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Blended Teaching

and Learning
By Liz Pape share information on human rights
From The School Administrator violations, where they occur, and
what is being done to correct them.
A few months ago, I walked Students previously uninterested
into the computer lab at EBC High in the coursework became more
School for Public Service in Brook- engaged once Cahill introduced
lyn, NY, and watched as students, Web 2.0 tools into her classroom,
working in teams, created blogs giving students the opportunity to
and wikis to share information create work on the Internet that
about human rights violations. I could be shared with others.
was there for an ABC News tap-
ing on the use of technology in Online Tool Use
classrooms. What Kimberly and her stu-
The network news report looked dents are doing is commonly called
at New York City Opportunities for blended learning, using online tools
Online Learning, or NYCOOL, and to communicate, collaborate, and
the reporter interviewed the stu- publish, to extend the school
dents and their teacher, Kimberly day or year and to develop the
Cahill. A social studies teacher, she 21st‑century skills students need.
has been using a blended teaching With blended learning, teachers
model with her students for the can use online tools and resources
past three semesters. as part of their daily classroom
Cahill’s students in the Partici- instruction. Using many of the on-
pation in Government and Global line tools and resources students
History course are using Web 2.0 already are using for social net-
tools—wikis, blogs, podcasting, working, blended teaching helps
digital storybooks, and discussion teachers find an approach that is
forums as well as cell phones and more engaging for this generation
home and school computers—to of students.

Liz Pape ( is president and CEO of the Virtual High School
Global Consortium in Maynard, MA. Condensed, with permission, from The
School Administrator, 67 (April 2010), 16-21. Published by the American As-
sociation of School Administrators,

Blended Teaching and Learning

The benefits of blended learning during more frequent mundane

include giving students a variety of events such as sick days, student
ways to demonstrate their knowl- athletic events, and snow days.
edge while appealing to diverse John Wilson Jr., an AP English
learning styles and fostering inde- teacher in Wareham, MA, uses
pendent learning and self‑directed several online tools, including
learning skills in students, a critical blogs, wikis, podcasts, and learn-
capacity for lifelong learners. ing management platforms, to
Blended learning incorporates reach students not in class and as
online tools into students’ toolkits, a means of offering online options
which in the past have consisted of to extend the classroom learning
notebooks, paper assignments, and experience.
“stand and deliver” classroom pre- “I use the blogs as a way of help-
sentations. This expanded toolkit ing my AP students to develop a
helps students better develop their unique writing voice that should
higher education and workforce help them do better on the AP test.
skills. Blended learning extends I use wikis for some of the group
teaching and learning beyond projects I assign so that students
the classroom walls, developing can continue to work on the proj-
critical thinking, problem solving, ects after our computer lab time
communication, collaboration, and has expired,” Wilson says. “I am
global awareness. trying to give my students some
experience with online learning
Continuity of Learning practices so that when they get
School leaders have recently fo- to college, where online course
cused on the impact of a pandemic offerings are becoming more com-
on schools and student learning. monplace, they won’t feel so out
How do schools continue student of touch. I began using these tools
learning over several weeks when because I kept hearing from stu-
a school building is closed down, dents how they were out the day I
either because of high levels of ill- gave quiz notes or were out the day
ness within the building, or worse, I gave the quiz and were not able to
because the building needs to be stay after school to make it up.”
used for another purpose due to a For students with extended
national or regional emergency? absences, from long‑term illness or
Blended learning can keep participation in national or inter-
teaching and learning going even national extracurricular commit-
when schools are closed. More im- ments, he has created alternative
portant are the opportunities that online quizzes so he can continue
blended learning offers to extend to assess them outside of his class-
teaching beyond classroom walls room. F

October 2010 23

Personalized Connections nology, and video production in

Jefferson County, KY, Public grades 5–12. This led to the adop-
Schools is connecting with its tion by all high school teachers of
community through a blended a project‑based, blended learning
learning model. Using JCPS Online, model. Over the last three years,
the district’s learning management Millis teachers have used blended
system, practicing engineers from learning to cover more content
the local General Electric plant with students and at a higher level
serve as virtual mentors with than in a traditional classroom.
pre‑engineering students at the They are better able to differenti-
high schools through discussion ate their lessons for different kinds
boards and blogs. of learners with Web 2.0 tools,
Blended learning is not just freeing up class time for more ap-
for high school or middle school plied learning through projects.
students. At the elementary school This year, freshmen and sopho-
level in Jefferson County, social mores are working on theme‑based
studies students create blog jour- projects in all core subjects. As
nals assuming the role of one of part of their project, students will
the signers of the Declaration of use Web 2.0 tools and will partici-
Independence. One homework pate in online discussion forums.
assignment requires students to They will complete an individual
react to the convening of the Con- electronic portfolio that reflects
stitutional Congress by contribut- on what they have learned through
ing to a wiki in character. Students their projects.
no longer study historical events; “The plan is to expand these
they have become participants in projects to all four years of high
the unfolding of history. school and to have them be more
In the Millis, MA, Public Schools, significant each year so that by se-
technology director Grace Magley nior year, their senior project will
uses blended learning to make be a major contribution to their
online resources available in a local or extended community,”
one‑to‑one learning environment. Magley says.
She says it is a more effective In New York City, the school dis-
means of delivering instruction trict is partnering with the Virtual
and managing the learning envi- High School Global Consortium
ronment. to bring blended learning to high
The 1,400‑student Millis district, school students in Brooklyn. New
which is located 19 miles south- York City Opportunities for Online
west of Boston, experienced early Learning teaches students how to
success through a pilot project of- use Web 2.0 tools in project‑based
fering course electives in art, tech- learning through the VHS‑designed

Blended Teaching and Learning

online course Digital Literacy for a feel comfortable working in this

Digital Age. new environment or with their
In this six‑week online course, newfound power to make decisions
classroom teachers assign a proj- about their learning. Students may
ect to the students, to be com- push back against their teachers,
pleted by course’s end. Students asking for face‑to-face assistance
research their content‑specific on learning resources available
assignment while learning how in their online environment. They
and why to use various online may be hesitant to take a more
tools. The result is a Web 2.0‑based active role in their learning, prefer-
student project in which students ring the teacher hand‑feed them
share what they have learned what they need to learn, rather
about the classroom assignment, than using their information lit-
such as the human rights project eracy skills to find the information
in social studies. for themselves.
In other projects, students used However, as students realize that to bookmark resources using online resources helps build
in a world religions class and for deeper content knowledge through
math topics, including prime num- the ability to review materials
bers and the Babylonian number online, have more frequent peer re-
system. Other students created views through online discussions
blogs on the effects of global trade or blogs, and participate in online
and the connection between the self‑assessments designed to help
Mongol Empire and modern acts them measure their mastery of the
of terrorism. Others created a content, their expectations about
math wiki, which became a shared the teacher‑student relationship
resource of key vocabulary words change. Once students realize they
and concepts in algebra. no longer are passively waiting
for the teacher to provide them
Student Engagement with their learning objectives and
Through blended learning, resources, they take a more active
students are given the power to role and become impatient when
choose the means of communi- the teacher has not posted what
cation most suitable to them— they need to begin their learning.
storybook, PowerPoint, drawing, “We have had students go to
web pages, podcasts, etc. This teachers and ask why they have
plays to students’ different learn- never posted a podcast or video to
ing and communication styles, explain a certain concept. The stu-
ultimately engaging them more in dents begin to become vocal about
their learning. what they need to become success-
Initially, not all students may ful learners,” Magley says. F

October 2010 25

Teacher Development in online discussions, online group

Teachers need time, resources, activities, and online presentations
and professional development to can serve as a model for blended
use blended teaching well. The learning, whose goal is to develop
problem is that most teachers similar online skills during class-
have not been prepared during pre- room instruction.
service training to use these tools However, classroom teachers
nor have they learned to instruct need not become online teachers
students in how and why to use to develop their blended teaching
such tools in their learning. skills. What is important is that
Little research exists on ef- teachers become familiar with Web
fective models of professional 2.0 tools and learn and practice
development for blended learning. their application in their classes.
However, research on effective That knowledge and experience
models of K–12 online course de- can be gained in various ways,
sign, online teacher preparation, including combining online pro-
and online teaching standards fessional development with col-
can offer guidance for developing laborative face‑to‑face workshops,
an effective blended teaching and combining online training with an
learning model for all schools. online teaching apprenticeship
The Washington, DC‑based In- and creating a series of courses as
ternational Association for K–12 scaffolding for the levels of Web 2.0
Online Learning, or iNACOL (www. skills training needed for the final, has published stan- course product.
dards for online courses, online During the pilot project in Millis,
teaching, and online programs teachers took a three‑credit online
based on the available research. In course to learn about blended
a study of high school online teach- learning and how to apply it to
ers who also teach in face‑to‑face their classes. However, teachers
classrooms, Susan Lowes, director reported this was not enough to
of research and evaluation at the prepare them for making chang-
Institute for Learning Technolo- es to their face‑to‑face courses.
gies at Teachers College, Columbia Face‑to‑face study groups began
University, identified higher‑level meeting regularly to get things off
learning activities that teachers the ground during the curriculum
were incorporating into their development phase.
face‑to‑face classroom instruction The support of the study group
as a result of their online teaching in learning to make the most of the
experience. blended learning environment and
Online courses in which cohorts to share the results of what they
of students are required to engage were discovering about blended

Blended Teaching and Learning

learning in their classes was a ate their classroom projects. The

critical factor in the successful course provided students with the
implementation of blended teach- instructions on how to use online
ing at Millis. Based on that success, tools and resources, and the VHS
Millis developed a teacher profes- online teachers provided guidance
sional development model that to students as they created their
incorporated both online training classroom projects.
courses and face‑to‑face work-
shops as part of its professional Participatory Training
learning community. The face‑to- VHS has taken a third approach
face workshops were important for to developing blended-teaching
helping teachers with the specific skills in classroom teachers with
how‑tos they needed for building a series of online courses that
a blended course as blended learn- address blended teaching skills
ing was expanded throughout the and require that teachers create
high school. end‑of‑course projects they will
NYCOOL’s Brooklyn classroom use in their own blended class-
teachers developed their Web 2.0 rooms. The 21st Century Teaching
skills by taking an online course Best Practices model (www.govhs.
and then apprenticing with master org/Pages/ProjDev‑Home) blends
online teachers. The professional teaching and learning for teachers
development course, Using Web by having teachers participate in
2.0 for Teaching and Learning, was online activities they can then put
developed by VHS based on experi- into practice in their blended class-
ence in developing and delivering rooms. For teachers to learn how
online courses. Because the grant to use blogs, teachers are blogging
duration was not sufficient to give about the hows and whys of blogs
the NYCOOL teachers enough time and creating lesson plans for their
to build their blended courses, an students within their blogs.
apprenticeship program was de- Each course focuses on why
veloped to supplement the online teachers would want to use blend-
professional development. ed learning and then provides the
VHS created Digital Literacy for how‑tos for incorporating these
a Digital Age, an online course for tools into instruction. The courses
students that was taught by VHS include opportunities for teachers
teachers and required 1–2 hours of to build a lesson for their specific
student course work per week. The classroom use, ensuring a model
NYCOOL teachers worked with of professional development that
the VHS master teachers in the includes training, time, and re-
online course as students learned sources for a successful transi-
how to use Web 2.0 tools to cre- tion.  n

October 2010 27
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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