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Restaurant name: seafood restaurant

Specialitiy : seafood

 Vani : waiters
 Rifda : guesst

Vani : Good afternoon miss welcome to seafood restaurant, do you have a


Rifda : Good afternoon too, yes for one, the name is rifda

Vani : Ok right hir miss

Rifda : Ok thank you

Vani : Your welcome miss and can I help u to open the napkin

Rifda : Yes thank you

Vani : This is the menu card miss and I will hir for 5 minute

Vani : Are you ready to order now miss?

Rifda : Yes, what’s special today?

Vani : Today’s special is grilled salmon and seafood spaghetti.

Rifda : Hmm, oke, i like the grilled salmon

Vani : What sauce do you like to grilled salmon?

Rifda : I’ll have the teriyaki sauce, and can you serve that on the side?

Vani : Certainly miss, and what you like to drink?

Rifda : Can u recommendacion the drink?.

Vani : Okay miss, I recommend u virgin mojito, strawberry mojito and

punch fruit mojito

Rifda : Okay I want a glass of virgin mojito

Vani : I want to reapet ur order miss, 1 grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce
on the side and 1 glass of virgin mojito, right miss?

Rifda : Yes this is right

Vani : Okay, miss! Your meal will be here shortly

10 minute later

Vani : Here your food, miss! Enjoy your meal. If you need anything else,
just ask me

Rifda : Okay, thanks

After 15 menit

Vani : Would you like to see the dessert menu, miss?

Rifda : No thanks, Just the bill please.

Vani : okay miss the total is Rp. 120.000-,

Rifda : okay thanks you

Vani :  You are welcome miss and thank you for visiting our restaurant.

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