Dynamic Film and Interfacial Tensions in Emulsion and Foam Systems

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Dynamic Film and Interfacial Tensions in Emulsion and Foam Systems

Chemical Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616

Received February 27, 1996; accepted July 22, 1996

and emulsions depends on the response of the thin liquid

In concentrated fluid dispersions the liquid films are under dy- films and the Plateau borders during shear and dilation (1).
namic conditions during film rupture or drainage. Aqueous foam
Several researchers have determined the static and dynamic
films stabilized with sodium decylsulfonate and aqueous emulsion
interfacial properties of gas/liquid and liquid/liquid inter-
films stabilized with the nonionic Brij 58 surfactant were formed
at the tip of a capillary and the film tension was measured under faces in the presence of surfactants using a number of meth-
static and dynamic conditions. In the stress relaxation experiments ods (2, 3). The assumption in these studies is that the behav-
the response of the film tension to a sudden film area expansion ior of the film can be derived from the properties of its single
was studied. These experiments also allowed the direct measure- interfaces.
ment of the Gibbs film elasticity. In the dynamic film tension A versatile interfacial and film tensiometer has been devel-
experiments, the film area was continuously increased by a con- oped in our laboratory (4–6). In this technique, a curved,
stant rate and the dynamic film tension was monitored. The mea- spherical cap-shaped fluid interface of liquid film is formed
sured film tensions were compared with the interfacial tensions of at a capillary tip and the interfacial tension (IFT) of the
the respective single air/water and oil/water interfaces, which
single interface or the film tension of the film can be deter-
were measured using the same radius of curvature, relative expan-
sion, and expansion rate as in the film studies. It was found that
mined by measuring the capillary pressure of the interface
under dynamic conditions the film tension is higher than twice the or film. The IFT or film tension is related to the capillary
single interfacial tension (IFT) and a mechanism was suggested to pressure and radius of the interface or film curvature by the
explain the difference. When the film, initially at equilibrium, is Young–Laplace equation. The IFT and film tension can be
expanded and the interfacial area increases, a substantial surfac- measured not only in equilibrium but in dynamic conditions
tant depletion occurs inside the film. As a result, the surfactant as well. The automated apparatus makes it possible to change
can be supplied only from the adjoining meniscus (Plateau border) the interfacial area in virtually any mode (expansion or con-
by surface diffusion, and the film tension is controlled by the traction with various rates).
diffusion and adsorption of surfactant in the meniscus. The results
In real emulsions or foams, the size distribution of the
have important implications for the stability and rheology of foams
bubbles or drops is generally polydisperse. Hence, the thin
and emulsions with high dispersed phase ratios (polyhedral struc-
ture). q 1997 Academic Press liquid films formed between the bubbles or drops are typi-
Key Words: film tension; dynamic interfacial tension; foam film; cally not flat, as in a homogeneous dispersion (Fig. 1a), but
emulsion film; film elasticity. have a spherical curved shape due to the capillary pressure
difference between bubbles or drops of unequal sizes (Fig.
1b). In foams or in concentrated oil-in-water emulsions, a
INTRODUCTION polyhedral structure forms as sketched in Fig. 2. The ap-
proaching drop or bubble interfaces hydrodynamically inter-
Coalescence of emulsions and rupture of foam bubbles act, the gravity and the capillary forces deform their inter-
depend on the stability of their intervening thin liquid films. faces and aqueous lamellae form between the bubbles or
The action of emulsifiers and demulsifiers, petroleum recov- drops. Under the action of gravitational and capillary forces,
ery and refining processes, and defoaming are common prac- the aqueous lamellae drain and some of the formed thin
tical examples where the stability of the emulsions and the aqueous films rupture. In this way, the size and polydisper-
foam films under static or rather dynamic conditions has sity of the bubbles/drops increase and a polyhedral foam or
paramount importance. The rheological behavior of foams emulsion (biliquid foam) forms. When the films rupture, the
bubbles or drops coalesce. Note that the thin liquid films in
Currently with WITCO Corp., OSi Specialties, Inc., 777 Old Saw Mill
the polyhedral structure have adjoining menisci, or Plateau
River Road, Tarrytown, New York 10591. borders. The Plateau borders have a much larger liquid vol-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. ume than the films due to the very small thickness of a

29 0021-9797/97 $25.00
Copyright q 1997 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

AID JCIS 4507 / 6g1e$$$441 02-06-97 09:21:04 coidas


or formed during the rupture and rearrangement processes;

i.e., film tension relaxation takes place (Fig. 3a).
During film drainage, the film continuously and slowly
expands due to the liquid flow inside the film as driven
by the capillary pressure and gravity (Fig. 3b). Similarly,
continuous liquid film expansion takes place in foams or
emulsion under continuous shear or dilation.
In this paper, we report static and dynamic IFT and film
tension measurements with a foam as well as an O/W emul-
sion system stabilized by an anionic and a nonionic surfac-
tant, respectively. The relaxation process after film rupture
in a foam or emulsion system (Fig. 3a) was modeled by
stress relaxation experiments in which the film was first fast
expanded and then kept at a constant size while the dynamic
film tension was monitored. These experiments made it pos-
sible to determine the Gibbs film elasticity as well. The
continuous film expansion process accompanying film drain-
FIG. 1. Formation and shape of thin liquid films between approaching age (Fig. 3b) was modeled by dynamic film tension experi-
bubbles or drops.
ments in which the films were expanded with constant and
slow rate. The film tensions and the IFTs of the respective
typical liquid film. The surface area of this film, however, single interfaces measured in dynamic conditions were then
is much larger than the area of the meniscus. compared.
The rupture of a film inside the foam or emulsion acts as
a local ‘‘detonation,’’ resulting in very fast expansion in the METHODS
nearby lamellae. Moreover, the polyhedral system quickly
rearranges itself to a new mechanical equilibrium after the In the film studies, a curved, spherical cap-shaped film is
film rupture. It can be observed that a new, thick lamella formed (Fig. 4) at the tip of a glass capillary with its menis-
forms during this rearrangement. At the same time, surfac- cus adhering to the capillary tip. In this case, it can be
tant diffusion and adsorption start to restore the adsorption assumed that the inner and outer radii of the film are the
(and film tension) equilibrium in the films which expanded same because the film thickness is negligible (in the range

FIG. 2. Formation of polyhedral structure in foams or concentrated oil-in-water emulsions.

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FIG. 3. Film stress relaxation and film drainage in polyhedral foams or emulsions.

of 50–300 nm) and the film shape is spherical because the film (above 30 nm thickness) it can be assumed that the
effect of gravity can be neglected due to the very small effect of the disjoining pressure is negligible on the film
volume of the film. In the single interface studies, a drop or tension and the film tension is equal to twice the single IFT,
a bubble is formed at the capillary tip along the inner rim for a symmetrical film, because the film consists of two
and is immersed into the other phase. single interfaces:
The pressure applied to the curved film can be directly
measured by a sensitive pressure transducer connected to f Å 2s [3]
the capillary. The measured pressure consists of the pressure
difference across the curved film (pi 0 p0 ), which is the In dynamic conditions, dilational stresses caused by the film
capillary pressure (pc ), and the hydrostatic pressure (pH ): dilational viscosity during film expansion/contraction can
also affect the capillary pressure and the calculated film
ptotal Å pc / pH . [1] tension (3),

The hydrostatic pressure can be measured by measuring the 2f 2kf d ln A

pressure after the film has ruptured. The film tension ( f ) pc Å / , [4]
Rf Rf dt
can be calculated from the measured capillary pressure using
the Young–Laplace equation applied to a liquid film, where d ln A/dt is the rate of film expansion and k f is the
film dilational viscosity. If k f is less than 0.1–1.0 g/s (sur-
2f face poise), which is the case for common emulsion or foam
pc Å pi 0 p0 Å [2]
Rf films stabilized by small molecule surfactants, the right hand
term of Eq. [4] is negligible (7) and Eq. [2] can be used
where R f is the film radius. under dynamic conditions as well. The effect of gravity on
If chemical equilibrium exists, and the film radius is con- the sphericity of the film is negligible because the volume
stant, the film tension remains constant at constant tempera- of the film is practically negligible. The size of the film is
ture, corresponding to the concentrations of surfactants pres- varied using a computer-controlled microsyringe attached
ent in the system. This value is the equilibrium film tension to the capillary. In the simplest experimental mode of this
for this system. In static conditions, for a relatively thick technique, the equilibrium (static) film tension is directly

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Figure 5 depicts the procedure for preparing an aqueous

emulsion or foam film. First, the capillary tip was immersed
into a cuvette containing the aqueous phase at the bottom
and the oil or air phase at the top. Then, an oil drop was
formed at the capillary tip. For the study of a single interface,
this oil drop surrounded by the aqueous phase was used
(Fig. 5a). To form an aqueous emulsion film, the level of
the oil/water interface was lowered by slowly removing the
aqueous phase using a syringe (Fig. 5b). As the oil/water
interface passed the tip of the capillary, a thick aqueous
lamella remained there. The aqueous lamella drained due to
the buoyancy force (that is why the capillary is inverted in
Fig. 5) and after a while (in less than an hour) a thin aqueous
film was obtained. After film drainage, the level of the water/
oil interface was lowered again to isolate the film with its
meniscus adhering to the capillary tip (Fig. 5c) and the
isolated thin aqueous film was used for subsequent film rheo-
logical measurements.
In the emulsion film studies, the capillary was filled with
the oil phase (dodecane). In this case, the oil phase inside
the capillary is incompressible. To maximize the sensitivity
of the measurements, the initial film was set to hemispherical
conditions (R f Å 0.3 mm, h Å 0.3 mm in Fig. 4), where
the capillary pressure is at a maximum. In these conditions,
the surface areas of the film and the meniscus were 0.37
mm2 and 0.02 mm2 , respectively with 0.028 mm3 meniscus
volume. The flow rates used to expand the film were in the
FIG. 4. Principle of studying liquid film formed at the tip of a capillary. 7.0 1 10 05 –1.0 1 10 03 mm3 /s range corresponding to 3.5
1 10 04 –6.0 1 10 03 mm2 /s surface expansion rates of one
film interface.
In the foam film studies, the phase inside the capillary
calculated from the equilibrium capillary pressure and film was air which is highly compressible during film expansion
radius. The direct measurement of the pressure removes the and contraction. Due to the compressibility of the air, the
need for any calibration. Further details of the apparatus flow rate of film expansion/contraction is not constant at a
have been published elsewhere (6). constant feeding flow rate. Beyond the hemispherical posi-
The capillary used in our experiments had an internal tion, the film expansion rate is higher than the feeding flow
diameter of 0.6 mm and a wall thickness of 0.05 mm. The rate due to the expansion of the air inside the capillary as
small wall thickness was chosen to minimize the volume of caused by the decreasing capillary pressure. Preliminary ex-
the meniscus because a large meniscus profile could deform periments, however, showed that the film expansion is practi-
the film (Fig. 4). This way the effect of the meniscus on cally linear if the initial film radius was set to 0.32 mm
the film sphericity was negligible. In the experiments, the (somewhat above hemisphere), which corresponds to h Å
film-to-meniscus surface area ratio was about 8:1 for the 0.44 mm in Fig. 4. In the foam film case the surface area
foam film, which is close to the ratio in typical foams (i.e., of the film is 0.70 mm2 , which is a much larger area com-
5:1–10:1), and about 2.5:1 for the emulsion film. Note that pared to that of the emulsion film. The rates of surface
the surface area ratio of the foam film was much higher than expansions for one foam film surface used were in the 0.70
that of the emulsion film. In these conditions, the film radius 1 10 02 –2.5 1 10 02 mm2 /s range.
can be calculated from the inner capillary radius (Rci ) and
the distance between the capillary tip and the film apex, h MATERIALS
(Fig. 4):

In the foam film studies, an ionic surfactant, sodium decyl-

R 2ci / h 2 sulfonate (SDeS) (from Research Plus Inc., Bayonne, NJ)
Rf Å . [5]
2h was used at 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 concentration, which

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FIG. 5. Procedure of formation of aqueous foam or oil/aqueous/oil emulsion film.

is slightly above the CMC (3.0 1 10 02 mol/dm3 ) of this into two processes: film drainage and film rupture. To char-
surfactant. acterize the film rupture process, film stress relaxation exper-
In the studies of an oil-in-water emulsion film (O/W/O iments were conducted. In these experiments, the film was
film), a commercial nonionic surfactant, Brij 58, hexadecyl quickly expanded (as it happens in a real foam or emulsion)
polyoxyethylene ether with an average of 20 ethoxy groups and then the relaxation of the film was measured. To charac-
(from Sigma), was used. This surfactant, which is highly terize the film drainage process, dynamic film tension mea-
water soluble but practically insoluble in oil and has a CMC surements were conducted, in which the film was continu-
around 2.5 1 10 06 mol/dm3 (4), was used without further ously and slowly expanded while the film tension was moni-
purification. The surfactant concentrations in the emulsion tored.
film studies were 2.0 1 10 06 mol/dm3 ( õCMC) and 12 Single interfaces were also studied by forming a drop at
CMC. It is known that this surfactant shows diffusion con- the capillary (Fig. 5a). In order for results to be comparable
trolled kinetics (6, 8) in water/oil immiscible systems. n- to the film studies, the capillary pressure of the drop was
Dodecane (Gold Label, from Aldrich) was used as the oil measured under the same experimental conditions (size, ra-
phase. The oil was purified by treating it with activated dius of curvature, surface expansion rate, surface expansions,
charcoal for several days. The water phase used was deion- concentration) as in the respective film experiment.
ized water. Purity of the water and the oil was ascertained
by checking the water/oil IFT. Prior to measurements, the Equilibrium Film Tension
aqueous and oil phases were preequilibrated. Prior to the dynamic film experiments, equilibrium film
Note that the ionic surfactant (sodium decylsulfonate) tensions were measured by forming a film at the capillary
used in the foam film study has about four orders of magni- tip and maintaining it at that size. If surface active materials
tude higher CMC than the nonionic surfactant (Brij 58) used are present, the film tension and the capillary pressure de-
in the emulsion film study. Also, the concentration of the crease as the surfactants adsorb at the interfaces of the film.
ionic surfactant studied in the foam film was much higher After equilibrium is reached, that is, the capillary pressure
than the nonionic surfactant in the emulsion film. is constant, the equilibrium film tension is calculated from
All the measurements were performed at 257C. the recorded capillary pressure and radius of film curvature.
The equilibrium film tensions for the foam and emulsion
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION films at the given surfactant concentrations are shown in
Table 1. For comparison with the film, equilibrium single
As was previously mentioned, the coalescence process of IFTs are also presented, which were measured with the Wil-
a polyhedral lamella in emulsions or foams can be divided helmy plate technique. The table shows that the film tension,

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in both the foam and emulsion film studies, is equal to two

times the single interfacial or surface tension within experi-
mental error. This result indicates that the film is relatively
thick (above 30–50 nm), so the effect of disjoining pressure
on the film tension is really negligible, as was assumed
in Eq. [3].

Film Stress Relaxation

To model the film rupture process of polyhedral emulsions
or foams, film stress relaxation experiments were carried out
for emulsion and foam films.
Emulsion film. Figure 6 shows a film stress relaxation
experiment with an emulsion film formed from Brij 58 solu- FIG. 6. Reproducibility of the film stress relaxation experiment for the
tion at 12 CMC concentration between dodecane phases. aqueous emulsion film stabilized with 3.0 1 10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC)
The film was suddenly expanded by 22% and then the film Brij58.
size was kept constant. The film stress relaxation curve pro-
vides information about the kinetics of surfactant adsorption
in the film. When the film expands from the initial radius faces increase. The increased surfactant adsorption results
to a certain radius, the surfactant concentration on the film in a decrease in the bulk of the film and its meniscus, that
surfaces drops and thus the film tension as well as the capil- is, a surfactant depletion takes place. The relaxation curves
lary pressure suddenly ‘‘jumps’’ to a high value. As a result, of the various film sizes (relative expansions) in Fig. 7 have
the surfactant inside the film starts to adsorb and thus, the similar shapes and reach the same equilibrium film tension.
capillary pressure and film tension decrease until equilibrium This result implies that the surfactant depletion in the bulk,
is restored. Figure 6 also shows that the reproducibility of i.e., in the meniscus, was negligible in the conditions of our
the film stress relaxation experiments was good. experiments. (The increased surface area must have resulted
In Fig. 7 film stress relaxation curves are plotted for emul- in the dissociation of micelles into monomers and thus the
sion films of the same system as in Fig. 6 using various concentration of micelles decreased without, however, caus-
initial film expansions. Both the initial film tension and the ing measurable decrease in the monomer concentration.) The
initial rate of relaxation (initial slope of the relaxation curve) significance of depletion in the film and meniscus was also
increase with relative film expansion, but the relaxation checked by another experiment, as shown in Fig. 8. The
curves have similar shapes and all of them finally reach the film containing 12 CMC Brij58 was first equilibrated, then
same equilibrium film tension. abruptly expanded with a 10.2% relative film expansion,
Significance of surfactant depletion in the meniscus. and then the relaxation of the film was measured. After
Note that in our film experiments the film formed at the equilibrium had set in at the expanded size, the film was
capillary tip is isolated from the rest of the aqueous phase expanded again with the same expansion ratio (10.2%) and
(Fig. 5c) and thus the total liquid volume and the amount the relaxation was measured again. These relaxation experi-
of surfactant in the film and in the adjoining meniscus are ments were repeated another two times with the same expan-
constant during the film experiment. When the film surface sion on the same film. Figure 8 shows that the relaxation
area is increased in the stress relaxation experiment, the curves of the four experiments were identical within experi-
moles of surfactant adsorbed at equilibrium on the film inter- mental error. This result again shows that the change in bulk
surfactant concentration due to increased surfactant adsorp-
tion was negligible under the surfactant concentration and
TABLE 1 film geometrical conditions of our experiments. The volume
Equilibrium Film Properties and IFTs of Some and area of the meniscus do not significantly change when
of the Systems Studied the film is expanded in these experimental conditions be-
cause the volume of the film is negligibly small compared
Foam film Emulsion film
to the meniscus volume. In our experiments, assuming a 100
Surfactant and concentration nm film thickness, the volume of the film was about 6 1
(mol/dm3) SDeS, 3.2 1 1002 Brij 58, 2.0 1 1006 10 05 mm3 and the volume of the meniscus was about 5 1
Film tension, f, (mN/m) 75.2 { 0.3 27.8 { 0.3 10 03 mm3 . Thus, when the film area was expanded by 30–
IFT (mN/m) 37.5 { 0.2 13.8 { 0.2 50%, the volume of the film increased by about 1.5 1 10 05
2 1 IFT (mN/m) 75.0 { 0.3 27.6 { 0.3
to 3 1 10 05 mm3 assuming a constant film thickness (100

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FIG. 7. Stress relaxations at various relative film expansions ( D A/A) of emulsion films stabilized with 3.0 1 10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

nm) resulting in a negligible, 0.3–0.5% decrease in the me- nate are shown in Fig. 9. Various relative film expansions,
niscus volume. starting from the same initial, equilibrium state were used.
Foam film. In the foam film experiments, an anionic Similar to the emulsion film experiments, the relaxation
surfactant at higher molar concentration (10 3 to 10 4 times curves with different expansions have similar shape and all
higher than in the emulsion film studies) was used. Due to of them approach the same equilibrium film tension. This
the high surfactant concentration, the surfactant concentra- indicates again that there is indeed no measurable depletion
tion in the meniscus can be expected to decrease only negli- in the meniscus. Figure 9 also provides information on the
gibly after film expansion. The relaxation curves of a foam stability of the stressed film. Higher expansion (higher
film formed from 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 sodium decylsulfo- stress) resulted in lower film stability indicated by the film

FIG. 8. Effect of film area on film stress relaxation for repeated consecutive film expansions at a constant relative film expansion for an emulsion
film, in the presence of 3.0 1 10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

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FIG. 9. Film stress relaxations at various relative film expansions for foam film stabilized with 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 sodium decylsulfonate.

rupture time. The easier film rupture at higher stress was tension between the film and the corresponding single inter-
probably caused by the lower surface concentration on the face. This difference can be expressed in terms of relaxation
film surface after expansion and the larger film area after time (taken as the time it takes to approach a steady state
the film is expanded (9). The larger film area has a higher closer than {0.3 mN/m): 420 s for the film and 190 s for
probability of rupture at a given mechanical shock produced the single interface at 38.9% expansion (Fig. 11), and 580
by self-vibration or mechanical disturbance. s for the film and 220 s for the single interface at 48%
Comparison of film tension and IFT of single interface. expansion (Fig. 12), respectively.
In order to investigate if a foam or emulsion film behaves For the foam system similar results were obtained. Figures
in dynamic conditions simply as the sum of the two film 13 and 14 show comparisons of stress relaxations of foam
interfaces, stress–relaxation experiments were also con- film tension and two times the respective single surface ten-
ducted with single interfaces (Fig. 5a) under the same condi- sion, respectively, at various film expansions with 3.2 1
tions (same surfactant concentration, expansion ratio, radius 10 02 mol/dm3 SDeS. The film stress relaxation is slower
of capillary and interface curvature), as in the respective than the relaxation of the single surface tension and higher
film experiments. expansion results in larger differences in the rate of relax-
Figures 10–12 show comparisons of stress relaxation of ation between the film and the single surfaces.
the film tension as well as two times the respective single Film elasticity. The initial (maximum) film tension ( fi )
IFT in the emulsion system with 12 CMC Brij58 at various after the expansion in the film stress relaxation experiments
initial expansions. As was shown in the previous section, at can be used to determine the film elasticity. The film elastic-
equilibrium, the film tension is equal to two times the IFT ity (Ef ) (10) can be expressed as
of the corresponding single interface. At a relatively small
expansion (30.2%), the film tension was equal to two times
the single IFT during the entire stress relaxation process, as Ef Å 0 , [6]
shown in Fig. 10. At higher film expansions, as shown in d ln Geq
Figs. 11 and 12, the initial film tension is equal to two
times the single IFT; however, the film tension relaxation is where Geq is the surfactant excess on the film interfaces in
significantly slower than the relaxation of the single inter- equilibrium ( Geq Å nads /A, where nads is the excess moles of
face. Thus, in dynamic conditions, before the film tension surfactant on the film and A is the film interfacial area).
reaches equilibrium, the film tension is greater than two During the fast film expansion there is practically no time
times the single IFT. Moreover, higher expansion results in for surfactant adsorption, thus the excess moles of surfactant
a greater difference in the rate of relaxation and dynamic at the film interfaces do not change. Moreover, if the molecu-

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FIG. 10. Comparison of the relaxation of film tension and single IFT with 30.2% relative expansion of the emulsion system with 3.0 1 10 05 mol/
dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

lar rearrangements on the film interfaces occur quickly, the Thus the response of the film will be purely elastic and
film response to the expansion is perfectly elastic, the maximum film elasticity will be measured. From Eqs.
[6] and [7],
d ln Geq Å 0d ln(A/A0 ), [7]

where A and A0 are the expanded and the initial film areas, dfi
Ef Å . [8]
respectively. d ln(A/A0 )

FIG. 11. Comparison of the relaxation of film tension and single IFT with 38.9% relative expansion of the emulsion system with 3.0 1 10 05 mol/
dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

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FIG. 12. Comparison of the relaxation of film tension and single IFT with 48.0% relative expansion of the emulsion system with 3.0 1 10 05 mol/
dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

The measured maximum film elasticity is equal to the Gibbs results with the foam films formed from 3.2 1 10 02 mol/
elasticity at zero film thickness. A plot of the initial film dm3 SDeS are shown in Fig. 16. The initial film tensions in
tension vs the logarithm of the relative film expansion is Figs. 15 and 16 indeed show a linear relationship with the
shown in Fig. 15 for emulsion films stabilized by 2 1 10 06 logarithm of relative interfacial expansion, as predicted by
mol/dm3 (below CMC) Brij 58. For comparison, the initial Eq. [8]. In both the emulsion and foam systems, the film
single IFTs obtained in the experiments with the respective elasticity obtained from the slope of the curve is equal,
single oil/water interface are also plotted. The analogous within experimental error, to twice the interfacial elasticity

FIG. 13. Comparison of the relaxation of film tension and single surface tension with 25.0% relative expansion of the foam system with 3.2 1 10 02
mol/dm3 SDeS.

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FIG. 14. Comparison of the relaxation of film tension and single surface tension with 35.7% relative expansion of the foam system with 3.2 1 10 02
mol/dm3 SDeS.

(Es f ) of the corresponding interface, which was obtained in Dynamic Film Tension
a similar way as the film elasticity. This result indicates that
the film and surface expansion rates were indeed high When the lamellae of a polyhedral foam or emulsion
enough so that only negligible surfactant adsorption occurred drain, due to the capillary and gravitational forces, the
during the expansion. The points corresponding to the high- liquid flow continuously shears the film interfaces causing
est expansions in Fig. 15 are slightly below the straight line, the film to slowly and continuously expand ( Fig. 1b ) . To
which indicates that during the highest expansions a little model this process, dynamic film tension measurements
surfactant adsorption occurred. were carried out.

FIG. 15. Initial film tension and IFT in the stress relaxation experiments as a function of ln( A/A0 ) for the emulsion system, in the presence of 2.0
1 10 06 mol/dm3 Brij58 ( õ1 CMC).

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FIG. 16. Initial film tension and IFT in the stress relaxation experiments as a function of ln( A/A0 ) for the foam system in the presence of 3.2 1
10 02 mol/dm3 SDeS.

Figure 17 shows the results of dynamic film tension mea- the surfactant decreased. As shown in Fig. 17, a higher film
surements with emulsion films stabilized by Brij 58 at 12 expansion rate results in higher dynamic film tensions be-
CMC concentration. The films were slowly and continuously cause the surfactant adsorption gets more and more delayed
expanded with constant rate from an initial equilibrium state at increasing expansion rates. Similar trends were obtained
while the film radius, the capillary pressure and the film for foam films (SDeS, 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 ) as shown in
tension were monitored. The dynamic film tension depends Fig. 18.
on the rate of the film expansion and the rate of surfactant Figure 19 shows a comparison between the dynamic film
adsorption during the expansion. As the film was expanded, tension for the emulsion film and two times the correspond-
the film tension increased because the surface adsorption of ing single IFT, at 3.0 1 10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58

FIG. 17. Dynamic film tension of emulsion films with various film expansion rates in the presence of 3.0 1 10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC) Brij58.

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FIG. 18. Dynamic film tension of foam films with various film expan- FIG. 20. Comparison of dynamic film tension and 21 single surface
sion rates in the presence of 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 sodium decylsulfonate. tension at two different expansion rates, for the foam system, in the presence
of 3.2 1 10 02 mol/dm3 sodium decylsulfonate.

concentration. Similarly to the case of the stress relaxation The dynamic film tension experiments gave information
experiments, the film tension is greater than two times the on film stability as well. In Fig. 21, the dynamic film tension
single IFT in dynamic conditions. In the case of the foam of emulsion films with various expansion rates is plotted at
film experiment, as shown in Fig. 20, similar trends can be a low Brij58 concentration (6 1 10 06 mol/dm3 , õCMC).
observed at two different film expansion rates. It can be observed that the film ruptures at a critical film

FIG. 19. Comparison of dynamic film tension and 21 single IFT at a constant expansion rate, for the emulsion system, in the presence of 3.0 1
10 05 mol/dm3 (12 CMC) Brij 58.

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FIG. 21. Dynamic film tensions for the emulsion film at a low surfactant concentration, Brij58 6.0 1 10 06 mol/dm3 ( õCMC). The film ruptured
during expansion at a critical film tension (38 mN/m).

tension (about 38 mN/m) which does not depend on the meniscus. Surfactant depletion, however, occurred inside the
rate of film expansion. The constant film tension value (38 film, which is related to the delayed film stress relaxation
mN/m) implies that there is a critical surface excess of and higher dynamic film tension, as will be discussed below.
surfactant on the film interfaces which is necessary to stabi- The ratio of the total moles of surfactant adsorbed on the
lize the emulsion film. Based on the IFT isotherm of Brij58 two film interfaces (nads ) and the moles of surfactant inside
(4) the critical surface adsorption corresponding to the above the film (nms ), neglecting the difference between surface
critical tension was found to be 2.8 1 10 010 mol/cm2 , which concentration and surface excess, is
would be in equilibrium with 4.0 1 10 07 mol/dm3 bulk
Brij58 concentration. nads 2G
Å , [9]
nms ch f
Interfacial Tension and Film Tension in Dynamic
where h f is the film thickness and c is the surfactant concen-
The most interesting result of our film rheological studies tration in the bulk of the continuous phase. With G Å 2 1
is that under dynamic conditions the film tension is not equal 10 010 mol/cm3 and h f Å 10 Ç 100 nm (which are typical
but higher than twice the respective IFT. This difference can values in real emulsion or foam films) and at 3 1 10 08 mol/
be explained by the following mechanism. When the film cm3 (12 CMC Brij58), surfactant concentration nads /nms is
or single interface is expanded, the surfactant adsorption on 10 3 to 10 4 . This means that, in the emulsion films studied,
the interface(s) decreases. As a result, surfactant diffusion the total amount of surfactant inside the film was negligible
and adsorption start to restore the adsorption equilibrium. compared to the amount of surfactant adsorbed. Therefore,
In the case of a single interface (Fig. 22a), the surfactant strong surfactant depletion inside the film happened even at
molecules diffuse and adsorb from the phase containing the a small film expansion. In the case of the foam film, an
surfactant (the aqueous phase in our experiments) along the ionic surfactant (SDeS) was used at a much higher molar
entire interface. concentration than the nonionic surfactant in the emulsion
Figure 22b is a diagram of the film stress relaxation pro- film and thus the ratio of the total amount of surfactant
cess. In a stable emulsion the surfactant is typically soluble inside the film and the amount which is adsorbed on the film
in the film phase only, that is, in the continuous phase, as surfaces (Eq. [9]) was lower, about 2–13. Therefore, a
in the systems studied. In this case, the surfactant molecules smaller depletion occurred in the foam films studied.
can diffuse from inside the film as well as from the meniscus. The strong surfactant depletion in the film can be also
(If the surfactant is soluble in the dispersed phase only, then shown by calculating the diffusion penetration depth, d Å
the film and the emulsion are generally unstable (11).) It ( pDt) 1 / 2 (8). Using D Å 5 1 10 06 cm2 /s and t Å 1000 s,
was shown in the stress relaxation experiments (Figs. 7, d Å 0.125 cm, which is orders of magnitude larger than the
8) that there was no detectable surfactant depletion in the film thickness.

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FIG. 22. Schematic showing (a) single IFT and (b) film tension in dynamic conditions.

When the film is expanded several processes take place. ments. The area of the meniscus, which is controlled by the
Diffusion and adsorption (Ifa ) from inside the film to the wall thickness of the capillary, was about the same in both
film surfaces (Fig. 22b). The amount of surfactant is not systems; thus, the ratio of meniscus and film areas was also
enough to restore equilibrium, as was shown above, and about three times lower in our foam film experiment re-
therefore other processes should be also considered: surfac- sulting in a slower film tension relaxation.
tant diffusion and adsorption from the bulk of the meniscus Our dynamic film experiments may represent the dynamic
to the meniscus surface (Ima ), diffusion from inside the me- processes in the respective concentrated foam and emulsion
niscus to the inside of the film (Imd ), and surface diffusion systems. The dynamic film tension, as controlled by the
from the meniscus surfaces to the film surfaces (Isd ). The surfactant diffusion and adsorption in the meniscus (Plateau
surface diffusion from the meniscus to the adjoining film borders), becomes higher with increasing dispersed phase
occurs because of the surfactant depletion in the expanded ratio (and thus with decreasing ratio of the film area to the
film which results in a lower surfactant concentration on the Plateau border areas) and with decreasing surfactant concen-
film than on the meniscus surface. Imd can be neglected be- tration.
cause the film cross-sectional area is very small (the film
thickness is very small). Moreover, the surface diffusion SUMMARY
from the meniscus is generally fast (12) and so the rate
controlling steps are the diffusion and adsorption in the me- A method and apparatus developed earlier in our labora-
niscus (Ima ). Ima is proportional to the interfacial area of the tory (6) were used to understand the dynamic behavior of
meniscus and thus the relaxation of the film will be slower liquid films. It was found for both emulsion and foam sys-
than in the respective single interface because the meniscus tems that the dynamic properties of liquid films and thus
area is smaller than the film interfacial area. Comparison of the behavior of concentrated fluid dispersions, cannot be
our relaxation curves for the emulsion system (Figs. 10, predicted only from the dynamic IFT of the corresponding
11) and the curves for the foam system (Figs. 13, 14), air/liquid or liquid/liquid interfaces. The film tension in an
respectively, show that the deviation between the film and expanding film is higher than twice the single (dynamic)
the single interface was more pronounced for the foam sys- IFT due to a surfactant depletion inside the film. It is sug-
tem than for the emulsion system at a similar relative expan- gested that in the film the surfactants diffuse and adsorb not
sion. The reason for the slower relaxation in the foam film at the film surfaces but at the meniscus followed by a surface
was that the film area in the foam film experiments was diffusion from the meniscus to the film surface. The effect,
about three times larger than in the emulsion film measure- that is, the difference between the film tension and twice

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the respective IFT, is greater if the film/meniscus (Plateau REFERENCES

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