Performance Analysis On Agriculture Ontology Using SPARQL Query System

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Performance Analysis on Agriculture Ontology

Using SPARQL Query System

Aditya Khamparia Vikas Pardesi
Babita Pandey Department of Computer
Department of Computer Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Science and Engineering
Lovely ProfessionalUniversity, Lovely Professional University
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab, India Phagwara, Punjab, India Phagwara, Punjab, India

Abstract—Ontologies are used to represent domain knowledge individual. In ontology concepts of domain are
with help of object, their behaviour and properties. This paper represented by classes. Features and attribute of
represents web enabled approach on agriculture semantic web
using SPARQL and specified tools to increase productivity of
concept are described by object and data properties.
farmers. This work focuses on assessment of query optimization Instances are created for individual subclasses to
tools and results predicted from them to determine the suitability represent or describe agriculture and various tools
of each method for different users where structured ontologies
are used as querying aids for agriculture based dataset.
which will made query for semantic information in
easy way at application structure with help of
Keywords— Semantic web, SPARQL, Ontograf, DL-Query, SPARQL [8]. Main purpose of paper is to impart
TLX, Reasoner, RDF information retrieval, and analyse the performance
I. INTRODUCTION of web enabled applications for domain users to
predict their query evaluated performance. The
Semantic web also known as intelligent web
remaining part of this paper is organized as follows:
offers users to work on shared meaningful
Section 2 detailed framework of domain ontology
knowledge representation on web. It creates an
and development tool. Section 3 describes possible
artificial intelligence application which established
approach of ontology construction for agriculture
relations among individuals and classes of objects
based system. Section 4 detailed evaluation and
to represent an area of domain knowledge with help
query analysis on onto logical tools to determine
of ontology. Ontology is formal explicit
their effectiveness for end user support. Section 5
specification of shared conceptualization.
concluded with future work.
Conceptualization refers to an abstract model of
some phenomenon in world by having identified II ONTOLOGY FRAMEWORK AND DEVELOPMENT
Knowledge base in detail with individual TOOLS
relationships [1]. We present an application
problem about searching the appropriate semantic A. Architecture of Agriculture Ontology
information and resources in agriculture as a In this section we introduced architecture of
domain ontology with help of class and relation agriculture ontology which enabled by SPARQL on
among instances or objects which gives information desktop based application. Protégé tool used for
to farmer about their crop marketing, quality of ontology development which acts as an interface
seeds and diseases. Although semantic web is not between knowledge and domain ontology with help
fully developed and standardized, but we give of API. After development of ontology it leads to
proposal on ontology structure for the relevant various different applications on which with help of
concepts of that phenomenon. Explicit, means that visualization and retrieval tools like SPARQL, DL-
type of concept used, and constraint on their use are Query, and Ontograf information can be extracted
explicitly defined. Formal refers to fact that easily on editor. Reasoning must be carried out with
ontology should be machine readable. Shared help of pellet reasoner to yield inference and
reflect the notion that ontology represents conclusions. Knowledge base acts as a repository
consensual knowledge that refers to some group not for domain information.

978-1-4799-4674-7/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE
(iv) Onto Graf (2010) – Most of ontology web
language developed in protégé editor. OWL
ontologies and their relationship can be easily
navigated with help of onto graf. This tool
incorporates several addition features to export
visible RDF [5] graph into dot language file format.
(v) DL-Query (2008) - Class definition can be
tested easily by assuming membership of arbitrary
descriptions without creating details of named class.
This tool provide addition features to OWL
application [4] by providing support for data and
object properties, Query Box, equivalent class,
subclass and Query result frame.
Fig. 1 Architecture of Agriculture Ontology
B. Study on Ontology Development Tools
The protégé ontology editor tool was used to create
There are varieties of ontological tools available for AGRO ontology. Protégé helped in modeling of
creation, modification and retrieving linked data. ontology of classes to describe a particular subject,
These tools helps to demonstrate agriculture based for entering specific instances and knowledge base
ontology system where farmer gets latest details details and for execution of applications. Classes
about crop prices in market, seeds quality and describe concepts in domain which are shown in
diseases from which crop get affected. All such Figure 2 as crop, soil, pest, diseases, Activities etc.
relevant information can be extracted out easily Instances can be defined to object of class to exhibit
with help of query retrieval system like SPARQL, its properties like Angular_leaf_spot, cotton,
DL-Query and Ontograf helps in visualization of Bacterial_blight etc. Relation between two class is
quality among them. defined by object properties as shown in Figure 3
(i) Protégé (2000) - Protégé 2000 [2] tool created where every object property has some domain class
by Stanford University, its main aim was to and range class for example affected_by (Crop,
simplify the knowledge acquisition process for Diseases), Harmed_by (Crop, Pest) etc. Data
expert systems. It is oriented to task of ontology property of any class is a property which gives
and knowledge base development. Protégé is most values for instances of that class. It’s a relation
suitable as it provides better flexibility for meta- between class and data type value. Eg. Cure
modeling and enables construction of domain (Disease, string).
ontologies without any syntactic information.
(ii) Jena – It is java based tool for building
semantic web applications. It is used to store, create
and manipulate RDF and OWL data. RDF data
stored in triple format and also provides oracle Jena
adaptor with java interface API for creating and
accessing RDF data and ontology.
(iii) SPARQL – Query automated tool based on
SPARQL are similar to SQL queries structurally
but very semantically and performance of SPARQL
is quite high compared to SQL. SPARQL [8] is
used to retrieve data from RDF dataset relevant to
user query.
Fig. 2 AGRO Ontology
degree of skills both in agricultural skills and crop
marketing. Taxonomy of agricultural ontology was
shown in Figure 2 where it comprises of classes,
objects and instances. This experiment constructed
different queries to retrieve information from
agriculture ontology. Queries are grouped into
different types according to number of classes they
entail, whether they are relevant to ontology
hierarchy or not and number of classes having
common instance or characteristics etc. Different
query types are presented with brief description
Fig. 3 Object Properties 1. User (Farmer) is given value of slot of an
instance and asked to find value of another slot of
same instance. For example “How many bacterial
diseases affects crop of variety “G12286?”
To solve this case each farmer has to identify a
particular method or objects and select a user
defined value for information retrieval.

Fig. 5 Execution of Query 1

Fig. 4 Onto Graf of AGRO Ontology
2. Farmer provides some specific objects values and
IV PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS asked to retrieve value for older distinguished
Our project deals with agriculture based ontology toobjects. For example “What is the type of soil in
inform farmers regarding crop details, diseases and which crop variety G12286 has grown?”
quality of seeds. An experiment was conducted to Here continuous succession between objects relates
evaluate methods and procedures employed by them with each other to select values for answering
farmers while researching for information based on queries.
agriculture domain. Ontologies are used as
knowledge builder for their efficient management
and information retrieval on basis of distinguished
applications. For assessment of ontology behaviour,
a farmer group with both having agricultural skills
and awareness regarding crops, seeds was selected.
Specific domain ontology being constructed on
basis of feedback obtained from skilled farmer in
field of marketing and agriculture. Most of farmers Fig. 6 Execution of Query 2
were from rural region. All farmers aware regarding
cultivated field behaviour as they predict fertility 3. Here user knows superclass behaviour and asked
using various testing techniques but they vary in to identify behaviour of subclass which is linked to
it. For example “What are the symptoms of Cotton agriculture tools performs better than average and
[10] crop which is affected by viral diseases or scored lower TLX and response time. It was
pest?” observed from different figures that SPARQL has
Individual superclass identified as main symptom lower TLX in maximum queries performance in
which shows relationship in hierarchical way with comparison to other tools like Onto Graf and DL-
subclasses like leaf seeds colour changes, black Query. On basis of comparison achieved from Fig.
spots identified on petal etc. 9 it depicts that SPARQL is far better suited in
agriculture based ontology for assessment and
retrieval of efficient information that was possible
with these knowledge builder tools [11].

Fig. 7 Execution of Query 3

4. Query for how many number of objects of

specific class being identified. For example “How
many number of activities performed by farmer?”
Result of query is number user has to identify
predictable objects and calculate them if specific
feature obtained.

Fig. 8 Execution of Query 4

5. Specific value being obtained for identifying

different objects. For example, “what are the
numbers of cotton crops affected by fungal
Query shows counting and user has to locate
specific objects on basis of their count. Different
users intend to identify their soil fertility and
growth on basis of results retrieved by using
SPARQL, DL-Query and Onto Graf.
NASA Task load Index (TLX) [3] has been used
for query analysis and time needed to perform
query execution. Fig. 9 illustrated comparative
result of different queries on basis of result
achieved by farmer to yield best performance. On
basis of experimental results, it was observed that
farmers who have provided hands on experience of Fig. 9 TLX and Time Comparison for different
queries using SPARQL, DL-Query, Ontograf.
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