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Name: Andi reghina Az Zahra class: VI B

A. The contents of the table below are tailored to your activity during the home study/the
Corona virus quarantine.
The growth of adverbs "always, usually, often, rarely/rarely, sometimes and never.

Not Activities Frequency

1. Wake up in the morning and pray for Fajr Always

2. Help parents sweep the floor Always

3. Watch Television movies Often

4. Go to the mall or restaurant Ever

5. Play with friends outside the house Ever

6. Wash my clothes Usually

7. Cooking something in the kitchen Often

B. Based on your table is content, making sentences in a simple form Past tense,
developing verbs form 2 or last verb.
Note Example No 1.!
1. I always woke up early and prayed Fajr.

2. I always help parents sweep the floor.

3. I often watch television movies.

4. I never go to the mall or resraurant.

5. I have never played with friends outside the house.

6. I usually wash my clothes.

7. I often cook something in the kitchen.

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