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(20 marks)

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. The pupils queue up to buy food _______________ the canteen.

A. from
B. at
C. under
D. near

2. The children are crying. The want to see ______________ parents.

A. her
B. his
C. their
D. our

3. Angie sits at the back of the class because she _______________ tall.
A. were
B. was
C. has
D. is

4. The man likes to row his sampan _______________ the river every weekend.
A. along
B. opposite
C. in
D. by

5. I waited for Karim ________________ he did not turn up.

A. and
B. but
C. so
D. because
Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. The group of animal-lovers will meet at the town hall for a meeting. It is

A. charity begins at home

B. first come, first served
C. birds of a feather flock together
D. better late than never

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Rishi went to the pet shop to buy a tortoise. It has a hard shell on _____7____ body.
Even though it ____8______ slowly on land, it can swim very fast in water. Rishi plans
to feed it ______9______ cabbages every day.

7. A them 8. A crawl 9. A with

B him B crawling B by
C its C crawls C for
D his D crawled D from

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. The things sold at that shop are dear.

A. cheap
B. nasty
C. reasonable
D. expensive

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. “Excuse me . Could you show me the way to the office?” asks the man to
the guard.
B. “Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the office?”, asks the man to
the guard?
C. “Excuse me.” “Could you show me the way to the office?” asks the man to
the guard.
D. “Excuse me ! Could you show me the way to the office!”, asks the man to
the guard.
Question 12 to 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Peter is a _____12______ . He goes to church every Sunday with his family. They meet a
lot of _____13____ at the church. They exchange ideas ___14_____ prayers at the church.
Their church is situated in Rawang. They always go for lunch at the nearby restaurant
___15_______ their prayers.

12. A Christian B Buddhist C Muslim D Hindu

13. A enemies B siblings C friends D animals

14. A in B above C to D about

15. A before B after C during D on

Question 16 to 20

Read the news below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

KUALA LUMPUR: A gang involved in house break-ins has been crippled with the arrests of five men
by the Kajang police yesterday. The gang was involved in at least nine house break-ins in Kajang.
They would conduct surveillance and break into the houses when the occupants were not in.

Police raided a house in Damai Perdana at about 2 a.m. and detained the five men. They
recovered lots of stolen items, including televisions, air –conditioning units and hi-fi sets worth over
RM 50,000. They also seized various modified house break-in tools such as master keys, portable
oxygen cylinders, welding and cutting tools in the rented house.

The suspects had also installed a closed-circuit television system at their rented hideout to
monitor outsiders. All the suspects, aged between 25 and 41, were tested positive for drug abuse.
16. The police arrested __________________________

A. a gang of thieves

B. a group of house owners

C. a group of foreigners

D. a gang of kidnappers

17. How many men did the police arrest?

A two

B four

C. five

D. nine

18. These items were seized by the police except________________.

A televisions

B hi-fi sets

C. master keys

D. drugs

19. The age of the youngest of the suspects is _________________.

A 25 years old

B 28 years old

C. 41 years old

D 50 years old

20. Which of the following statements is true ?

A. The police arrested the robbers while they were breaking into a house.

B. The police recovered several thousand ringgits from the robbers.

C. The robbers fled and escaped when they saw the police coming.

D. All the suspects caught by the police were drug addicts.


(30 Marks)

Question 21

Based on the given pictures , give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your
answers in the spaces provided.

a) Answer :




b) Answer :




Answer :




Question 22

Study the map below and answer the questions in the space provided.

snorkeling ( children
friendly ) and diving

canoeing – only for adults

jungle trekking – four

points destination

Alex went for a holiday with his to Perhentian island. He finally received a map
and a list of activities that he could do on the island. Answer the questions
below to help him out during his trip.

Tick ( /) for the correct answer

a) Alex has to go to the island by __________________________
( 1 mark)

Alex’s sister is 8 years old. The list below shows the activities that she can do
except --------------------------------.
jungle trekking
( 1 mark )

c) Name one place on the island. Give the activities that he and his family can

do at the place.


( 2 marks)

d) Based on the given map, what are the main occupations of the residents of

of the island? State your reason alongside your answer.




(2 marks)

e) In December, the number of tourists visited the Perhentian Island was almost
8 000 people. In your opinion, what will happen if there are too many tourists
on the island? Give reasons to support your answer.





( 2 marks)

Question 23

Read the story below and answer the questions based at the space provided.

Jonathan was furious. “ You have taken my book without my permission again!”
he yelled at his sister, Angelica angrily.

“I did not!” she shouted back. “Look over there! Isn’t that your book on the
settee?” said Angelica as she pointed to the settee.
Tick ( /) for the correct answer
a) Based on the story above the word furious means _________________
( 1 mark)

Based on the story above, the meaning for hidden is cannot be found. What is the
opposite for hidden?
( 1 mark )

c) Jonathan was feeling embarrassed with his actions. Why is he feeling so?


( 1 mark)

d) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable Phrases in List B. An example is

given below.
List A List B
Jonathan yelled at his
before he went to bed.
They are both her parents.
because his book was
Angelica saw the book
Jonathan left the book on the settee.
( 2 marks)

e) Jonathan apologized to his sister for his wrong actions of shouting and being

towards his sister. In your opinion, was his actions action correct? Give your

reason to support your answer.





( 2 marks)

Question 24 and 25

Read the dialogues below and answer the questions in the given spaces.

I learn best when I am doing or making things. I don’t

like to sit at the desk for a long time to study because
I lost concentration. In my free time, I go jogging at
the park or play football with my friends.
things better if I say them aloud. I enjoy listening to
music. Sometimes I like to have soft music when I

I learn things more easily if I can see them. I can

imagine things well. I prefer looking at a map than to
listen to someone giving me directions to a place. I
like to watch television when I am not studying.

Tick ( /) for the correct answer

a) Jacob learns best as the following except _________________________
making things
sitting at his desk and studying
( 1 mark)

Darshini learns with pictures and imagines. She loves learning with maps too.
What type of learning style that Darshini has?
Kinaesthetic learner
Visual learner
Audio learner
( 1 mark )

25. Write your answers in the space provided.

a) Lim Eng learns best by discussing with his friends. He says that he

remembers information better when he says them aloud or listening to music.

In your opinion, give reasons the importance of discussing with friends.





( 2 marks)

b) Mr. Arif is their class teacher. He gave an advice to Darshini to help her be a

better learner. Darshini is a visual learner.

Write down notes with magic colours. Use maps and charts to help you
remember what you have learn in the class for each topic.

Based on the advice above, state the benefits of using map and charts in

learning . What made you reach that conclusion?




(2 marks)

c) You have read about the three learning styles ( kinaesthetic, visual and

audio). What is your learning style? State examples for your answer.




( 2 marks)

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