Score: Put A Title or Put The Technology Here Yet)

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NAME OF STUDENT: ____________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ____________________________

1. The student is to identify the problem he/she is going to undertake. He/she writes the
introduction, background and rationale of his/her study.
2. He/she is requested to present and defend his/her researchable problem.
3. The required attachments must be present during the presentation.

1. My research problem is (You are to describe in general/broad terms the problem. You are not required to
put a title or put the technology here yet)

Hot and unsanitary air in public places.

2. The real conditions which gave rise to my research question are (Attach evidences from service statistics
or related literature that will confirm the existence, seriousness and distribution of your problem)

Indoor air pollution poses health risks in both urban and rural areas, as people spend a large portion
of their time within the confines of their homes. In the Philippines, many people use wood and LPG as
cooking fuel, which (along with other biomass fuels such as charcoal) releases particulate matter,
PAHs, and carbon monoxide. Depending on the degree of ventilation, this can lead to increased risk
of acute respiratory infections. Estimates using global relationships between disease and use of solid
cooking fuel indicate that it may be an important contributor to disease in the Philippines, especially in
households with poor ventilation. Under conditions where kitchens using solid fuel have good
ventilation, it is estimated that indoor air pollution would account for just under 5,000 deaths from
respiratory and cardiovascular disease nationally, which is one-third of the total estimated deaths due
to air pollution. The high dependence on solid fuel for cooking in rural areas is estimated to contribute
over 70 percent of these deaths.

3. The ideal conditions would have been (You may cite some standard, rule, expected, mandated,

- Enforcement of smoking bans in enclosed public areas.

- Enforcement of practices for burning of backyard waste biomass.
- Identification of major sources of air pollution.
- Reducing garbage burning through better solid waste collection and disposal.
- Have a good Ventilation.

4. The possible reasons for the discrepancy between question 2 and 3 are

Most Filipinos are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health and they assume that the
indoor air quality is safe. They love cooking inside their house to spend time with their family. Since
the smoking was banned in public areas, the other Filipinos smoking inside their house.

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