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Restaurant name: seafood restaurant

Specialitiy : seafood

 Vani : waiters
 Rifda : guesst

Vani : Good afternoon miss welcome to seafood restaurant, do you have a


Rifda : Good afternoon too, yes for one, the name is rifda

Vani : Ok right hir miss

Rifda : Ok thank you

Vani : Your welcome miss and can I help u to open the napkin

Rifda : Yes thank you

Vani : This is the menu card miss and I will hir for 10 minute

Vani : Are you ready to order now miss?

Rifda : Yes, what’s special today?

Vani : Today’s special is grilled salmon and seafood spaghetti.

Rifda : Hmm, oke, i like the grilled salmon

Vani : What sauce do you like to grilled salmon?

Rifda : I’ll have the teriyaki sauce, and can you serve that on the side?and
can u difaining the menu

Vani : Certainly miss, this main ingridies is salmon, and the salmon is
seasoning with olive oil, salt and paper then salmon will be grilled
and the condiment are teriyaki sauce, mix vegetable and potato
wedges,and what you like to drink?

Rifda : : Can u recommendacion the drink?.

Vani : Okay miss, I recommend u virgin mojito, strawberry mojito and

punch fruit mojito

Rifda : Okay I want a glass of virgin mojito


Vani : I want to reapet ur order miss, 1 grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce
on the side and 1 glass of virgin mojito, right miss?

Rifda : Yes this is right

Vani : Okay, miss! Your meal will be here shortly

10 minute later

Vani : Here your food, miss! Enjoy your meal. If you need anything else,
just ask me

Rifda : Okay, thanks

Rifda  : Excuse me, waiter. 

Vanisa  : Yes, miss. What can I do for you?

Rifda  : I am sorry but this is not like what I have ordered. Would you mind
telling me who’s the chef?

Vanisa : I am so sorry miss. Is there any problem with your order? 

Rifda  : Yeah. I think there is something wrong about the food. Do you still
remember what I’ve ordered?

Vanisa : Okay miss, let me repeat your order. You ordered a grilled salmon
with teriyaki sauce and a glass of virgin mojito .

Rifda : Yes, but as you can see, I ordered a grilled salmon with teriyaki
sauce but that is a black pepper sauce and also the salmon is not well-

Vanisa : I really apologize for this inconvenience miss. Allow me to get you
the new one.

Rifda : That’s alright. This restaurant has been running for so long, I just
don’t expect that such things happen here.

Vanisa : I’m sorry miss. I apologize on behalf of my chef. 

Rifda  : Okay, no problem. Just make sure that such things will not happen

Vanisa : Alright miss. Thank you for your kindness.

Rifda  : I would appreciate if you can replace it with the new one. 

Vanisa : Absolutely miss, please wait a moment. 


Rifda   : Ok, thanks. 

Vanisa  : You are welcome miss.

After 15 menit

Vani : Would you like to see the dessert menu, miss?

Rifda : No thanks, Just the bill please.

Vani : Okay miss the total is Rp. 110.000, and the details are grilled salmon
with teriyaki sauce Rp.80,000 and the virgin mojito Rp.20,000 and
restaurant taxes 10% to Rp.110,000

Rifda : Okay thanks you

Vani :  You are welcome miss and thank you for visiting our restaurant.

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