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Due date:
06/09/2020 23:59 Fluid Mechanics Assignment: 2
1. Two chambered tank depicted in the figure is partially filled with
water. Area of each chamber is 1 m2. One chamber is filled with 1 kg
air while the others amount is unknown. The two chambers are in
equilibration as shown in the figure. The difference in the liquid
heights between the two chambers is 2 m. Calculate the air mass in
chamber B. You can assume ideal gas for the air and the water is
incompressible substance with density of 1000 kg/m2. The total height
of the tank is 4 m. Assume that the chamber are at the same
temperature of 300 K.

2. A tank, as depicted in the figure, is open to atmosphere and it

contains two immiscible liquids. The liquids have substantial
difference in their density. Which tube will be showing higher
reading? why? and how much higher? What will be the pressure at
the bottom of the tank?

3. Find the pressure difference between A and B.

4. In this inclinded mano-meter, both tubes are open to

atmosphere. If L=2.5 m, what is the value of the tilt

5. In the following system, the inclinded tube is open

to atmospheric pressure. If L=120 cm, what is the air
pressure in the container A? If pressure in the
container is 135 kPa, what is the length of the tube?
Assignment -2 | CHO-102: Fluid Mechanics | Due date: 06.09.2020

6. Determine the water hydrostatic force on one side of

the vertical equilateral triangle plane BCD in the
following figure. Neglect the atmospheric pressure.

7. The tank in the figure has 4 cm diameter plug at the

bottom. All the fluid is at 20 C. The plug will pop out
if the hydrostatic force on it is 25 N. For this
condition, what will be the reading h on the murcury
manometer on left side.

8. A uniform beam of size L×h×b with specific weight

𝛾𝑏 floats exactly on its diagonal when a heavy
uniform sphere is tied to left corner as shown in the
figure. Show that this can happen only (a) when
𝛾𝑏 = 𝛾/3 and (b) when the sphere has size , 𝐷 =
𝐿ℎ𝑏 3


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