Hymns of Praise: Call To Worship

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Hymns of Praise

God seen in His greatness in creation and in His grace with men as He moves history forward

Elohim (transcendent God, powerful, the creator) and YHWH (governor of the universe, ethics and
the covenant keeping God)

8,19,104,148, Creation Psalms. No hymn psalm praises God solely as creator. They then go on to
celebrate His role in history establishing his kingdom.

Eg. Ps 8 – God is majestic in creation. God will destroy His enemies out of the weakness of man.

Ps 19 – God’s glories in creation (1-6). God in Torah – changing men spiritually

Ps 104 – Leviathan to play in the ocean

33, 103, 113, 117, 145, 146, 147 – Hymns to the creator

66 (first part), 100, 111, 114, 149 Hymns to God because He chose Israel as His people to establish
His kingdom upon the earth

78, 105,106 Salvation history – recite the history of God’s people and how He saved them from
troubles, and moving on His kingdom on the earth

1. Call to worship
Imperative in the 2nd person (usually)
2. Cause for worship
Meditates upon God’s greatness and grace
3. Recapitulation section


Call to worship (1)

He’s calling upon the Gentile World. The people who are not the people of the God – the goyim.

The Cause (2)

Because His faithful love prevails (2 Sam 11:23) over Israel. It conquers us, we have been weak in
love, but God is faithful and has prevailed.

Recapitulation (2b)


Ps 33

Call to Worship (1-3)

Who should praise the Lord?

1 All you righteous ones

Why Should we praise the Lord?

1 Praise is becoming. It is suitable and right. It is a beautiful jewel when a righteous man praises

Who should we praise?

2 It is to be to the Lord (He is the audience).

What should we sing?

3 A New song. With music


3 Enthusiastically. Skilfully – with beauty and care.

Cause for Worship (4-5)

By meditating in the word

4-5 Summary

4 – Two reasons: a. His Greatness -- His greatness of word (upright – reliable, affects what he wants
to affect) and work (in faithfulness – He sees it through to it’s completion. He will not abandon)

5 – b. His Grace. Three great attributes. i. He Loves righteousness. Ii. He love’s justice iii.
The earth is filled with the lovingkindness of God

6-12- verse 4 is developed

6 – The host of the heavens made by His breath – word

7 – Gathers the sea
8 – Fear and worship Him
9 – For His Word is the instrument of His creation

10 – The Wisdom (work) of the nations does not stand

11 – The Counsel (work) of YHWH always stands
12 - To be related to God is to be eternal – as a nation

13-19 -Verse 5 is developed - God is moral and ethical in His grace

13-15 – God looks down at the hearts of men and seeks those who will be pleasing to Him.

16-17 – Great armies are a vapour

18-19 – God preserves those that fear Him

Conclusion – 20-22 – When the Physical seed of Abraham repents, the whole world shall be saved.

Psalm 95

Backbone to the book of Hebrews. And exhortation to God’s people to maintain their worship of
Him in order that they may enter into God’s rest.

Call (1-2)


1 - Come (qal imper), Sing for Joy (Piel Imperfect) – enter into worship with all that you are

Shout Joyfully (Hiphil Cohortative; almost always a military, victory term )to the rock (cliffs/caves of
protection) of our salvation. Enter into the victory God has provided for us (David and Goliath
victory, when the ark was brought into the camp). Also Zech 9:9 – when the king appears on a

2 – Let us come to His presence with gifts of acknowledgement (todah). With songs with the
accompaniment of stringed instruments

Cause (3-5)

- 3, Because He is the Sovereign in the Universe (Greatness). He is the King over all
- 4, The whole earth is in His hands (sovereign control). Depths and mountains
- 5, He made the sea and dry land

Call (6)


6 – Let us worship (put our faces to the ground), and bow down. Let us kneel before our maker

Cause (7)

- Because He cares for us (Grace). We are His people. In the new covenant especially we
experience this even more – pasture and fellowship with Him.

Exhortation (7b, 8)

8 - Make this your experience now – today. Even if you are going through a tough time like Meribah
or Massah (wilderness with no water). Depend upon him now and worship Him. Whatever the
situation or stress – worship the Lord today.

9-11 – because of their rebellion they did not enter God’s rest (quality and satisfaction of life in God).

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