks a range of physiological changes. Various

secondary sexual characteristics also appear for the first time during puberty; in males,

production of body hair increases markedly, particularly in the pubic, axillary, and facial

regions, and the voice usually changes and becomes deeper in tone; in females, hair also

appears in the pubic and axillary regions, and the breasts become enlarged. Accelerated

development of the sweat glands in both sexes may trigger acne.

Given that, with the integration of sex education in the curriculum, high school

students will be able to understand the changes that they are experiencing. Questions that

may arise given these changes may also be answered during and after the discussion on

matters about reproductive health and puberty.

In addition, Andres (1974) also stated that “the experience of sexual capacities

that come with puberty is not the same for boys and girls (p. 46).” He said that for boys,

sexual desire appears in earlier in boys, highly specific, and is centered in the genital

organs. For girls, on the other hand, Andres added that “desire” is not the proper word to

use, since it is better to speak of “sexual stirrings.” Furthermore, for girls, love takes

priority over sexuality.

The factor of intellectual curiosity is greatly intensified at this time. During the

puberty stage, boys and girls are craving for factual information about sex and sexuality.

They may be able to obtain it from various sources, such as the books, internet, etc.

Adolescents may also seek advices to their peers which might give them wrong

information. Young people’s craving for knowledge about sex is not merely a desire to

find out what sex does or should feel like to them, but equally what it is like for the

opposite sex (Andres, 1974).

According to Adewale (2009), the adolescents’ curiosity and lack of knowledge,

may often lead to premarital sex, which, in effect, will be unwanted pregnancies. Given

that statement, the cases of unwanted pregnancies in the United States and other countries

are skyrocketing for the past years.

Slowinski (2001) said that there are a number of risk factors that have been linked

to teenage pregnancies. These include “early sexual activity, poor use of contraception,

low economic status, poor school performance, and low self-esteem” (p. 2). Also, the

University of the Philippines Population Institute professor Dr. Josefina Natividad, as

cited by de la Cruz (2012), said that “several factors are driving increasing rate of teen

pregnancy in the country, such as lesser parental supervision, increased acceptance of

pregnancies outside of marriage, earlier sexual activity, and inadequate life skills.”

In the Philippines, the National Youth Commission (NYC) as cited by SunStar

Cagayan de Oro (2012) said that the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines has

reached alarming proportions, having increased 70% over the past years, from 14,205 in

1999 to 195,662 in 2009. Furthermore, the annual report of the United Nations
Population funds in 2011 as cited by Philippine News Agency (2012) said that “at 53

births per 1,000 women aged between 15 and 19, the teenage pregnancy rate in the

Philippines is the highest among Asean's six major economies…” Furthermore, the

National Statistics Office, as cited by de la Cruz in 2009, presented figures in which

26.7% of women who give birth to their first child in 2010 are 15 to 19 years old.

The National Youth Assessment Study, as cited by Sunstar Cagayan de Oro

(2012), said that “unplanned pregnancy is one of the main reasons why young people do

not finish their education.” In addition, it is claimed that the only way to stop this

debilitating trend is to reduce risky behavior of the youth, that is, through sex education.

The National Youth Commissioner Perci Cendana as cited by Sunstar Cagayan de Oro

(2012) said that “age-appropriate reproductive health education is the key to influencing

the lifestyle of young people so that they can be more responsible for their actions.

Because if there will be no education, the rates will continue to rise.”

Sex Education

Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual

anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual

behavior (Science Daily, 2012). According to the US Universal Declaration of Rights as

cited by Avert (2012), sex education is a “right for every young people, because it is a

way of helping them protect themselves against abuse, exploitation, unintended

pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and AIDS.” Furthermore, Avert

also said that “sex education aims to reduce the risks of potentially negative outcomes
from sexual behavior, such as unwanted or unplanned pregnancies and infection with

sexually transmitted diseases.

Former Department of Education secretary Mona Valisno stated that that sex

education “focuses on the science of reproduction, physical care and hygiene, correct

values and norms of interpersonal relation to avoid premarital sex and teenage pregnancy.

The education secretary also said that sex education is being integrated in different

subjects in the basic education curriculum of the Philippines (Malipot, 2010).

In addition, the teaching of sex education in the Philippines is under the National

Population Education program of DECS in 1994, which is designed to integrate

population education courses of the curricula of public schools. The DECS order No. 62

series of 1994 stated that The Population Education Program shall continue to perform its

functions of curriculum and instructional materials development, teacher training,

research/monitoring/evaluation, and networking with local and international

organizations on the population education concerns for the elementary, secondary,

tertiary and non-formal education levels.

In this order it is evident that population education programs are already offered

since 1994, and with the rising number of unwanted pregnancies, persons infected with

sexually transmitted disease, and misconceptions and superstitions about matters on sex,

the Department of Education would want to continue implementing it through integration

on different subjects.
Moreover, according to the Statement on Population Policy and Program of the

Commission on Population as cited by Andres (1974), one of the policies of the

population program is “to make family planning part of a broad education program

oriented toward the harmonious development of the individual personality, the family,

and the nation.”

In accordance with the Declaration on Population, family planning is not to be

considered as simply as a technique for avoiding pregnancies, but rather as one element

in a rational and disciplined way of life, a means of realizing genuinely human values for

the individual and the community. Efforts must be made to form proper and mature

attitudes toward family life through a responsible program of sex education in the

schools, and through the provision of marriage and family counseling services for adults

(p. 143).

Different groups have also views on sex education. According to Balane (2008),

coalition of churches and faith-based organizations in the Philippines has given their

support to the House Bill 5043 also known as Reproductive Health Bill, which seeks to

address high population through the promotion of the reproductive health, responsible

parenthood, and population development. Contrary to the Catholic church’s position that

the RH Bill is pro-abortion, the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the

Philippines (CMACP), United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), Office of the

Muslim Affairs (OMA), Apostolic Catholic Church, and the Philippine Council of

Evangelical Churches said that it seeks to provide mothers the right to have safer

pregnancies by giving them access to information and services.

Content of Sex Education

As stated earlier, sex education is being integrated in different subjects in the

Philippines’ basic education curriculum. According to Former Department of Education

secretary Mona Valisno, as cited by Malipot (2010), sex education is integrated in

elementary subjects such as Science, Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), and

Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, Sibika (HeKaSi). For instance, under Science is the teaching of

the body parts, reproductive system, and puberty stage. Moreover, matters concerning

proper behavior among or between peers of different gender are being taught in EPP.

According to Andres (1974), sex education in the secondary level can be introduced in

Physical Education & Health Classes, Home Economics, Biology, Social Studies, English

and Literature, and Family Relations or Human Relations classes.

In Physical Education & Health, topics such as the physiologies of the

reproductive system, mental health as indicated by good personality, sexual adjustments,

and how to acquire poise, good grooming, and personal attractiveness, are ways by which

sex education is integrated. Moreover, integration of sex education in topics such as care

and education of young children, marriage, pregnancy, etc. are being discussed in Home

Economics subject. In a Biology class, sex education takes into an objective and in-depth

discussion about reproductive system and its functions. In method of integration, “the

students develop an appreciation of sex as the process by which life is carried on” (p.

135). In Social Studies, the students learn about sex education in the lessons of

population growth, and the family as the basic units of society. In English and Literature,

the teacher can help the students evaluate books, magazines, plays, movies, and thus
offset much of the lure of the cheap and sensational. Lastly, the integration of sex

education in Family and Human Relations Classes deals primarily with preparation for

marriage and family life. Indeed, these subjects are designed to help young people plan

and build happier family living (Andres, 1974).

According to Mrs. Rosemar E. Bataller, Subject Area Coordinator (MAPEH) of

the Ateneo de Davao High School, sex education is taught in MAPEH, Biology, and

Christian Living Education under Morality. More so, she added that sex education is

integrated in Health under Population Education. Furthermore, the teaching of sex

education in Ateneo de Davao High School, being a Jesuit Catholic school, is

incorporated with Ignatian values, that is, sex education with values integration. In the

first year Health subject, since the K12 curriculum is being followed, the emphasis is on

the care of the genital organs, hygiene, etc. For the second years, the integration is on

Biology, in which the students are taught with the functions of the reproductive organs.

Moreover, reproductive health, fertility, fecundity, and the human reproductive process

are the focus of the third year health curriculum. Lastly, the fourth year students are

taught about childbirth and responsible parenthood.

Moreover, teachers in Health Education (MAPEH), with the integration of sex

education, Mrs. Bataller added that they prefer teachers who are married will be the one

to teach matters about sex and sex education to their students.

Knowledge and Perception

After the thorough discussion of sex and sex education, and contents of sex

education, this chapter would also like to know what the understandings of students are

and how they perceive sex and sex education as far as their sex education classes are

concerned. The researchers would like also to define what is ‘Knowledge’ and what is

‘Perception’ in these matters, and how would these definitions help us understand this

study further. Perception, according to Babitski (2005), is the “process of attaining

awareness or understanding of sensory information”. As Cherry (2012) said also that

perception is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the

recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. In order for

us to understand and describe process of perception, we have to find all inputs and

outputs of information about anything we what to discuss and perceive.

On the other hand, “Knowledge” was discussed by Macmillan (2009) as

something that a person knows about a particular subject. Where Boudreau (2012) also

said that ‘knowledge’ are things that were held to be true in a given context, and that

drive us to action if there were no impediments about it. Moreover, it is our perception

towards agreeing or disagreeing of two different ideas.Hence, the above definitions of

knowledge and perception must go together to know what the students really think about

sex education. High school students say that they are not getting sex education soon

enough. In addition, wanted topics related about it such as puberty and pregnancy

discussed in primary school before discussing it in higher levels like secondary

(McNileage, 2012).
Until now, according still to McNileage (2012) a study was conducted and found

out that most teachers of year five and six students are uncomfortable talking about the

reproductive system in sex education class. And more than a half year, high school years

7, 8 and 9 students think almost all aspects of sex education topics should be introduced

in primary school, in a survey of about 100 students.

Furthermore, students feel awkward in discussing the above matters inside the

class. Besides the fact that sex and sex education is a taboo in the Philippines, teachers,

themselves also don’t want to discuss sensitive matters about this issue where another

way around students and teachers should not feel that way. It is because still it cannot

resolve issues involving around it especially if it will not be taught in schools, the Sex

Education Program or subject.

Nevertheless, this shouldn’t be the right attitude of both teachers and students and

also parents about sex, sexuality and sex education issues because this will only worsen

the current status quo of our society in terms of population, economic issues and

unwanted pregnancies.

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