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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

Learning Competencies:
EN8G-IIc-9: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea

 cause-effect
 problemsolution
 general to particular
 claim and counterclaim
 and others

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

a. identify statements that show cause and effect relationship,

b. reflect cause and effect in real life; and
c. perform variety of activities that illustrate cause and effect in a given phenomena.

Values Infused: Love of Nature

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cause and Effect Relationship
Reference: English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro- Asian Literature (ECAS), Phoenix
Materials: Mock-up, PowerPoint presentation, visual aid, chalk and chalkboard, pictures, test paper
Illustration board

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Good Morning Class!

Good Morning, ma’am!
Before you may take your seat, please kindly arrange
your chair and pick-up the pieces of paper on the (Checking their surrounding)

Thank you! Please be seated.

How are you today?

We’re doing great, ma’am. Thank you!
That’s nice to hear.

Is there any absentee for today? None, ma’am.

None? Very good!

Reviewing the Past Lesson

Before we start our new lesson, let us have a recap

about our lesson yesterday. We talked about
Idiomatic Expressions.
An idiom is a saying that has a figurative meaning
What do you mean by idiomatic expression? that is different from its literal meaning.
Let us see if you really understood our past lesson.

What do mean by these pictures?

 Break a leg which means good luck.

 It’s raining cats and dogs which means heavy


 A piece of cake which means simple.

 Bark on the wrong tree which means to do,

consider or pursue something wrong.

It seems you really understand our lesson yesterday,

now let us proceed to our new lesson.


I am going to tell you a story entitled

“The Greenland ”

Once upon a time in Greenland, there was a fairy

God mother who showed up and warned the
villagers to take care of the nature and if not, their
life will be at stake. There are two tribes who lives in
the village, the lazy tribe and the Responsible tribe.
Meanwhile, the lazy tribe just ignored and laughed
because they didn’t believe to what the fairy has
been said. They continue to cut down trees. While the
responsible tribe got alarmed to the message and
consequences that might happen to come. The next
day, Responsible tribe plant more trees, and dispose
their garbage properly. Years later, the trees they’ve
planted now are fully grown. Suddenly, the storm has
come. It was so powerful. In fact, it took everyone by
surprised. The flood rose over creeks and into
houses. I observed trees have a huge role in the earth. It saves
lives and lessen the possibilities to flood.
Now class, what have you observed?

Yes, correct that is why we must practice planting

trees in order to save many lives.

What happened to the lazy tribe and why did it The lazy tribe ignored the message of the fairy god
happen? mother to take good care of our nature.

What is the result? So when the storm came, the flood rose into their
How about Responsible tribe? Why did it happen?
The Responsible tribe planted trees and clean their
surroundings that is why the rainwater was only
absorbed by the trees.
So, what have you learned from the story?

What else? I’ve learned that we must take care our nature.

I’ve learned that, in every action or decision we make

has consequences.

How are you going to apply in that real-life I’m going to take care our nature by disposing
situation? garbage properly.
I am going to participate in the clean and green
program in our community.

Our lesson for today is not just about nature or

Mother Earth.

It has always the questions why it happens and what

is the result.
I guess, our lesson is about cause and effect
Do you have any guess, class? relationship.

Yes, exactly!

The purpose of the cause-and-effect is to determine

how various phenomena relate in terms of origins
and results. Sometimes the connection between cause
and effect is clear, but often determining the exact
relationship between the two is very difficult.

And this is what we are going to discuss for today.

B. Lesson Proper
For you to understand better, I have here set of
Extremely polluted ocean
Could you please read under the set A, girls?
Global warming
Coral reefs die
It’s your turn boys for the set B.
The column A describes the cause.
What have you observed in column A? How about
column B?
The column B describes the effect.
Yes, correct
A cause is something that makes everything else
Based on the given examples, how could you define
happen. Out of two events, it is the event that
happens first. To determine the cause, ask the
question “Why did it happen?”

The effect happens after the cause and tells us “what”

How about effect?

Signal words will help us to identify the cause and

 Because…
Can you please read the signal words of cause, girls?
 So that…
 Cause..
 Reason…
 So that…
 Unless
 The main reason…
Boys, it’s your turn for the effect.
 Then
 As a result
 Consequently
 Therefore
 If
 Thus

Let us divide that into four for you to better see the
ways on showing the cause and effect.

 Prepositions  Because of, due to, as a result of

Because of the rain, we cancelled the picnic.
Due to the rain, we cancelled the picnic.
As a result of the rain, we cancelled the

 Subordinators
Because people pollute the river, the habitats  Because, since
of fish are destroyed.
Since people pollute the river, the habitats of
fish are destroyed.

 Transition signals  Therefore, consequently, as a result.

It rained. Therefore, we canceled the picnic.
It rained. Consequently, we canceled the
It rained. As a result, we canceled the picnic.

 Coordinating conjunction  So
It rained. So, we canceled the picnic.

Class, let us take a look with these examples. Yes, ma’am!

Do you like to receive a reward class?

Now it’s your turn to construct your own cause and

effect relationship with the help of these pictures.

Any volunteer class? For those who would answer

correctly or not will receive a prize. Do you like that?
The park is clean because the “clean and green
program” of the community.

Because we are conserving energy, the earth is

Great job, class!

Illegal logging may result to loss of habitats and

C. Generalization biodiversity.

What do you mean by cause? The cause happens first and tell us “why” something
How about effect?
The effect happens after the cause and tell us “what
happened” or “what is the result.”
What are the signal words in order to locate the cause
and effect? The signal words are “because, due to, so, therefore,
then, as a result of, consequently and etc.”
It seems like you really understand our lesson now
let us have a group activity.

D. Application
Class, you will be grouped into 4. I am going to give (Counting from 1-4.)
each group a task to be presented afterwards.
The leader will pick their activity from the box. Draw it!
Make a poster about the effect of human
made calamities.

Write it!
Make a slogan about the current natural
phenomenon in our country.

Arrange it!
Arrange the picture into its proper order then
make a story out of it.

Speak it out loud!

Persuade people to take care our nature.

Note: The cause and effect relationship must be

evident in your output.

Your work will be graded with the following criteria.

Content ………………………………….... 30%

Cause and Effect is clearly evident …...….30%
Delivery ………………………………....…20%
Creativity …………………………….…....20%
Total ………………………………….…....100%

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the

right answer. Write your answer on the space
provided. Why did the crime rate drop?
_____1. The crime rate in Mr. Leon’s
neighborhood was very high. Many houses had been a. All the neighbors were upset.
robbed and cars vandalized. All the neighbors were b. Houses and cars were robbed and vandalized.
upset. The mayor ordered the police to patrol the c. The mayor called for added police
neighborhood. Within two weeks, the protection.
neighborhood’s crime rate dropped drastically. d. Everyone in the neighborhood felt safe again.
Finally, everyone felt safe again.
_____2. About 75 million people died from the What caused so many people to die from the
bubonic plague during the 14th century. Half of the bubonic plague?
population of Italy fell victim to the disease.The
plague caused high fever, swollen glands, dark a. Lack of sanitation and poor medical
bruises or sores on the face, and spitting of blood. knowledge account for the continuous
Most people who got the disease died within five plague epidemics.
days.The disease was spread by fleas from rats. b. The dead were buried without the usual
Lack of sanitation and poor medical prayers.
knowledge account for the continuous plague c. Italy was constantly at war.
epidemics throughout the 14th century. d. The victims got large bruises or sores on the

______3. Marcia was a skilled and capable driver. What was the cause of Marcia’s accident?
She had driven all the way from New Mexico in her a. She was very tired from the long drive.
brand-new car without any problems. Suddenly, b. The road was icy.
because she hit a long patch of frozen ice, she lost c. The car was new.
control and the car ended up in a ditch. As she d. She landed in a ditch.
climbed out, she realized that the car was
______4. The simple sneeze is actually a complex What is the initial cause of sneeze?
reaction. The impulse to sneeze comes from a. Nerves are irritated.
irritation of a group of nerves in back of the eyes. b. The brain is signaled.
When the signals reach the brain, the body takes a c. Eyes are irritated
quick breath, then muscles contract violently. Finally, d. Muscles contract violently.
the sound “kerchoo” comes out.

______5. Carlos Palomino was a champion boxer. Why did Carlos get the degree in recreation?
Yet he gave up boxing and earned a degree in
recreation. He chose this field because he wanted to a. He had earned many honors.
work with kids. Not everyone can become a paid b. He wanted to work with kids.
athlete, he says. That’s why school is so important c. Not everyone can become a paid athlete.
for all young people. Carlos hopes his example will d. He was an ideal boxer.
help others set high goals in education as well in

V. Assignment

Directions: Conduct a short interview of any

among your family members and write it in
one whole sheet of paper. To be passed next
Interviewee’s name:___________________
Age:____________ Date:____________
Guide Questions:
1. Have you experienced calamity/ies
before? What was it?
2. What do you think the cause/s why it
3. What effect/s it brought to you?
4. What advices and suggestions you want
to offer with your fellow citizens for
them to don’t experience that scenario?


Your work will be graded with the following

Mechanics and Organization ……. 10
Content………………………… ….20
Total ………………………..………30
Prepare by:

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

Senior High School - Grade 11

II. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

a. explain the ways on how to overcome stage fright,

b. participate actively during class discussion and group activity; and
c. demonstrate an ability to stand comfortably in front of an audience through
question and answer portion.

Values Infused: Building self-confidence

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Public Speaking: Stage Fright
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, TV/Projector, visual aid, chalk and
chalkboard, box
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity Good Morning, ma’am!

Good Morning Class! We’re doing great, ma’am. Thank you!

How are you today? (Checking their surrounding)

Before you may take your seat, please kindly arrange

your chair and pick-up the pieces of paper on the

Thank you! Please be seated.

None, ma’am.
Who are the absentees for today?

None? Very good!

Reviewing the Past Lesson

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us have a

recap on our lesson yesterday. We talked about types
of speech.
The types of speech are extemporaneous, impromptu,
What are the types of speech? manuscript, and memorized.

What do you mean by extemporaneous speech? Extemporaneous is something done or spoken with
little or no preparation.
How about impromptu?
Impromptu is something done without advance
thought or without a plan.
How about manuscript?
Manuscript speech implies reading a pre-
written speech word by word. 

How about memorized? It is the act of memorizing the information in a

speech and presenting it without using notes.

It seems like you really understand our lesson, now

let us proceed to our lesson for today.


What is your worst fear life?

I am afraid to frogs because I don’t like its skin or
What else? physical appearance.

I am afraid to heights because I’m scared that I might


I am afraid to lose my parents because I don’t know

what my life will be without them.

I am afraid to death because I am worried what might

happen to the people I’m leaving. Also, I scared that I
can’t fulfill my dreams.

I am afraid to speak in front of many people for they

might belittle and judge me when I commit mistakes.
Some of you are afraid to frogs, spiders, lizards,
snake, death and especially speak in front of the

Everyone of us has our own greatest fear and until

today we do not know how to conquer it.

What do you think is the first step to do in order to In order to conquer our fear, we have to face it and
conquer your fear? prove everyone that we are brave enough to every
challenge that may come.

Do you want to play a game?

Our game is entitled “Come on and Get Me”

I have here a box and if you are brave enough, I am

challenging you to get something inside of it that you
may use for our next activity.
Yes, ma’am!
Is it clear to you, class?

Good, so let’s start.

I felt nervous and excited because I don’t know
What have you felt while doing the challenge? what’s inside the box.

What made you decide to do the challenge? I wanted to overcome my fear.

Exactly, I think that was a great start for us!

Our lesson is not just about doing things that you are
afraid of but also how to conquer it despite of the
factors that hinders you.

Do you have any guess to what would be our topic I think, our lesson would be “how to overcome our
for today, class? fears”.

Yes correct, we are going to study that specifically

stage fright.

We really wanted to express ourselves in front of the

crowd but at the same time we are frightened to show
up. There are lots of reason why we choose to be
silent and own the ideas coming out in our minds.
But we have no choice but to face it.

This is what we are going to discuss for today.

B. Lesson Proper

I have here a pictures, what have you observe?

Stage fright is the anxiety, fear, or persistent phobia
Based on that picture, how are you going to define which may be aroused in an individual by the
stage fright? requirement to perform in front of an audience,
whether actually or potentially.

Why speak in public? The ability to speak in front of audience is considered

as a sign of self-confidence.
Do you know that fear of Public Speaking has been
rated as the #1 fear in America. Some say it is more
feared than death.

What you think are the reasons? Frightened being in spotlight, unprepared,

What is happening to you when you are speaking in


These are the symptoms of stage fright.

(Raise your right thumb if you experience this when (raising their right thumb)
you speak in public)

 Did you experience a mental blackout?

 Did your heart beat faster than usual?
 Did you feel your blood rushing to your head
and to your cheeks?
 Were you at a loss for breath?
 Was there a sensation of butterflies flitting in
your stomach?
 Were you perspiring more than usual?
 Were your hands cold?
 Were your hands trembling?
 Was your body tense?
 Did you lose your voice?
If you experience those, you are likely to have stage

(Group Activity: Four Corners)

Go to one of the four corners of the room which
relates to your particular fear: Forgetting, sweating, (grouping themselves)
Shaking/Shutter, and being stared at.
Once in groups, discuss the ten successful tips to
control your fear, and your reactions to public These are the ten successful tips to control the
speaking within the group. You are only giving six “Butterflies”
minutes to finish the task.
1. Know the room
Forgetting Sweating 2. Get to know the audience
3. Know your material
4. Relax your body
5. Visualize giving your speech from start to
Shaking/shutter being stared at
6. Gain experience
Who would like to share what you’ve learned from 7. Remember, people want you to succeed
your peers? 8. Don’t apologize
9. Concentrate on your message
10. Turn nervousness into positive energy
These are the effective ways to communicate.

 Preparation
 Practice
 Presence

These are the things you should do

 Make eye contact

 Don’t read from notes
 Use appropriate gestures
 Use rhetorical questions

Things you shouldn’t do

 Read directly from notes

 Read directly from screen
 Turn back on audience
 Slouch
 With hands in pockets
 Fill pauses with um, ah, okay
 Repetitive nervous gestures
 Talk too fast or too quietly
Great job, class!

I have here an example of an outline when you are

preparing your speech.

 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion

These are the positive non-verbal feedback from the


 Smiling
 Nodding (sleepy)
 Relaxed posture
 Facing you directly
 Unbuttoned jackets
 Leaning forward
 Sitting on edge of the chair
 Hands in open position
 Legs and arms uncrossed

Also, the negative non-verbal feedback

 Dead expression
 Tight lips
 Frowning
 Avoid eye contact
 Squirming
 Doodling
 Fidgeting
 Turning away
 Slumping posture
 Sitting or leaning back
 Crossed legs or arms
 Yawning
 Snoring

Turn your speech from HWOH to HOW

Do you have any question?

None, ma’am.
C. Generalization

What do you mean by stage fright?

Stage fright is the anxiety, fear, or persistent phobia
which may be aroused in an individual by the
requirement to perform in front of an audience,
whether actually or potentially.
What are the ways to overcome it?
To overcome the stage fright, we have to remember
the 3 P’s, preparation, practice, and presence.
D. Application

From the pieces of paper you got from our

previous game entitled “Come on and Get
Me”, answer the question assigned to you
for only 1 minute.
(performing in front of the class)
1. Should teachers and students be friends on
2. How do you impact your school for the
3. Tell us about a time when you have Criteria
encountered negative peer pressure and
overcame it Content……………………………. 30 %
4. List 3 adjectives that best describe you? Confidence…………………………30 %
5. What is your biggest weakness? Posture/Gesture…..,………………..20 %
6. Would you like to be famous? Why or why Delivery……………………………20 %
not? Total ……………………………….100%
7. What are some qualities of an influential
8. What goal are you currently trying to
9. What is more important? Beauty or
10. What is your most embarrassing moment?
11. If money were no object describe to me your
dream vacation
12. If you could be any celebrity today who
would you be?
13. If you could meet any person in history who
would it be?
14. What is your definition of success?
15. If you could change one thing about your life
what would it be?
16. Can students make a difference in politics
even before they can vote?
17. Do you think sports are an important part of
18. Should Social Media be banned from
19. How can schools better leverage social media
to teach their students?
20. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
21. What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do in ?
22. Do you believe that home schooling a child is
positive or negative?
23. How are the effects of online games to
academic performance of students?
24. How could you show respect to your

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the
right answer.
1. What one thing do more people fear than any other?

a. Fear of death
b. Fear of speaking in public
c. Fear of snakes
d. Fear of heights
2. What is one reason people fear speaking in public?
a. They think they will bore the audience.
b. They think people will laugh at them.
c. They worry about tripping on the way up to the stage.
d. All of the above are fears of speaking in public.
3. Which of the following is a not a recommended step to d.
reduce speech anxiety?
a. Learn to relax
b. Know the material
c. Turn nervousness into positive energy
d. Concentrate on yourself, not your message

4. The three most important things that professional

speakers say are critical for a successful presentation are
preparation, presence and practice.


V. Assignment

Directions: Interview a local official or a student

government officer on his/her experience in public
speaking (campaign speeches, reading of policy or
memo in public, introducing a speaker, giving of
welcome/opening or closing remarks, inspirational
talk, etc.). then, with a minimum of 500 words, make
a written report about their response.

Follow the format: computerized, font 12, Times

New Roman, 1.5 spacing.

Prepare by:

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